The Nightmare World of Gang Stalking

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This has many names. Gang stalking, mob stalking, community stalking. You're in the middle of this ridiculous, irrational impossibility that is real and is happening. First, the Guardian revealed the National Security Agency is collecting telephone records of millions of Verizon customers. To surveil someone through their phones. Certainly through their television sets. The last year and a half, he's been systematically followed by a group of people. Does the FBI used drones for surveillance on U.S. soil? New Associates Press investigation shows that the Bureau has its own little air force with scores of planes flying over American cities recording videos and tracking cell phone conversations. He has a man outside of his house. In a hood. Like, basically like a hood. This almost sounds like gang stalking or something. Have you heard of that? Many of the things that victims of gang stalking described are also symptoms of mental disorders. We're not having a group hallucination. This is actually something that's happening. I grew up with my parents. My mother was a medical doctor. My father was a former rocket scientist turned teacher. I grew up with a desire to be a graphic artist. And then I didn't like school very much so I joined the Navy. I did that for a couple of years. Didn't like that too much so I came back to LA. And basically lived in Los Angeles as a homeless man just living on the street. I had my truck with a shell and I worked as a handyman or construction jobs that I would get. The gang stalking experience started for me when I noticed these black SUVs and other police vehicles driving slowly along the street. But they never came up to me or said anything. And then, I had seven or eight helicopters hovering directly over my apartment. And then it goes "brr” by. And it keeps happening, it keeps happening. It begins to dawn on me that something is going on. And this continued on. Here comes the gang stalking helicopter. Here it comes. It's confusing to humans trying to understand gang stalking. Why would they do this to me? Why would they do these weird, petty little things that, you know, maybe even just irritate me at some moment. If you were to ask me what gang stalking is. It's a way to slowly kill people using their own decisions. So we're getting one of our friends here. I got to see. I don't know if you can hear that on the audio. But we're getting a buzz right now. On certain topics that I'll bring up, I'll get buzzed. My understanding of gang stalking is that a number of people have found each other on the internet who believe that they are being targeted for harm. There's this concept of hyper-vigilance, right? Which is that your threat assessment centers get locked into a position that is too high. They're warning you all the time about things not necessarily untrue but that you would feel better not worrying about. Being of the opinion that you had to constantly look around and figure out what might be threatening to you. Or else your life would be at stake. Would lead to you not just seeing connections that weren't there, but erring on the side of safety when you see a connection that might or might not be there. I'm a self-taught makeup artist. And depending on the list that you look at, probably one of the top ten makeup artists in the world. I think that just my life experience, me being around famous people all the time. What paparazzi photographers do to them. What normal people do to them if they go out in public. There'll be a gang like reaction. This is essentially the same thing. Except it's not. I didn't ask for it. In my experience, it started over a year ago. I had rented a space in Hawthorne, California. And people warned me that as a gay man, you know, it was maybe brave of me to rent this space. I never think about things like that. I didn't know what it was called. Like I said, I just thought that it was bullying. I just thought that it was people were just like, "get the faggot out of the neighborhood or whatever." When 20 or 30 cars are hazing you on the freeway, behind you, in front of you, on both sides of you. Completely controlling how fast you go, whether you exit. Whatever you do. This is something bigger than that. I started spray painting their cars on the freeway. I pepper spray them. At this time, it was trying to get them to call the police. That's what I was trying to do. I had no other way, I felt like, other than to find out are these people together. Are they working in this one collective group for the same reason? What they'll do to a particular person in order to stress them out is they'll hit them with the same thing over and over and over again. I would get Los Angeles Police Department vehicles lighting up their sirens. And not pulling me over but zooming around me almost like a continual tactic. This happens so much that I was inspired to buy a dash camera. I believe it was the very next day. And it was the first time I experienced what I know now was called street theater. And I watch the parking lot literally filled up with cars. And heterosexual couples would hold hands and stroll through the back of the parking lot like they were on some 1950s sitcom. People that are trying to look incredibly normal, look incredibly abnormal. Because they're, they're acting. It's not authentic. That was when I first started thinking, "It's all of them against me." This is clearly a collective organized whatever is happening. If a conspiracy is a bunch of people working together to do something that they don't want publicized, then it would be absolutely wrong to say the world is not filled with conspiracies. The question is what does it do for you to spend a lot of time thinking and feeling about the conspiracies that you believe exist. The government has to know about it. This can't be like some rogue group operating some shadow thing and nobody knows about it. I go to the Van Nuys Police Department. I walked in. I said this is my ID, this is my name. Are you following me or do you have any knowledge of me being followed? "Is there a reason for you to be followed sir?" No, there's not. But people are. "Who's following you?" Well, I don't know who it is. "Well, what are they driving?" They're driving cars with dealer tags that you can't trace. "Well sir, there are a lot of dealers here. There are a lot of dealer tags. How do you know that they're following you?" Very quickly, you see how crazy you sound. I've never been arrested. I've never had a DUI. Anything whatsoever. Whoever is in charge, which is so weird, is spinning this web about what a deviant, immoral, less than a human being you are. That's the only thing I can think of that would get that many people in this collective effort to get rid of you. This happens to you enough, believe me, you will feel stressed. You will get that feeling of helplessness. This is not just a gang of random people just doing this for, you know, like randomly without a plan. This is procedural. The psychiatric definitions of delusion tend to focus on really two principles. One is that the ideas that you have are not very vulnerable to evidence. The other is that people in your culture don't share your beliefs. The question becomes if you can find 10,000 people on the internet who believe the same thing as you, is it a delusion? Is it bizarre? Quite possibly not. If everybody believes this stuff, how is it in any way insane? People just would not believe the suffering that people in this community endure every single day. I've lost just about all my friends. They're afraid to talk to me. They just think, they think... It's very effective, they think I'm crazy. My family doesn't know anything about it. I don't say a word to them. I don't know if my son knows. And I don't want anything to happen to him. It's really the most important thing that we can do for victims is to connect them with others who understand what they're experiencing because no one else will. And isolation is really a key weapon that these perpetrators use to bring a person down to the ground basically. If you go to see a psychiatrist. Let's say it's the first time you're meeting a psychiatrist And you say, "I'm under police surveillance." Then the psychiatrist will write you off as suffering paranoid schizophrenia and he will give you medication. So we must assume that this is what the American society believes. That all these government agencies which normally watch our people don't actually watch people at all. If anybody thinks that they are being watched by these government agencies, then they must be crazy. It cannot possibly be true. There is really no help at the moment officially to assist targeted individuals. They can't go to the police. They can't go to the FBI. They can't go to Congress. There is nowhere that they can go. We are having to create the issue and also the solution. Why isn't our nation listening? This could be them. I wouldn't be surprised if most of the nation is under mass mind control. Given that the world is filled with groups of people operating in secret or trying to divorce us from our money or our power or whatever they want from us. One thing that might be helpful to ask from a psychiatric point of view is what's wrong with the rest of us? So why am I so relaxed? What's wrong with me that I don't feel I'm being gang stalked? And is it that I'm living in the matrix? Where in order to feel more comfortable, I have decided to simply ignore a lot of the evils in the world and a lot of the potential threats to me. Okay, so, what we're seeing here is this scene where Keanu Reeves character climbs out of the battery vat chamber. You can't see precisely what it is because of that loss of focus. But you can definitely see that something is abnormal. As you can look at it I drew a picture of what the shapes of those claws are. Looks like a bird talon or a reptile talon. I started searching on conspiracy type movies, UFO movies, weird movies on YouTube. I came across the reptilian shape-shifter subject. What I can confirm is that there are apparently non-humans. Apparently some of them are extraterrestrial. And apparently they have some kind of evil grip on our world. Richard Bruce here. And, if you haven't seen my channel before, this is gang stalking for reptilian shape-shifter movie uploads to YouTube. When I uploaded my study, within 15 minutes helicopters kept zooming over my apartment like there was a drug bust in my building. And then it didn't take me long. I think it popped into my mind pretty quick. Oh my God. Is this from what I uploaded to YouTube? Because the whole thing was so freaky at first. Like when you're seeing these non-human features, you're like, "Oh my God." What is this? What can possibly be going on? They're carnivorous. They're not friendly to mankind. At least the ones that are here. When you say carnivorous, they eat humans? When I told my family about this, it's almost like, I get a non sequitur reply from a computer. They just kind of look at me like I'm not even hearing this. And, I'm really not interested in that. My father, the rocket scientist, the doctorates in mathematics. When I tell him anything about this. One of the main points of discrediting me is saying that you just have to be negative and dark about everything. Because of your own dissatisfaction of being unemployed. I mean that's a highly- It's an understandable point of view. It's like somebody who's disgruntled with life in general might flock to an idea. Yeah, there's evil reptilians doing it all to us and that's why I'm so miserable or whatever, you know. Nobody wants to be called crazy. It's one of the worst things you can imagine. I don't think I or any psychiatrist would recommend that. People are convinced that what they believe is not true. The more useful target would be what pain are they feeling in their life? At least, if I can do anything, if I can achieve anything by exposing this issue to the general public. It could be that it takes away these criminal's right to destroy people's lives with this. Because it's terrible what's happening to people. I mean what kind of a country do we live in where you can't say certain things or do certain things without our own government using these subversive, underhanded tactics to drive you crazy. You're in the middle of this ridiculous, irrational impossibility that is real and is happening. And it's stranger than fiction or anything you can imagine. And it's- It's terrifying. Fuck. I don't want to start crying. It... It pisses you off. It frustrates you. Beyond anything that you can imagine. And it... It changes you. We could see it from everything. The fluoride in the water. The chemtrails. The fake education system. The fake medical system. I mean when are we going to wake up and stand up and fight? As the scriptures say, "How good is it for brethren to be together." Meaning how good is it for people who truly trust each other and are friends to be together.
Channel: VICE
Views: 2,415,328
Rating: 4.4002218 out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, gang stalking, conspiracy theories, mental health, paranoia, SURVEILLANCE, NSA, josh bazell, psychology, psychiatry, cause stalking, community stalking
Id: 5LPS7E-0tuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 14sec (1094 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
Reddit Comments

Paranoid schizophrenia

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/UncleSpoons 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

This is actually pretty sad. These people need treatment.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Mysfwaccount93 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

One person said 20 to 30 cars harass them while they drive down the freeway. They need a lot of help.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/kinric21 📅︎︎ Nov 08 2017 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AnnoyingEditor 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

The Nightmare World of Mental Illness

Quit with this bullshit titles.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nomnaut 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2017 🗫︎ replies

I work with a woman who believes the police and county DA conspired to have her killed by poisoning her with gunpowder. She also thinks they have surveillance on her but she can hear them talking through the "aerials."

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Contradiction11 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2017 🗫︎ replies

I just watched this over on YT and these people and the things they are saying almost mirrors exactly what my sibling says. Seeing the homeless guy in the trailer and knowing that the homeless very often turn to drugs to cope with life on the streets also drew some parallels with my brother.

My brother has had a very hard life. For a long time he used crystal meth and by all accounts went completely insane. He set up cameras all over his house because he thought he was being watched. He'd show them to me and explain how random passing cars driving down the road in front of his home were always driving by. He lived in a large neighborhood on the main street btw... He dedicated huge amounts of his time going through photos (motion capture) looking for proof and what was worse is that he'd fabricate 'proof' out of nothing. That was pretty crazy by itself, but the worst part of it was that he thought his own family was spying on him for some insidious and malicious intent. He thought I was living in his attic and inside the walls of his home.

He's been clean for years now and I'm constantly amazed that he came out of this destructive psychotic downward spiral alright... but he has never been the same since. That paranoia that people are following him and are out to get him is still there but to a much less crazy degree. Its still freaky to listen to him spin completely random events into stories about being followed and watched.

He's had tests done because of medical concerns where they checked his hormone levels and looked for deficiencies. The first thing the doctor asked him when they got the results was, "Have you ever taken recreational drugs before?". They already new the answer.

I don't remember the specifics and I wasn't there with him when he went. That said, he told me that there is a specific hormone manufactured in the brain that he doesn't produce a 'normal' amount of compared to average people. His levels for this hormone were much lower and I assume the doctor already knew the reasons why that might be the case. They described it as basically permanent damage and that he was lucky he stopped when he did. In some way, having them explain to him what probably happened and why from medical professionals really helped him with letting go a little more easier these weird outrageous thoughts. I doubt he shared with them how paranoid he was all the time, but I imagine in his mind, knowing the reason for them better helped him understand the reason it may be happening. Like he could more easier label a thought 'abnormal' and file it away as harmless. All this and the large number of supportive caring people helping him get through that chapter of his life is why I think I didn't lose a brother all those years ago.

For my brother, I think a big part of the reason as to why he can function normally despite the constant paranoia is due to him looking at these situations in a logical and reasonable way. For instance, it is impossible for me with no car at the time to travel across the city and live in his attic despite what his mind is trying to make him believe. I think he's constantly in mental conflict within his own head reasoning these experiences away as harmless coincidences or innocent random events as best he can. I joke with him about how damn hot it was in his attic and how tough rat hide gets in that dry heat making it hard to chew or how the insulation gave me a rash or how I'd wait for him to fall asleep to move things around in his kitchen. He laughs now, but for a couple of months back then, he was utterly convinced it was true.

I don't want to accuse the people in the video of using drugs and that's why they're nuts. I just though the similarities between my own experiences with a person like this were incredibly eerily similar.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HuxLux 📅︎︎ Dec 06 2017 🗫︎ replies
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