The NEW RENOVATED Bonnie is KNOCKING at my OFFICE DOOR... | FNAF Golden Memory 2

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what's going on guys and welcome to five nights at freddy's golden memory 2. now as you guys may know we played the first game on the channel about seven or eight months ago and it was of course called golden memory one and it was actually super cool it had a very terrifying version of freddy fazbear and the rest of the crew and i remember i remember i really enjoyed it so here we are with golden memory 2 and it looks like instead of the original freddy fazbear and stuff like that we're going to have toy versions of all the animatronics because well judging by the first animatronic here we have toy freddy so we're plugging out the rest of the toy animatronics here too and i'm looking forward to this because honestly it looks really really good from i've seen the gameplay screenshots stuff like that it looked awesome so let's go ahead and press new game and hop into this now this is just the demo so i'm assuming we're probably only gonna have like two or three nights maybe even one night i really have no idea but let's see how this first night's gonna play out oh this looks cool already where exactly am i this is like an elevator like the sister location elevator i'm going down where exactly am i uh going to oh great that the big flashing red button just goes every time you press it that's you love to see it you love to see you know it what the heck where am i going oh what was that okay now i'm hearing creepy noises can i please get out of this elevator how far down is this exactly can you imagine going this far down an elevator your ears would pop and maybe your head might blow up i have no idea no okay that definitely wouldn't happen i don't know how exactly far now we're going but i don't think your head would blow up i have no idea what i'm talking about well let's see where we are oh hello can you hear me yes so it looks like you've entered the back entrance that's that's great uh to reach the office just proceed by entering the next room okay sounds easy enough just went down a creepy elevator shaking around everything i just got to go into the next room okay totally nothing freaky happening right now oh no what the heck it's like fanaf asmr guys wow there's a lot of green lights oh this is a lot of sister location vibes this is probably the main extreme huh there should be a room next door maybe it's useful maybe you should see what's in it ah you seem to know what's in it buddy you know maybe you should go into that room to your right you know i'm not saying you should but i i think you should just maybe go in there but i'm not telling you to where the heck oh okay that's a dramatic turn where exactly am i night one oh it started oh oh i'm in okay well i was right we now have the toy animatronics where was that at oh this looks cool so we have toy freddy toy bonnie and toy chica and oh man this looks great so far you have fredbear right there um spring bonnie maybe right there i can't really tell oh man this looks awesome so far i am definitely excited what's that little guy right there a little plushie it looks like you have different mini games chica's world bonnie show i'm sure freddy fazbear yeah freddy's something right there i can't see that you guys can see what that says let me know in the comments all right well this looks cool and it looks like we can look forward for somebody to probably appear at this giant window right here and terrify us and then we can turn around and of course someone's gonna show up here too now i don't know exactly what we're gonna be able to do though that's the question okay so oh they're all labeled too game area west hall we have another west hall entrance oh once this is one of the front doors then we have the dining area so this is the dining area it says you ready what the we have east hall this one's near me this is entrance oh too so i have an entrance to my right okay and then up here we have parts and service that makes sense to your fredbear and whatever that thing is then of course oh what the heck okay then of course right here you have the show stage which has all the animatronics on it now currently it's only 1am and of course we're on night one things always start off so slow i mean if you guys hey are you if you're somehow new to fnat fan games you guys know oh okay all right remember how i just said they started off slow that was a dirty lie they're already moving what the heck oh my dude he looks so cool that little toy body looks awesome that oh no okay toy chica too okay this is this is not going well what do i do if they show up in front of me i am severely concerned because i don't know what to do i don't see any like oh i have a flashlight i have a flashlight okay okay i got it wait that side i have a flashlight oh you can turn left or right okay that side i have a flashlight this side i have nothing that's concerning whatever forget it you know what at least i have a flashlight to defend against one of them if somebody shows up over here i guess it's just game over okay all right well there's toy freddy he already moved let's go closer to me oh no dude they're already gone they're already gone this has me so concerned right now i'm not going back on the cameras there's no way they could be right on top of me like i'm not gonna risk going on there i need to figure out what button to press if they show up in front of me right here so i'm gonna start pressing everything that's not working okay look behind me there's still no one in front of me all right we're fine press enter that does nothing okay this is okay no don't go on that don't okay i don't want to go on the cameras i feel like they're really close and i feel like if i go on the cameras they're gonna show up as soon as i do and then it's game over oh okay i should have just went on the cameras to avoid renovated chica that's what they're called just hold the flashlight over her and she'll leave okay i'm guessing she must have showed up at the front window because i did not see her at the back window unless she showed up there very quickly which is a possibility all right guys i can see where i went wrong okay here's the thing remember how i thought when i turned to the left that that's the same door no this is a different door so if i turn right this is a single door this is hallway too if i turn left that's a different door this must be hallway one i guess and that's why i got jump scared by that chica because she showed up at this door so now i know basically what we have to do is just check these two doors i don't know if anyone's gonna show up in front of us but if they do i have to make sure i'm prepared for that because that's gonna be absolutely horrifying and i'm probably not gonna know what to do and get jump scared but hey it's okay we're learning all right let's go ahead and bring up cam's here okay so it looks like oh all three of them just moved i was just about to say it looks like only one of them moved as soon as i'm gonna say that yeah all of them move at the same time that's perfect where is chica going chica you are oh no you're gone okay all right are you no you're not here where are you that's scary where did she go i could have sworn oh there's somebody oh that's her that's her she's on camera oh three okay got it so where did bonnie go then so okay i don't see him anywhere all right let's stay off cams i feel like cams are there's no point in even going on them because really you just got to check the doors i'm pretty sure i mean unless you want to know what you know time it is in the night but that's about it let's check again oh you're on camera nine now that's great okay there's nobody nearby though so should be known at these doors all right so we really just got to keep oh there's toy bonnie and there's what is oh okay that kind of i thought that was a t-posing animatronic for a second i got a little excited but now no that looks like an animatronic that has its arms out to get me so i'm not as excited anymore that looked like spring body but i have no idea that it looks like fredbear and spring bonnie that's got me concerned oh that's oh that's a lot dude this is night one oh okay okay i'm just gonna leave my light on you because oh that worked that actually worked oh my okay this is going bad this is going horribly okay no it's oh hey there fella you're just gonna show up right after the other one um oh no oh no i have a feeling the flashlight doesn't work on you does it why are you not leaving to avoid renovating freddy just reboot his system on the maintenance there's a maintenance panel oh guys okay how much you want to bet the maintenance panels on the top of the screen and you want to know why i i know that because you know how we're well i'm part of the hashtag quilt squad i don't know if you guys are but i have a quilt above me and i just raised it up because it's blocking a part of my screen just happens to be the top part and i can now see there's a repair thing up here oh my dude the quilt you know it's good it's also bad at the same time the quilt you know it saves the day but it's also just it can really just get you good because i did not know that was up there this quilt completely blocks that oh my gosh and yes guys for everyone wondering i am still recording these videos under a quilt okay because i need the perfect audio i'm doing it for you guys okay if i had that echo it would bother me so you know i'm just i'm getting good audio so that's why we're under the quilt right now but that means i can't really see up there i have to just like look i don't know how did was there an alert going off or something like that up there there must have been i can't really raise the quilt up that high though so we're in a bad position we are in a bad spot right now all right well let's see if the avatars have been moved yet okay no one's moved dude this is night one by the way imagine night two or like night three night five it's gonna be impossible oh yeah by the way if you guys want to see some more this game let me know leave a like on the video down below and we'll definitely play some more of this if you guys want to see it because like i said this is only the demo and i'm excited to see you know where it's going to go in the future for sure okay so there's chica she's moving already cam 4 nobody last time oh last time they showed up on camera 6 right that's where we saw that spring money thing in fredbear i'm pretty sure okay so oh that's okay so we know our maintenance panel is acting up if uh toy freddy shows up or renovated freddy shows up at the door i think so and i hope if he is at the door there's still a way of getting rid of him like even if he's you know at the door i hope it's like it's not like if he's at the door you just you lose okay there's no one there no one there okay so you two are still hanging out right there which i'm okay with uh oh never mind they were hanging out right there let me see where they go oh oh okay toy bonnie moved where did toy bonnie go though hold on toy bonnie's yet to show up at the window right i'm concerned who's gonna show up here because you imagine somebody is probably spring bonnie okay there's toy chica okay we at least know where they are let's keep checking behind us okay check again on cams we're good i kind of want to check on renovated freddy but i'm not sure if he's even oh there he is right there okay so wait oh no no no no the quilt is falling guys this is things are going bad right now things are going horribly oh no check for animatronics okay hold on okay check go back go back check again okay now check this check that okay reboot no everything's fine right reboot the system anyways i don't even care dude just re no don't reboot it i'm stuck on the screen now oh this was a bad idea get get rid of the oh okay i'm still alive i'm still alive we're live all right dude the quilt is just making me this is like playing the game on hard difficulty it's like i can only see half the screen right now okay this is like playing on hard all right there's still no one there okay we're fine let's see okay so you're still coming towards us so you just you come toward us no matter what but i guess if you get too close that means i have to reboot like if i see him at the window i probably have to reboot then which i already forgot exactly which one it is but i think it's just the monitor hold on let me see what my options are let me check okay no one's there all right let's see what my options are here so we have repair system or reboot system i'm pretty sure you have to reboot it but hopefully it like flashes or something like that and show us which one it is okay still no one there check close by oh yeah we got bi animatronics very close by like they're right outside the door oh that's scary okay this seems to be the word the winning strategy though right now literally just going back and forth like this why is there anyone there okay she's still there and no one's oh there's somebody oh there she is okay we know what to do for her yeah you just shine your light it's easy she goes away fast anyone on this side no but we know i think that's fredbear out there yeah okay no i don't know what that thing is but it's out there and it's all no no um no no no no bring this up reboot system reboot the system i hope i really oh fredbear to avoid withered fredbear just hold the flashlight over him where was he i was trying to get rid of freddy over there oh man i think with freddy you have to like start the reboot earlier than i am like maybe like if you just see him moving at all if you just reboot it he'll just like get reset or something like that because right now holy moly he is tough this is night one i just i can't believe this is only night one this feels like night three or like i don't i don't know like a higher knight or something it's crazy difficult um but at least you know the learning curve i would say i don't know if it's actually going to stay this hard or not like whenever i figure out how to play properly but we'll see all right so let's see here okay so we know the first ones to attack are always going to be toy chica and the biggest problem we've had though has been yeah toy chica toy freddy not really toy bonnie and it's been withered fred bear so those have been like our biggest problem problems like if we can just figure those guys out then we can get onto the other ones that whatever that spring bonnie looking thing is right here um and then of course um toy bonnie too which you currently don't exactly know what that guy does i don't think he's showing up at the door he's here i could be wrong but i don't think he has if he has it's only been like once let's see here uh we could get a good look around the pizzeria wherever we are because we haven't really seen where we are like had a good look so this is the west hall right here it looks like there's a door which leads into cam01 so this is like in the game area okay the arcade and from the arcade there's a door that leads into this room which it looks like this is where like the employees go and probably like put their stuff away with lockers or maybe the parents or something like that for kids like kid blockers i don't know okay wait we should probably be checking on the animatronics now we're fine all right and this leads into west hall 2 which has more lockers more doors javi leads into one of the entrances and then this is where i am i'm right beside entrance oh one which is probably one of the main entrances you would think if not maybe that one i don't know but man this this place looks good like overall the graphics and animatronics look awesome in this game okay where's toy bonnie all right i can see him right there dude he is so well hidden that's uh that's all you can see of it like that looks like nothing that looks creepy what the heck like i would not have seen that if i just wasn't happening to be looking over there already from like the other camera okay so they're still not moving come on guys let's get a move on guys come on i'm ready to destroy all of you except for toy freddy if toy freddy could just stay and not move i'd be okay okay toy freddy okay all right buddy all right all right i'm talking about you you just move as soon as i mention your name that's a little creepy i'm not gonna lie toy freddy that is a little creepy i'm gonna try this and see if it sends him back somehow okay so we rebooted it let's check to make sure no one's here before i do this okay he's still just standing there he looks like he's like half t posing like he's trying to t pose but he doesn't want to just yet all right let's try rebooting the system i just want to see if any of these will just send him back to the stage because it seems like whenever he's here he's here and he's like he's too close it's too late to get rid of him because you have other animatronics coming after you too okay is he no that did that did nothing okay so you have to reboot whenever he's physically at the door good to know so that means i gotta get rid of animatronic okay so if i see toy freddy here our renovated freddy whatever you want to call them i gotta get rid of whoever's here first then him oh man i hope this works i really hope this works oh man okay so wait what what time are we at in the night okay we're at three oh we're at 3am so i must be getting close then every time we i think they all just attack at like 5 a.m or 4 a.m that's when they all just start coming at you at the same time because there's still no one there let's check okay let's see if there's anyone nearby i don't see anyone oh there's no one nearby all right can i please make it to 5am somehow i can't believe i can't even beat night one dude that is so sad but hey okay guys comment down below does this look hard to you okay or does this look easy oh no oh no you're you're not you're oh will the flashlight work on you oh it does it actually does okay there's no one here dude the flashlight worked on that thing all right we're we're surviving but yeah let me know does this look hard for night one like just comment down below let me know what your honest opinion is if this looks easy to you then you must be like an expert at 50 20 mode you must be a pro at the game because man this is tough okay there's toy chica again come on this is where it begins guys if we can just survive this if we can just survive this we win 4am oh no that was a big animatronic on the camera okay that's fredbear yeah i shined my light at you too right but you take a while yeah there you go okay check toy freddy come on toy freddy this is your time to show up where i reboot the system and i save the day and you don't attack me and i win come on toy freddy this is where it happens victory i can almost taste it okay 4am no no no no no i don't like this one bit okay this is our only strategy right now let me see well it's still 4am you're taking forever go back okay can i can it at least hit five i would just be so happy to just see five no four still all right great thanks game oh no you're back okay go away again go away it's time to it's time to leave okay no one there usually there's someone there five a.m oh my gosh i don't know where toy freddy is but if if it just doesn't attack for some reason oh no all right all right no time to lose time to lose reboot the system reboot the system i don't i don't know i don't i don't know what to do okay come on come on come on come on hurry are you gone oh he's gone oh there's no one on that side either oh my god can we actually win this please this is night one oh my gosh i just need to be at least night one okay i know it's a demo but just give me night one game oh no oh you're here now i don't know okay the flashlight's not working okay i'm gonna try to repair the system maybe that that's all i have this is all i have i don't know what i don't know what else it wants me to do i tried the flashlight it could just there it is dang it to avoid renovated bonnie just reboot his system oh my gosh so i was in the right way which one did i press which one did i press let me see because i i pressed the left one which i just assumed because the right one is for is for freddy oh it's the same one you just have to reboot the system that would have been so easy all we had to do was just reboot the system and that thing would have left us alone and we would have won ah that is so unfortunate alright guys i'm gonna end this video here though but guys that was the golden memory 2 demo overall i really like this game so far if you guys do too let me know leave a like or video down below we'll definitely return to this game in another video and of course if you haven't and you haven't already destroyed that subscribe button but not too hard okay don't want to break your tablet nothing like that but give it a soft gentle touch and i'll see you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching peace out
Channel: FusionZGamer
Views: 1,392,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: renovated bonnie, renovated animatronics, bonnie, toy bonnie, renovated chica, renovated freddy, withered fredbear, golden memory, golden memory 2, golden memory 2 demo, golden memory 2 all jumpscares, golden memory 2 night 1, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, fnaf fan games, fusionzgamer, fusionzgamer fnaf, fnaf fan games fusionzgamer, fnaf golden memory 2, golden memory 2 fusionzgamer, fnaf vr, fnaf help wanted, fnaf vr help wanted, new fnaf, fnaf playable animatronics
Id: wAC6edgsYKU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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