The New Walking Dead Game is Absolutely Terrible

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so the part's full of Walkers that's it we either take care of this right now or we just got to go oh no no Walking Dead fans have had it pretty good when it comes to video game adaptations with the popular Telltale series along with the Saints and Sinners VR games but on the flip side there's the abysmal survival Instinct from back in 2013 along with Overkill The Walking Dead which got to the point that even the developers gave up on it and now we've got another title to add to that side of the list with The Walking Dead Destinies developed by flux game studios and published by Gill and if that name doesn't mean much to you well consider that these are the same people who published the Golem game and also the recent Skull Island RIS of Kong yeah those guys yeah so it shouldn't really come as a shock to anyone that this thing ain't very good good I mean it's easily the worst game I've played in 2023 not to mention just a great Contender for one of the all-time worst games [Music] ever but even after playing it for 5 or so hours I'm still not convinced that this was something actually made in 2023 I mean I'm certain that someone opened a time capsule from back in 2012 and just repackaged a decade old game to sell it off as if it's just come out well that's just great everything you hear people say about Destinies is probably going to be true and it really makes you wonder if something being so bad that it's good is actually an admirable trait anymore [ __ ] and let me tell you something else it's also a cut that runs twice as deep considering the source material they're using which really deserved a hell of a lot better the first thing you'll probably notice is just how bad the whole thing looks and even for a budget title The Walking Dead Destiny is just kind of pathetic the environments are bland and basic with the same props used over and over and some of the erors that just Flatout recycled across multiple missions more than that though the character models are often just hideous barely even looking like the characters they're supposed to be based off none of your concern like M for instance looks like McCoy culen but if we lived in a timeline where mccy culen sprinkled bags of meth over his Morning cereal Andrew Lincoln looks like he's about to tell you that he just crapped his pants for the third time that day and John berol gives off strong we've got Shane at home Vibes hey we got to move here man these people are B what you say what you say the worst on by far though is Maggie's model and I mean look man it takes genuine skill to make someone as attractive as Lauren Cohan look this bad on purpose you have at least got to admire though how they update these characters over time to keep them in line with their appearances on the show which is one attention to detail that I never really expected along with finding blood in my stool what the hell man sadly though they haven't managed to get any of the actual actors back to reprise their roles which is kind of of telling I mean Michael Rooker for instance was willing to appear in Crime Boss Rock a city but he wouldn't appear in a Walking Dead game I mean let that one sink in you'll see the same two or three zombie models just reused over and over often even side by side which kind of reminds me of playing the Old House of the Dead games where it was just the same looking zombie type reused for every stage they've also made the Bold Brave and artistic decision to go for static cinematics using 3D models for the characters but barely animating them at all making these a little more than just a bunch of fancy slideshows with the voice acting and the sound effects playing over the top of these boring lifeless scenes that'll be the day I take orders from a now some people might say that this was a stylistic choice but honestly that's just a load of [ __ ] I mean it's obviously just easier to skip over animating any of this stuff and if everyone's just standing still well you can include as many cinematics as you want with only a fraction of the workload to contend with what's done is done what was even weirder is that there was one cinematic in the game that was actually animated and when it started I genuinely got excited but then in the very next one after it it just goes back to still images get some rest we'll see you in the morning [ __ ] I play through the entire thing on the PS5 and to say it looks like a PS3 game is accurate but then also kind of insulting to some of those absolute goats that we got back during the PS3 era I mean I was just replaying through Arkham City like a couple of days ago on the PC and let me tell you man that might be a decade old game but the art style and the general Talent of the people who worked on it still shines through we've lost sight of Batman I repeat Target is missing what it all reminds me of visually is like a combination of State of Decay combined with those really weird mobile game ads you'd see on Facebook and Twitter you know the kind of games where there's what's very clearly a fake trailer showing off supposed gameplay but in reality that doesn't exist and there's always like a community note not too far behind it the bunking the footage yeah that kind of game then when you're sneaking around trying to avoid Walkers it almost felt like I was playing a custom map for dead by daylight or something either way though none of this stuff is very impressive at all not to mention it's often really glitchy to you know really put the icing on the cake like seeing Walkers just materialize out of thin air you know right in front of you wonky animations and I've lost Cy amount of times that this thing got hung up on the loading screens forcing me to quit out and load back in how do you like that I don't know what engine it's running on and I couldn't even find any information about it online but what I can say is they should take all that source code for whatever engine it actually is pack it up into a rocket and just launch that [ __ ] into the Sun as for the actual story well the game Loosely follows the plot from the first four seasons of the TV series beginning with Rick waking up in the hospital after the entire city's been evacuated and then having to Embark out on his own before finally meeting Glen and then reuniting with his wife Lori son Carl and [ __ ] buddy Shane Carl Lori thank God you stupid and look I get it I mean if you're going to base a Walking Dead game off any part of the TV series well then you're obviously going to do it from those earlier Seasons when the whole thing was actually still interesting to watch the whole dynamic between Rick Shane and Lori is easily the most interesting character development stuff we ever got watch Rick slowly evolve as a person really just out of necessity to survive against his former best bud who's now BEC intent on wiping him out all that stuff at Hershel's Farm was great too those scenes with Carol and her daughter ending in that Infamous Barn scene and just the burgeoning romance between Maggie and Glenn condom I mean even just seeing Daryl again before he dawned what's become the most impenetrable plot armor of all time back when he was just a moody guy with a bow Nick yes rocket launcher you even get to play him for a few missions here and there along with all these other supporting characters it all ends after that prison assault with the governor which is fine the problem is that it's all just handled so poorly and the campaign skips over a whole bunch of huge plot points for instance it just completely skips the storyline where the group ends up at the CDC and just tries to fill in all of these kind of gaps with these boring text based intermission screens intermission screens which often just have basic grammatical errors and even typos in fact in one of the first screens in the entire game there's a goddamn spelling error yeah look Rick slipp into a coma slipp you stupid but that does actually bring me on to the one thing that Destiny's does well and that's how it lets you rewrite key events from the show outright changing the outcome for certain characters entirely for instance one of the first main choices you've got to make is during that scene where te dog and Mer get into an argument and as Rick you can either pistol whip and handcuff mer like it played out in the show anybody it yeah well now if you want to you can actually take M's side and because I was just the right amount of both curious and stupid I decided to go against the grain and let mer get away with it I can't believe you've done this at which point he almost immediately handcuffed TG to a pipe and left him to die you sure ain't going anywhere but then from that point on mer was around for the entire story hanging around at camp and being much more involved with the general goings on all right adrenaline is p and now because mer was one of the main survivors yeah guess who ended up working for the governor later on down the track when I finally arrived at Woodbury what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] man surprise surprise in fact you can even choose an outcome which makes the governor become an ally instead of an antagonist completely changing how the final attack on the prison plays out no even early on in the story around the time where Rick and Shane are finally going to call it quits you can even choose which one of them survives to lead the group what was probably the funniest moment is when you're heading to a school with Shane and Beth to find medicine after Carl gets injured and during this bit you've got the choice to either save Beth and ditch the medicine or grab the medicine and let Beth get killed so I decided to see what happens if I chose Beth mostly because you know Carl's a bit of an [ __ ] and I couldn't care less about the kid at which point during the next cinematic it just instantly cut to a shot of kl's grave and it did this so quickly that it caused me to burst out in laughter I mean I can't even count it with a straight face no and let me tell you something it all pays off in some pretty big ways too because each character has their own unique skill trees and unlocking one character skills applies that bonus to every other playable character in the group hey this will come in handy with skill points mostly coming from items you find around the missions or from s tasks Jack so Glenn for instance has skills that let you crouch walk faster which is really handy when you're trying to sneak around and then other characters have bust for weapon types healing stamina and so on and there's actually quite a lot of stuff to get through if a character ends up buying the farm the constellation is that you keep all the skills you've earned but if they've died before you got a chance to unlock them well then you missed out entirely so it is entirely possible to screw up here big time and lock yourself out of a really useful perk it's going to be great there's also like a whole conflict resolving mechanic as well which is another static screen of text well you need to pick aide during an argument but this seems to have far less ramifications as far as I can tell anyway and just kind of seems like an extra way of getting free skill points give me a break the other choice-based mechanic is that before each main mission you've often got a side mission as well called an expedition where you send off one of the other characters on their own to get supplies or investigate the surrounding areas for extra skill points and then once you've chosen which one you want to go with these guys are going to call inre in the main mission to ask for advice on their next step the thing is if you make the wrong decision the Expedition is failed and you often get Jack [ __ ] but as I discovered you can EAS easily just restart from the last checkpoint and choose the right option with no harm done and Modern Problems require modern solutions which is kind of Handy if you actually care about maxing out the skill tree which to be honest is the only reason you'd ever bother because failing these otherwise is just a bit of a slap on the ass I mean it's not like they're going to get killed off or anything like that if you give them bad Intel actually been a really fun and interesting mechanic if you more or less had these characters lives in the palm of your hands but if playing this game has taught me anything it's that it's never trying to be fun or interesting it's time either way though this marks the end of the moderately creative aspects that The Walking Dead Destiny offers [ __ ] because from this point on man we're really up [ __ ] creek and I have to assume that the people who worked on the game play were really trying to just pull off some kind of elaborate prank what and off the back of that the gaml in this is mostly based around either stealth or combat if you're going for stealth you crouch walk around most of the time staying out of line of sight using bottles to distract Walkers before sneaking up behind them and finishing them off with a knife to the back of the head it's time to stay here because the whole thing is so creatively bankrupt it also lets you hide in patches of grass and even puffs of smoke yes smoke that doesn't make sense and it was at this point that I knew the people who worked on this game might actually be aliens I mean have they ever seen smoke in real life before smoke isn't some kind of constant anomaly that just hangs around an area all the time it's made up of tiny particles that dissipate almost instantly which is something that everyone should know I mean anyone who's ever seen smoke at least once in their lifetime should know how this works but for some reason smoke in The Walking Dead is like this constant entity that just happens to collect itself and conveniently Place spots the other reason I think this is kind of dumb is that because I always thought that it was well established in the TV show that the Walkers had a pretty decent sense of smell early on in the series I remember that scene where Glenn and Rick had to use zombie blood to sneak through a herd and there was there was even that whole subplot about Michonne covering herself in zombie guts as well to avoid detection so are we really supposed to believe that someone hiding in knee high grass a few feet away from a walker is going to cut it BL boiling stealth is initially kind of slow and tedious but once you put a few points into upgrading your basic skills here you can more or less walk right in front of enemies and they barely bat an eyelid making this mechanic even easier this time the only real fact you've got to consider here is your stamina because if that runs dry which often happens after killing a couple of Walkers well then you're about as useful as a monk with a [ __ ] [Music] ring Combat on the other hand is about as basic as it comes you hit enemies with axes baseball bats machetes sledgehammers and crowbars we shoot them with revolvers pistols shotguns and sniper rifles reload melee combat has either a light or heavy attack both of which are pretty crappy and there's unlockable moves for each weapon which can knock a zombie on their ass leaving them wide open to be curb stomped down adrenaline is pumping but it's literally just the exact same attack for every single mly weapon right through the door I found the easiest method though was just hitting a zombie once with any weapon because it often stuns them long enough that you can then just finish them off with a knife to the face and early on you can get through entire groups of Walkers this way with relative ease if you get too close to a zombie during any of this they'll grab on to you requiring a random button to be mashed to get them off let me go which is a mechanic that we've all seen a thousand times by this point and can I just say off the back of that how sick I am I've seen this stupid [ __ ] button mashing Trope in video games I mean seriously dog the whole Mash X to break free from an enemy thing in gaming needed to die like two generations ago from me it's even got the heavy hard-hitting zombie type as well you know the one I'm talking about they're about 7t tall they have triple the health pull of your standard Walker and they also charge into you as well about all they're missing is a zombie type that explodes when you shoot it oh wait it's all just the most basic run-of-the-mill gameplay offering up nothing you haven't seen before and it's even got that old scan mode that highlights important nearby objects but then it still oddly lacks certain basic features like the basic convenience of a flashlight leaving you fumbling around in Pitch Black areas I can't see [ __ ] [ __ ] out of this thing well I don't know how about there some kind of basic block or a Parry system I guess if nothing else someone on the de team played the last of us because it's got a whole sequence here where you need to run from cover to cover to avoid a sniper Morgan stop I just liar I didn't understand what you said what's probably the weirdest mechanic is if you take any life ending damage you go into this sort of fight or flight state I'm still here able to move around quickly and gain some ground but limited to not being able to attack or heal in the process which just kind of seems entirely pointless I mean just kill me at that point oh no when it comes to actually healing you can use either pills or medkits but alternatively if you kill enough Walkers you fill up an adrenaline meter and then at that point can unleash a goddamn brutality against a zombie to refill a portion of your health take and on a positive note I do think these are at least a bit interesting with there being different animations to depending on the weapon you're using though I do think seeing some of these characters like Beth Glenn or hersel going full rage mode against a walk up is kind of about a character I don't know man hearing a 70-year-old dude drop one line as like he's Duke Nukem just seems a bit off to me right through the skull myren pumping Right Between the Eyes in fact just in general the game often has a completely different tone to the TV series and hearing the characters using all these one liners when killing Walkers or picking up items it's kind of like the people that worked on this thing haven't ever even watched the show jackpot yeah I know it's kind of shocking to think that not that much effort went into this even though the game often gives you the illusion of stealth sometimes you've got no choice but to just go in guns blazing and the shooting might have been exciting but the controls are just so absolutely awful with some of the worst aiming acceleration I think I've ever seen there's an insanely broken auto aim feature here which 50% of the time locks right onto an enemy's head pretty much as soon as you aim down the SS and it might seem like a cop out but trying to hit anything else otherwise it's like trying to create cold fusion in a Tim shed as for the actual gun play well it's really not all that exciting either the revolver is hands down the best here killing walkers in a single well-placed headshot followed closely I think by the shotgun but still the shooting feels like something from the PS2 era and not in like a Charming or nostalgic way I will say that I do at least like the way grenades look and sound so I'll give them that much CL Hammer but even off the back of that it's like they couldn't even be bothered to work in any kind of noise system when it comes to gunfire and explosions which was one of the main reasons why the characters preferred to use knives in the TV show and the comics you know to avoid attracting herds even The Walking Dead survival instincts as bad as it was had a noise mechanic which was one of the primary features of the game where you draw this overwhelming amount of Walkers if you made too much of a racket and you know that Destiny is really bad if I'm using survival instincts as a positive comparison you don't even really need to worry about running out of am either which also might have been a nice concept you know having to actually pick your battles depending on your supplies so either way going stealth or combat it doesn't really seem to matter and say for a few instances here and there where you get overwhelmed because you're intended to push through a her to reach a specific spot the whole campaign is just like laughably easy where it gets even more awful though is when you start fighting other humans and this is where I genuinely cannot believe that this is a finished product I mean I've literally played shovelware Shooters on Steam like four or5 games that have more impressive enemy Ai and animations than what's on off of here I remember there was like a caption that comes up at one point saying that human enemies are more dangerous and intelligent than the Walkers which is just complete horseshit I mean these guys are about as dumb as a door stop and completely harmless and when it comes to avoiding them outright they're even easier to manipulate than the walkers for instance you'll kill someone who's part of a larger group and about all the others do in response to that is run over to investigate for five or so seconds before then just going right back to what they were already doing and at that point it's borderline metal GE solid one levels of intelligence in fact actually you know what I take that back I mean at least in mgs1 they could track you by the noise you made or follow your Footprints what was that noise even often calling in backup I don't think these guys in The Walking Dead can even do that and again just recognize I'm using a game from 1998 as a point of reference for more advanced gameplay mechanics adrenaline is pump the absolute worst part of the game though are the boss fights my God man the boss fights the first real main encounter in the game is against Shane or potentially Rick depending on which way you go there and this was just so unenjoyable that it made me want to become a volunteer at a waterboarding School raise your gun right so first off you simply got to shoot Shane about a or so times while it chases you around the area which is easy enough but then after that is when it goes to hell because at this point you've only got a melee weapon and the whole area is full of Walkers that continuously spawn in which means you've not only got to bludge and Shan to death but also avoid this constant influx of zombies in their very grabby hands and of course for some stupid reason they all totally ignore Shane and just focus on Rick which makes sense in fact no it doesn't it doesn't make sense as being sarcastic you [ __ ] F this ain't over [ __ ] later on fighting Andrew in the prison feels like something out of a dead by daylight match as you have to crouch walk around this smoke field room to shut off all these generators one by one followed by then avoiding the guy as he stalks you from the smoke with his goddamn fire [Music] ax but let me ask you something you want to know the worst thing that The Walking Dead Destiny does what its biggest most egregious fault is it's that it doesn't even have the commod decency to just come to an end and it just seems to keep on going taking upwards of four to 5 hours to complete which is about 2 or 3 hours longer than it really should have at the end of the day I don't really know what kind of people this game is meant to appeal to I mean it might appeal to Walking Dead fans Lord knows people who actually kept watching the show for its last few seasons probably have low enough standards by this point that they might actually enjoy this it's true but he shouldn't say it but for most of us with the working central nervous system and the basic capacity for rational thought should be able to figure out pretty quickly that there's far better ways to spend our time Destiny does often Venture into the so bad that is good territory but more often than not it's just bad and the one consolation I can hope for from this video is that I at least save a few people from being sucked in and wasting their money on this absolute turd at the end of the day though at least we've still got the Telltale [Music] Games [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: GmanLives
Views: 966,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walking dead destinies, the walking dead destinies, twd destinies gameplay, the walking dead game, walking dead, the walking dead, the walking dead destinies gameplay, video game, the walking dead destinies review, the walking dead destinies ps5, the walking dead destinies ending, the walking dead destinies full game, the walking dead dead city, walking dead theme song, xbox series x games, telltale, survival instinct, gmanlives, gggmanlives, lets play, video game music
Id: zTV3rGgRyGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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