The Night JIMI HENDRIX Played His BEST Solo

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[Music] done [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] hey everybody welcome this song this track is based on a version of red house that is from a pothumas hendrix record that i fell in love with it's called in the west and i bought all the hendrix records ever made and there were a lot of them posthumously this is one of the best ones and there's a track on here of red house it was recorded 5 25 69 that's was that may 25th 1969 i listened to this hundreds of times and it is the track that arguably taught me to play the blues that and you know live cream was a big influence too but this particular version of red house this 12 bar blues that he played that night uh is etched into my dna and i really learned to play the blues from this so i encourage you to find it and stream it now henrik's channeled albert king like crazy so did stevie ray vaughan and it's funny you hear albert king saying that hendrix couldn't play the blues you know there's a little bit of a competition there i think but albert king did these extreme strong stretches [Music] and of course the guitar was upside down the strings were upside down he was using his thumb but when you hear hendrix play those extreme bends or even this one [Music] i believe all that comes from albert king and [Music] same for srv these things are handed down through the generations and [Applause] i didn't know i was playing albert king when i was playing hendrix but you learn this later you know just as you expand your knowledge now a lot of the stuff that hendrix did on this this particular track the thing that i use a lot that he did is he leaves the plane of time i mean there's no time he's not paying attention to the pocket or the drums he's just free let me demonstrate that just for a couple of seconds to show you what i mean and in on this particular song it's so slow it's so much slower than the original red house that you can leave space and time and play out of pocket you just have to be careful where you land you have to land in a good spot if you're playing out of time and out of pocket let's check it out [Music] so if i land on that note really strongly after playing out of time [Music] there i decelerated and ended the last phrase you just kind of have to look ahead in your mind and end the phrase on time but really the feature of this that's really so much a part of my blues playing is that uh you leave time space and time but it kind of takes a very very slow blues to do that a reminder today there's a sale on the master class just click the link below uh and uh it's just for the weekend it's a 14 day free trial we're up to 1700 videos 140 hours there is a brand new beginners course that we're adding to all the time so check it out see if you like it there's a sale this weekend the link is below now another thing that you could say about these riffs that i'm playing over this that are hendricks influenced uh are that they there's a phrase called thrown away when you talk about riffs and licks and all that means is they sound like you you didn't plan them they're spontaneous you're not thinking about them and in this particular case they trail off like they're thrown away let me demonstrate that right you see where i just trailed off there [Music] you just trail off [Music] even that you try and make it sound like you're not thinking about it [Music] you leave some spaces just play some fragments and playing out of time definitely lends credence to the phrase thrown away [Music] even that [Music] one of the things he does in this song that's so cool just hammering a phrase because for me for my soloing i'll stay away from because that sounds too much like hendrix but i'll definitely do the key here i think with hendrix is not to sound just like him you don't need to do that we've come too far but you take pieces of what he does and let them inform your playing take the best of what he does or just whatever you can grab and implement it into your style you don't want to sound just like hendrix you want to sound like you but you want to use bits stuff that he does here's another thing he does take the little finger right here at fret 10 and then you pull up at nine with the third finger on the g string [Music] very much a hendricksism here's another one like you recognize that one but that one i probably wouldn't use because it sounds a little too much like him you have to decide i'll tell you what i never ever tire of using the third in the base in a double sub so that kind of contradicts what i said because that sounds just like hendrix but i love it so much i'll never stop doing it so you have to decide which which little uh phrases of hendrix you want to make yours [Music] i mean i can't not do that [Music] that too that's a hendrixism these double stops are some of my favorite features of his playing now the other thing about a track like this because it's open all that's going on and in his track it's just bass and drums so he can play major or minor or mixolydian or anything over it because it's undefined this track is almost that naked i did do a rhythm guitar on it but i'm going to show you one more thing where you can actually play main you can actually play major or minor at will and i'll show you you can play minor pentatonic here we go [Music] so minor pentatonic and i just dropped out a major pentatonic so once again minor major [Music] and that's just by dropping the box down a fret and a half the other thing you can do is mix a lydian that's another hendrick system i'll wait till it turns around to the one chord we'll do it again here we go [Music] then you start to sound a little more like clapton if you go mixolydian but the choices are all yours [Music] that's another thing you did in this track let's concentrate on the ninth and the sixth at the turnaround [Music] minor major they both work it's so open and that's because it's so slow and you're just dealing with far down in the track a very undefined bass part [Music] yeah those double stops are my favorite stuff [Music] so one last thing let's look at the sound this is a nash strat with lawler pickups and i always use the neck pickup when i'm soloing uh in a hendrix style the thing about the neck pickup on a strat that still astounds me at this point in time is that no matter how much you distort it it still has clarity i mean you can push the gain pedal really really far i just jacked it up and it still has clarity so i always gravitate towards the neck when i solo in a hendrick style now i think the same thing could be said about srv and also gilmore i think i'm not the only one who has found this to be the best tone it has clarity no matter how hard you drive it and it's throaty and deep sounding pretty amazing [Music] i have a little bit of reverb and delay in pro tools so i could dry it up later if i want so this is going into my nobles odr-1 into my divided by 13 into a 412 and it's mic'd up stadium loud jet engine loud going into pro tools now this odr one is from the early 90s it's very hard to get one of these but i made the point yesterday with my master class on fridays we do a private master class live stream that's more casual and longer so if you join you can find those and they're archived they they stay forever i showed the guys yesterday um that i turned so this odr one from the early 90s is very hard to get very expensive very rare i turned it off and i just went over to my super suite and basically got the same tone [Music] now that's the super sweet by exotic very affordable one knob now i'll go back to the odr one sure it's a little bit richer but i think i could actually match the super sweet to get that just by turning up the gain a little bit [Music] another way to get it is if i click on my micro amp which you can't see over here let me turn it on [Music] once again really natural gain from the micro amp which is another inexpensive pedal so you don't have to use [Music] this super rare expensive pedal in fact what i'll do is i'll do the rest of today's live stream with the super sweet so just to prove my point [Applause] i'm going to goose it up a little more it's on about 12 noon so i'll push a little further [Music] a little past halfway up [Music] and then lastly over here i have the mtg tube tremolo this is a tube fender tremolo pedal and i have it late in the chain so what happens the cool thing that happens is when i use this tremolo and i hit a note [Music] it doesn't activate until well after i've struck the note so when i'm playing blues [Music] it's basically not even on because i'm i'm i'm not sustaining a note now when i sustain a note [Music] then it comes in so it doesn't get in the way of fast playing of aggressive playing and then when you sustain a note it's just really cool reminds me like a hammond organ or something [Applause] now lastly about this this was designed by my friend stan cody at fender and it has a tube in it and the reason the tube is not visible is because he told me if you see the tube the light any sunlight is actually degrading the tube over time so the best way to keep a tube from aging prematurely is to not have it visible so the tube is in here protected from light so let's let's do some questions but before that one more reminder there's a sale on the master class click the link below just for this weekend still the 14 day free trial so you can check it out and see if you like it we're up to 1700 videos 140 hours there's a brand new beginners course that i'm really proud of we keep adding to it um it's a really it's become a really really fun thing and we do private live streams for the master class too that's part of it that are more casual and longer than these but uh so check it out if you want let's run it again it's fun [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah steve using a short skilled strat would work but then it takes you away from all these great strats that are available and i actually like i like what happens when i go to the uh longer scale gibsons are a shorter scale trses are right in between i actually like what happens [Music] but what you're talking about is using a device to make it easier for you to play with whatever you've been given and that's what i'm talking about too so whatever you want uh yes jason uh andy is sending the halo pedal to me and i'll show it in a video i don't really do pedal demos it's not a i'm not a part of my thing but i like to help my friends and i can't wait to try it and put it in the video i'm i'm gonna put the other thing i'm gonna put in a video is the sean tubbs tilt that's coming which is a really really cool uh overdrive [Music] string gauge is 9 through 42. so here's a question from elijah have you ever had periods when you couldn't play because of pain in your arm um i actually had a spinal thing from being a workaholic guitar player for 20 years oh i just put my earbud back in where i actually had to stop playing for about five months and do physical therapy i had a pinched nerve and a bulging disc and it healed and so now i have an amazing chair i sit up straight i wear a strap the hunched over thing spending your life hunched over guitar it can lead to some problems later so pay attention to your posture uh if your hand hurts i take a break like if my hand hurts [Music] i stop i let it rest play another phrase [Music] the great thing about guitar is that if you take breaks you become a more tasteful player and your hand gets dressed but don't press down too hard you might be doing that don't pick too hard try not to put any tension anywhere use the minimum amount of pressure you need to get the job done and nothing more [Music] angus young burns with tiny hands you're so right it's so right you're trying to play ac dc but just do it you know it's like uh that's so you got you're so right playing those parts stamina stamina is a really big thing on guitar especially with rhythm guitar [Music] play slower that's good too [Music] i mean in fact the intro on this is slow [Music] that's his intro and it's totally slow [Music] now the other hendrix thing that i actually don't do these days because it sounds a little too much like hendrix see we make our choices i don't mind if this sounds like hendrix [Music] right i want to do that all the time but what i don't do is [Music] but maybe you want to do it so what that is is you just pull up say on the e string and then the b string automatically gets tucked under your finger and you strike it and you turn it into one phrase [Music] i like to do a burst of speed too [Music] double stop [Music] the other thing you can swing if you want [Music] that doesn't sound much like hendrix but it does sound a little like stevie ray vaughan i think [Music] also the unison bins i like those [Music] do a lot of those i really love the sound of tuning down a half step with blues and that's directly from uh this version of the house [Music] really cool riff [Music] [Music] oh my gary moore that's another guy i've got to look at he was so great [Music] i love this really this is stevie ray von riff [Music] but it only works over the five the five chords [Music] okay so now i'm going to switch it to out of phase because you asked so it's the position where these two are blended not bad especially when you get in here now i feel like it sounds like clapton not bad [Music] [Applause] [Music] well guys this has been really really fun once again sale on the master class the link is below if you want to check it out i'm going to play us out thank you so much for joining today [Music] hope your summer is going great that this will stay on the youtube channel if you don't watch it again [Music] so i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Tim Pierce Guitar
Views: 141,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tim pierce, guitar, studio, recording
Id: BtW6HtM1Y58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 47sec (1367 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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