The New Goonzquad Headquarters Part 11

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dang son dude that is legit that is awesome what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we are here at the new gun squad headquarters and as you guys seen in the previous video we started working on the landscaping in the backyard and we even started building a natural stone retaining wall which each and every single one of these rocks is actually found here on the property which that's just amazing and that sucker is just turning out super awesome as well and we even picked up a spiral staircase right here a full metal spiral staircase we just test fitted it right there i can't wait to actually get that sucker in there for good that's definitely going to be a unique touch to this backyard but basically as right now what we're going to do is just continue where we left off we're going to try to finish building this retaining wall and that thing is pretty dang difficult to build just because of how massive those rocks are and then you got to level everything precisely and then you got to back fill it with gravel and all that good stuff but you know what we are enjoying every bit of it and then once that retaining wall is actually finished up then we're gonna move to higher grounds and probably start planting some grass or some little plants or whatever just to make everything look good back there so as of right now i guess we're just gonna go ahead jump into the machines keep stacking some rocks and hopefully get this retaining wall finished up [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all righty guys so i think we found a perfect stopping point because as usual we got an early start on this video and it's already getting a little late on us but dude it's always good to be ahead though especially on this uh wall that we're building here i mean we finally got it all the way to the end right there we'll probably call that the end right yeah i think that's gonna be the end i don't think we're gonna go any further i mean later on if we wanted to we could go further on you know just keep stacking but as right now this is like the main area we're actually focused on we probably will leave most of these trees on the side right yeah because it does hold a lot of that soil intact like i noticed over there there's a lot of roots in that hill right there which is actually really what's holding the whole entire thing together so we're gonna have to put like some kind of plants with that have like a deep roots or something like that we'll research it a little bit but as of right now dude i gotta say dude the more we work on this uh wall retaining wall it almost starts to look like the side of a mountain dude it looks like it was there for thousands of years almost oh man once we start going a little bit higher and higher it's definitely going to blend in a little bit more but so far dude amazing oh yeah definitely but as usual we did get an early start on this video because you know what this is what's the most time-consuming we're just trying to get this process just trying to get it knocked out trying to get it knocked out that way we can move on to bigger and better things you know what i mean maybe in the inside of the house yeah there's so much to do but we're knocking out slowly but surely or we're going we're actually moving pretty quickly definitely moving really quick but it is pretty dang late in the day so we're just gonna have to catch you guys tomorrow in the morning all righty guys so it is the next day here and we're just going to keep on moving with this retaining wall we do got to add a couple more layers of rock but then once that's done we're going to move on to the actual hill the dirt part of it probably remove a lot of those weeds and clean everything up make it nice and smooth probably rake it with the rake then maybe even start planting some plants [Music] alrighty guys so a couple hours later and i gotta say we are getting somewhere with this uh retaining wall here we're getting close to almost finishing this sucker up so we basically got this side completely finished we're not gonna go any higher right here we're actually gonna just stop right here with this wall as well so this is the end of that layer as well and i guess we're gonna do one more layer on top of this one what do you say i say one or two depending on the size of the rock because we did mention that this is the steepest part right here so we got to really focus on keeping that soil contained you know what i mean so one or two more layers here we'll probably just step it up a little bit and uh we'll probably be done with the wall after that right yeah and then after that we're gonna start going up to the higher grounds and probably or maybe over here dude over here i was thinking maybe do like a little flower bed like put some dirt in these little pockets right here imagine that dude we're thinking about not filling these in with gravel and just like putting like some soil and stuff right there that way we can plant some plants between the rocks and stuff like that that would look really good maybe straighten some of this dirt out over here probably remove that big rock right there these rocks can probably stay because they are in that dirt super far in there just got to fill up those uh little rat holes or whatever or snake holes whatever those are man whatever holes those are and i was thinking that about as you can tell that little stair that you just stepped on right there basically like a little staircase right here this is a perfect opportunity to actually stack some rocks and maybe even make a stair like all the way up dude that'd be super sweet a bunch of stairs going up there and then like a nice little chill spot up there throw you a rocking chair or a regular chair or something the tip of that rock or something that'd be cool man and as for this rock right here i believe we're gonna have to clean it up a little bit because there's like some soil or some clay over the top of it or should we leave it that's probably what's holding it right now no we'll just clean we'll just like get that soil off of that rock just to clean it up a little bit and probably even try to stack some rocks right here and like do a little staircase or whatever i mean we are running out of rocks i'm surprised to say that that is crazy dude i thought we had way too much rocks but we've been looking left and right we've been i mean we used all the major big ones that we had so all the big ones are basically gone now it's just uh all the little ones but i'm sure we got some in the woods we just got to go in there and look for yeah there is a couple piles here and there but i mean so far dude honestly this wall is pretty much like art you've been you've been actually like positioning them i've been using the excavator you've just been like telling me where to put them picasso picasso man i gotta say like this like you might think that we just stacked him however but no it was it took a long time just to strategically how do you even say that i don't even know how to say that word man let's not use that one strategically yeah we had to place them perfectly because if you don't actually like place them right i mean sometimes you can kind of see some rocks kind of dip down a little bit it's because we didn't have the perfect rocks but i mean we got it as best as possible and i mean just everything is just nice and flat throughout the whole entire thing and all the rocks are basically all the same size which was really hard man that's why it took so long but we got it i mean we just made it look as natural as possible yeah dude it's just natural man that's just amazing dude every single rock that we placed here or we're placing that makes it look better and better but i guess we're gonna go ahead and finish off the retaining wall right we're probably gonna go ahead and go around the property a little bit collect a few rocks here and there and then we're gonna go ahead and finish this wall up and hopefully move up to the dirt [Music] [Music] dang son now that right there is what you call a custom wall man took way longer than anticipated but dude the results are in and this thing is just looking fabulous man that's a great word for it man how many how high did we go right there one like one two three four five six something layers and it sits about five six foot tall dude which is just amazing dude that dirt is not going anywhere i don't think so either man plus we're gonna do all like the plants or whatever we thought we thought we were gonna get to that today but man i know man this thing you know stacking rocks is like playing like adult legos right here a giant legos giant legos just stacking blocks right here but dude i gotta say once we're done with it it's gonna look really good i think it's gonna be well worth it man this is taking a good bit of time but in the end it's gonna be worth it dude i can't wait to plant like some trees shrubs heck we can even like plant some vegetation like we can put like some tomato plants or whatever back there some carrots whatever you know what i mean you just pop out of the kitchen go pick you whatever a tomato and slice it up throw it the only thing we're going to be missing is just like a waterfall down here dude what if we build like a waterfall just trickling down the rocks dude how cool would that be man would that be possible i mean it could be possible anything's possible man but yeah anything is possible you set up like a little sump at the bottom a little pump somewhere just spraying water down and collecting at the bottom dude who knows are we gonna go any taller with these rocks or what um i don't know i mean that's already a really good height we could leave it like that we may do another layer later on or who knows we just got to go around finding the exact same rocks because it takes a good bit of time trying to find the exact same inch rock so all those rocks over there are exactly the same height it's kind of weird how they are on this property all the same height there's like 100 rocks that are 10 inches 100 rocks that are like five inches it's kind of weird they're just like breaking layers but you know what that just makes for a good wall huh makes for a good wall and we actually got uh recently while we were building the wall our well guy came out here and actually tested our well that's set up on the property we thought that thing was not working and ever since we got power we actually can pump water out of the ground yeah so as soon as we got power we actually had water we didn't know this until he came out here today which i guess you want to go over there and turn that sucker on let's go show them how some natural water comes out of the ground so before we head out there man i just want to mention that these two machines right here are putting in some work and while we're at it we're actually kind of compacting the ground dude oh yeah this ground this clay whatever it is is super compact and i'm sure hopefully it doesn't get muddy when it rains again you know i think it may rain tomorrow or maybe the day after that good thing to test out our walls yeah the water does i really want to see how all that um the drainage is gonna be you know what i mean remember when we first got to this property how crazy it looked now look at it looks like a a work zone of construction it's legit man i haven't seen any pests in a while either you know i mean dude nothing at all ever since we started running everything but let's go over here and dude i'm actually excited about this well dude i'm excited the first time he actually cut it on dude i was like mind blown i was like dude this is water coming from the ground and it's super cold because i think any time you're like in the you go into the ground like caves and stuff they keep a constant temperature what temperature is it this thing is like i think it's like what do you say 1100 feet down into the earth but we're pumping water around like 800 feet oh right here it is that's the well right there this is where they drilled it about about like 1100 feet to catch some water when like in the middle this thing can just pump i mean this can power our whole entire house in another house of course so i think what we're gonna do is actually have a separate tank and it's just gonna go what are you thinking right there's gonna be a storage tank like a 300 gallon who knows may even go bigger 800 300 gallon is plenty the guy said that should be whoa bug flying in my the bugs man we still got bugs out here mosquitoes mosquitoes mosquitoes that are those pests i don't know yeah those are pests they're best for me but anyways let's just go ahead and cut it on because it may take a little bit of time for it to actually pump up it's 1100 feet oh yeah it's gonna take a little bit i mean but we actually pumped some up so i mean i'm just gonna hit this breaker right here and this thing should make some noise here soon it should yeah oh is it making noises i think so it made one noise and up there it goes there's gonna be it may be mucky that is legit that is awesome and that water stays that cold the whole entire time like winter summer fall it's always going to be this cold i think it's like 55 degrees if i'm not mistaken maybe yeah so this is this feels good and i believe he said that some people will actually um run their oh actually cool their house down with the with the pump water the hvac system somehow runs off of this uh water that's so weird dude you can actually get a hvac system which i think you he he said that you might have to dig another well for it so it costs a little bit to dig another well but your hvac system will actually pump this water through it and i guess dribble it sprinkle it down and arrow blow through it and cool your house down it's kind of weird but you know what we don't need to go that route i don't think we need we don't need all that but i definitely would like to look into that see what that's about just to learn about it or whatnot but dude i can't wait to have this water hooked up and to the house and all that good oh yeah he gave us a heads up on what we should do to that pad good thing we didn't pour it we're gonna have to put like a six inch pvc pipe like from the ground to the pad that way he can run all the water lines and power lines underneath the ground and inside the wheel house that way nothing freezes in the winter and we're gonna have to run a 220 or whatever to the house and a water line i guess our electrician and our plumber guy can do all that we're just gonna have to dig the hole oh yeah that was some great information that he actually gave us today but i'm super excited to actually build that wheel house as well here real soon dude building another house man building another house we're going to build that thing pretty legit man oh yeah i was thinking like two stories but no that'd probably be too much yeah we just need to build it legit like with insulation you know full insulated walls electrical gonna need like five six power sockets in there because we're gonna have like three to four filters a chlorinator and all that stuff cleaning the water and all that stuff from like bacteria or if there's anything in there it will kill it on the spot yeah another thing to look for in that water is the smell of the water if it smells like eggs or whatever well sulfur sulfur actually stink like i don't know like rotten eggs so that's that's the whole thing that this whole machine will actually clean all that out to be able to even drink it he said yep that's exactly what that's gonna do all the infiltration system but i can't wait to get it hooked up but as of right now i guess that's gonna be all for today right yep i guess we're just gonna have to continue tomorrow in the morning [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys so it is the next day and we just got straight to work we started out by cleaning the side of this hill here we got all the little shrubs cut and we raked this hill down a little bit just to clean it up and it's starting to look really good almost ready for some plants or whatever we need to plant there and we even started building a few stairs right here as you can tell we laid a few pieces of rock and it already is looking way better than it did dude i can't wait to actually lead it up probably as high as possible honestly dude that's going to look super cool if we go like you want to go all the way up to that cliff over there we're going to go as far up as possible i mean we got a few rocks i mean we got a good bit of rocks we can probably start as you can tell it's starting to get steep we're gonna probably start stacking like some thicker rocks just make steps and you know us hopefully we can even get it all the way up to the top that'll be so cool right there go ahead and test it out let's see what it's about oh dang they're solid and it did start running on us so it is super slick i'm not wearing my boots right now i might have to transition into them boots dude definitely but hey this is a good time to see how all the irrigation works are out here but i mean it didn't rain that hard though yeah i think that's gonna be all the rain for today it just like sprinkled down got everything just like wet look at this moss i noticed this earlier dude imagine if everything was mossed up i think that'd be pretty cool dude if there was like little patches everywhere i wonder if you can buy that stuff and grow it or whatnot i mean we're gonna keep that alive we're just gonna water it on a dry day we do need to get some exotic plants out here into into the into that or we just go to the home depot get something go to the home depot or we can like just order some palm trees from florida or something like that and just throw them right here or something dude palm trees would be really cool i wonder if they'll grow in this type of soil or something like that that's something we need to research but send us a palm tree somebody send us a palm tree but another thing as for irrigation what if we threw like an irrigation pipe along the whole entire edge and over here too what do you think about that definitely gonna have to do that because as you can tell that's just the gutter right there leaking down and as you can tell it's like holding water and we kind of dug into the dirt a little bit and once we pour our driveway and stuff like that we don't want standing water like underneath it going up underneath the house and stuff like that so we're probably gonna throw one that way and probably throw them this way as well yeah i think that'd be or should we start one from here go all the way around and let it go that way hey that'd be perfect that way we don't have yeah just one all the way around this whole entire edge and i think it'll just drain all that water that way and i think that should be good as far as like the rocks and stuff i think that wall is not going anywhere but i think some soil may come down when it rains like super hard probably yeah i mean over time you're gonna get like some of this gravel that we backfilled to come out but that's the reason why we put the gravel that way the soil compacts and just hardens up it's like a filtration yeah it's like a filtration some clean water come out of here i mean it's gonna be like a natural waterfall man what dude that's gonna be so awesome i can't wait dude i'm looking forward to some like good solid rain all right i just want to see how all this stuff works and if it works good and i'm sure it will man it's a solid wall dude but i guess yeah that wall i think it's gonna work great but anyways let's keep on moving and try to get some of this landscaping knocked out a little bit more let's do it [Music] all righty guys so after finishing up with the stairs i think we didn't go all the way up because it was getting a little bit sketchy though the excavator couldn't even reach that far man we need a bigger excavator to go higher but we are good on that triple bone escalator double triple boom you know four quad boom all the way up to the top maybe even get like a little hoist or something who knows crane or something a crane the helicopter man helicopter we'll pick up some rocks and drop them here soon but we ended up cleaning out the whole entire side of that hill and now we're at the home depot getting some plants yeah we need some plants and uh we did a little bit of research on what kind of plants are good for erosion so we're going to look around grab one of these carts and probably grab some soil or something yeah i think we'll grab some topsoil because we need to have like we'll mix it in with the clay because the clay is not the best for plants to grow in but there are some plants that actually thrive in it oh yeah so we're just gonna find it and we might even grab some mulch as well a couple bags of mulch just to lay on top of heck yeah we're gonna find some awesome colorful plants and shrubs or whatever man i actually never thought i'd be looking for like some nice plants some plants i mean look they even got like trees and stuff that we big old trees i guess we're just gonna go ahead and pick out what we need and head back because it's time is flying dude it's flying whenever you're out there you know building cool stuff you know what i mean exactly man so let's just get what we need and head on back to the house let's do it [Music] [Music] my [Music] we are back from the home depot with our supplies here we got some garden soil and a bunch of different plants let's see what we got here we got some japanese hawley sky pencil those are going to look really cool we've got some mondo grass i think those are really good for erosion control and then we got some reddish purple plant right here called cordyline then this right here i don't know what the name of this is i looked those up and they're actually really good for erosion control along with that mondo grass right there and when they get bigger they'll like sprout these purple flowers on there and look we just need a lot of colors on this bunch of colors on this hill is gonna look really good but looking at this i think we're gonna have to either double triple or quadruple down just to fill this whole entire hill in dude we're gonna end up probably spinning around two to three thousand to fill this whole area but it's gonna be well worth it i mean we got to match this lovely wall that we built over here i mean dude that wall is on point definitely got to make the rest of this hill look on point and this right here is around 350 bucks so i'm thinking around two two grand and plants and we're probably thinking that and it's probably going to end up costing us like even more we got to buy like some tomatoes some peppers and stuff like that but as right now i don't think we're going to have enough time to actually plant this stuff we just kind of want to set it out just get a feel for what we're working with just see what kind of different pattern patterns and sequences we can do probably so much i'd like to do something like along those stairs going up a little bit along the along these rocks dude all types of stuff yeah so i guess as of right now let's just go ahead and start setting some out and see what it looks [Music] like [Music] [Music] [Music] hey son these plants do definitely make a huge difference man and that's not even all of them i like the little like plants right there that are right by the stairs going up i think that looks really cool over here we're just getting a general idea of where we should place them obviously they're in their little containers right now they're going to look a lot better when they're in the ground and give them a few months to actually like sprout and get bigger yeah and we haven't decided if we're going to do like mulch around it because i don't know if mulch will be able to withstand that slope right there maybe some pea gravel maybe some grass or something i don't know who knows we can we can try to do a bag of mulch because it's almost kind of like turns into soil afterwards yeah we can try like a probably like just do the hillside and if it does get washed away we'll probably like move on to something else but i mean we can probably find a way to contain that mulch on the hill i wonder if there's a like some kind of metal blanket or something put down yeah definitely gonna have to figure something out or if anything we can just throw a straw blanket and sprinkle some grass seeds and then plant this stuff after you know yeah just cut into it or whatever but dude i really like these plants right here in between the cracks and we're going to probably put soil in there and that'll just grow right up right there definitely going to have to put soil throughout this whole entire thing and one thing that we will probably do when we're living here is actually whenever we burn like bonfires or anything like that sprinkle some fresh ashes all over this hillside and they'll actually make this give nutrients to the soil oh yeah and hopefully get these plants just like just popping blossoming yeah that's what we want but look how muddy it is so that's af actually we left to the store and it rained pretty dang hard and i mean the water is not too bad there's a little bit here because there's actually a little dip in the ground and there's really not that much over there like i thought it was gonna be so i'm guessing actually this wall is probably holding in most of that water behind there and probably either going into the ground or just like going that way where the dirt set you know he knows but i still think we should do the irrigation pipe definitely but other than that everything is looking pretty dang good definitely going to need a lot more plants i just wanted to come over here and show you guys the rain that's coming in and we're coming in yes sir look at that dude that looks so cool man you can literally see every time the rain is about to come in you can see it from afar and it always like travels through that valley and like this like it like goes this way kind of like on an angle a little bit so it's cool like watching it go over the mountain and head towards our way and like we can like time it we're like oh we got 30 minutes or we got a few seconds right now because it's like right it's right there but that's probably gonna be all for today's video we had a lot of fun and things are turning out oh yeah alrighty guys so the rain is here and that's gonna be a wrap for today's video i hope you guys enjoyed the process of us building this wall and also all the landscaping but there is much more to come so make sure you guys post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything and also if you want to inside scoop before youtube definitely give us a follow on instagram at goon squad but with all that being said thank you guys so much for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you guys next time [Music] peace you
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,152,307
Rating: 4.9373198 out of 5
Keywords: the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad house, new goonzquad house, buying the new goonzquad headquarters, goonzquad garage, goonzquad garage update, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked trackhawk, rebuilding a wrecked supra, rebuilding a wrecked lamborghini, rebuilding a wrecked car, building the new goonzquad garage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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