New Avatar Video Game Has Leaked..

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leaks for the new avatar game have arrived and well they're interesting to say the least I wasn't gonna talk about this but now that it's been posted on Reddit and it's gotten a lot of traction we even have Mundo Avatar reporting on it who runs the biggest Avatar fan site I figured I'd let you guys know what I think of them because clearly I have the objective right opinions in Avatar and have never had a bad take not even once are you sure about that before we dive into these leaks I do want to go ahead and state that this is a rumor and could end up being false however a lot of people believe it and Mundo Avatar has a pretty good track record of only reporting on things that are real but again take this with a grain of salt the leak start off by confirming that this is not a AAA game it's not like The Witcher or Elden ring but it does give it a little information as to why it's not fans have always been begging for a AAA High budget avatar game for years and I've always wondered why we haven't got one yet well here's your answer it's not a AAA game with the AAA budget since irrelevant players weren't able to convince their boards a project on a Nickelodeon cartoon was worth it so they're being smart with their money some people may think this is a good thing for now Avatar hasn't proved itself to be on the level of Harry Potter or any of those franchises that get those massive big budget games however that could all change in the future if the new movie has a big box office the thread also clarifies the timeline of the game as of writing this is an original story set between avatar The Last Airbender and the legend of Kora with original characters and very few characters from the show with any major role the goal is to not simply retell the story of the cartoon to gain some legitimacy Beyond it as this is not the only thing beyond the cartoons Avatar Studios has planned but that's public information I do think it's very interesting that they're saying very few characters from either show have a major role in this game so does that mean we're not going to be playing as a or any of the main characters it's almost sounding like this will be a create your own character type situation which would be so cool this almost makes it sound like an MMO RPG like Dragon Ball online but I don't think that's possible given the budget restraints although Avatar news did report on an MMO RPG being in development over two years ago that we've still never had an update so the possibility of this being that project isn't totally zero it's more like 1% they do go ahead and talk about the art style of the game saying that the art style seems to be a mix of realism combined with the show's art style because they don't have the budget to go full on with the whole realism thing but they do say that major changes have been made the last they heard so this part is honestly kind of a big nothing burger if it's still cartoon mixed with realism I guess we can expect something kind of similar to this okay maybe not as cool because this is a lower budget game but you know here's a rough idea but him saying major changes probably means it's going to look more like the cartoon or just cell shaded again like quest for balance because if budget really is an issue they're not going to make it look better than the stylized realism that he said prior so a downgrade from the stylized realism makes the most sense to me now this next part is pretty interesting and I really want to know what you guys think of it one of the concepts of the story was a fire nation General rising up through the ranks then being punched down a pig to me this type of story is just so refreshing to see in a game I'm just so happy to see that they're thinking outside of the box here and it's not just adaptation of Ang story for the Thousand time I'm going to be honest I don't want to see a game about any adaptations of Ang story I don't want to see a game of the comics the movie Republic City I just don't want to see those games I need something new I don't need any more retellings so this is just so refreshing a game where you're a fire nation General Rising through the ranks could be really cool if done properly you'd be able to learn about Fire Nation lore that's never before seen like their training how promotions work how do soldiers get treated in the capital by Regular People what's it like to be deployed at War driving tanks flying hot air balloons I just think the possibilities are endless even if this game isn't about this anymore I hope that they're still thinking outside the box with these unique Concepts because that's what I want to play I want to play something that's unique he goes on to say that the reference material for the game is a Darth Vader introduction and boss fight and Jedi the Fallen order now I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan so I haven't played this game so I can't really judge it but just by going off the looks and how this game Feels by watching it if Avatar is going to be anything like this then we're definitely in for a fun game since this is the reference point for the game this suggests that the game will be at least fairly complex with the combat system which is all anyone has ever wanted from an avatar game people want to feel like they're actually bending the elements which is why Avatar and fortnite was so successful if this game can replicate anything close to that then we're good we're good it's all anyone has ever wanted we don't need a Button Mash are any more baby games we've had enough of those someone ended up asking him how similar of a game this is to Quest for balance and he stated the following game Mill isn't involved what I see is a lot more sophisticated than that slop but nothing is promised I know that the team would be very upset if circumstances force them to release shovelware like that I really do think all of this sounds very believable it's not promising an amazing game or a huge over budget MMO the guy didn't even release this with a personal account or an account at all he released anonymously so he's not going to gain any fame or attention from this he simply talked about a game that isn't overly ambitious and has devs that seem to care about it a lot there is a good chance that this turns out to be real I don't know when this game is going to come out or if it's even the next game in the lineup but as soon as I do know I'll tell you guys here on this channel so subscribe for that
Channel: TheAvatarist
Views: 58,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar: the last airbender, avatar the legend of aang, avatar game, Avatar MMORPG, avatar the last airbender game, new avatar the last airbender game, avatar the last airbender mmorpg, new avatar mmorpg
Id: 8ok_kFBjfAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 52sec (352 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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