The NHL Playoffs are out of control #2

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as the teams Begin to Fall what has been a wild round one is nearly over but boy it has been special since the last video things haven't slowed down a bit the bone crushing hits just keep coming the fans are now out of control the intermissions are out of control I'm not a carpenter but I carry around a hammer anyway go on and the alien species that are NHL goalies are now spreading to the players and of course we also got some fantastic play player moment and so as we did last week how about we start with the nasty because these guys are going at it and at the end of the first Islanders can's overtime in game four tempers got a bit heated but listen to this fuckingball years i' seen you you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] all the way through hockey CHS are brutal then we also got the rire State Building again this time van remdy the victim as he got crushed and then orov hitting czika so hard he knocked down his own teammate and one I missed last week was Mason Marchman on White Cloud who was absolutely obliterated as was Yosi by zadorov on the RO he asked you like me and these playoffs are so physical that the Panthers started hitting each other during warm-ups then after what was a blowout in game three low trying to set a tone and look Low's the last guy I'd call a turtle but when the Jersey got over his head that's all I could see here over in La a big hit at sender ice as England catching Kane watching the puck led to a third period scrum where de AR had his hands full with both Byfield and copar that or he's just got so much love to give either way Kopitar was not happy about it and dry Sidle hit him with the a did he make you cry but taking a break from The Angry Angry hockey players oh what's that what do you see ah just a sweep that we all saw coming a mile away the only sweep of the first round and it wasn't even close the Caps LED for all of 2 minutes in the second game and in game three just the second time they scored the first goal they LED for all of 44 seconds and that was it that was the entire duration of this series that they even led a game and in what was the elimination game Jensen with the assist gives it up not a minute in which about summed up this entire Series in which OB was completely held off the board and speaking of eliminations Oh what now what is it oh my how freaking Wolverine it was Mikel sergachev after brutally breaking his leg just 80 days ago somehow made his return and while it worked for a game game five of this series was not pretty and we should have known they were cursed after this one in game three where a falling Hegel went offside and this goal was called back because facing elimination headman shot rebound and they scored a huge opening goal Celli going to the net got him on the board but deair fighting with being held by the defender got his skate in the blue paint and this was overturned all right no problem you've got Mr Wolverine so down to one it's sergachev from way back to tie this game up and not so quick the official immediately waved it off again for you guessed it Celli interfering with Bob rovi but it's not prison rules for the goalie we might as well put skirts on him then so with brutal luck all series instead of a tide game barov would make it 3 to one and the rest was history but look at least they kept it classy in the handshake line because in the AHL this week Clifford went after Boo imama the disrespect anyway from here how about we give the goalie some love yeah once again we had Anderson making some beauty stops as here down but not out it's a 90s throwback as he's stares down Lee like a boss and says drop me like one of your French girls here's Talbot with an unbelievable ability to track the puck and says uh-uh so good even the Oilers had to acknowledge it then in Washington it's eagor the contortionist who keeps one out with a big St keeping it out with the pad over in Vegas now it was Thompson with a great initial stop but going to his left he's somehow able to stretch out and grab the rebound attempt and the goalies were so so good even the players wanted in on it as stamp Co with a beautiful stop here and then with the Smith down and out it's Ian Cole using the old Noggin to keep one out but it's not all fun in games though as in New York after sokin let in the Third on 13 shots he was yanked and stayed in the tunnel the entire rest of the period with his equipment still on safe to say no one likes a sad goalie but how about we cheer it up a bit with a goalie hug oh you wanted the minized version well here you go and how about we take a trip down memory lane you remember that Jets chant at [Applause] home the chaning pull the goalie here and win a pay well they got their wish I just don't think they meant their own goalie as my goodness not only did we get this absolutely ridiculous goal from ma car the ABS have seemingly broken huk so bad that they pulled him at the start of the third in game four the Winnipeg frauds as they ought to be called have completely Fallen apart defensely L and have already allowed four goals in a period twice this series something they didn't do throughout the entire regular season as NuSkin here scored his first Hatty on what appeared to be an empty net but you tell me does it make a difference and over in Toronto this was a shot of one bench and then here is a shot of the other as we had a complete meltdown with Marner getting the brunt of it online and this is a real look at the Leaf's locker room during intermission and look I'm not saying that this was a live look of Maple Leaf square but with sportset already calling this series after that game it's them making a mockery of Leaf's fans even showing up all right I'm a pence fan I'm not allowed to talk I get it but how about we hit some quick ones we had dry Sidle out there deaking out everyone including the refs in Nashville it was Pon caught up in the pr C who got run over as accidentally on purpose as that may have been and both games in Nashville we had whiskers all over the ice before we even got puck Dro as it was catfish Galore but check out this Ali Walker chugging a beer from one maybe the start of pandemic 2024 Edition hockey is just different man as Taylor lean downed one as well and then his little girl got on it and she down some water what a beautiful sport now they also brought back that tradition of painting the opposing logo on a car and smashing it but this is pretty weak no if this was in Vancouver it'd be flipped over and on fire by now then we have Hegel sharing a cool moment with a fan we had Marshon trying to win over some Leafs fans and when in Vegas the donov pulled off his best magic trick as how in the hell did this go in here we got a quick look at Islanders hockey still no stage and then eigor again horned up went for the goalie goal in the playoffs imagine how sick that would have been s like it was 94 having said that not all goalies would have went for it you know not trying to be too uh horny for you know scoring more than what you need so we got what we needed and that was it and with that how about we show some of the character from guys this week you got real good wood on that puck out of midair that Kopitar almost couldn't keep it together and then after Mark Spectre called Kane a distraction earlier in these playoffs Kane decided to get back at him makes you play your best hockey this time of year just the drama of it all um just brings the best out of me as Hyman had to keep it together and then we got whatever this was from PK I'm not a carpenter but I carry around a hammer anyway go on come on dude so inappropriate I mean this is a family show now we've seen how zackman scores his goals front of the net but imagine if we had shackman this was hilarious as he came onto the set of TNT for some demos and look at how hilarious big he is compared to Henrik but I carry around a hammer speaking of hammers let's get back to the feistiness a bit we had dowy just crushing Hyman and you'd think from hits like this the guys might cowed away a bit but me personally I thought the P hit was good I I think I I love that I think that's the way it should be called when you get through someone's body that's right this is hockey baby over in that Dallas Vegas series it has been brutal Ben nearly taking the spill here McNab with a wild hit on Stan koven the rookie which was answered by Ben absolutely erasing McNab and yeah it's been a wild series that is now tied up at two and you may be asking what is w looking at here well I think he's trying to find some fans as they were leaving with plenty of time left oh you don't think it's enough time well how about that crazy comeback in Nashville after the PRS had it all but in the bag all they had to do was hold on and the Canucks got one well okay still a long shot though right yeah sure enough sizin to seal it and he hit the post the stuff that nightmares are made of as the game stayed alive and after Hughes absolutely sent Nyquist to another planet of course they would with 8 seconds remaining the Canucks tied it up to force overtime where it was just a minute in and they would take the game to absolutely Rob Nashville at home this after Vancouver beat Nashville in the prior game with just 12 shots on goal I mean you almost got a feel for him here but yeah that's about it for what was another wild week thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one the thing about him is right he's an idiot but
Channel: Next Man Up
Views: 220,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brad marchand, NHL Playoffs, NHL, Hockey, highlights, funny moments, weird NHL, hockey is awesome, nhl hits, Cat fish beer chug, stanley cup, crazy hockey moments, funny hockey moments, 2024 playoffs, next man up, I had to watch these more than once, The NHL Playoffs are out of control
Id: wkvxC_-J4Do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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