The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door S02E02

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in the UK the problem of nightmare neighbors has never been worse oh you were faulting me I was shaking I was absolutely terrified one in five of us has been at war with next-door never forget that scumbag where blaring tempers can turn home light into a living hell we dread coming home coming up a neighborhood boundary dispute ends in a violent battle my husband had blood - all over his face and I thought he was dead it was blood everywhere blood was all over the place as the cyclist said I look like something out of a horror picture a couple are terrified for their safety as life at home becomes a nightmare I just shouted at me just tell me where he is and a small dog causes tempers to flare academic James Killian his wife Angela and their two boys thought they would be living the dream when they moved to rural Wales in 2006 they moved to their perfect home right on the edge of the Gower Peninsula everything was ideal and the kids could do what they wanted and Gower offered all the things that we had expected they'd would offer which out in the countryside basically and it was just ideal their first encounters with neighbors we're anything but behind our property we have a property called Connors Land Park which is a mobile home site mainly for retirement people in fact I think they have a rule which says that children are not allowed there we thought well you know that's going to be quiet elderly people it's not going to be any hassle it's been just a nightmare after a few months of living here I came to the gates and I could see that there was a man with his stump truck and he was tipping out a lord of rubble and sticks or whatever and I shouted to him I said you can't leave that rubbish there and he shouted back and said it's my land he said I can do what I like Angela pointed out they in fact had a right-of-way through the gate and an hour later the debris disappeared that was my first encounter with mr. Cunningham mr. Cunningham is the owner of the caravan park and landlord to the residence of the park it's a funny place it was originally I think mobile homes but since then they've been come see me more by the homes but they are essentially like a Winnebago on stilts although the family heard nothing more from mr. Cunningham and the residents of the park this was to be the start of a very nasty relationship the family continued to enjoy their dream life but captain ever watchful eye on the caravan park that lay behind the trees at the end of their garden we'd been here about five years then and everything had been lovely we were just minding our own business every weekend there's a house full of children but their next encounter with their neighbors put an end to their domestic bliss our Sun went down there once and we had all kinds of aggravation from them in relation to children aren't allowed down here and this kind of thing but that was the only contact we had however what happened in May 2012 would change their lives forever it was a cracking hot day we hadn't had a day like that for a long time we were out in the garden trying to tidy it up and I was cutting this hedge we had some twigs that had fought not naturally fallen off the tree here and we decided to burn them and get rid of them so I had made the fire something similar may be about twice the size of that nothing bigger than that and I let set light to it and obviously there was a little bit of smoke when it started off but it was a dead count day there was nothing happening at all and the smoke just went up and more or less disappeared and then I heard a lady shouting over the fence so that's when I walk started to walk over a head popped over the fence but I didn't speak to them my wife spoke to them whoever they were and she said to put the fire out and they were complaining about a small amount of smoke that what really wasn't going in their direction anyway she was quite nasty he was quite abrupt I said okay so we put it out and drew that I turned to my husband and I said put the fire out will you and I said we've got to keep in peace famous last words so I put two buckets of water on the fire I had scattered it out and I was getting another bucket of water to put on it and then I remembered that the the Chelsea Flower Show was on and that's when I went back inside as I was coming back from the cat with a hunt with the third bucket of water from over there and I was coming walking back like this with the book of the water and as I got to this position I saw a man coming from the corner of my garden who would forced his way in was at this point but he pulled a hammer out from behind his back and hit me over the head with it my husband had blood - all over his face and I thought he was dead coming up a woman suspect she's being followed by the man next door every time I came out they'd be out as well and two neighbors in South Hampton come to blows over dog fouling he's always thought to shine with rage and he snored why you trien and Karla Ellis and their four-year-old son Lorenzo live on a street like any other on the outskirts of Bambury in Oxfordshire we're just an ordinary family we don't do anything massively interesting we like our privacy we're not socially in it we're quite happily we're polite people they had been there for three years when in 2005 the Paige family moved in next door and at first they got on fine the only thing I would say is that they appeared a little bit maybe over friendly but after four years things changed at the beginning of 2009 when there was the recession mrs. Paige had told us that mr. Paige's business had been hit quite hard in April we went to Australia to get married it probably seemed out of their window we were doing really well according to the Ellis's the divide deepened as the pages found their unkempt garden and I saw because I don't think he had much work he puts focus into doing their garden and I just got the impression that we had to follow suit it was around that time that he stopped speaking to us every time they saw the Ellis's the pages would stand and stare but say nothing the couple felt intimidated but then other bizarre stuff started happening what we've got here is some examples of junk mail that what we were getting this one's addressed to mr. Alfred Wagner which never heard of that most of it seemed to be based around gardening magazines if you look at the names mr. a Wagner and mr. a Kent if you change a couple of the letters so mr. a Wagner could read mr. a something rather offensive it's all very psychological and just almost a bit creepy as if somebody is playing psychological games weird had snide comments from mr. and mrs. Paige about weeds in our garden you know he sort of peace doing two together and we think it's it's them sending it to us dream was convinced this was a personal attack but without any proof they had no choice but to get on with their lives we've been trying for a baby and then in June 2010 and we found out I was pregnant which was very good news but then something unnerving happened and we didn't plan to tell anybody until I'd had the 12-week scan around week ten or eleven I went out on a school reunion one of the girls that was there is a friend of mrs. pages and she congratulated me on my news she told me that mrs. pager told her to which I was dumbfounded I think we did have a bit of paranoia if you like of how has she got that information and it can only be from earwigging in a conversation that we've had inside our own home however the pages found out they decided not to let their paranoia run away with them but then the disturbing events became more visible unfortunately I was very sick during my pregnancy when I felt slightly better I used to try and go out for a walk each day just to the end of the road and back each time I went out mr. and mrs. Paige would come out shortly after me and follow me up the road it happened too many times for it to be a coincidence I came out at different times every day and every time I came out they'd be out as well I found it quite scary and intimidating being pregnant and often on her own Carla was terrified by the neighbors constant presence and alarming stares so in August 2010 they took drastic measures with the following that was the final nail in the coffin so we called the police and asked for their help we wanted to get it sorted out before we had the baby the police told the Ellis's they had instructed the pages to stop following Carla but rather than putting an end to their nightmare it was only just the beginning in Wales James and Angela Killian had been living in relative peace with the caravan park next door when in 2012 an irate resident stormed into their gun it was 72 year old 18 stone James Sherrod was at this point but he pulled a hammer out from behind his back and hit me over the head with it just at this position I naturally put my hand up there just pure instinct and self-preservation I guess but he made contact with my head and then continued to hit me in a motion like this on top of my head and I went right down on the ground here immediately and he was on top of me I was in such a state of of concussion panic and terror so I didn't sound shouting and screaming as soon as I looked over I could see that there was a man on top of my husband and my husband had blood all over his face and I thought he was dead and then luckily my wife came out running and shouting from the back of the house and managed to push him off me do you had the hammer in his hand I said you've been hitting him with that hammer and he came up to me with his chest out and he put it behind his back and said what so I didn't had a had a fork over here a pitchfork so I went and picked that up and I held it like this and that's when I said no don't I said you'd be as bad as them then all of a sudden then I heard some shouting coming from the road and a cyclist had been passing by there was blood everywhere blood was all over the place as the cyclist said I look like something out of a horror picture that's when they turned tail and just went through the gun the horrified cyclist called the police police came and try to find the hammer they couldn't find the hammer yet he's twenty yards thirty yards from the boundary this is this is a picture of my head afterwards just immediately after leaving hospital you can see your Harriet stitches across here there were lumps underneath the hairline where he also had hit me but hadn't cracked the skin open throughout the hairline at the time I thought I was having my last breath I thought the game was oh well we didn't sleep at all you just in total shock we just couldn't believe that something like that could happen if I hadn't been here then he'd have been dead the attacker was Park resident James Sherrod who was arrested at the scene are charged with wounding inflicting grievous bodily harm the attack may have only lasted seconds but its effects would change their lives forever these are the medicines that I have to take now the picture itself doesn't really believe that the damages that it has caused to me directly between the symptoms of brain atrophy chronic back pain where I have trap vertebrae and so on trap nerves leading to sciatica and some days I can't walk at all my wife is a mental wreck really she won't go anywhere at all now without me with her it has made me a prisoner in my own home yes yes definitely after the attack our children are too scared to go out in the garden I was just scared to let out in the garden even she's been traumatized mentally in relation to this and the fear and anguish she has is inexplicable really in court Sherrod pleaded not guilty but he was convicted of wounding and sentenced to 12 months in prison as the judge said if he was a few years younger he'd be getting 10 to 15 years does it mean then if you pass 50 or 60 you can do what you want with a two-pound lump hammer despite James's attacker being in prison things are about to take a disturbing twist when the caravan park owner tried to claim some of their garden no trees have gone in Southampton 54 year-old Laura Wingfield lives in a ground floor flat overlooking a communal garden she's been here since 2006 and suffering from Emmy the easy access meets her every need before I became ill I was very active I was an archeologist and I did martial arts I cycled everywhere a life now is very difficult everything's a struggle as her illness worsened the communal Gardens became an important focus this is a garden that I created with the help of a friend I could look out and see the roses and the bedding plants and it was just nice to make something pleasant here and it just looked as if a lot of hard work had gone into it unfortunately for Laurel not all the residents appreciated the new planting well a friend who has helped me to put this together she would be working on the garden and she started to notice that there was dog feces all over it I thought how selfish just how selfish is someone to do that it wasn't long before Laurel thought she'd spotted the culprit Rocco the highland terrier his owner was Harry Mitchell a retired policeman the first time I met Harry was when I was seeing a friend off late at night and then out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry come from behind the block with his dog and I knew that somebody had been taking the dog around there to mess on the garden and I asked him maybe just tighten your dog around there to mess on the garden and the response was the most unbelievable flood of abuse just shouting just a constant torrent of noise he accused me of going into the garden myself a messing in the garden myself outraised at her neighbor but terrified to confront him again she reported him and his dog to the council they responded by sending a warning letter to all residents including Harry stating that dogs are not permitted to foul common areas on the day a letter arrived I was in the kitchen and I saw Harry come from his flat across the communal area a marching across he looked furious and he started yelling at me I know it was you I know it was you I tried to reason with Harry I try to point out look it says in a tenancy agreement people who have dogs have to keep control of them and and then I saw his face go red and then his eyes start to shine with rage and he snored why you and I realized he's going to attack me and I had to slam the door in his face but I've lived in through that man ever since Harry denies all knowledge of this event terrified of tackling Harry directly Laurel reported every dog poo she spotted to the council but with Harry fiercely insisting it was not Rocco the council put up a gate to stop dogs coming into the garden but these new gates created an even bigger problem for Laurel I need the gates to be left open because with my disability I'm dependent on a mobility scooter when the back gate was closed I had to get off my mobility scooter to open the gate as well as having chronic fatigue I have balance problems as a very real risk of me falling Laurel hoped that leaving the gate open would resolve her problem there's one occasion when I needed to go somewhere and I I thought it would be easier if I went out and opened it and then I could go through on my scooter later Harry went out came out from behind the fence on the other side of the path closed the gate I stood there holding it closed I don't know his reasoning why it's so important to him that they be kept closed I can only guess so that his dog can't run out on the road the gate now became a new problem for the whole community a Laurel insisted that it stopped her getting to her house Harry actually came around and stood on my patio so that I couldn't park my scooter and he was threatening me with sending me a solicitor's letter just because I left the gate open and Harry was talking so loudly that night that half the block must have heard him laurels upstairs neighbor Samantha Owen heard the ramp I could have an argument Bruin Harry was talking to her in the raised voice and making threats to her he was loud I mean if I could Harris were closed or while watching TV then you know you could hear it at the end of the block his behavior was aggressive it was just a noise he's just talking all the time i I couldn't reply because you just wouldn't stop talking you don't because people disabled women at mate in the dark in the back are it with pure intimidation Harry has denied all knowledge of this event coming up the Alice's relationship with next door turns to psychological warfare tell me where we left in bitch Laura Wingfield resorts to surveillance but I am the Killians nightmare with their neighbors continues we were living here in fear that he's going to come round and do it again if you're home lock our competition could really make a difference we've got ten thousand pounds to give away imagine what you could do with ten grand maybe you could take the family away for a well-deserved holiday or perhaps it's time to spruce up your home and reclaim the garden from the wilderness whatever it is you need Channel five wants to give you a helping hand so for your chance to win call oh nine oh four one six one double nine double five or text win two eight double five four five or post your name and phone number to win Pierre box 7 double five seven Darby de 1 0 NP calls cost one pound 53 from a BT landline calls from other landlines and mobiles may cost considerably more techs cost one pound 50 plus one message at standard network rate lines close at midday on the date shown on screen and three days later for postal entries for rules go to channel 5 comm forward slash win in Oxfordshire trian and Carla Ellis believe their neighbours had launched a persistent campaign of psychological terror against them the next thing we noticed was that mr. Page was starting to block up one of the windows on his house in March 2012 when putting her son to bed Karla noticed something ominous from his bedroom window as I stood here I could see the breezeblocks going further and further up and on the centre one was a picture of a person's eye with the pupil and eyelashes looking directly at me we took that to be another cryptic message that they're still watching us they'd had warnings from the police not to follow us and we just took it as their way of saying we can't follow you but we can watch you we're still watching you it's just disgusting horrifying shocking I suppose suspecting the I was there to spy they became even more troubled by bizarre goings-on near their property there I've toned to find some bricks on the on the bound rooms from mrs. pages drive just here in a shape of a t4 I'm presuming trian and then an upside-down V which was a bit strange the only thing I can think of is it was a Mickey take out of my teeth for trian this was no joke so far the incidents had been psychological but in June 2012 over three years since the trouble started things got very physical I was wiping up the joint with hammering on the door half-asleep wasn't sure what it was I was hanging alone on my own with an 18 month old baby so then I decided that I wouldn't go down the stairs I'd go through and I'd open the window looked out realized that it was actually Luke Paige from next door and kicking my front door in I was the other side of the county when Karla phoned me in a panic I asked him what he wanted and he just shouted at me where's train with I'm gonna effin kill him and I said he's not here and he said just tell me where he is you effing bitch so it made my way to the police station and then the police followed me back home to make sure it was all calm credit tree behavior just shows that they're watching watching us come in watching us go in preying on us and it's a psychological game your home is supposed to be your sanctuary somewhere you want to go somewhere where you chill out and relax and have fun we dread coming home still panicked the next morning carla found a note and it said to carla sorry I knocked on your door last night I know I should not have done it I'd had some beer and acted like a fool again sorry from Luke page so I was quite pleased that they'd sent an apology but at the same time was a bit half-hearted and I don't think you can ever apologize enough for scaring somebody like that in the middle of the night and trying to kick their front door in and so you know a little bit of paper with the word story on it doesn't amount to anything really the police told the Alice's the Luke page had received a verbal harassment order but despite this their nightmare was far from over I've come to the part with Lorenzo on a nice cold October afternoon we were the only ones in the park I look up and I've got mr. and mrs. page stood there facing me just staring and by the time I'd stood up and went to grab my phone they were then started to walk away drienne managed to capture something on his mobile phone and he was convinced the shadowy figures in the distance where the pages he showed it to the police and believes the pages were told to stop following them once again it was horrible and as if things weren't spooky enough a Halloween prank would bring more unease for trian was on first of November day after hallory came out into the drive 5 o'clock and my truck was parked here and what I found was eggs sprayed across at this angle all across the bed all at the back of the cab there must have been 10 eggs you could see the markings on the shells I gathered as much of the eggs up as I could I went to the police station I wanted to know if there was any evidence that we could obtain from them the police said that they wouldn't be able to obtain any forensic evidence off of an extra trian thought things couldn't get any worse but he was soon to be proved very wrong in Wales James Killian had been viciously attacked by a resident of the caravan park next door since the attack I have serious depression I see the futility of life I'm basically a shell of my former self his attacker James Sherrod had been released on a tag but was not allowed to return home to the caravan park for now James and Angela could breathe a sigh of relief and decided to take a short break the morning after we arrived back from a lovely holiday I got out of bed and I went to the window and that's when I saw that our trees had gone and I turned to my husband I said our trees have gone and he said what do you mean our trees have gone I said they've gone said somebody's taken from the way I just couldn't believe it I was in shock and a GOG this is what the garden was like all these trees were in Scituate stalks 'mentally eight trees in the background now you can see that there's nothing there so he cleared the place out like for a building site which was his intention to take the land over because I already communicated with cunning I'm saying I was taking the trees down it was my land and I was going to build a wall there because the bloke in the second track attacked me with a two-pound lump hammer you know twelve months earlier there it is all starting again the trees were on the Killians land and provided the only barrier between them and the caravan park so when mr. Cunningham appeared at the end of their garden Angela was afraid I grabbed the video camera and I went out to see what was going on I see you've knocked out trees down no we're doing that we're going to be doing our fat a wall I was absolutely but oh so nervous I'm shaking like a leaf yeah but are you gonna put it in the right place well could you obviously beam on our property and taking our trees we are in right no you don't we've got that well can you can you not do anything until we get a surveyor here to mark the boundary correctly look we've been ill I'm still recovering okay I know yeah yeah that bastard there yes James was convinced Cunningham was trying to steal five feet of their garden and put the fence up before he noticed so he called in a surveyor this is where the trees were along this edge like that you can see my boundary is further further out we wouldn't have needed to take the trees away at all in the first place because of sufficient distance here and what he wants to do was try and claim the land from there into approximately here for the simple reason that the owner of disc of this caravan site wants to return another mobile home so therefore he Triton encroached on this land what he's well known for this kind of behavior because he's done it before although James have reclaimed his land with the trees gone they were now exposed and they were about to get very disturbing news about the man who had attacked him in July of this year we were informed that sherrod was back at his home which is essentially 30 yards from our boundary he's there living in the enjoying the freedom of Cour enjoy the freedom of this nice beautiful area but we can't we are terrified we are living here in fear that he's going to come round and do it again in Southampton Laura Wingfield had come to blows with her neighbor Harry Mitchell when she suspected his dog of defecating in the shared garden Harry is always picking up anything that's laying around anyway all right stand outside answer the direct bed on 10 o'clock and he's always out there picking up any rubbish and whatever the dogs left I space and he's I mean he's very put to you as me a good to me here with the neighborhood divided Laurel and Samantha started legal action against the council to have the gates removed they lost she's not happy in that situation she needs to ask the council for a move yeah where there isn't there is no gate quite right it if it came to put on there it's put on there areso hits their horses but not long after the gate totally disappeared one particular day and I saw her unscrewing hinges but I didn't realize at the time that's what she was actually doing wasn't until later on in the day that I noticed the gate was open we didn't our four yard so she's obviously been taking the gate off just does she just somebody saw me do it well how could they I didn't do it with the gate no longer a problem for Laurel she turned her attention back to her neighbor's dog the council asked me do I have any proof that dog was running loose so I started filming the dog it's about 25 past 9:00 a.m. and yes there's Harry's dog again I was sitting here filming Harry's dog running loose now over 12 minutes you should shut that dog out that doesn't know what to do as I was filming Harry came out he saw me and he started shouting at me boy better do I mind what oh you were salting me Harry I've never saw you your soft his arms shot out he grabbed me by the wrist with one hand and he tried to take my mic on my camcorder with the other hand you are assaulting me and I'm going to have you arrested you're playing getting evidence that you were breaking your tenancy agreement but by letting your dog run loose and so if I do run control in a communal area I know you Arjun do we do oh you didn't know he was out opening doors was my voice she said a shot you open the door put him outside sure why do you know nobody's not he by upcoming Where's Wally yeah I didn't see him coming I'm sorry you're sorry lurid but did not see him come out this door you just assaulted me and I'm going to report you I did I saw job yes Oh who says you grabbed me I push the camera the way felon no I was in shock I thought he was going to hit me the police were called and Laurel claims they agree to talk with Harry under caution no other action was taken despite this Harry holds no grudge uncle have related these if she normal came to me for help or anybody look here what is the service our normal Duke help Perry denies all allegations made by Laurel on behalf of himself and Rocco Laurel is continuing to complain to the council about the poo in the garden and is determined to get evidence Oh and finally caught him messing on the grass yep finally got proof still to come trien and carla fear for their lives it started having conversations about bullet vests is this really happening and the Killian space their worst fears the truth always comes out never forget that scumbag don't forget about your chance to boost your bank account by a massive ten thousand pounds you could take a family holiday or spruce up your home is completely up to you to enter call oh nine oh four one six one double nine double five or text win - eight double five four five or post your name and phone number to win p o-- box seven double five seven darby de 1 0 NP for all's go to channel 5 comm forward slash win in Oxfordshire the Ellis family had been victims of a series of psychological attacks that have left them afraid to leave their home tree analysis convinced their next-door neighbours the pages are behind it and is desperately been gathering evidence to prove it to the police okay so this is a bag of evidence I've gathered over the years the court has been thrown our bedroom window we have a leaflet to do with garden yet again the white pebble with the green paint which is off the back of our Picasso and it was stoned an array of cigarette and various different stones well the stones match I mean I'm not stone expert but I am you kept me here squeaky toy that was thrown into our garden and that's an old toilets been thrown in at some point but one night they were disturbed by something far more dangerous when they heard an alarming noise outside I went to the office and add a quick look to see if I've seen it there's nothing on our drive nobody on our drive so we just brushed it off don't we the next morning tree and turned detective again as soon as I close the gate I'll clocked it straightaway big bit of the paint missing on the car and when I detailed I could see it been Pelican and then it just opposed this fight is this really happening and then it will pull together the noise on the glass we heard last night must have been coming off with the car and then your minds going crazy am i next the police however could find no evidence leaving the Ellis's terrified for their safety after the car had been shot he started having conversations about bullet vests and us wearing bullet vests who has conversations about wearing bullet vests in all seriousness just to walk around your own property but that is the crazy level this was now up tria and Karla presented their latest batch of evidence to the police the police looked at all the evidence and called mr. and mrs. Paige in to be questioned and a caution to which they both got a written harassment Ordnung but the Ellis's were also in for a nasty surprise I just got home from work and then I had a police officer banging on the door and slapped two pieces of paper on my ironing board and said there's a written harassment warning for you and one for trien and the harassment warning stated that an allegation of me calling mr. mrs. Paige pedophiles allegations which the Ellis's fiercely deny by now the Alice's were desperate to expose the pages everything they do is so covert that all of the other neighbors around here have absolutely no idea we want this out in the open because we've been living with this silently for too long haven't we they are trying to control us by instilling that fear into us and the intimidation and the games and the psychological abuse although they still have no proof trian and Carla are convinced they are the subject to the campaign against them when we ask the pages for their version of events they didn't respond I think I would have probably moved some time ago from being honest I completely disagree I don't see why we should be forced to move out of a house that we like in an area that we like just because somebody next door wants to set up a campaign against you in Wales the Killians were still reeling from the caravan park owner trying to take 12 foot of land and with their trees gone there was no peace from some of the residents of the caravan park next door stop it you did nothing at all you said to my wife my wife said you're being killed you said so what the truth always comes out never forget that scumbag most worrying the neighbor who attacked James with a hammer reappeared on the caravan site after being convicted and serving time for wounding this is where I was standing and I was looking at my garden and seeing the weeds when I noticed mr. Sherrod and his wife and another lady out in garden and my first reaction was to go back in and I thought no I was stand my ground and face my fears as they with that I heard faintly that all we being watched and they were all laughing and then with that mr. Sherrod did a little jig and about like this dearly mr. chard feels no remorse whatsoever in any shape or form and these actions in the past couple of days proved that I felt intimidated we contacted mr. Sherrod and mr. Cunningham for their version of events and neither of them chose to respond while the family are waiting for their new friends to go up James has begun protecting them in other ways because of this attack and because of the trauma involved in the attack we need some added security so we installed some CCTV cameras 10 and all and the system looks like we've got here it's recording 24/7 day and night even with the CCTV angelou is looking forward to finally being cut off from their neighbours well I find it quite an unnerving actually is the first time basically I've been out here and see all the memories you know flashing back just want everything to finish now um you know you want to put our fence up there and enclose our garden again and just get on with our lives and just forget those people don't know in the meantime mr. Killians PhD is on hold and the whole family's life has been turned upside down my youngest son said you said we don't laugh anymore and that's basically how it's been the transformation has been tremendous to my family wife and their well-being why should my kids have to suffer because of this violent ignorant criminal even now I still see my husband with that man on top of him thinking that he was dead um you know that that horror I don't suppose we'll ever ever go next time former friends become sworn enemies so looked out and then the boss stood there say it better just want to kill you all neighbors fight over flashing headlights I just don't understand why I wouldn't be harassing it and it's all-out war in the Cotswolds and you just went like that and I just went tomorrow at 8 some more neighbors that might test your nerves me those who live at benefit house me and my 22 kids next tonight something close to a rioters dealing with debts gets nasty the new series of camp a will take it away continues after the latest 5 news headlines next you
Channel: Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Views: 472,833
Rating: 4.622932 out of 5
Keywords: The, Nightmare, Neighbour, Next, Door, Las, Vegas, With, Trevor, McDonald, Booze, Traveler, How, To, Get, Council, House, Gypsies, On, Benefits, Gogglebox, Unbelievable, Moments, Caught, Camera, GPs, Behind, Closed, Doors, Darcy, Oake, Dangerous, Dogs, Date, My, Porn, Star, Criminals, CCTV, Cant, Pay, Well, Take, It, Away, Britains, Poshest, Nannies, Botched, Up, Bodies, Born, Naughty, Beauty, Queen, Or, Bust, Angry, Child, Genius, Fried, Chicken, Shop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 58sec (2698 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2016
Reddit Comments

No don't, we look bad as it is. Even our ponsey shows like made in Chelsea are overwhelmingly cringey.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SoupCanVaultboy 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I only know what M.E is because Ricky Gervais did a really funny bit on it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/WutsUp 📅︎︎ Jan 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
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