THE NEW DBD AND FRIDAY THE 13TH! - LAST YEAR (Our First Matches) 1v5

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alright alright next we bring the across the gym home free we escape my goodness [Laughter] [ __ ] over here that we need to get okay we gotta think where this life oh honey has a risk you guys any help oh let me help I don't have enough charge yet you got away a little bit you serious tracker does um I think it tells I when he goes from being a ghost floating around a map to being a I think I owe why is my tracker going blue what does that mean I need to find some more scraps no they killed our teacher teacher I can't see I can't see you have to crack the flashlight can I hit him I need to be rescued just going my trap it's definitely not cartoons tell you that right now come here buddy the same cartoons [Laughter] how do you see me oh my god [Music] [Laughter] Thank You oh thank you yeah I could upgrade my toolbox watch me cuz watch me check this out I'm with the team you crafted a helmet on the other side of the world guys guys let's do this are you free oh my god okay no fighter apparently okay yeah we need a fighter what's it happen into a vid trying to save cartoons watch out for the Vince guys watch out for the very dangerous just put a trap right here squirrel and you break it break it we still have a found again yeah the floor drops right I don't where this dead dad I think I'm baby yeah we only got three survivors remaining that I think Oh oh my god someone someone get destroyed in here guys we got three minutes we got to do this quick hey gorilla yes gorilla now we kill em one more time I don't I don't have a weapon I can't fight them with you guys we have to go to the blue I'm at the blue all right sure grab the knot Bru survivors remain we got this voice we're not doing nothing what are you doing he's close just wrap into chocolate squirrel what are we doing yeah watch I have a parks emblem on over there at the door no we got a safe quarter squirt why don't we call it a hose oh come on here you wouldn't know I forgot you to worry I got ya don't worry about all this blood on the ground all this yes we were supposed to drive to live across the gym to get to the top where we stare doesn't you just hit it just drives us straight across that was the end all we had to do is drive the you see that wall yeah that's a lot that man we kill two of the killers you did yeah all right okay so first actually find some fuel your next we bring that to the scissor my decision if not have time to draw a squirrel I spent all my time on the edge stevedore yeah the escape door you know I'm gonna be a scout now a miscount you guys windows you've wandered into the wrong school this is a school for killers oh are you guys my apprentices right here I'm your princess princess killer oh you know me baby call me a princess do what you want do what you want yeah I think you you are beautiful princess it will always be a compliment hey someone here alright sound like a crazy maniac listen I I've always been a mania ever since my father was a maniac oh yeah we get some killer back story okay what drove him killing the Lord oh did you fall down the hole do you guys know right there [Music] to kill the brother right on me oh no thank you am i killing you [Applause] that's what you call teamwork whoo anymore make the dream work me and did you find did you find more coconut a drinker one set of stairs up I'm very well I have the guest but I'm also the trap no I don't I don't know where you he's not there anymore I can't breathe yeah well vanished without a trace absolutely nothing with my flavor I'm pretty sure there's a shot [Music] [Music] we got I don't believe you guys we got a driveway I can't find any any any like killer things that you were talking about where I could jump up and pop it there like in the hallways there's gotta be your predator mode yeah yeah I mean goes for yes one less man remain what are you doing what are your friends you look good yeah [ __ ] guys there's gonna be new opportunities not 15 and he's knocking aiming thank for ya baby why [Laughter] flashed him it was just too much [Music] [Laughter] I like this counter what do you counter by squirrel truck this okay guys guys don't cartoons I don't think uh squirrel were you guys oh where you going squirrel no we've we've been wandering this not okay okay squirt yeah we should use your not okay and where are you not I would never teleport oh yeah you sure did talking about why would you call me that I saw you put that trap down I would never you put that thing down and reversed it I saw it we birthed it that was all over the other side of man oh it's all trash all trip give you the satisfaction work no yes [Music] nobody run let's go let's go save up there yeah Oh where's your slips there squirrel I don't want to be flashed showing my boobs open the gates a man do it I can't no I can't appeared and he's up there he's up through the wheel no I'm not I'm not trap what didn't what should we do guys what should we do okay oh I don't know this we gotta bring everybody are we saving muumuus right here get up here that's what does that noise yeah there's not enough time I have a smoke grenade he's gonna rain here am I gonna be in there guys I got a smoke grenade - there's no snow Renee - hurts everybody [Music] [Laughter] like all right so I got into those brick walls so many times you guys would just stand on the border and I couldn't get you it was so bad look at all the people in Iran makes you drop the grenade that was funny if there's a lot of people in the area the smoke lets you come out of ghost mode really yeah Oh cuz they can't really see you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: H2ODelirious
Views: 2,634,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: H2ODelirious, Funny, Hilarious, Random, Moments, H2O Delirious, Funny Moments, Ohmwrecker, Cartoonz, Moo, Gorillaphent, DeadSquirrel, Last Year, Horror, Jump Scare, Chase, Escape
Id: T9yVJ4eQpds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 31 2018
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