The Nightmare Neighbour Next Door S01E01 720p

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in the UK our neighbors often live too close to home come speak to me so it's no surprise one in five of us have been in an argument with next-door coming up a community is divided and comes to blows there's a torrent of abuse and foul language makes me feel sick you can have it a woman intimidated by her next-door neighbors I thought oh my god what moved in and there's no love lost between residents on one London Street Ramsbottom an historic mill town on the peni Moors in Lancashire between 2000 and 2008 one of its streets was home to a family and their menagerie of pets all of whom had moved up from the South of England the house was lovely just what we wanted and the garden you could put a football pitch in it the churners comprised dad Philip mum Audrey 24 year old Emma Oh 26 year old Sam and a cockatiel called Billy family and we're just caring close very close family friendly that's it that's what we are friendly at first the new family were barely noticed by locals including Stuart Johnson the ex chair of the residents committee and the only one of their neighbors willing to be on camera the first impressions of the Chernus basically was pretty quiet the seem to spend most of the time in the house you would only see him getting in the car going out shopping but it wasn't long before the neighbors began to see a different side to the new arrivals there wasn't a lot of aggravation from day one it was just incidents started building up over a period of time and then you started putting two and two together mr. Stuart Johnson was the most ignorant so it's so I'd ever known as I know he was the main person to complain a few weeks after moving in the arrival of the family's loudest member their beloved pooch was to mark a turning point in community relations and once we got Jenny I'll never complain about her back in 24 hours a day which was never true when that would have been open and for the neighbors who chose not to be identified it was held this dog was a nightmare it could often be the first thing I would hear in the morning and the last thing at night it was relentless clearly the Shawna's had different priorities than worrying about their neighbors our pets are more potent than their neighbors our pets are like a family to us equally the neighbors pets we're proving a problem for the but according to their neighbors the main culprits filing the area were the Shawna's own pets the dog poo that's a load of rubbish because of when our doctors his business we pick it up and we put it in the bin that's where it belongs I saw on numerous occasions that Shawn is leading their dog in front of neighbors houses just so it could defecate the pit down here down here I never once saw the chana's pick up their dog's mass this is Jenny's poo Jenny's a small dog Jenny's poos are really tomorrow yeah and every time we used to go out and runs by them we're used to get big on the floor Jenny doesn't third of it that small it wasn't just the chana's pets their neighbors had an issue with it was also their favorite pastime yes television is my most important thing in life because there's not much else I can do now the TV will be so loud that the neighboring houses could all hear the TV some people had to injure it 24 hours a day seven days a week fed up with the racket from the tallest TV apparently blaring out constantly the residents logged their complaints with the council but one night their next-door neighbor had had enough we watched all programs and then we went to bed and then about one o'clock ish we had a knock on the door I answer the door and the neighbor was on the doorstep telling me given me abuse and telling me to turn the tv down there's a tolerant of abuse and foul language and they just didn't want to know well I don't know how she made out we have the television load that day because it wasn't our television that was just her imagination I think that things escalated after that because they thought they were being picked on and the incidents got worse and worse coming up a Lancashire woman gets the shock of her life oh my god what does move ding and it's nasty between neighbors on one London Street I even brought some long nails that I put around his vehicles so he had a contract back in 1991 Carol Gaytan Dee and her family moved to a small town in Lancashire in search of a peaceful community when we moved here we moved here because it was quiet and it remained quiet absolutely lovely place to live for the next two decades life on the street was good for the Gaytan bees neighbors keep himself to themselves we help each other if need be but in 2012 five new residents moved into the house next door and from the very start alarm bells began to ring first couple of nights it was just like banging shouting which was we you know accepted because we thought something were moving in but that noise became absolutely hell soon after arriving the new neighbour decided to introduce herself but this first meeting would set the tone for the next year of Carol's life I opened the door after this banging and I mean it was banging it was gray and I looked and I saw this bedraggled woman there dirty cloth um and she just looked at me and said do you know that woman next door on the side of me she's reported me to social services and I thought could always this woman I've never even met before what was she what is she doing I said well no I don't really northern neighbor and with that she turned around walked out of the gear what background into her garden and slammed the door and I thought oh my god what has moved in but it wasn't just face-to-face confrontation that were becoming Carroll's way it was a next day when Fodor Simon started she'd come in she slammed the door she'd start effing and bawling uh suppose she got and you could follow her all the way up here issuing a bad mood should get all the safe to get slam slam slam and that would go nine ten times suffering the banging and shouting for the next few days Carol finally decided that she would have to speak to her neighbor I stood here she was stood at a door and I said well can you stop banging you've knocked the like fitting down she looked at me she was kids what do you expect and she slammed the door and as she did so she shouted with her polite requests falling on deaf ears Cowell endured the racket for the next few hours but when she returned to the house to complain again she was shocked by what she saw I went background later I'm buried on the door because the noise was just got to a state where it was unbearable she opened the door and there was all banging on the walls the children and her were banging on the walls and I just thought well this is not right it's not right Carol was already finding her new neighbors intimidating but at this stage she had no idea how bad it was actually going to get for many families owning the perfect home can be a pipe dream but in South London that dream came true for 68 year old psychotherapist Annie Reed Henderson this is my street this is my house where I raised my two children I found the house for my husband and I and my first saw it from outside I fell in love with it I just knew I had had it over the years Annie gave her home a complete makeover after my divorce I renovated the whole house this is my kitchen everything's been redone but my real pride and joy is my garden I did things like I put my stores in I I added me into the house this painting I love but it was the beginning of me changing as you can see my I no longer black hair this is my spiritual sanctuary and I find it absolutely wonderful when it's quiet the peace and quiet was doubly important to Annie as her home was also her place of work I've been a psychotherapist for 24 years this is my therapy room this is where I see all my patients they've been referred to me because I am a spiritual person and I have peace and serenity and that's why I feel in this room myself but in 2002 that would all change when a new neighbor bought the property next door the first time I met him he was very charming and she told me it was gonna be his dream home for his wife and his family and that he would be developing it I thought well this is fine you know 18 months two years maximum initially there was noise there was movement but actually I've embraced it as you know this is what people do when they develop their house Annie's home was no longer a spiritual sanctuary as the extent of the building works escalated over the months can you hear that noise there's been drilling this morning and they'll be drilling any second again oh yeah more drilling the nicer wood here next door very from huge noise to just an irritating sort of fiddling around next door and it didn't stop there one day I had to sit in my car to make a phone calls I couldn't speak in the house it began to affect her livelihood as clients were driven away by the noise the most important thing for all of them whether they're old or new patients that is quiet right now No and it wasn't just the noise that was proving to be a nightmare one evening and he discovered the builders had dug a huge hole in her next-door neighbor's garden to test foundations all the mess came all over here and it was appalling it was so appalling that I felt like screaming it was all legitimate but it was affecting Annie's beloved garden the fence was quite low and I looked over and I realized his garden had been dug down so far that my plants were going to die flowerbeds bordering the property next door were ruined it really distressed me because I've spent 30 years working in this garden I called over the fence and I said can you tell me what that is and I was told mind your own business that consolidated this was going to be a difficult difficult neighbor but as her neighbor wasn't living there all Annie felt she could do was shout over the fence to the builders so at her own expense she decided to get professional advice he didn't answer letters from solicitors he didn't answer anything from my severe and neither did his rare a year into the building's works with no one still living at the property a temporary structure suddenly appeared next door much to Annie's alarm I looked out in the middle of the area the garden area and the contractors were here and I asked them what it was and I was told it was a kitchen and a new for them and that's when I thought oh my god to me it meant this is not a couple of years I believe was deluded I believe he fixes building a mansion I sometimes watch him come round and stand and stare at it he's just a megalomaniac as far as I'm concerned just when she thought her hell would never end two years into the works her neighbours builders vanished overnight the building looks like nobody lives there it was used to somewhere to store his stuff now Annie faced a new dilemma living next to an unoccupied half-completed shell of a house but soon after not only were the builders to return but her nightmare would get much worse when I saw the plans for the basement it stated that it was going to be a laundry and when I spoke to one of the contractors they don't know darling it's a cinema in a once peaceful community in Ramsbottom Lancashire the constant noise from the shona families pets and TV had caused relations with their closest neighbors to disintegrate there's a torrent of abuse and final language and they just didn't want to know some people had to endure at 24 hours a day seven days a week but it wasn't just the Shawna's pets and viewing habits it was the family's never-ending battles with each other that were also causing problems we used to hear them screaming at each other on numerous occasions what you want by 2007 they'd been over five hundred complaints of noise and anti-social behavior against the Chalmers but the family felt the neighbors were against them for another reason in Ramsbottom we were victimized being called bastards Teletubby fatties we've been called who eats all the pies they made out that they were being picked on because of the size what we do in our own house we need our own lives as our own over the coming months the more that Shana saw themselves as victims the more they clash with neighbors out on the street not only are these people nasty to each other but they're also nasty to other people your children coming home from school and being pestered by the two girls no no never we've never like picked on anyone we've never done nothing else ourselves yeah their neighbors disagreed we got screamed at they used to throw things like bricks out of windows the police were called in multiple occasions regarding screaming we don't open our windows and prod bricks that's just a lot of lies they're nothing like what people say they are they do help people out but this particular neighbor next door she did not like us I just don't know she did not like us as the week's went by the neighbors complained more and more to the council and the police but the complaints did nothing to resolve the trouble which now spread out onto the streets of Ramsbottom once I was walking home on my own when the chillness father drove alongside me swerves the car towards me onto the pavement and trapped me he lowered his windows for abuse at me I was absolutely terrified and broke down in tears after we drove away and I know what girl you're on about I mean that's more allegations that's news to me she got away with it as well the lines it just doesn't happen in normal life suddenly it had gone from being a nice quiet street and there was all this going on for your month after month year after year as it was they did everything they could to scare you and make you feel frightened the less people on the street at the time the worst abuse would be it was terrifying the dispute between neighbors was about to escalate and become physical well we was walking our friends dogs down the street our older house and we had this gang come toward about foot was it full pushed me away dick arrived over here they bring me back so you started asking what my mom and dad's names are yeah he started calling our dog I was across in my front room and I heard a bit of kerfuffle outside I looked across and the to town of girls was stood here right in front of the wall as I walked round to the front door to come across and see what the trouble was I heard a scream she just punched me in the face and I just got really angry I'm not saying it's right to retaliate but there's only so much abuse anybody can take before they've reached their breaking points the two Chander girls were running up the road and the other girl was running down the road don't know if I was F in this very room but probably was and I know I remember we're best for the door and I shout at my dad and when I answer the door she was actually standing there with her hand over her eye and crying her eyes out I said I was walking on the street mr. Gerron had run down the street straight up the pattern of the neighbor he was hammering on the door I told the resident of the house to shut the door immediately if I wanted him to hit anybody I wanted him to hit me and not the resident busybody Stewart who was on the committee for the count saw Archer come over and he said to Emma cause all of trouble and he stood right close to me like he was going to punch me and he put his fist up to hit me I personally would rather him have hit me because we might have got him off the air state a bit quicker it makes me feel sick looking at it because I had to go through this and still get evicted from the house people are scared to live in that street sometimes scared to go to the house people looking is there anybody about other walking up and down you shouldn't be having to do that you should bill to walk freely coming up the corners go on the attack but the neighbors fight back you're spying on people we're getting evidence and Carroll Gaytan bit surveillance stakeout gets desperate blessed it against the wall all the time thinking please please please pick something up anything in South London Annie Reed Henderson's once quiet and peaceful life have been invaded by a construction site next door so you never thought gosh at least you know in two months time three months time something will have happened because it didn't in 2005 three years after her nightmare begun scaffolding went up next door and huge tarpaulins were draped over her neighbor's house when it rained because the gutter was broken it would rip on the plastic couldn't sleep properly I actually used earplugs because it was so bad you could see through to the front of the house the dirt that came in was unbelievable constant dirt might sound a bit mad but I put it on my scales and discovered it weighed four pounds I papi am a little obsessed but it just sort of merged into sudden and nightmare I wanted him to either drop dead or leave by 2006 and he was in total despair over the building work next door and to make matters worse she discovered her neighbor had just been granted additional planning permission to expand the basement it shows an existing basement which we all have and it then progressed to that size up something very different as you can see it's fast absolutely vast when I saw the plans for the basement it stated that it was going to be a laundry area and when I spoke to one of the contractors they don't know darling it's a cinema the plans were now far beyond a simple refurbishment after more than five years of noise from the building site one thing remains strangely silent her neighbor how'd you get a resolution when somebody will not talk to you won't respond to your lawyers letters or your surveyors letters despite complaining to her local authority a number of times over the years any claims that they have been little help I was constantly told by them when I made a complaint that they had no powers they couldn't tell him when to finish I went to the council meeting to hear what they're gonna say you may also review everything can't believe it everything was noted through finally after eight years and endless building work the scaffolding next door came down but Annie can't stand what remains that building there I've named the bunker it was attempted four times to get to where it is now and frankly it's hideous more than a decade of disturbances and living next door to a building site has also affected Annie financially I haven't earned any money for three years which I think's criminal possibly legal fees repairing the garden and loss of earnings have left Annie financially strapped because so far our roughly about 35,000 might well be more the man has no consideration for a human being living next door because he doesn't give a with her endless complaints seemingly falling on deaf ears it's made crusader Annie considered taking matters into her own hands it made me want to be violent not physically but emotionally I wanted to hurt him I even bought some long nails that I put around his vehicles so he had a puncture I didn't do X I thought no that's not most Virtua was not very humanistic and whatever I wish I'd done it that although the building work appears to be nearing completion and he's not convinced her nightmare will ever end I get angry that you know if 12 years on it isn't finished and it looks revolting he there's gonna be no end it's gonna be like this for the rest of my life Oh up in Lancashire the antisocial noise and behavior from the Shona family led to their neighbors making over 500 complaints to the council not only are these people nasty to each other but they also nasty to other people fed up with their neighbours complaints and feeling victimized the chana's came up with a plan to prove they weren't the only troublemakers when I came round in the car one day and there was a video camera there I got up one morning and that was written into the car and also we had scratches into the car also which was done I'd done it with a key or a penknife but the more the chana's filmed the more the neighbours fought back sometimes in unusual ways the work and play it from the charm is that norms have been taken out of people's Gavin's and and placed into theirs this is where they come down and put the garden gnomes on the wall well I think they've done it because garden gnomes are on the plump side and we're on the plant side so I think that's why they done it but it soon became clear it was more like filming a soap opera than an episode of crime watch do you get a kick out I'm scratching our car no guys you do those spying on people we get an evidence no II like Carly people don't get a pig right you could just be standing in the street with a group of people and they would suddenly be at their window with a camera in the hands for no reason I don't want to use the word Hey because I don't hate people but I think they were so disliked it got that they were hated by people loathed by their neighbors it nevertheless took seven years for the authorities to finally bring the tallness to court well we had to we went to court and we attended to these allegations the 12 accusations against the family included violence harassment damaging neighbor's property throwing things out of windows and noisy DIY at unreasonable times of day one Christmas they said that we was banging the wall the Chalmers came up with a bizarre defense for the banging a story involving one of their favorite treats a chocolate orange I just told him in court that all we did was just bang the orange on the wall just to crack it that's all we did that's the only way that I've ever known as you do it to say that it was opening and eating chocolate oranges well they beggars believe don't the trawlers claimed their solicitor advise them to plead guilty or face immediate eviction they were allowed to stay in their home on condition they kept the peace for the next 12 months we knew they would only be a short time because we knew they couldn't control themselves for 12 months the neighbors predict when new when's the first court case we stick together we tried getting through it as a family and my sister said to my dad my mom she said oh I like to go for the X Factor at the time of the X Factor there was a lot of karaoke singing she was obviously doing a lot of practicing the singing again went on till the early hours I don't think that she ever grasps that she couldn't sing Simon Cowell seemed to think as little of Emma's singing as the neighbors the budding pop stars auditions turning her into an infamous flop star never was singing a few times then again happy birthday and all that I'll sing in kinda stop back then yeah following Emma's x-factor disaster over the next year the council received a further 134 complaints about noise and by September 2008 the family were back in court they were served with an eviction notice if they behaved themselves from the first court case then they would still be living on the street we put some stuff in our car like our clothes and some quilts of cushions my pets and we lived in the car for seven weeks I'm glad they no longer live here as they made our life an absolute misery I would like to see anybody in that situation but so all the pain that they've caused people I cannot feel sorry for them really there might have been evicted from their Ramsbottom home but the Shawna's would soon have a new roof over their heads and new neighbours in Lancashire Carroll Gaytan bee and her family had endured months of noise and intimidation when new neighbors moved in next door the noise was just got to a state where it was unbearable the children and her were banging on the walls little did Carol know in days that followed it will be more than just banging and shouting coming from next door washing up in kitchen and all of us know at this boom boom boom I walk through here the fight with my son on a shoulder will you turn that noise down he said it's not me it's them next door by this time it heard it through here coming here the floor it was vibrating it was vibrate you could feel it on defeat vibrating the boom boom boom of the beers unable to believe what was happening Carroll contacted the police for help and was told to keep a record of the goings-on I think a started logging about three weeks after she moved in police were saying if you want to get her out and we need a car kids you've got to write everything down any any evidence that you can get that will stick in car that's what you need 6:30 near hand banging really knocking down the stairs swearing shouting she shouts stop around now and do as you're well told we thought it'd be occasional lock it turned out to be we were sat practically every night all night writing down the screaming and shouting goes on and on with external internal doors being slammed continuously once again shouting about in neighbors and at times the shouting which often went on into the night was so bad that Carol had to call the police out when it got really bad police they'd be here at least twice a week at least twice a week every week sometimes it was every night sometimes it with two or three times a night by now two months of constant noise aggravation was taking a huge toll on Carol's husband and son - it was affecting us really bad because the sleep deprivation was terrible I mean I I worked my husband worked we was managing on some nights were managed on two to four hours sleep from from the time that she moved in we didn't want to live here anymore we got out as much as possible we went walking we went to visit visiting family we had to lay in bed listening to her screaming and shouting and just talk penny we couldn't stop so we could get some sleep they were like living in a war zone but not serving the war in your own home and not knowing you couldn't do anything about it just report it it got so bad Carol had even started to consider moving and in the days that followed the disturbances got more menacing and more bizarre coming up Carol's neighbor turns up the intimidation and the churners make enemies with their new neighbors she got action against us so Eliza again up in Lancashire the annoying noise from the newcomers next door to Carroll gate be had her pursuing an eviction we had to lay in bed listening to her scream and shout win and just hope any police stop so we could get some sleep but as the days went on it seemed as though Carole's neighbor was now taking drastic measures to intimidate her when we stop complaining and just write down which we were told to do it seemed as though she had to a parameter and she'd do anything she could to annoy us not only did we think she was using one of these we also thought she was using one of these despite telling the police she thought she could hear drilling and hammering next door without evidence they couldn't act and Carol could do nothing but listen in horror on a daily basis as the noise was so bad they'd be banging the drilling the the tap tap tap tap and it got so bad that we'd have to move from room to room terrifyingly for the Gaytan bees the noisy seemed to follow them around the house I sit down in here just for a bit of peace but then once the knew that I wasn't in the room I was a near hit start on that wall wherever Carol went there was no escaping the torment the abuse that came through the wall we know we ain't busted we know where you are you bitch so there to go from here had go upstairs I closed the door I'd sit on the bed and within five minutes there was on that wall there was nowhere in the house she could go it was like our own prison our own home was a prison unable to escape the ordeal from next door after four months in Cowell had recorded more than 40 pages of logs documenting her nightmare which she sent off to the council I needed to get as much information as possible because I always had that thought that nobody believed us because I would have like I said I wanna believe me and to ensure she was believed by the authorities Carol came up with a plan to gather indisputable evidence on one particular day I was talking to a friend on my phone and she said what is all that shouting and swearing who is that it surrenders I said it's not in my house it's next door this is what we've got to put up with so we finished the conversation and I thought maybe if she could hear everything that was said next door on my formal I was talking to her maybe my phone could pick that up and hear presto we'd get a result so what I did I put the phone on record I placed it against the wall all the time thinking please please please pick something up anything I left it and I left the room fortunately for Carol her ingenuity paid off and she proceeded to record every incident she could on her phone before sending them all off to the police I felt relieved their lust they were proof that we want lion after four months she finally had enough evidence to bring about a case against her neighbor other people couldn't knew when they listened to that to what will go down next door in May 2013 her neighbor was finally hauled before a court where she was given an ASBO banning her from banging shouting and upsetting neighbors it's all know to be quite honest what she deserves because she made our lives hell the time she was a year ten months after the nightmare began Carol's neighbor and her four children were evicted and when the police came to inspect the property Carol curious to see just what she'd been living next door to went in with them and as the police woman open the door lo and behold what was their full view a drill and a hammer I was so happy that those were there because that was what I put down in my Diaries and no one believed me that that's what was happening her neighbors might have gone but with Carol and her family so used to the noise it will be a long while before they could enjoy the peace and quiet of their community again but honestly we're just amazing and for about a week afterwards it was strange not hearing them kids voices I'll give you stick in Lancashire the Shona family had been evicted from their home after over 500 complaints from neighbors about their antisocial behavior now after two months living in their car they found themselves a new two-bedroom house this is my sister's room as you can see this is how she gets out the bed all this way and there's a lot of dump up there this is our room that's bed and that's my fifth day living in a small space is horrible especially sleeping in the same room as long as it's not nice but it seems old habits die hard only weeks after moving in and another dog in tow their new neighbors started complaining and in 2012 the Chalmers landed up in court yet again my two daughters and niece was - swore at her and what happened on the Wednesday but the police did not come here to the Sunday issuing 80-pound fiying tickets each my dad weren't having it because it's all lies yet again Phillip and his two daughters challenged the fines in court but were given convictions for threatening behavior against their neighbor I thought to myself oh my god here we go again is there anywhere we can move and not have all this sort of chucked back in our faces again rather we go there's always neighbors nasty neighbors picking on us we'll find a house eventually a big house a house will come up branded the nightmares next door again is perhaps only going to be a matter of time before the Chalmers will hit the road once more this is a type of place I want my move into a nice nice three bedroom bungalow with a garden garage and the driveway but who knows where they'll end up if you see a family that look like the Chernus coming down the street looking at a house near you form the este edges and sell it as fast as you possibly can next time a nightmare building project next door what ship is absolutely horrendous he's threatened to blow our house up a fight over land I told them both to get off my property and staff my poverty and a community under siege she's brought all this on this village end up I've always said that I would spend time in prison it takes a thief to catch a thief continues its new series this Thursday on Channel five at 8:00 thieves are the last of Patrick's problems next though as he's having a fracking nightmare in you the Mentalist
Channel: Practice Makes Perfect Then They Say Nobody Is Perfect So I Stop Practicing
Views: 1,439,538
Rating: 4.5186262 out of 5
Keywords: The, Nightmare, Neighbour, Next, Door, Las, Vegas, With, Trevor, McDonald, Booze, Traveler, How, To, Get, Council, House, Gypsies, On, Benefits, Gogglebox, Unbelievable, Moments, Caught, Camera, GPs, Behind, Closed, Doors, Darcy, Oake, Dangerous, Dogs, Date, My, Porn, Star, Criminals, CCTV, Cant, Pay, Well, Take, It, Away, Britains, Poshest, Nannies, Botched, Up, Bodies, Born, Naughty, Beauty, Queen, Or, Bust, Angry, Child, Genius, Fried, Chicken, Shop
Id: Ve9TtC0M-QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2016
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