The Node.js Event Loop: Not So Single Threaded

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This reminds me this NodeJs article. The event loop is a Javascript thing not NodeJs.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/beforesemicolon 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
alright hey everyone thanks for coming in join me we'll go ahead and get started my name is Brian Hughes I'm a Technical Evangelist at Microsoft these days and today we're gonna talk about the node.js event loop and we're specifically going to talk about how like asynchronous works in nodejs and what that means for performance especially how it relates to multi-threading so first we're gonna go through kind of a history of multitasking and talk about what it really is I think a lot of us have you know at least a vague idea of what multitasking and multi-threading is but there's some nuance that I think is important to really understand for the purpose of this talk so if we go way back in time we only had a single process at least in the personal PC world so if we think back to the days of ms-dos or the original Apple OS unlike the Apple to see and things like that before the Mac now these are command-line interfaces and in these they only had the ability to run a single thing at a time there was no concept of running more than one piece of code at the same time there were no background tasks there was no running multiple programs you know you would start up dust and dust yeah every operating system is a program in and of itself so that program would kind of run and you would tell it to run another program so that would stop the OS would actually stop running and you would start running another application now what Rondon when it was done it would actually start back up the OS again and so this is super super limited and we know we wanted the ability to run multiple things at a time so he created this concept called cooperative multitasking and this made the world quite a bit better and so this is a model of being able to run more than one program at the same time we first saw this introduction in kind of the early PC computing days with the early days of both Windows and the early Mac OS systems it's the way that cooperative multitasking works is you have an application and this is kind of going along and is kind of running doing its thing and eventually get to a point where the app will say all right I can go ahead and take a break now and this would happen that in the application you would usually call a method called yield there's a few other variants that would do the same thing but basically you know the application would actually have code that was written into it they would say okay I can now and we can let something else run and so when an application called yield you know that would signal back to the operating system who'd start up running again and be like okay this one is done who else who needs to run next and even go and run something else there's nothing else to run then you would give the operating system itself a chance to run but of course there is a flaw in this that you may have already noticed this is dependent on the user's application actually calling yield if the application didn't call yield then what that mean is that single application would just keep running and running and running and it wouldn't give anything else a chance to run so for those of you who remember the windows like 95 and 98 days you know you would get an application that would start in this behaving say the application would crash or something like that when that happened though it wouldn't just cause the app to crash you would take your entire system down with it you probably never be able to grab a window that was frozen and like move it around on the screen it would ghost and just completely destroy your entire display well this is actually the reason why under the hood it's because all of the versions of Windows that were based on DOS as well as all of the original versions of Mac OS up through Mac OS 9 use this system and so when an app misbehaved there's no way for the operating system to recover from that and so like now this is an improvement we can run multiple things but you know it had problems iam instability being the primary reason so we wanted to do something better and so that's whenever we came up with this idea of pre-emptive multitasking and so a pre-emptive multitasking it works a little different so no longer are we reliant on an application saying hey I can go on pause now instead the operating system itself runs in such a way that it has the ability to pause any given application at any time so it will pause an application it'll save its state it will take all of the memory that's like you know and your CPU registers and things like that and save it somewhere else you know it'll pull that out and then it'll load another application in its place and so now with this the operating system is handling everything it's not dependent on user code at all and a preemptive multitasking have been around for a long time in like the UNIX world and especially in the mainframe world but it's made its way into the personal computing world a little bit later you know so Microsoft first introduced this with the windows in he colonel indeed this is one of the big selling points of Windows NT for that made it really popular among businesses is that you could say you know a misbehaving application won't crash your operating system you made a lot more secure and a lot more stable and so like Windows NT 4 had this at Windows 2000 and then most importantly was Windows XP so when Windows XP was released it was a consumer OS targeted towards everyone but it actually used this server kernel you know I used the NT kernel that came from 2000 and NT 4 not from windows 95 98 nme and so it all of a sudden windows got a lot more stable and this the same story in the Mac world whenever Apple decided to completely rewrite their OS for Mac OS version 1004 inten point o was a complete rewrite you know they got rid of all of the old Mac OS and they replaced it with what was basically next step which was an evolution of FreeBSD and so now with these OS as we finally had printed multitasking and things got quite a bit more stable and more performant and safer and all of these things that happen around it and so whenever we really know the CPU is like you know doing preempted multitasking you know the US has got like pausing one app saving its state allowing another to run and actually like flip back and forth between two or more applications and does this pretty regularly and it causes these applications to become sort of interleaved so even though this could be running on a single CPU because when these os's were written you know there was only single core CPUs it still made it look like we were running a whole bunch of applications at the same time it was basically a way of faking it and so like this like she works pretty well and we still have pre-emptive multitasking kernels today but there was another evolution that came on a little later that made things even better so a lot of people have been researching you know how can we improve performance you know especially once we got multi-core processors which AMD released in the mid-2000s you know we started getting this question of how can we harness these multiple cores for better performance so it was a lot of research into this area and we came up with symmetric multi-threading Intel was the first to market with this technology and they branded it as hyper threading so if you've heard of hyper threading it's really a SMT so what happens here is that you know the operating system is able to take advantage of new instructions like this is a new assembly level in instructions in the x86 processor itself where the OS can actually give some more information to the processor on how to run things in parallel so inside of a processor a modern processor we execute an instruction in stages you know we'll give it some assembly instruction that says you know load this value or multiply these things together things like that it'll break it down into steps and inside some of those steps in a processor which is called a pipeline they actually have multiple copies of the parts of the process that do the thing we want to do so like modern processors you know a single processor will have a thing called a floating-point unit and this is for doing like floating point multiplication but there's actually more than one there's usually like between two and six kind of depends on the processor and so by using these new instructions you know the OS is able to tell a processor that hey there's these two things of code coming in they're actually from different threads so you don't have to worry about doing all the normal safety checks just run them in parallel if you can now this isn't two completely separate CPU cores or separate processors so you don't get like a two-time speed-up but you get a little bit you know it's ranges from basically no speed-up up to about like 15 to 20 percent it depends on the kind of code you're writing and so like with these systems you know we're finally able to really run a lot of different code simultaneously now you might notice I did a little bit of a switch I was talking about multitasking and I switched sucking up multi-threading so two different words and they're actually do mean different things so when we say a task a multitasking is an tasks are basically the same thing as a process we basically use those terms interchangeably and the task is kind of the more generic concept a process is a more specific concept in the kernel but they're basically the same thing but threads are actually very different and it's really important to understand the differences between these at least if you're looking at this kind of like parallel performance so a process is a top level execution container we can think of this as like an application like an application is a process is technically possible for an application have more than one process but usually it's about one to one and so inside of a process they have their own memory space that is dedicated just for them like the operating system will start up one of these processes and I'll give that chunk of memory and says like this is the memory that you're allowed to use and you're and these processes can't actually talk to memory given to any other process unless there's a bug in the operating system at which point we get all kinds of things and this is actually how viruses worked by the way as they try to break out of this little memory container but you know assuming you're not a virus writer which hopefully none of us are you know we're playing safely inside of this memory space now what this means is if we do happen to have two or more processes and we want to have them communicate to each other that's actually we have to kind of do some work to do that so we have to use a thing that is simply called inter process communication or IPC now there's a variety of ways of doing it but it's typically done using like a socket you can use a TCP socket there typically a lot of overhead so we'll use something else so a thing called a UNIX two main socket it's basically the same thing though it works the same way and the key way that they're similar that's important to remember is that whenever we're going to send a message we first have to take it we have to like bundle it up you know we have to convert this into a buffer put it inside of a packet and transmit it somewhere else who will then take that packet and do you assemble it just like whenever we do a networking requests and this all takes time it also has limitations on what you can do with it so this is in the JavaScript world and you want to communicate between processes usually we have to call Jason dot stringify you know if we want to send an object across and if you use Jason dot stringify a lot you may have noticed that well it can be kind of slow depending on you know what you're trying to stringify and also there are certain things that you can't stringify like if you try that if you have a function inside of your object jason touching if i will throw an exception so this is kind of limited and the performance of it isn't very good but processes give us a lot of safety on the flip side there are threads so a thread always runs inside of a process like every thread has a parent process that it is attached to processes can have multiple threads a single process can have multiple threads inside of it or just one by default years you get one and so they were going to say that process but because it's inside of a process that means that all of these multiple threads share the same memory so let's say you want to share data back and forth between two different threads you actually don't have to do anything because that variable is just sitting in memory and you both threads just reference the same variable so you create a global variable you know from one thread and you could just directly read it from the other so it's really really performant but there is a bit of a catch here it turns out we actually still have to do some synchronization whenever we're trying to you know share data between threads so as a thought experiment let's say we have two threads thread a wants to write to a variable and you know to a global variable we'll call it foo and then thread B wants to read from that variable let's say we this is a modern system which has multiple cores in it so both of these threads are actually running at the exact same time so the question is what happens and the answer is we actually don't know like the first time you run it it might be that thread a is gonna write to that variable before thread B reads it but then you rerun the exact same code on the exact same machine and it might happen the other way around thread B might read that variable before thread a writes to it and so by doing that you actually get a different result every time you run it and it makes your application unpredictable so this is a bug in your code specifically this is a type of bug called a race condition and so in order to avoid race conditions we have to actually write some manual code that sort of synchronizes when these two threads access it and we have to do a thing where we say alright thread B I'm gonna wait until thread a tells me that it's safe to read this variable so we're kind of almost back to like the cooperative multitasking days where I happen to write this manual code to coordinate between threads so it's actually more complicated than even cooperative multitasking for any modern app that does multi-threading like this kind of coordination actually can be really tricky it is hard to write correct multi-threaded code that is bug free like even for a seasoned developer this can be tricky and so you know if we look at like modern languages and runtimes there's been a lot of experimentation to try to make threads a lot easier to use Apple has done some interesting work as a have some others and nodejs actually has a very specific answer to this as well and the answer that note has for how do we deal with multi-threading ziz we're just not going to do it we're just not even gonna allow you to have multiple threads to begin with and so this is saying that no js' is single-threaded you know was we don't want to open that can of worms however the reality is actually a little more tricky than that so we say you know just a single thread and this is true except for when it's not actually true which does happen so what I mean by that is that all JavaScript's like all of the dramas could you have every single javascript file that you wrote that your mot that are in your modules and everything and also the javascript that is in node.js itself and nosiest does have javascript as part of it in addition to v8 itself and then also the event loop like all of this code runs in one single threat which we typically call the main thread and so this is what we mean when we say javascript is single thread is that all of these things are running inside of the same thread however there's a little bit more to no js' there's actually a fair amount of C++ code in nodejs to I forget exactly what the ratio is but I think it's about 2/3 JavaScript to 1/3 C++ last time I looked you know something like that so that's a pretty good chunk and C++ is different because C++ has access to threads but it depends on how it's being run so if you have a JavaScript method that you're calling from node and it's backed by a c-plus most method if it's a synchronous JavaScript call then that C++ code will always run on the main thread however if you're calling an asynchronous method from JavaScript and this method is backed by some C++ sometimes it runs on the main thread and sometimes it doesn't it actually depends on the context in which you are making this function call so to talk about this a little more we're gonna give some examples we're gonna kind of work from the outside in so first we're going to look at the crypto module so I chose the crypto module because the crypto module has a lot of methods in it some of which are synchronous some of which are asynchronous and they are very CPU intensive they do a lot of math and it takes a lot of time so we'll start by looking at the pbkdf2 method so pbkdf2 which I always struggle to say correctly this is a method for hashing so we take some random string we feed it into this and it'll give us a hash out so this is really important for a lot of secure types of coating it this is used in parts of doing like a TLS communication yet you know HTTP is like secure certificate type stuff this is also used whenever we have say a password from a user and we want to store that in the database you know I think everyone knows it or I hope everyone knows that you know you never want to store a debt a password directly in a database that is a major security hole because you know if an attacker manages to compromise that database all of a sudden they have everyone's passwords so instead of storing that password directly we hash it we actually passed it through this method right here placed this is the currently recommended method that we use for hashing passwords now in order to make the secure part what part of the things that makes it secure is it's actually meant to be really hard to compute it intentionally takes a long time to create an answer that way you can't just sit there and make guesses all day so I use this for an example this by the way the sample code is more or less straight from the nodejs Docs with a few of my own little tweaks to it and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by calling the synchronous version of this method I'm going to call it two times so it's gonna call it once and then the time after that so when we run this code we get an execution time line that looks like this and this is kind of what we would expect for secret Ness code you know we call it once it's gonna start it's gonna run to completion and then once it's done we're gonna call the next one and it's gonna run until completion and we see that this took about 275 milliseconds cool so that's what synchronous code looks like now we're gonna make one single change so this the exact same code that we saw earlier except in call instead of calling the synchronous version pbkdf2 we are calling the asynchronous version you know everything else is exactly the same except we swapped those out and so when we run this code we get an execution time line that looks like this we can see that you know we did those two same calls and they took about the same time for each one but was actually able to run them in parallel and so we can see the whole thing took about 125 milliseconds you know that is quite a bit faster than the synchronous version and so what this kind of tells us is that you know we didn't write any threading code inside of JavaScript we just wrote normal regular old JavaScript and yet it was actually able to run these to operate in parallel it and it turns out under the hood it actually ran these in separate threads because they're like there's some c++ methods that node uses to actually compute this and by the way so you probably hopefully heard with node that there's a recommendation you always use the asynchronous methods whenever possible this is exactly why right here it's because by using the asynchronous methods in a lot of cases node is able to automatically run things in parallel for you but if you use the synchronous methods you never give node the chance to do that so you always want to use asynchronous because you can get some pretty big performance benefits a lot of the time so alright so this is two requests we saw for both synchronous and asynchronous now let's say we increase this from two requests to four requests we're this took 125 milliseconds for requests well now this took 250 milliseconds so this is the exact same asynchronous code but we just changed the number of requests you know that low constant I had at the top and this took a lot longer now the reason for this is I ran this code right here I ran on this exact laptop this laptop is a dual-core laptop as a dual-core processor in it so anytime you're doing something that requires a lot of math you're doing a lot of stuff in the CPU you know you're gonna be bound on how fast the CPU can actually do those computations and given that there's only two threads this is our bottleneck so I did this four times but because only then only two processors what no one ended up doing or what the processor actually ends up doing is it takes those four threads it's gonna assign two of those to one core in the other tooth to the other and inside of that core it's actually going to be doing just typical pre-emptive multitasking so it's gonna like run one thread for a little bit positive run the other thread for a little bit posit and just kind of like ping-pong back and forth until they're both done so it makes it look like we ran them in parallel and that's why they start at the same time and end at the same time but because it's constantly having to pause to switch back and forth it took double the amount of time and by the way this is true in any language this is not specific to no js' if you write you know Java code or C++ or anything you'll see this exact same performance profile now let's say we increase this from four requests to six requests all right all right okay this is a little more interesting graph this is no her uniform we had this like weird little tail that's sitting at the end so if I superimpose these together you know we hopefully are starting to see a bit of a trend here and we notice that there's these four threads that ran exactly like before you know the the first four threads in the sixth read request operated exactly the same as when we only had four and then those last two it's almost like we took the time when we did only two requests and sort of stuck that to the end and there's actually reason for this and that's because you know these a hashing reoperation xin c++ are done in a background thread but no doesn't spin up a new thread for each request instead nodejs whenever it first starts up or well technically win it whenever you first make a request for something that's going to go on a thread it will automatically spin up and a preset number of threads which defaults to four it will spin up these four threads and will constantly reuse those threads for all of its work in this set of threads is called the thread pool in no js' and so the reason that we saw forward then that ran together and then the long tail was because we had this default for worker threads in the thread pool so what nodejs is doing whenever we make these requests is it can see that first request come through that's me like okay I got this I'm gonna assign this to the first thread and thread pool the second request will go to the second the third to the third four to the fourth but when that fifth request comes through no it's gonna be it's gonna say alright all of my worker threads are busy right now so I'm gonna stick this other request in a queue until one of the worker threads becomes available and then the same thing with the six requests so once that first request finishes notice you can say like alright okay so now I have one of these threads available again I'm gonna pick off one of these queued requests and assign it to the next two so that's why it really does look like it did for operations and then two because that's actually what it did under the hood and so this is a case where we're actually seeing the limitation and you know look at this kind of like limitation in the thread pool so all right let's move on to our next example and that is the HTTP module so we have this a little bit of sample code here this is using the HTTP module what this is gonna do is it's going to download my profile profile photo from my personal website I chose this specific one because it's a rather large files about eight hundred kilobytes my website is hosted in Azure which works well for this test because a throughput inside of a jar is really consistent also consists in Amazon and nativist anything would happen there the other reason I wanted to do this is because I controlled this system which meant I was able to disable the CDN like there was no CDN sitting in front of this CD ends are great for performance because you know it can do lots of like caching and things like that you can be downloading files closer to where you are geographically and you also decrease your bandwidth cause they're not great for this test because CD ends make the timing unpredictable which is not good for benchmarks so we wanted to download something that was very very predictable so I chose this file so what we're doing here is we're downloading it we're listening to the data event to make sure that we're actually going to download all of the data note is kind of smart whenever we do this if we're not listening to the data event at all it's actually just going to kind of skip downloading part of it and then we wait for the end event and then we're going to tie it and so this and we're timing from when we call HTTP dot request to the time the end event is fired so once again we are starting with two requests and we look at the execution time when it--and it looks like this and we say all right great it actually took almost the exact amount same amount of time to download that file twice which we want to see so it took about seven hundred milliseconds alright so now we're gonna do the same thing we did before and increase the number of requests to four and so we see they also took all about the exact same amount of time we also took about seven hundred milliseconds it did not increase the amount of time it takes to download this file which is different than the results we saw in crypto the reasons for this it has nothing to do with note this and this is all just about like kind of a computer architecture and bottlenecks whenever we're downloading a file and especially in this case well we're downloading a file and only saving it to memory we're not writing it to the hard drive the limitation is the network itself like whenever we're downloading a file like this our computers are basically sitting there doing nothing most of the time and everyone smile you get a little bit of data from the network which is lovely and go process so since we you know we're not limited by the number of CPU cores because our CPUs sitting there doing nothing then you know we don't hit that bottle neck so we do this for it's the exact same amount of time as to you know it's just the workload is different then all right so we'll increase this to six like we did before and well so this is a little is a little more unexpected though you're compared to the previous slide you notice it still took about 700 milliseconds and there's no tail so this is different than crypto you know if this it turns out that this is actually not subject to the limitations of the thread pool the reasons for that is inside of node whenever possible it will actually use C++ asynchronous primitives under the hood so it turns out it is actually possible to do asynchronous coding inside of C++ in certain cases this is a thing that is provided by the operating system itself so the way this works it looks a little different than JavaScript but it's roughly the same thing the idea is that we tell via OS when we tell the kernel like you know I want to go ahead and download this resource and then the kernel is actually going to manage downloading that code it's happening in the kernel not inside of your application and then what we can do is we can actually ping the kernel and ask hey you don't with this request yet you know are you done with this and so inside know we just can't continue Lee asking are you done yet are you done yet are you done yet and eventually it's gonna say yes once it's done we can then go and call some other methods that says all right give me the results for this thing that I requested now since this is a part of the kernel we have to use a different mechanism for each different OS because they have different ways of doing this so on linux this method is called a poll on Mac OS is it called KQ and our windows this is called get queued completion status X and so whenever we are making these asynchronous C++ calls because the operating system is doing it all for us we don't have to really do any code in C++ we don't have to assign it to a background thread and so whenever we're using this it's actually happening in the main thread itself and thus we're not limited limited to the number of threads in the thread pool cool so that's how that whole thing is working how does that relate back to the event loop well it turns out that the event loop sort of acts like a central dispatch for all of these requests this is of course no oversimplification the event loop actually does a lot of different things but specifically for the purpose of performance and especially threading performance we can think of the event loop is basically a director you know whenever we make one of these requests in JavaScript you know it's gonna go through it's gonna do some a lot of work in JavaScript itself but eventually gets to the point where it's gonna cross from JavaScript and to C++ and once it crosses over to that side that's when the request goes to the event loop and the event loop is going to look at this request and I'm once again over simplifying here there's a lot more stuff that does under the hood in detail but basically what it does is it'll look at this request and say is this a synchronous method okay cool within the thread that I'm running in I'm gonna ship off to some other you know C++ code that's going to just go and do that request right then and there if it's an asynchronous request the milliner's going to look at this and say alright is this something that I can run using a C++ async primitive if so it'll ship it off to the bit of C++ code directly that handles that you know inside of the main threat if it can't be run using a C++ async from it then it's gonna say alright this kit has to go into a background thread and so it starts to go into this whole like threading logic so it's gonna you know queue this up for to be sent over to one of these threads and so the event loop is the one that manages it and then whenever each of these calls finishes you know it's gonna signal back to the event loop either coming from one of the threads or directly from the C++ code if it's in you know C++ async primitive and then the event loops can't say like alright this is done and it's gonna go notify back you know across v8 back into JavaScript land be like alright this operation is done in here's the result in an aside of JavaScript note is going to go and then call all of those callbacks that are registered and waiting for that you know before that result and so and that's how we get it back you know it's kind of like constantly going and basically we can think of it like a circle I like I said there's a lot of other things the event loop does as well it manages like timers it manages whenever it's time to shutdown and a bunch of other things like that too so a real question of course is which API is use which asynchronous mechanism yeah this is what we want to know to understand the performance and by the way I kind of shamelessly borrow this slide from Bert belter he created for his own talk he gave on the event loop where it actually works on the event loop so he knows this stuff a lot better than I do the key thing is like all the kernel async this is pretty much all of our networking like networking most of the time is done using kernel async mechanism so we're not subject to the limit the thread pool same thing with pipes most of the time and the same thing with all of the DNS resolve calls but there are also some things we have to run in thread pool so everything from the file system module is run in the thread pool this is the big thing that I kind of keep in mind turns out there's just not any C++ asynchronous primitives for file i/o and so whenever you're doing a lot of file system calls you know a whole bunch of file i/o you know you may run into the limitations of the thread pool now more than likely you're actually going to be limited by just how fast your hard drive is and you won't run into this but it is hypothetically possible that you might be able to run into these thread pool limitations turns out that DNS lookup itself has to be run in thread pool as well and there's also a couple of edge cases too for pipes you know and think like file system stuff now it does all some of the stuff is also dependent on which OS you're running in because like I said each OS provides different asynchronous primitives so on the UNIX side all of the UNIX domain sockets which I mentioned earlier for IPC calls and things like that all tty input so tty input if you're not familiar with that term is basically the console so standard out standard air and things like that and standard n so those are TTY so all of your console.log constant info is going through this TC white module under the hood same thing with UNIX signals so this is SIGINT sig term things like that if you're familiar with those they finally child process so the thing you know your exec spawn things like that those are all handled using kernel ASIC mechanisms on UNIX but the reverse is true on Windows in windows child process tt and TTY are all handled using threads just because gake you know the Windows mechanism doesn't provide those primitives there's also a couple of edge cases for TCP servers on Windows that have to be running background threads instead of using kernel async mechanisms and so like if you're you know running your app and you're getting some really weird performance numbers like especially if you're looking at something like wait why did this happen here I thought it should have happened here you know one of the first things I would recommend looking at is you know what are the things you're calling could this possibly be a limitation especially if you're seeing that weird long tail that I showed in the graph earlier now there's a whole bunch of other things that can cause performance issues so I don't want to say like this will be your issue before Matt's on node is complicated of course but this cancer be a part of it so if you want to learn more about this there are two great talks the sort of classic talks about the event loose one by a Sam Roberts who's sitting right there and also one by Burt Beltre and both of these kind of start by describing the the event loop from the inside out it talks about like how it's constructed and how it operates and they're a great way to kind of learn more about this by the way I'll put these slides up on Twitter so you don't have to worry about memorizing or taking them down right now it was also a great blog post by Daniel Kahneman that kind of summarizes these as well alright and with that if anyone has any questions I'm gonna be at the Microsoft booth you can find me there and ask me all kinds of questions about node or typescript or all sorts of other stuff like that and with that I want to thank you all for coming [Applause]
Channel: node.js
Views: 111,924
Rating: 4.9107451 out of 5
Id: zphcsoSJMvM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 54sec (1914 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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