The New Season 15 Weapon?

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so the last new weapon to be added in apex legends was the car smg in season 11 so it's currently been three seasons and in season 15 it'll be four seasons since the last new weapon was released and this is exactly what the devs have said they want to slow down the release of new weapons only adding them when they need to be added so they don't over saturate the loot pool too much and i mean we don't need loads of new weapons let's be honest but i honestly think moving forward they're gonna make more weapons that have unique features to them and we kind of saw that with the car smg the first weapon that has two ammo types that you can swap between it's a very unique feature and i think they really like exploring with these because if you remember quite a long time ago earlier this year there was a huge league that showed us tons of new weapons that we thought we'd be getting in season 12 then we thought we might get them in season 13 then in season 14 and we still haven't seen them so we have a lot of options of possible new weapons that could be coming out in season 15. so i'm gonna go through them and i want you to tell me in the comments which one you'd like to see in season 15. so let's start off with the elephant in the room the nemesis burst ar now this is the way the nemesis works it shoots four bursts at a time but it has an auto trigger so you can hold down the mouse or you know your fire button and it will shoot bursts of four at a time but when you hit enemies you will then charge it up and once it's fully charged then it will be fully auto as in a consistent fire rate and then it becomes a full auto charged up nemesis rifle so then obviously if you keep hitting your shots it's gonna stay fully charged and i think that's a pretty cool feature definitely something i could see being added then sticking to the root of energy weapons we have the fanatic pistols now these are a little bit different the leaks show them being a kimbo so they might be dual wield pistols as they don't actually have scopes on them and that makes sense for dual wield because the button you usually use to scope in will actually be used to fire the second pistol now the other cool feature about these pistols is they charge up to deal more damage so you can hold them down it will consume more ammo but then it will release a bigger shot that does more damage again i would really love to see this in apex legends but obviously we can only have one weapon in season 15 so we're gonna have to choose then let's stray away from energy weapons for a second and look at the scorpion c80 which is a full auto crossbow this one is so cool it has 16 arrows in its mag and i could see this being added when the bow check comes back out of the care package when that happened we could maybe see the scorpion being added so we potentially could see this in season 15 if they do bring the bow check out and this weapon will definitely be really good because it will be a lot quieter than any other standard weapon but you can still shoot at a fast fire rate so you might not get third partied as much or you might not get too much attention drawn to you and you can take those sneaky shots but also it has a select fire that allows it to shoot its entire mag which is 16 arrows at a time but the arrow will explode which will be really useful if you have a team hiding behind a rampart cover something like that and you can pop it in and deal damage to all of them honestly this is a really really interesting weapon and i'd love to see more use for those arrows before the bow check comes back out of the care package and then we have to go back to energy weapons because there was also an energy smg that was leaked the gemini now this one is really really strange the gemini itself is just a normal smg that takes energy ammo but where it gets interesting is when you carry two geminis that's right carrying the same weapon because what happens is they pair and then you can swap between them faster i think it even amplifies their fire rate a little bit it seemed like it did that in the gameplay but also dealing damage with one of the geminis will reload the other gemini so let's say you're out of ammo on one you swap to the other one then when you deal damage to someone it will tick up the ammo counter on the other one which is very interesting it seems very niche something i think would be a little hard to implement and for people to get used to but hey we'll have to see maybe they do bring this out in the future so that is pretty much it for the weapons that could potentially come in season 15 there is another one the maelstrom lmg which is a light ammo lmg and the feature of this weapon was after you got a kill or i think after you knocked an enemy then it would get five extra ammo in its magazine and you could do this up to three times to give it 15 extra ammo to give it a total of 70 ammo which is insane now the reason i don't think this is gonna be added is because we just got the spitfire to become a light ammo lmg so we already have that but maybe they'll revamp this and make this a heavy ammo lmg we'll have to see honestly they could still add this but i don't know i don't know how likely it is but let me know what you think in the comments down below as i said tell me which weapon you prefer this was a bit of a longer video but i think it's very interesting because season 15 should hopefully have a new weapon and it'll be very exciting to see if it's going to be one of these leaked ones that have super unique and interesting features and that's it from me so if you enjoyed why not subscribe
Channel: bobz
Views: 379,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: apex, apex legends, apex legends mod, modded apex legends, shorts, youtube shorts, clips, apex clips, apex shorts, apex legends clips, season 15, season 15 weapon, new weapon, new weapon on apex legends, apex legends new weapon, apex legends news, new apex legends weapon, nemesis, nemesis ar, burst ar, energy burst rifle, fanatic pistols, gemini smg, scorpion c80, crossbow, apex legends crossbow, apex legends nemesis, apex legends season 15, season 15 apex legends, leaks
Id: ak1oe-egmJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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