The Newton Family - Season 2 Episode 17 | Full Episode | Supernanny USA

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okay well let's take a look to see what family we've got here hi my name is Vicki Newton I'm 43 years old and I have two sons Aaron has 12 and Kobe who is 5 my name is Aaron Newton I'm 54 years old Vicki and I are currently separated we've been separated for a little over a year I have primary custody of the boys and they spend every other weekend with their father when my children are with me they're good kids the boys are like night and day when they're with me and then I look at when their dad Kobe is that angel double child stop he can turn on you how and hit kick and scream absolutely have meltdowns this little boy so angry Aaron Vicki little errand he wants to be a big mature man but Kobe pushes every button that Aaron has take your ass downstairs I'm a very strict person Aaron you're definitely cleaning this place up today and my children understand that you know I can't hang with this I want you to eat I want you to know I feel like such a horrible mom because they're just they just won't won't listen when I cook stop stop so different in one house to the other I don't think I need super nannies help but I think Vicki does tremendously I feel like I can't win so please if you can do it I'll be forever grateful I've seen enough you guys desperately need my help and I'm on my way now hello hi pleased to meet you I'm Jo hi I'm Vicki welcome in don't please do this is John Coby pleased to meet you shake JJ's hand how are you good after I was introduced to Coby we went outside to the backyard where we played some basketball but it wasn't five minutes before Coby start on trouble Oh knock it off you better stop threaten you throw it at me out why are you doing that this little boy has no respect for Vicki it doesn't listen to anything she has to say he doesn't take her seriously just total non respect Aaron hi Aaron are you pleased to meet you I'm Jojo hi nice to meet you when Aaron came home from school I introduced myself to him and he was very pleasant and mom asked if he would go outside and play with Kobe I'm not for me ever I'd say ever I said right now well I didn't say right the second I said get your homework done okay what if I don't want to play out with my homework done Aaron why don't we take one step at a time how about that it was like watching two teenagers bickering back and forth when Aaron talks back to me it's I've become so accustomed to it and I kind of blow it off as to his age do your homework where's Kobe at oh no it turns out that Kobe was upstairs on the computer he'll be your honor just to be touching the computer what is it you're doing that I told you not to let's go yeah hey hey do not slam the keyboard down don't stop puppy stop it don't start kicking oh he just went into a rage it was like a volcano that had erupted Rangers stop it and I get angry and hit my mom and everything you can tell things what have you done I'm trying see I'm trying to make him at least calm down and stay in his room I try to get him to calm down and not long times it just tastes what did you just throw that is not acceptable Kobe stop it to be expect a tur and watch that for me was just the most difficult thing that I've probably ever had to do I was just so torn professionally with watching and observing or compassionately just step in in he was not let go of me it broke me down I have not had any resolve to this I don't know what to do so X doesn't know that they stepped on he knows that they do it he tells him not to you like coming down right now things got so bad that at one stage the mum screamed out Aaron please do you won't stop and Aaron came upstairs and he got between his mother and his brother because you refused to just stop Aaron just kidding me Aaron defends money by fighting with him to the point where he can then physically hurts Kobe and then the person that code has been beating up on pacify him because he's been hurt what a destructive cycle but is happening here this is just outrageous on Super Nana don't even start the boys fall into line under dad's command Toby listen up right in the chair today we know you don't talk with food in your mouth but can Joe and listen dad to join mom's cause where is the discipline I can't discipline my children for something they'll do at my house but it's not good enough Aaron I understand win Supernanny returns oh yeah hello hi pleased to meet you Joe very well dad came from work to pick up the boys and I met him and he was very polite and said hello and he greeted the boys are you doing button you okay you're gonna dose well it was just a different energy all together Toby do you want to tell Danny about what happened earlier I'm taking money would you talk to him about that when you're over there please because this is not uncommon this is what he does he gets mad and he loses control Aaron finally asked Aaron pleads to help me I was right now is this a conversation that is repetitive listening to Vickie explain to you how close is behaved yes yes it is how do you deal with it together he has serious sit-down conversations with them when he's alone with him is that is that that's the case no but it's after the fact and I don't know if it has that much significance especially the COBE I just don't see that type of behavior that Vickie has told me that they have done in front of her why I honestly don't know Vickie and Aaron aren't seeing eye-to-eye they share custody other boys but they're not working together and the boys see that hey guys see you later give me kisses Aria hmm now that I spent the whole day at mums I wanted to see if the children really do behave differently at dads I leave my bag here okay as soon as I arrived that was making dinner for the boys oh boy does he run a tight ship Aaron this is really cheesy okay eighty yeah what makes you go over this I didn't like his response I'm a very strict parent with my children I'm regimented don't even start say excuse me Coby set up right in the chair especially Aaron you know you don't talk with food to your mouth that's presents overall is very strict as far as he's general you know he's his uprights dad usually when he tells me stuff it's serious it's not like an option I see it that tells you but your mom gives you she's like my mom giving me options and my dad's giving me more seriously you're a very astute boy and a very smart one thank you for inviting me to your home thank you very much ma'am I thank you however what I would like is for you to make your way over to Vicky's because I would love to sit down with a pair of you and have a chat lovely so look forward to seeing you guys don't thank you very much hi these parents heads are seriously messed up and it's reflecting in some of the bad behavior that we're seeing from these children I need to sit down with Vicky and Aaron and discuss this situation as soon as possible I called for the pair of you to meet me this evening because the severity of what I've seen in observation couldn't wait for tomorrow I agree the aggression in this house is absolutely horrifying I agree absolutely great and yet you tolerate that Vicki you put up with the children hitting you I've got to ask you why Vicki why do you allow your children to physically treat you that way I guess I don't that's I don't know what else to do at that point I don't know how us to get him to stop what are the children's consequences for this behavior where is the discipline you have to talk to Vicki about that because I can't discipline my children for something they don't do at my house now Aaron you have been told time and time again by Vicki about the abuse when did mom's word becoming valid I'm more of a person that deals with the situation at hand when it happens but it's not good enough Aaron I understand it's not good enough because you're not supporting Vicki in raising your children properly I'm understanding what she's telling us are you I'm acknowledging it okay but you don't necessarily agree I can say whether I haven't said anything I'm listening look Aaron a bright boy who sees everything he should have to step up and be a father to come be and deal with discipline boys should be worrying about who's gonna be playing basketball with him and this is what it's about at the end of the day it's about your boys I think it was necessary for him to hear that so that we can move forward as far as the kids are concerned are you guys willing to what together to change around the destructive behavior that we are seeing I am yes I hope Vicki will really take what Joel has to say to heart and think of what Joe was trying to do to help us together I am very happy to see that the pair of you are willing to be able to communicate with one another to be able to change this around goodnight coming up on super nanny when you're ready to press play don't start kicking when confronted with the truth dad goes on the defensive you don't want to hear my responsive attack when super nanny returns but first tip in synchrony in emotional situations like divorce it's all too easy for us to lean on our children for support kids shouldn't have to deal with adult issues instead this rely on our friends and family instead the first thing I needed to do was to get Vicki and Aaron to a place where they could start working together what I'd like to do is to present you with some footage Aaron dad has repetitively said that he doesn't see the behavior that Kobe gives his mother so I want to make sure that Aaron sees what Vicki s put up with y'all start cooking stop it I did one errand to see it I wanted him to see what Kobe was capable of he had not seen Kobe to that extreme so I think it was good for him to see it even though it's embarrassing to see your child act like that when I saw the DVD with Cokie I was very disappointed in what I saw you don't want to hear my response that RJ it quite frankly should have been nipped in the bud an awful long time ago is that Kobe's fault no it isn't Kobe's five years old I'm kind of angry about this tell the truth Aaron was extremely angry but this is not the first time he's heard about Kobe's behavior he's obviously done nothing productive to stop this if Kobe is not to blame and be accountable for his own behavior and aggression who is the parent or what Aaron doesn't understand is this even though he doesn't live in this house anymore he is equally responsible for his children's bad behavior by allowing Aaron to come in and see with his own eyes Kobe's behavior is the first step towards you both taking responsibility for your children it's very difficult to grasp the severity in that type of action from your own child so I'm still working with what to do about that now that Alan realizes he needs to be more involved in disciplining the children I'm setting Vicki and him up with an exercise common ground technique the God of the common ground technique is to allow mum and dad to write down their goals for the boys okay so on this here go write down some of the goals you would like to see achieved let's try okay why don't we start here refrain from name-calling yep use our words and not physical contact to express ourselves hmm would you be an agreement with that I mean I'm just I'd definitely be in agreement with it all right let's say one of yours I wrote down communication not only with Vicki but with my children and I put down open honest and direct well that works oh I I agree it went very well the pair of them were very amicable they listened to one another they were in unison of where they wanted to reach with the boy so that was very good starting afresh my feeling is Vicki and I have reached a starting point trying to work together to resolve some serious issues there is no discipline that is effective in this house and so I'm introducing the privileged removal board so that mum can get control back in this house Coby I saw behavior from you yesterday that was very upset in behavior like aggression which is punching and kicking and any kind of behavior that hurts somebody else is wrong you're going to learn that if you don't start behaving yourselves that you're going to pay a price for it basketball if you start to fight no more basketball how is a runner hit in price and swearing other things that I'm not posted to mommy and daddy I've had enough of your behavior perhaps it's my responsibility to assist Vicky to work on that chart and reach a common ground and how you treat daddy and speak to daddy is how you will treat mommy with respect and lots of love mommy needs to step up now and she's going to isn't she in the afternoon the boys were playing basketball together but before you knew it trouble started why cuz crying it won because the way I'm shooting Vicky often makes things worse when she gets drawn in by Kobe's anger when she deals with him so before she went out to talk to him I wanted to give her some tools so that she could remain calm you want to get angry because he's showing anger what you want him to do is get to a place where he can calm down and when he's calmed down you can then say to him talk to mommy so I can help you resolve the situation okay okay if he hits you he is fine rocks Tobias behavior was getting worse by the minute and action did have to be taken I have to be honest okay dad's got an axe to grind yep oh people the to run upstairs daddy has to be real it's good this is wall wall but Joe gets the last word okay what you're gonna say now I'm gonna lay my cards down on the table please do this when super nanny returns if your family needs super nanny shelter apply online at WWDC calm copy has a lot of anger inside him and feeding into it just makes it worse I asked you know come here Coby Coby I thought it would be very beneficial to help him calm down with a breathing technique three for your nose through your nose good boy it was working Coby started to settle down you know what Coby instead of getting angry and throwing things just come and say mommy I'm sad this is why I'm sad and talked to me because you know what throwing things isn't getting us anywhere is it no and you're gonna have to lose a privilege now Coby ended up losing a privilege and it's the first time that mom has ever been adamant about following through with the consequence and sticking with it but when he realized what was happening he went on a massive rampage yeah anything you lose privilege makes me mad sometimes you just feel like you're gonna lose it and any time because you just don't know when it's gonna end and I was trying to keep my cool and not get angry tribe it was destroying anything he could get his hands on but Mum remain composed so that she didn't feed into his anger breathe knows I love it I actually thought he was never gonna be able to get composure but when he did it with me the first time I thought wow you know maybe this can be a way to get him to calm down come on keep going good boy after the storm had gone things were in a state throughout the whole house but the one thing that had come out of it that was positive was that mom had stuck to her guns and that boundary line was placed very firmly in that house okay all right and it was up to Coby to recognize they was there for good Aran's are really good kids but he is often overlooked because his parents spend so much time dealing with Kobe so I gave him a notebook so he can write down his thoughts and share it with his parents when he's ready he's everyday she said it's for me like to write down questions that you know I can ask my parents or how I'm feeling and stuff like that so I thought it was really nice thank you you're welcome dad came over from work to see the boys and I showed him around the house the destruction God took him straight upstairs to the computer room where he saw everything displayed on the floor what I would like to see once you've taken the minute to compose yourself with what you've seen is to be able to sit down with Kobe and make it quite clear that his unacceptable behavior has to stop he has lost his privileges and I'd like them to follow through in suit in your home okay Kobe needs to understand that if he misbehaves in his mother's house the discipline will be followed through and his dad's house as well you can't play basketball for how many days to whatever happens here is gonna happen at daddy's apartment right do you understand that okay if you're backtalk here you might as well be back talking daddy when you talk to him dad don't pacify what you're saying okay this is you being firm with him what's hard to be firm Aaron and I understand Aaron no Aaron I don't think you do when I picked Kobe up it was a father saying to the son you're not a bad guy we're gonna work on this time for a minute please dad you know I have to be honest okay ace in front of us probably do something for daddy okay why don't you run upstairs where daddy has to be real now okay this is good this is what I want I said to him why are you behaving this way with Coby and he turn around very abrupt and said let's get real here and I thought let's do it let's talk I am very disappointed okay okay the behavior that Colby is showing he doesn't do it with me I didn't lay this foundation Vicky did and that is not Khloe's fault okay am I mad you're damn right I'm mad it's kind of like condemn Colby because of what an adult has allowed him to do okay okay what you're gonna say now I'm gonna lay my cards down on the table please do aaron blames vicki but he's got to get beyond that what's most important here is that vicki and aaron put their children's welfare first and put their differences aside Colby's anger has also not escalated with the fact that Vicki hasn't stepped up and implemented her own foundation but she's not had the support from you because of your own personal differences and those children are now having to deal with those emotions he's five years old and he's got a lot of pent-up anger these boys have got to see that their father supports their mother to be able to put these kids on the right track because after all isn't that why we're all here that's the reason here after my talk with Aaron I realized that these two parents have got some serious deep issues to resolve and no matter what I try and do for them it's not gonna help unless they decide to work together now I was invited into your home to resolve some severe issues but I cannot help you guys change that if you guys are not willing to talk to each other and clear the air with your own relationship first so that you can both take responsibility for your children together I'm gonna go away and when I come back I'd like a joint decision on whether you would like to invite me back to be able to help the pair of you these guys have got some serious homework to do while I'm away they've got to be coming up with some resolvement in order for me to be able to come back into this house and help them turn around the dynamics because it's a bad place right now coming up on super nanny with Joe Gunn will mom be able to rein Coby in we have to calm down we need to bring and can Aaron help bring Joe back I wish Chloe would stop eating alone and when super nanny returns super nanny money can't buy what your kids want you can buy them all the toys in the world or what they want most of all is your time and that costs you absolutely nothing it's nice to see the boys playing together Oh Bri picture up trying to comment album a minami know what that means yeah it means no more basketball today we talked about this you know the rules hey you had a warning walk away the key just try and give him some breathing room we're not gonna play this anymore today I'm sorry baby don't apologize for disciplining in calm down mommy needs to do it because mommy okay that was tough but you stayed pretty calm and you've got Kobe there too that's fantastic look at Aaron writing in his notebook right before I go to bed I always write stuff in my notebook that Joe gave what Aaron I'd like to talk to us downstairs oh I don't want to do it just my mom and just my dad I wanted to kind of do it we were all together this is the book that Joe gave me so I wanted to share what I have what I wrote down I wish Chloe was stop hitting my mom and me because he hurts us and I need Kobe not to hit curse look it's bringing you guys together I'm proud of my mom and the way she is handling Kobe I'm proud of my parents and working together and trying to control Kobe's anger those are very very good observations are excellent for me you know you know how hard I've been trying not to yell but if you're saying mom you really tried that I know that I'm doing a lot better do you have any questions about and you know this is great communication and openness this is a major step for you guys you want me to make rice I love this you're working together I think I can manage that without burning it but look how happy Kobe's just look at that smile I'm just reading Kobe a story you want to say goodnight to him hold on hey daddy yeah okay I'll see you tomorrow okay bye I'm proud of you mom and dad you're finally working together for the children what a big step for you all okay let's all take a look breathe and do we hit people today I'm sorry baby good that you've got him to calm down okay you've got him to calm down so you can rationally talk to you but then you started to go back pacify pacify at the end of the bed trying to negotiate thinking that he's not going to love you because you decided to put your foot down and say this is how it is I wish Chloe would stop hitting my mom and me I'm proud of my parents and working together and trying to control Kobe's anger that's good I can't watch that clip without feeling emotional I know to be honest with you I had had time that under the circumstances to sit down with the pair of you and discuss what was on his mind and in his heart took an enormous amount of courage how did you feel at that particular time I felt proud extremely proud I was very proud of him and I didn't even realize that he'd been writing so much in it but I think that's good for him very much let's continue you want me to make rice I think that without Vernon it okay spiced What did he say that made him smile what made him love mom and dad interacting positively when you create an environment that can just be pleasant on the basic level it creates that face we've watched this footage and clearly seen what does need to be addressed so what I would like to know from the pair of you is whether there is a joint decision about where the pair of you want to take this situation I can present myself with Aaron and Colby hopefully in a much more positive vein and go forward wow it's been very emotional for both of us I think that what Joe has been able to do is bring a lot of things to light that needed to be we do have to be able to communicate on a positive basis when it comes to the kids good then let's get started coming up on super nanny Toby's on the destruction path again remove him from the area and this time Joe's had enough moving when super nanny returns when Aaron and Kobe played together they normally end up in a fight but I've got a little game for them so I'm hoping this would change things this is how the game is gonna work right there's a series of tasks for them to achieve so they can give each other encouragement what together and have some fun once they complete a task they get a piece to a puzzle starting from now I call you knock off word not to the left look right there right there right there the boy you've just got yourself an envelope they were excited to be working as a team and they were very curious to see what the puzzle would turn out to be Aaron's got to find these words you have two minutes 40 seconds peih-gee 2019 well done oh it was a blast it was so fun it mining he the way that she put it together to make them have to do it as a team and have to cheer each other on was so much fun and you know they did such a great job you have to sink into that box and do what you can to find that key all right you do what you gotta do this Cup look through it oh great don't get out then I find the key it was something new for the boys to work together and cheer each other on they will learn in that they could have fun together instead of fighting and beating up on each other all the time that was fun no the most fun I've had with my little brother I think ever later on I want to the boys to have some quality time with mum some mum got out some ink pads for them to do an art project together but before they could even get started you don't do the ink on the table help me look at me Toby wanted to do things he's way moving but Kobe's behavior got worse and it erupted into a huge tantrum tryna call Coby down was going to take some strenuous efforts so it was important that Vicky remain calm destruction I will not go back to letting him have his own way because I see what it's caused and I see that I let it get to the level that it did how hard it is to go back and get control of it Vicky's realizing that if she can just get Coby to slow down and breathe he'll calm down and through nose up to your mouth come on show mummy shall we we know you can do it when you get angry you show mummy but even feel my nose and rip him now he's nice and calm he come down there's a cycle with Kobe that happens it's about breaking that cycle this was a huge victory for mum she remained calm she took control of the situation and got Kobe calm down he needs to apologize for hitting you pick up his mace and then he had quite a job to do cleaning up the mess he had made firm boys okay Tommy picked us up normally I would have cleaned everything up just said no don't do that he's got to understand he makes a mess he's gonna pick it up later that evening errands stop by to discuss Kobe's behavior this is what needs to happen Hopi needs to recognize is your support with Vicki Erin was prepared to support Vicki with discipline so now it was time to address Kobe together but a very rough day because Kobe made very bad decisions and he chose to get angry and break things he won't you hold a second Kobe do you think this is funny I'm not gonna allow you to continue to be destructive if it continues to happen you continue to lose privileges and you lose privileges at my house tomorrow I think with Kobe civilian myself it showed the unity that what we were trying to convey to him was that we're working together I will not tolerate you not doing what you're told do you understand that because there will be consequences I'll felt really good because I felt like he's understanding that hey mom and dad are both sitting here telling me that they're not going to tolerate this you know maybe I better listen let's go upstairs and get our jammies on and get ready for bed go ahead mom and dad are finally working together which is amazing because it's going to take the pair of them to keep Kobe's behavior under control Coby I'm going now we give judge you're hugging a kiss oh okay what can we do we like what Kobe do we like when he's behaving like what yes Aaron you may have darling take care I am very proud of you Aaron take care my plan ultimately is to continue to to work with Vickie and that and the children they just can't stop with Joe leaving keep working on yourself yeah and your family boy Vicky just had a tremendous impact on us the things that she made us deal with and face all within all of ourselves I almost feel like I gained a sister bye-bye throughout this experience Vicky and Aaron have mutually agreed to keep their personal differences aside and even though they live in a part they're taking responsibility together in raising their children which is going to make them as a family a lot happier Aaron is smiling more he's opening up he's more upbeat I am proud of Aaron for the progress he's made in such a short period of time I still feel that there's a lot of work that needs to be done with Kobe and it's gonna be something that that Vicky and I have to work together with little things are gonna add up and I think we're gonna see a big overall change in Kobe the boys and I will have more quality time together we'll do more fun things together past is past Vicky and I can work toward a common goal it's beneficial for both of us I would say to any divorced couple take a look at the relationship that you have with your ex and really evaluate how that could be affecting your children because it's what more powerful than you can ever imagine Joe taught me that I think I do have a lot more respect for my mom now I'm very proud of my mom how about you get some just hopefully things will get um keep just getting better and better thank you for helping my mom open my dad open my little brother helping me I can't thank her enough for making us see what we had to see to make it impact to make it better I hated the apples they can't get one
Channel: Supernanny
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Keywords: Supernanny, super nanny, supernanny UK, supernanny US, supernanny usa, supernanny full episodes, Jo Frost, jo frost, extreme parental guidance, tantrum, supernanny worst family ever, Supernanny adhdautistic kid, supernanny mean mom, supernanny jo, jo supernanny, watch Supernanny, supernanny clips, full episode, super nanny 911 full episode, supernanny best moments, supernanny bedtime, supernanny autism, supernanny the newton family
Id: h8fK0OI4RW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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