The New Royals: The Young Ones (2023) FULL ROYAL DOCUMENTARY w/ SUBS | HD

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[Music] really for me the prize is about um bringing people together nurturing your young minds and helping to shape your futures so to be able to bring them all together and celebrate that is a is is fantastic wherever I am and and whoever I whatever office block I'm sitting in you just got to keep going the way you're going I want to show that it is possible if you're lucky you're lucky [Music] with Charles at the Helm of the royal family now he really needs to modernize so that will be slimming down the number of working Royals but also making sure that the younger members of the family who are the future are given the prominence that they deserve this Slims down monarchy is designed to represent modern Progressive inexpensive version of monarchy because that's how Charles things the public will respond to it there is this small band of them at the heart of the firm who are going to be the significant figures but it's also meant that William is very much presented as the one people have to watch we support with pride and respect your decisions about your future they are hardworking Royals but most of all they're popular people love to see them and people love to see the family Al together so they can be very effective in keeping up the profile of the monarchy and keeping the roal family popular what's really nice is I noticed when I was working for him at high grve he was very much training his son Prince William he was teaching them all the things that he had learned so he's passed it on to Prince William who is now the Prince of Wales these days the monarchy our monarchy is a is a charitable monarchy its primary function is to to shine a light on on charities the royal family supports thousands of [Music] Charities they are a very normal [Music] family the royal family exists because of the people and for the people so you have to be able to appeal to the people that you exist to [Music] sound as Britain enters a new era with a new King on the throne the prospect of a more normal monarchy is in sight this generation of Royal upbringing is SE to be one different to Generations before undertaking a more modern approach and is one that assures to please the public today so we're seeing in some the Next Generation these are the the Great great grandchildren of the queen coming through we saw the role of William and Kate really ratchet up at the Jubilee and that is of course continued after the death of the queen so that after Prince Charles and and and queen Camila the really the most important members are the prince and princess of Wales I think it has really grounded him in a way that other members of the family have not been surrounded George Charlotte and Louie the children of William and Kate are being taught the ways of the Royals all while being able to have a loving down to earth childhood The Prince and Princess of Wales definitely want their kids to have as much of a normal childhood as they can and they want that for all of them for George Charlotte and Louis they want them to be able to enjoy their childhood enjoy their childhood things playing sports going to school to protect them as much as they can until they can't until they're over 18 until they have to be in the spotlight so I think there are changes of foot that will see the monarchy move in in a New Direction what the great thing this is for the royal family is it gives a sense of renewal that the royal family will continue that it's a young royal family and that they were going to play a much more leading role and giving people a sense that this is just a very ordinary family that people can identify [Music] with with William now heir to the throne the future of the monarchy is something that he along with King Charles III hopes to transform for the better it's it's moving in a a new Direction and the prince has ideas about where the Mony should be in this [Music] centy [Music] Prince of Wales steps forward to give homage to his father the king I William Prince of Wales pledge my loyalty to you and faith and truth I will bear unto you as your Leed man of life and limb so help me God a touching part of King Charles I third's coronation part of the service that took place in Westminster Abbey was when William had to pledge allegiance to his father King Charles II and he knelt down in front of him and said the words that he would pledge allegiance to sarf the king and it was a really touching moment King Charles I thir sitting in that chair he looked quite nervous to be honest for the whole service and at that point he looked quite emotional you could see it written all over his face in his eyes and as Prince William knelt before him and then kissed him on the cheek he looked like he was overcome with emotion as well and you must wonder what both of them were thinking I mean the next time that will happen it will be King William as he will be at styled at that time or whatever he decides to call himself perhaps King William V sitting in that chair with his son Prince George pledging allegiance to [Music] him when William becomes king it could be shortly it could be decades away whenever it is I think he will be very much a king who knows his own mind William is a very determined man he's likes to be in control of his life and and in control of the situation around him I think he takes the role very seriously I think he believes in Mon and in all the Charities that he works for as well they really love him hello I just want to say thank you for rescu me it was it you from the beach Lango was it um yeah yeah sister yeah yeah how are you you're right I'm okay I'm glad you made a footb cover lot a lot of time you never see who you never meet up with anyone after you done made Point coming here today say thanks to you and the guys the whole team is all thing he's got a great deal of Charisma he's kind he's thoughtful and and as I say he's funny and that really breaks the ice with anybody so I thought I'd start with um something personal a tribute to my parents I have two children as you probably know I I gather it has been widely reported uh his relationship with the Middleton family I think has been terribly important to him and I think it has really grounded him in a way that other members of the family have have not been so grounded William has a profound relationship with his wife Kate Middleton they are said to have created a home full of love and warmth for their children and it's all thought to be down to Kate's two parents Michael and Carol Middleton it's thought that their children George Charlotte and Louie are enjoying a very different childhood to their father Prince William with an upbringing more like their mothers you you I mean one of the things that's been clear actually for a long time is you very evidently have a you know a close close-knit family and family is very important to you yeah no it it's very important to me and you know I hope we'll you know be able to have a happy family ourselves cuz it's been you know they've been great over the years helping me with you know difficult difficult times and um you know we see a lot of each other um and they're very very do to me she's produced three adorable looking children uh she is always elegant she always is dignified but I think what she and and William have done very cleverly is to retain the Mystique of Monarch while at the same time giving people a sense that this is just a very ordinary uh family that people can identify with uh and so they they live a life of great privilege we don't feel that they take advantage we feel they're driven by public service and by trying to do good and so I think it's true respect for both of them and they've tried it's difficult role Prince of Wales you've got to forge your own identity and Kate has picked up on a number of Charities that she's very involved with she speaks well she she makes people feel very relaxed hello hello hi very nice to meet you this is Oliver like to show you what this group has made it's amazing how long have you been working on this a few hours and it's a view of how the kindergarten would look like if we could decide and had the budget and all the that sort of stuff and this comes I think from a very stable middle class upbringing normal middle class upbringing with her parents you know they've owned a few businesses and things like that and she went to St Andrew's University to study so she had a very outdoorsy life a very normal middle class British upbringing and that's what she's trying to bring uh to her three children Kate Middleton waited months for William to propose to her and when he did the world was full of excitement with thousands of people tuning in to witness the wedding day only soon after the prospects of when there would be a royal baby were starting to Surface 2 years after the special day a royal baby was born Prince [Applause] George they were holding the baby and they just looked so beautiful and happy it was really stunning I'll never forget it there was huge excitement when Prince George was born the media had been waiting for 3 weeks it was a swelteringly hot summer there were Crews from all over the world desperately frantically trying to give their viewers something new talking and endlessly about the building or the the history of the place spinning it out for a very long time very emotional yeah it's very emotional it's such a special time I think any any parents I think probably sort of um know what this feeling feels like so very special Kate looked extraordinary she didn't look as though she'd been pregnant at all as she came out having given birth just hours earlier William got the baby and the car seat into the back of the Range Rover and off they went um but it was a very very happy day I think both of them were thrilled to be parents Kate had had a difficult pregnancy she'd had um excessive mour sickness or sickness throughout really but I think she took to being a mother she was a natural and she had great [Music] support the birth of their son compares to the birth of Prince William when he was also an heir to the throne after his father the now King Charles crowds gathered outside bucking Palace throughout the evening then at 10:25 their patience was rewarded with the formal notice of the birth Diana had been the fairy tale princess and her marriage to Charles was the public were absolutely ecstatic and when Diana then became pregnant and announced she was pregnant again the public were absolutely thrilled this was a a huge excitement and people camped for days outside the hospital where she gave birth which was St Mary's Paddington she was in the private Lindo Wing there the media were camped outside for days waiting for for the for the announcement and finally it came people were there with champagne bottles and it it was a it was a great [Music] [Applause] occasion it's a relationship built on example and love and even when there needs to be discipline it is done in a way that enforces boundaries but doesn't in some ways disparage a child and this is reflective of of the generation that they're in what their own friends are doing I think with their own children William and Kate have stated that they want their children to grow up being their best friends and part of this led to incorporating the chat sofa a chat on the sofa it's an opportunity to have a bit of a quiet moment with their children if there's something they need to talk to them about whether that's School whether that's Behavior whatever it is they have a sofa where they can have a one-on-one have a conversation maybe lay down some ground rules or sort out an issue um and that's something that really works for the family George started Primary School in September 2017 at Thomas' School in baty in 2022 the family moved to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor home park and has since been attending lamr an independent school in barkshire Prince George is very exuberant especially when it comes to sports he loves supporting Aston Villa with his dad and actually any football tournament that you see him at he's definitely there celebrating goals um so he's definitely very sporty very exuberant very Lively he can be a little bit cheeky as well apparently at school one day he said to some some of the kids in his class my dad's going to be king one day or I'm going to be king one day so you should stop doing that so he's Lively very sporty a little bit cheeky William and Kate are adamant about replicating the relationship that exists with Kate's family and so the late queen Queen Elizabeth II gave them permission to prioritize raising their children above executing their duties as Royals the key difference to note here is that previous generations have never had the chance to get this Foundation right they they were determined I think to be real Hands-On parents much more Hands-On very Hands-On when it comes to her children she likes to do the school run she likes to be the one that goes shopping for school supplies and uniform Sals and underwear and all those other things that normal moms do you know she wants to be the one to do it she wants to be the one that's very Hands-On with her children and she wants to make sure that she's really rooted in whatever they're doing whatever is happening at school whatever Sports they're involved in clubs extracurricular activities she really wants to be across that because she wants to be a Hands-On parent she had that from her parents she's seen the damage that happens when you don't have that from parents so she wants to make sure that she is there for her three children [Music] William's childhood informed his his adulthood there's no doubt about it he witnessed some horrible things as a child and he was very concerned about his mother Donna was a good mother um there was a I say A Bank of nannies there were there were about three nannies that that did a shift system that did all the sort of basic stuff like giving them breakfast but Dona was actually quite Hands-On and certainly if she was in London she would take them to school and she would always try to be there at the end of the day to be part of this sort of mother image that which she was very keen on doing they had a very good relationship but you know they were no different the children although with all the luxury and the Privileges of being Royal and the you know they they were constantly being reminded of how privileged they were and what it was what life was like on the other side of of royalty and that's why Diana would in a bit later took William to these Refuge shelters again not for any sort of photographic opportunity because very often when we went there we went without anyone knowing that we were going but it was part of Di's education so she was very keen to be a Hands-On mother in that sense both in the house and outside of it Diana kept nothing from him she cried in front of him flew into rages in front of him he saw her distress at the media it was relentless I don't think there was a day apart from a very few days when we were managed to escape the the Laing Paparazzi I think at this point it's inter to say that there was a difference for me when you mention the Press there the press the sort of Fleet Street pack you know the sort of national newspaper um journalists and photographers uh who worked very professionally and then but in complete contrast the sort of freefor all runaround of the the paparazzi in search of the picture that nobody else has got the princess here at the center of attention last Friday when the terms were settled didn't attend the court couple have apparently exchanged nicknames and intimate gifts it's also been alleged that Carling phoned Diana three to four times a day some chats lasting for hours the media were everywhere during the years you see yourself as a good product that sits on a shelf and sells well and make and will make a lot of money out of you ma'am how's William hling [Music] in but but fundamentally William couldn't protect his mother but he can protect Kate he's hugely protective of Kate and his friends and always has been and there was you know always the tradition never explained never complain never Sue all of that's out of the window with with William you know very early on in his relationship with Kate he let it be known he he sent legal letters to the Press if they were being intrusive on her privacy and when there were photographs of her taken topless sunbathing in the south of France again he took action against the the foreign magazine that published those photographs he's determined that that his family will not be destroyed in the way that his family were that that his parents' relationship was they want to learn from mistakes that were perhaps made in the past um with other members of the royal family you know we have seen the children yes we have seen them more and more um at a few events alt together uh and the older two Charlotte and George as well but what we don't get is we don't get regular updates of how they're doing at school what we used to get with Harry and William you know Prin saana and Prince Charles as he was then they used to issue those statements to the Press we don't get that you know we did see a shot of them going to school on their first day but there has been you know no Paparazzi shots no long lens shots of them in the playground or anything like that they really really value their children's privacy and their right to have a childhood now you know Royal Watchers and Royal fans love to see royal children and yes we certainly are getting to see a bit of them Royal events and on their social social media channels but they're fiercely protective of them and their childhood apart from perhaps them going to the odd Royal events they're bringing them up as you know a very middle class upbringing very outdoorsy you know doing sports and riding horses playing tennis and things like that they really want to make sure that they are there for them unlike with William and Harry who had govern uses as did Prince Charles you know he was left for long stretches while his mom the Queen Elizabeth went off on Royal tours they don't necessarily want to do that they want to be there for the children they want to raise their children and protect their childhood as much as they [Music] can I think it's interesting that we will I think see the children being kept out of the public Limelight that they will in a sense be protected until they reach the age of maturity one of the things that Kate has been very good at is that she in senses is curated the narration she has been the one taking the photographs of family events and then sent those pictures to the Press so she has as has shaped The Narrative often through photographs rather than anything else so though we don't know that much about their family life we see quite a lot of pictures of them making cakes and and and and and and doing things and so though they don't the children don't do many public events outside the Jubilee celebrations we do get a sense of their family life together pictures of them on holiday she knows the you know the public want to see something of them but she knows where to draw the [Music] line Prince William knew at a young age that he was destined to be Crown King as a result he resented the role and the invasiveness of the public for years once Kate had Prince George the pair decided to approach the subject of Royal status differently the couple Works to Shield their kids from the spotlight for as long as possible however with the Jubilee the death of the queen and the coronation Prince George may have thought more about his Destiny Prince George was told probably when he was around 7even that he was the air to the throne and that he was going to be king and so he's been involved in a few Royal events you know he was part of the coronation ceremony and part of the coronation service he served as a page and he's been to a few events when it's just been him and his father and his mother so he is definitely doing much more of what roal events and Royal tours he's been singled out to spend time with his grandfather King Charles II who will also be talking to him and schooling him about what he's doing and what's coming up for him so he's having that one-on-one time he's more involved in Royal life and these Royal events and that's perfect preparation remember he's only just turned 10 so he's still very young he's still all about the rugby and the football and playing with his siblings but he is having these little you know drip feeding this information to him as he's going along to prepare him for this life of Sabbath when King William ascends to the throne you will definitely see Prince George's preparation kick up a notch probably what's happening right now to Prince William we don't know what age George will be he certainly will be older than he is now but he will definitely be being more prepared for that life of service he probably would have spent time in the armed forces so he will know the value of being commanderin-chief of the Armed Forces he will have decided what his life's work is going to be whatever you know Charities he's going to focus on and he will be probably learning in a very Hands-On way the way that Prince William is right now the job of King the job of being you know this unelected head of state commanderin-chief and everything that that means Prin Georgia's first ever Royal Engagement was when he was just 2 years old and he was at a royal Air Show with his mom and dad The Prince and Princess of Wales he was in the cockpit of a plane it was some really cute pictures of him wearing these big ear Defenders and he was in the cockpit of the plane and he he asked his mom if it was time to fly the Red Arrows now to which his mom replied not quite yet I mean at 2 years old wanting to fly a red arrow following in his Father's Footsteps cuz he flew in the armed forces as well as things stand there's only one person in the world who can tell him exactly what it's like to take on the role that's in store for him King Charles Prince George and King Charles author do have quite a special relationship they are very very close they like spending one-on-one time together and I think that's actually very sweet it's very sweet to see King Charles the Third in this kind of grandfatherly role I think that certainly softened him on his journey to becoming King so the two of them are are quite close they do spend time together oneon-one and Prince George will need that in his preparation to one day you know take his grandfather's job as it [Music] were 2 years later princess Charlotte came along also born in the Lindo Wing at the same hospital and she despite being a girl is fourth in line to the throne so the succession to the crown Act was enacted in 2013 this basically meant that princess Charlotte could be in line to be air to the throne by her Birthright so before the succession to the crown Act of 2013 it would have W Prince William then George then Louie then Charlotte but the succession of the crown Act of 2013 meant that it actually went Prince William George then Charlotte then Lou before it basically meant that male airs came before female heirs but now the ACT has meant that a female Heir wherever she was born will be in the line of succession according to her age and she won't be skipped by her brother this had happened to Princess Anne and her siblings as her younger brothers jumped ahead of her in the line of succession in 2013 this rule officially changed to allow a daughter to be in line to the throne no matter her birth year princess Charlotte was born on May the 2nd 2015 we see Prince William arriving at the hospital with George to see his sister like any father this was a moment Prince William wanted to share with his [Applause] [Music] son Prince George was carried into the Lindo Wing to meet his little sister for the first [Music] time her full name is Charlotte Elizabeth Diana honoring past relatives Charlotte is the feminized version of her grandfather King Charles and is also Aunt pippa's middle name King Charles thir was so touched when Charlotte was named after him it's always thought that he and Princess Diana wanted a daughter ended up with two wonderful sons and so when his son had a daughter he was so excited and said that he was going to spoil her rotten and also said that it was lovely to have someone to look after him in his old age princess Charlotte has a few nicknames um her father likes to call her Minette which I believe means delicate one and also her mom calls her lty princess Charlotte joined her brother Prince George at Thomas's School in baty in September 2019 since 2022 she also joined lambrook upon her parents moved to Windsor although she might be royalty styled as her Royal Highness princess Charlotte of Cambridge and name far too long to write on exercise books she goes by Charlotte Cambridge at school to help her have an as normal childhood as possible her brother George is also known as George Cambridge as she left the car this morning princess Charlotte like so many other children in recent weeks looked a little nervous and found a spot behind her mom's dress for safety then again the first day at school is never the easiest when you're just four years old her big brother Prince George of course is been doing this for a while now he's going into year 2 and if you were to compare their faces today it would be easy to conclude that he looked a lot less happy about being back in the classroom after the summer holidays than his sister Charlotte had a ponytail to flick however and dad said she was very excited first very [Music] exced George will help show you the way said Kate as they disappeared into class they follow in the footsteps of their father and Uncle Prince who both used whales as their surname it's also hoped that the children would attend Eaton in the future a school their father had also attended princess Charlotte could potentially attend Eon if the school decides to go coed if they decide to admit girls as well it's thought that Prince George might be lined up to attend eaten thought that Prince Louie may go there as well so if the school does decide to go coeducation we could see princess Charlotte there eaten is a school probably unlike any other really it has a a vocabulary and a language that is unique to eaten and also I think unusually every boy from the day they arrive have a private room with their own little study Incorporated in their room they are treated probably more like University students than school children eat has a huge amount of money any subject that anyone wants to study whether it's on the curriculum or not they can study they can do whatever hobby they want it's a very stimulating and interesting place and it attracts some of the best speakers for all the societies and so on it's a very special place the children all have unique hobbies and it's thought that little princess Charlotte is no different just like her father and brothers and also her mother she's Keen in many areas of sports earning her the nickname the warrior princess she loves tennis she loves hiking you know sailing she does love climbing trees she's not advaned to a bit of rough and tumble so she's quite Lively definitely and her nickname of the Warrior Princess all the royal family are country people at heart I mean they have country houses they enjoy going stalking and fishing and failing they're not really urban urban people I mean they are like most of the British aristocracy they they their roots are very much in the country and I think they've been Keen all the younger Royals to to to create this sense of affinity with nature uh William of course is a very strong environmentalist he's made that very much his own issue it's it's not a party political issue but it's clearly a big important issue that unite the country so I think they've been very clever about what they've chosen and often it reflects their own [Music] interests this love of the countryside is also there to help Charlotte find her own way to being a spare a subject that William and Kate are fond of wanting to learn from mistakes of the past and to avoid future turmoil William and Kate definitely want to avoid another Harry situation and that they want to make sure that they bring up their three children to know that even if you're not going to to be the heir whatever path you choose in your life can be worthwhile and they want to support that to make sure that they don't have a child who feels like spare like harried and maybe isn't guided to find his path so they want to make sure that that doesn't happen they are supportive of their children that they make sure that you know they're guided on their paths to whatever it is that they want to do whatever it is that they want to be and also so they can prevent fall livs you know so the family can stay together and who whoever is in the family whatever their role is that they know that they are important and they are worthwhile and they they are part of this family I mean there's the classic engagement with Harry and William on a journey to hyra one one weekend and um they' clearly been loggerheads to each other with each other William and Harry and the Nan was sat in the middle of this back seat refereeing this argument until Diana who was driving I was sat at the front seat told him to shut up and um at which point Harry turns across to William and I I've never forget this he said it's all right for you he said you'll be king one day he said I won't be and so it doesn't matter therefore I can do what I like and it was a fantastic statement I Diana was completely transfixed driving and she said out of the corner of mouth where the hell did he get that from I I don't know but he's just said it and that I think he probably means it I was sort of brick go forward a lot I mean that's exactly in essence now what what Harry has done there can be life outside the royal family you know we've seen other members of the royal family whether it's beatric e you know Zara Phillips have all done jobs and done amazing things with their life and also Prince Harry has done some pretty cool things with his life as well I mean the Invictus games is an incredible Legacy to leave and so they want their children to know that I outside of the royal family outside of being the heir you know there is a path that they can follow and that they will guide them to that path and that they can do it and not feel like perhaps they are not worth being in the royal family or that you know they have to perhaps feel that they are being left out in some way princess Charlotte has also won the hearts of many with her dress ends taking very kindly to her mother's elegant nature and also her great grandmothers she's always seen in a smok style dress Mary Jane shoes Cardigans and coats paired with accessories like bows and headbands rib tights and detailed white socks not only is her name so popular but her influence on the fashion industry is just as spectacular princess Charlotte made an appearance at wimon with her mom and her dad and Prince George as well and she looked super cute she was wearing a blue and white floral dress from Freaky which is a Madrid based Spanish brand the dress cost £169 she paired it with a really cute blue ribbon and some white shoes and of course that dress sold out in a Flash she was really enjoying the tennis though she had on some really cute sunglasses as well which I've been looking for a while still haven't got them but she seemed really really into the tennis H but just like her mom she is essential to the fashion industry and that brand was certainly put on the map M and like I said after she wore that dress sold out I think that William and Kate are definitely happy about the rising popularity of all their children to be honest I think princess Charlotte definitely has a special place because the line of succession is quite male heavy at the moment but we had a queen for so long which was actually quite unusual to have a female morning for such a long time and now we're in the reign of a king and then we'll be in the reign of another king and then another one and so I think it's great to have princess Charlotte and princess and the Princess Royal in uh places of prominence so we can remember what it's like when women are in charge given the closeness between Charlotte and her father there is a possibility that when he ascends to the throne he could give his daughter the title of Princess Royal this title is currently given to to Princess Anne the most hardworking member of the royal family now the Princess Royal that title is the highest title that you can give to a female member of the royal family apart from Queen now Princess Anne has a title of the Princess Royal she was given that in 1987 and there have been seven princess Royals before [Music] her Prince Louie is definitely your typical you know five six-year-old he is very cheeky H really funny to see him at Royal events actually he was famous for putting his hands over his ears when the fly PA went past and screaming you know we've seen him making faces at his mom when he's been told to you know behave and sit down he's really really funny definitely very cheeky very mischevous even though he's having all that Royal training he is you know a young boy who has to sit still at long events and he's done pretty well but it's it's definitely so funny to see his take on a royal event you know and the memes that have been made of him across social media are Priceless she balances him she's definitely more calm a bit more sedate and he definitely is the cheeky one they look very like but it seems that they've got quite different personalities and a lot of people have compared him to Prince Harry when he was younger he was definitely very cheeky used to pull a fair amount of faces as well so a lot of people have said that Prince Harry and Prince Louie are definitely very alike the youngest child Prince Louie came in April 2018 also at St Mary's Hospital in Paddington on this occasion Prince William took George and Charlotte to visit their little brother at the hospital on the day he was born Prince Lou's Adoration of rugby sets him apart from his siblings Prince George is said to be a huge tennis fan while Charlotte enjoys gymnastics the most Prince Louie is a big fan of rugby he loves watching it and he loves playing it as well he's also a big fan of tennis we didn't see him at the Wimbleton final was probably too long of afternoon for him but definitely watched it at home he's also like most young boys a big fan of tractors and diggers and we did see him at the big help out the day after the coronation getting the opportunity to operate a digger and he sat andly looked like he was having a wonderful time he was definitely more concentrating on the diggers than pulling any faces this time I think the choice of names by William and Kate is very interesting the eldest George will become George iith after his great-grandfather we have uh Charlotte again a very well-known Royal name going right back to the Georgian period uh and then the third son Louie named after Prince Philip's Uncle lloy Louie Mount baton last voice Vice Roy of India so they've drawn on family names though slightly unusual ones this Louis is the first Louie in the family since Lord Louis mbon before that one of Victoria's children Charlotte as I say we haven't had a Charlotte going back to Queen Charlotte so this again this very strong sense of continuity that they are part of this well basically this family going back a thousand years that has been in charge George and Charlotte seem to be quite like their father Prince William and that they are quite respectful they're quite calm they're quite graceful when they're in public um they've definitely taken to the Royal training shaking hands and knowing how to talk to people Prince Louie probably more like Prince Harry I suspect but more cheeky but more mischievous and definitely a bit more of a rule breaker Harry was the sort of the Frontline Jester that would be entertaining and also if if you ever got in a spot of bother if Harry were old enough he's the sort of guy that would come and help you out William would think about it but um you know that's that's not a criticism of of either William and Kate want to ensure that their children both have work days and play days so that they can balance being a royal with being a child it is thought that their style is reminiscent of William's mother Diana Diana was always would always make sure that they had entertainment after their schooling days like the thought Park theme parks she was good at entertaining them and it was part of her education of showing them what other children of their age group do I don't think it's sort of satre world with the prince of Wells I I don't think he really could see the point dragging these young children off to burger bars and theme parks but it was part of Diana's program and to be fair to the prince he acknowledged that that the children were perhaps happier in her company at that time than they would be with his so must have been difficult for him with Diana having you know no doubt The Lion Share of the children but I think it [Music] worked George Louie and Charlotte have been taught the ways of the royal family and are being taught as they go along so that's a lot of different things from how to sit at Royal events how they should greet people how they should shake hands you know even what Cutlery they should use at dinner they have all this training and compared to other Royal parents you know Prince Charles as he was then was left for pretty long stretches when his mom Queen Elizabeth II was off doing Royal touris and The Business of you know being a young queen as it were he was often left with governesses and his grandmother and we haven't seen that at all actually with William and Kate you know they took George on a royal tour when he was a baby just like Princess Diana actually took Prince William when he was a baby and so they're very Hands-On definitely want to be there for their children want to be involved in upbringing and want to protect their childhood as much as they [Music] can King Charles III was definitely more of a hands-off parent I mean Prince Harry talked about in spare when he was told by his father that his mother had died and he describes how Prince Charles as he was then patted him on the knee and called him Dear Boy there was no Embrace or anything like that so he was definitely a bit more hands off as a parent probably wasn't there as much as Prince William is being for his children and I think both Prince Harry and Prince William want to learn from perhaps I could say the mistakes that King Charles the Third made and they don't want to repeat them with their own [Music] children I think it must be a great sadness to William that uh his children didn't know his mother but there were lots of pictures of her and the house she's talked about there are clearly artifacts that get passed on rings and things like that so you know I think like any family where perhaps the grandmother has died before the children are born there is a sense of of that they are still part of the family even though they're not there but there's certainly a very very close bond with um Kate Middleton's parents and they see a lot of them again they live quite close to Windsor and they're very Hands-On grandparents and again a very good I think examp example to the children yeah when you look at William and Harry today you know they're certainly more normal than perhaps um you know their father was at that age I think that in in on the whole was ATT tributal to to Diana's motherhood quite [Music] frankly wanting to be part of a very normal family William and Kate continue to want the best for their children prioritizing a more Hands-On approach to their upbringing their dedication sets them apart from previous generations hinting just how much they value the importance of family this generation of Royal children are definitely getting to have a childhood so we are certainly seeing much less of them in front of the camera and what we do see is very controlled so you know we don't get the updates of how they are doing at school and we got those about William and Harry from The Prince and Princess of Wales Charles and Diana as they were then you know we got updates on their exam results and how they were doing at school we don't get that with George Louie and Charlotte they definitely allowed much more of a childhood much more privacy when it came to Prince Charles as he was then when he was a child you know he was left alone for quite long stretches while his parents went off on Royal tours so he was left with governesses and Nanny and his grandmother but when it comes to this generation George Lou and Charlotte even extending to Archie and lilibet and Sienna and August and arnest they are definitely have so much more Hands-On parents and Hands-On grandparents as well you know we've seen King Charles III with his grandchildren Sarah The Duchess of York is especially close to her daughters and their children as well so this generation of Royal children are definitely getting much much more of their parents and I I think we're going to see much more well-rounded Royal children as they grow up with their vision of modernizing the monarchy one thing is clear the future of the monarchy is in very good hands it's it's their generation that that will decide the fate of the monarchy into the centy and Beyond it's their generation and it's a very technical generation it's it's is moving in a a new Direction the world will be watching as William and Kate help King Charles III lead an Ever evolving yet constant [Music] monarchy [Music]
Channel: Docuflix + Free Movies & TV
Views: 139,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, free, feature length, film, royals, royalty, royal family, fergie, royal, the new royals, new royals
Id: PzxP8Jpazfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 16sec (3016 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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