The Northman - We Need More Movies Like This
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: The Critical Drinker
Views: 1,207,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xkup1pHb09k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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I thought the movie was epic as fuck, but I doubt it’ll be a commercial success.
I agree, but don’t count on it. This will end up losing $100mm + which means the studios will be done with movies like this for a while. Sucks but that’s the business.
I used to really like this guy's videos, but these days he can't seem to go 5 minutes without going on a tangent about wokism and SJWs.
Most definitely we need more. Watch it if you haven’t.
I liked the Northman but god this YouTuber is insufferable
What the fuck does a random unhinged rant about social issues have to do with this movie? It was honestly really cringy and his comments on the female protagonist gives off massive incel vibes. This guy also sounds like he's breathless ranting through clenched teeth like he's barely holding it together, 0/10 this guy can fuck right off with his weird ass commentary.
Fuck this guy. Dogshit alt right YouTuber.
I liked it but it felt like 3 hours. And Nicole Kidman looks absolutely horrifying with all of her cosmetic surgery.