The New Kind of LASER You Should Know About!

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Hey I'm Dave, welcome to my shop! Today in Dave's  garage it's time to look at lasers and how they   work. And not just any old laser, because we're  making the jump from RGB LEDs to directed-beam RGB   lasers, often known as show lasers. These are the  ones you see onstage at your favorite concerts or   in larger clubs, and today we'll investigate how  they work in detail as we put my new high powered   LaserCube Pro through its paces. The LaserCube  is a fascinating and enigmatic device that   promises to revolutionize the way we think about  color laser projectors. With its sleek, metallic   exterior, rugged constructions, and advanced  capabilities, it's hard not to be drawn in by its   allure. What exactly is it capable of? How does it  all work? That's what we'll find out today. The   finer points of this laser are fascinating, but  even the basics can impress. As you might guess,   to make an arbitrary color of the rainbow it  must combine individual elements of red, green,   and blue. But how do you combine three lasers into  a single beam with perfect alignment? How do you   move that beam around to draw images? We'll look  such challenges and how they solved them when tale   a look inside the beast. As a little kid I kept  coming back to a singular odd thought experiment.   What if you had a sphere of glass made from  one-way mirror, such that you could shine light   in, but it couldn't bounce back out. Ignoring  inefficiencies and losses, could you leave it out   in the sun for a while to make a light bomb? Would  the sphere flash if you broke it in the dark,   and so on? Think about it long enough, that  eternal internal reflection almost leads you to   how a laser works, except we want all of our light  going in a single direction. Let's imagine it in   2D for a moment, as a tube where, like my sphere,  everything is a mirror on the inside. Except we   leave a hole open on the end, normally in the  form of a partial mirror. Inside this cavity we   place a ruby rod aligned lengthwise. Then we wrap  the ruby rod in the brightest lamp we can muster.   When we light the lamp, it emits white light in  all directions. A lot of the light goes directly   into the ruby, and any that misses will bounce off  the internally mirrored surface for another chance   at the ruby. Two things happen when the light  finally hits the ruby. First, the incoming light   triggers a chain reaction within the ruby, causing  many photons of red light to be emitted. Second,   the ruby somehow aligns all of that new light in a  single direction. But why does the light come out   of the ruby in a coherent red beam? Well, Ruby is  a crystal. And it turns out that Ruby emits light   mostly along its crystal axis when excited because  of the way the ruby crystal is structured. Ruby   is made up of aluminum oxide with a small amount  of chromium ions in its lattice structure. Those   chromium ions are responsible for the ruby's red  color and its ability to act as a laser medium.    When a ruby crystal is excited with an external  energy source, such as a flash tube, it causes   the chromium ions in the crystal lattice to become  excited and move to a higher energy level. When   these ions relax back to their lower energy level,  they emit photons of light. The specific energy   levels and transitions involved in this process  dictate the wavelength of the emitted light,   which in the case of ruby, is mostly in the red  part of the spectrum. So, the ruby crystal is not   just tinting the white light to another color, but  instead, it is absorbing energy and re-emitting   it as a specific new wavelength of light.   The crystal structure of ruby is such that the   chromium ions are oriented along a specific axis,  known as the crystal axis. This means that when   the chromium ions emit photons of light, they tend  to do so in a way that is aligned with this axis.   This leads to a highly directional laser beam  that is emitted mostly along that crystal axis.    The key takeaway here is that the ruby isn't  taking the white light and somehow aligning   it. It's absorbing the energy from the incoming  light and using it to emit completely new photons   of a specific wavelength and a particular  direction. It's more like it's eating all the   white light it can get and then pooping out little  photons of red light aligned with the cystal.    Any emitted light that does come out in any other  direction is reflected back into the ruby by the   mirrors so that it gets endless chances at  aligning on the crystal axis. In the end,   it means that any light emitted by the flash  tube ultimately comes out of the laser orifice   as a straight beam of red light. The amount that  is lost to imperfect reflections or from hitting   opaque parts like the flash tube assembly is  converted to heat. At the end of a day, modern   lasers are between 10 percent and 50 percent power  efficient, meaning that if you put one watt in as   random white light, you'll get a half watt out  in laser light. As a side note, by now you've   heard of the successful nuclear fusion test at the  National Ignition Facility, or NIF. They focus the   beams of numerous powerful lasers onto a hydrogen  fuel pellet and the energy from those lasers   ignites, or fuses, the hydrogen. They achieved  more power output than the laser energy that hit   the pellet, a major milestone. But there's one  problem: The lasers at the NIF are much older   tech dating back to the 1980s, and are only about  1% efficient. So, while the test was successful in   that it produced more net output energy than the  laser energy that was pumped into the fuel cell,   it actually took up to 100x as much electricity to  generate the laser light. In other words, the test   came nowhere near recouping the amount of energy  put into the system as a whole; it only succeeded   in generating more power than the actual laser  light hitting the fuel cell. It's a subtle but   important difference. The good news is that modern  lasers would be up to 20 times more efficient.    With our basic ruby laser roughly understood,  what about other colors? If a Ruby is red, how   do you make a green laser? Well, it turns out they  generally use a "doubly-ionized neodymium-doped   yttrium aluminum garnet". Or as I like to call it,  garnet. And for a blue laser, they typically use   gallium nitride. There are also tunable lasers  that can shift their color output, but they're not   well suited to doing what we want to do, which  is to make nright color visuals. The LaserCube,   then, doesn't contain a single full color laser -  it contains multiple red, green, and blue lasers   that are aligned to produce a single beam of the  desired color combination. But how do they combine   three separate lasers into a single beam without  all kinds of convergence and alignment issues?    It turns out the answer to this problem is called  a dichromic mirror. A dichromic mirror reflects   light of certain wavelengths, or colors, yet it  allows others to pass directly through unchanged.   Also known as a dichromatic mirror or  beam-splitter, it is essentially a type of   optical filter that reflects certain wavelengths  of light while allowing others to pass through.   It is made by depositing thin layers of dielectric  materials onto a glass or plastic substrate.    The unique feature of a dichroic mirror is  that it has different optical properties for   different wavelengths of light. This is achieved  by adjusting the thickness and composition of the   layers of dielectric materials deposited on the  substrate, which creates a thin-film interference   effect. This happens when light bounces off both  the top and bottom layers of the thin film. If the   thickness of the film matches the wavelength  of the light, it will reinforce the light,   but if it's offset by half of the thickness, it  undergoes destructive interference which cancels   out the light. For our purposes, a typical  dichroic mirror used in a laser may reflect light   in the blue and green part of the spectrum, while  allowing light in the red part of the spectrum to   pass through. This makes it useful for combining  or separating different colors of light, allowing   them to be directed to different detectors or  used for different purposes. Long story short,   you can control what gets reflected versus pass on  through by controlling the thickness of the film   relative to the wavelength of the light color in  question. Perhaps a diagram will help. Let's say   we have a green laser beam and we want to add, or  combine, our blue and red lasers with it. We place   a first dichroic mirror at a 45 degree angle.  The green laser passes through without change,   but the blue laser that we feed in at a 90 degree  angle is reflected and directly aligned with the   green. We then use a second dichroic mirror,  which this time allows green and blue to pass   while reflecting the red. The red is brought in at  a 90 degree angle as well and it reflected along   the common path. Now we have all three lasers  combined into a single path. From here on in,   it's point and shoot. And speaking of shooting,  we need to address some basic laser safety. In the   United States, the Food and Drug Administration  (FDA) regulates the use of lasers for medical,   cosmetic, and research purposes. The FDA  classifies lasers into four different   categories based on their potential hazards  to human health: Class 1: These are low-power   lasers that do not pose a risk of eye or skin  injury and are exempt from regulatory controls.   This would be your typical laser pointer. Class 2  lasers are low-power visible lasers that can cause   temporary visual impairment but are unlikely to  cause permanent eye damage. They are also exempt   from regulatory controls, because they figure your  blink reflex will save you in time. Class 3R and   3B are medium-power lasers and can cause eye and  skin injury. They require FDA certification and   are subject to certain regulatory controls.   Class 4: These are high-power lasers that can   cause severe and permanent eye and skin injuries.  They require FDA certification and are subject   to strict regulatory controls. Lasers that fall  under Class 3R, 3B, and 4 categories require FDA   exemption or approval, depending on their intended  use. The exemption is typically granted if the   laser is used in a controlled environment and with  appropriate safety measures to prevent accidental   exposure or injury. The maximum safe power output  of a Class 1 laser is 4 milliwatts. By comparison,   my LaserCube emits 2500 milliwatt, or 625 times as  much as the legal limit for a class 1. That makes   it a dangerous class IV laser, capable of both  blinding your vision and burning your skin.    You might think, "Oh, I'll just throw on a pair  of laser protection glasses". But for which   color? After all, those glasses are designed to  protect against a specific wavelength like red,   green, or blue. We have to be concerned  with the entire visible spectrum,   but if you want a pair of sunglasses  that safely blocks the whole spectrum,   you might as well make them out of wood because  you won't be able to see anything anyway. You   might then get clever and throw on your welding  helmet, but if it's auto-darkening, it will do   nothing to protect you when the laser hits your  eye but misses the light sensor on the helmet.    Put more simply, there are no cheap and easy  shortcuts to protecting yourself from a color   laser. Like a firearm, never point it at humans,  animals, or anything you don't intend to shoot.   You must be careful about what's behind  the target area and you must also avoid   any specular reflections that would hurl your  beam right back at you. So before using a laser,   make sure that you read, understand, and follow  all of the manufacturer's safety information.    This is particularly true if you need to take a  laser apart and operate it with the case open.   Laser light leakage could damage your vision,  and for that reason, rather than do it myself I'm   going to rely on some internal footage used with  the kind permission of the Brainiac75 channel,   which I encourage you to check out for a lot more  laser fun. With that, let's have a look inside of   a LaserCube. Here you can see the lid removed  and a piece of paper set on top; as soon as the   laser is energized, we can see where dangerous  light leakage would occur, and why we need to be   careful. As if protecting your vision isn't enough  incentive, remember it can equally destroy your   camera's CCDs as well. The LaserCube model shown  here has a single powerful blue laser, two greens,   and three reds. When it is energized, we can see  the array of mirrors and lenses that are used to   focus and direct the beams. There is a lot of  beam spread straight out of the laser diode,   and it's much more pronounced in one axis, known  as the fast axis, and a bit less on the slow acis.   To correct this, each beam is first sent through  a lens to gather that spreading light back into   a focused beam on the fast axis, and then a  second lens to do the same for the slow axis.   A third lens collimates the beams into a straight  coherent beam. The three red lasers are then sent   into a knife-edge array that reflects the three  independent beams into what appears as a single   united beam. Similarly, the green lasers are  sent through separate set of mirrors that bring   the green beam into alignment with the red.   Finally, the blue laser emits directly into a   mirror that reflects it on though the output path.  And since the green and red were reflected to be   in alignment with the blue, you now have a single  beam of mixed colors. This complicated beam path   and combination array is possible only through the  magic of the dichromic mirrors which I introduced   earlier. As you can see in this summary diagram,  the three reds pass unimpeded through the first   dichromic mirror, while the green is reflected.  The second dichromic mirror reflects the blue   while allowing the red and green to pass through  unmolested, and the resultant beam is a fully   converged RGB laser. By adjusting the power of the  various primary laser colors, the laser is able   to mix and match any color of visible light. This  setup also avoids the need for manual convergence,   an annoying process that you might remember from  trying to align the electron beams in an old CRT   or movie projector. I imagine getting this right  takes some very careful alignment and tuning at   the factory, and it's not a product you'd want  to drop very often... that much I'm certain of!    Knowing just what we've learned so far today  would only get us a colored beam - a powerful   custom-color laser pointer, in essence. We  want to move that beam around incredibly   quickly and to draw pictures with it. Your first  thought might be to do what the yoke on an old   CRT does - bend the beam through electromagnets to  place it where you want. Unfortunately, CRT yokes   are designed to bend an electron beam in a vacuum,  not photons. Since photons do not have an electric   charge, they do not interact with magnetic fields  in the same way that electrons do. Therefore,   a yoke from a television would not be effective  at bending a laser beam of photons. Back to the   drawing board. The way the LaserCube actually  aims the light is through the use of what are   known as Galvanometer Scanners. These scanners,  also known as "galvos", are a common method used   to steer laser beams in laser beam projectors.  They consist of two small mirrors mounted on   rotating shafts that are controlled by small  electric motors or other actuators. To direct   a laser beam, the first mirror (referred to as the  X mirror) rotates along the horizontal axis, while   the second mirror (referred to as the Y mirror)  rotates along the vertical axis. By precisely   controlling the rotation of these mirrors, the  laser beam can be deflected in any direction,   allowing it to be directed to different points on  a screen or other surface. To approximate what's   going on, imagine you had two ping pong paddles  with mirrored surfaces. You'd place one this way   and one 90 degrees to the first, and with a little  practice, by rotating your wrists you could send   the beam in pretty much any direction you wished.  Ping pong paddles are quite big and wrists are   slow, however, so the mirrors in a galvo system  are typically very small and lightweight, allowing   them to move very quickly and with high precision.  The stepper motors or other actuators used to   rotate the mirrors are also highly precise and can  be controlled with great accuracy in software.    The beam emitted by the LaserCube Pro is 4mm in  diameter. It has a divergence of 1 milli-rad,   or thousandth of a radian. The galvos in the  LaserCube can draw at a rate of 35,000 unique   points per second. The higher the number, the  sharper corners appear in the final drawing. A   slower or lazier galvo would need more time to  draw the same result, so you would wind up with   either less resolution in the image or a longer  time taken to draw it. The faster that the galvos   can draw the image, the higher the framerate and  the less flicker you will perceive as well.    The LaserCube is controlled by a software package  known as LaserOS. The software package includes   literally hundreds of different animations and  effects, and you can combine them in creative   ways to create completely new shows. You can  import images and songs and lay them out on an   editing timeline. You can download and experiment  with LaserOS on any desktop or Android device,   and you get a color preview of what your results  would look like even without a laser. If you have   an interest in tinkering with it, simply  stop by and download a copy.    Remember I'm mostly in this for the subs  and likes, so please be sure to leave me   one of each before you go today! If you have any  interest in matters related to autism, asperger's,   or ASD, check out the free sample of my book  on Amazon, Secrets of the Autistic Millioniare.   It's got nothing to do with money and everything  to do with how to live a successful life on the   spectrum. It's everything I know now about autism  and ASD that I wish I'd known back then. In the   meantime and in between time, I hope to see you  next time, right here in Dave's Garage.
Channel: Dave's Garage
Views: 215,307
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Keywords: laser projector, laser projector 4k, laser projector vs led projector, laser projector review, how it works, learn, lasers, dichroic mirror, galvos, galvanometer, yt:cc=on
Id: j9eHX2zP_xY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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