The NIEGHBOR told me I was WASTING MY TIME with this FREE neglected yard TRANFORMATION

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[Applause] so if i was you i wouldn't waste your time how's it going pretty good did someone not live there no oh yeah we do yard transformations and we put videos up on youtube and we like to help one person out a week so we might just go ahead and well nobody lives there the house is like really bad yeah the roof leaked for like five years and the guy just fixed that lady moved because she couldn't she lived there for 30 years yeah i walked up to that door and all you smoke was oh yeah so if i was you i wouldn't waste your time because as soon as he starts to rent this i'm making a phone call oh yeah don't waste your time honey i'm sorry it gives us something to do huh yeah and it'll make the corner look a little bit nicer yeah and i don't think anybody's gonna complain so go for it all right sounds good to me you have a wonderful day sup beautiful people my name is al welcome to my youtube channel on today's video we got a super good one and we're a little bit crunched for time so i'm gonna make this intro super quick one of my wife's friends texted her and told her in her neighborhood there was a couple yards that were really tall so she gave my wife the address we ran over there we knocked on the first one and no one picked up but i really wanna do that yard because it's super tall and they look like they could use it so i'm gonna keep going back to that spot every week until they pick up the door and we're gonna give them a free yard makeover so stay tuned for that video i don't know how long that's gonna take until they pick up the door but consistency is key always remember that so we went around to the next one which was about a block away from that one and it was pretty tall she said that it might be abandoned so i knocked on that door and then the neighbor was across the street so i went ahead and talked to her for a little while and the neighbor said that the lady that lived there had to move there was real bad roof damage and it started molding on the inside of the house so she moved out and they just left it i seen a note on the front door i didn't look at it too much i think it was a notice telling him the grass was too high the grass on this yard was pretty tall it was knee-high in most spots it was a corner lot so it was a really big yard actually around the house is where the grass was the worst around the back corner was super tall it rained the night before all night i'm telling you it was a pretty bad storm so i couldn't get too close to the ditch or i would have got stuck or maybe i did you'll see later on in this video but the reason why i gotta make this video quick this afternoon we're going to do one of my buddies podcast it's called the whiskey wonders podcast so we're gonna hurry up try to get this yard done we have about two hours so let's see if we can make it happen it's gonna be close but i think we can make it happen without further to do let's get right into this video right here but guys first i want to challenge you guys to a game of rock paper scissors whoever wins out of me and you and i'm talking to you the one watching this screen right now i'm going to give you one shot and if i win you have to subscribe to the channel right now if i lose comment down below let me know so you ready it's going to be rock paper scissors shoot all right let's go rock paper scissors shoot you should have knew what i was gonna do cut it did i win go ahead hit that subscribe button cut it up cut it up cut it up all right that's enough fun let's get right into the video guys i hope you guys enjoy i love you stay tuned to the very end because at the end is going to be a tease to the podcast so i love you guys um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so so so oh come on [Applause] oh [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now ah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] like something stunned me in my head or something [Music] ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] um so [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] i picked you guys these flowers i just want to thank you guys for subscribing thank you let's get back to this yard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] all right guys it's gonna set us back a little bit i think we still should be able to make it to the podcast but we got stuck in this ditch so we're going to go ahead and pull ourselves out if we can if we can [Applause] uh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] hey [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] um um [Music] wow [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys we finished this one just in time i'm going to do a quick reveal on this yard but we gotta hurry up and rush to my buddy's podcast studio we gotta get out of here so don't click off this video yet because it's nowhere near done i'm gonna give this quick reveal these after shots on this yard and then we're gonna have some clips at the podcast studio so stay tuned it's gonna be a fun time i guarantee you guys are gonna laugh so let me let me hurry up and get these clips look i think this house has some violation papers it ain't violating no more all right guys we're freshly changed freshened up got the trailer off the truck and let me tell you it feels weird not toting that trailer because it's always connected to the truck but we're on our way to our buddies podcast studio so stay tuned for that and we'll catch up when we get to there [Music] what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of the whiskey wonders podcast as always the tick tock star himself i'm going to do this all the time nathan clatt is right here riding next to me yeah i mean 6.9 million we're gonna we're gonna shout it out man i appreciate it and uh we got a special guest with us today ow blaze is in the building in the house in the house we got something we got ap with us my man shocking to him as always in the back rigging the realest on the ones and twos making everything count right and uh really trying sometimes it gets hard back there dude i see you sweating right now you all right you want to cheers let's choose yeah yeah all right put this one up my forehead i have a blades man the youtube star i mean king we've been friends for a long time a long time yeah yeah dude how long probably uh it's been i was probably 15 yeah easily 15 years i mean that's that's a long time dude yeah and i remember like so um you're you know we'll we'll go ahead down the line where you're a youtube star and in this in like i guess in this weirdness sensation about yeah i guess so watching people mow your yard but like but then you got you found the cool niche with it man like uh and uh how about how did you get started like what like well first i just went ahead and got my phone got my phone out yeah you want me to start from the very very yeah from there because nobody knows why i started my youtube channel but other people okay yeah what happened i got that phone right there it's the iphone 11 and i got a super good deal on it from facebook marketplace it worked for a month and then i got scammed because i guess the dude did fraud or something and wait what yeah i got scammed on that phone so it was basically just i couldn't use it for my like stick call yeah so they got flag yeah that phone's it's a they call it blacklisted so i can't do nothing with that phone and i was like well i might as well start a youtube channel because i just paid five hundred dollars for this now i got a camera yeah now i got a camera that's about it yeah so that basically started the youtube channel and i was just like i'm just gonna cut grass yeah i remember when you started cutting grass we started like this little business at the kind of around the same time yeah yeah i was probably like four to six months before you yeah yeah exactly but i remember we were i was like working for the electrical company i think i'm gonna do it i was like man you should do this yeah and then uh so he did this started a business and um dude he i think you were doing it on the weekends like barring a mower yeah yeah yeah yep yep and then it just grooved like full on yeah yeah it's pretty cool that's pretty sick though and then so what just one video took off um i had a buddy and he was doing because my youtube channel kind of transitioned a little bit it's like before i was just doing like vlogs having fun and everything and my buddy he was doing the tall grass and everything i said i'm just gonna go ahead and give it a shot and i did one and what happened like it blew up it blew up to us yeah it looked to us but it was like when i very first did it what was it like a couple of thousand views the first day and i'm like we just went viral and then like yeah because we were getting like 30 views 40 views and i'm like dude this is crazy and we just got 1500 we got 30 000 views every night and i was like well let's just keep on trucking but not content and you as you tell me you've told me that that's the most important thing yeah that's the most important thing dude i mean we we're all like kind of living that life at this time like we're we're doing the podcast he's a tick tock or you're a youtuber what's the what's it like being like uh do you have to like you gotta stay consistent oh yeah you know what i mean what's like they run down the day of like a life like is it it's like a job right it's basically like a full-time job like i'm basically knowing part time now and doing youtube basically full time yeah so editing everything yeah anything that's doing yourself yeah i was editing doing every single thing on my phone to about 40 000 subscribers and then you and then you went up and dude that's some skill level man yeah it was a pain it was a pain to do but i mean but it's definitely worth it right oh yeah yeah yeah now also it's pretty cool man like uh speak on the tall grass thing what you do is like you go around and cut people's grass for free yeah yeah on like say oh i and i know you're your day but wednesdays he's like okay yeah yeah yeah yeah wednesday is my day ago yeah wednesdays and we post the videos on tuesdays right but the thing about the tall grass it just started with mowing tall grass but we affected so many people on the way like it turned into something just like way bigger than people were like all right guys we just wrapped up that podcast with the whiskey wonders podcast this is his name check out the team guys over here we got the lights check them out i'm gonna put their link to their youtube in the description down below don't forget to subscribe to them check us out follow subscribe like comment and uh yeah what are you guys waiting for look we're number 13. you know what i'm saying the boy is serious no but we're on 13. that's all we got for today's video i hope you enjoyed that tall grass we made it here just in time we love you and don't forget be the difference see the difference [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Al Bladez
Views: 1,679,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overgrown yard makeover, abandoned house make over, overgrown yard clean up, mowing tall grass, overgrown yard transformation, mowing extremely tall grass, relaxing lawn video, oddly satisfying, asmr lawn mower, asmr lawn mowing, asmr for sleep, relaxing asmr, asmr mowing, asmr sleep relaxation, asmr sounds for sleep, asmr tapping, free yard makeover, super overgrown lawn, al bladez, feel good video, Free lawn makeover, asmr, asmr relax, free cut, mowing, worst makeover, mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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