The NERF GUN GAME 7.0 Blasters!!!

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hey what's up you guys Aaron today we're going to going over the blasters for nerf gun games 7.0 I can't believe it's the seventh one already when I first started making these videos I had no idea be going this far but I think it'll keep continue probably doing eight or nine to keep coming up with Nerf blasters and there's still a whole bunch of old ones but as love and talks really rear ones that I haven't found yet so I guess I'm going to keep making them until I run out of Nerf blasters they're obviously some of my most popular videos to keep getting requested to make the next one and I love making them so I'm going to show you the 20 different nerf weapons products blasters let's just jump right into it so first up gun number one is the sharp fire this is a breech system blaster and I hate the breech system blasters they're the worst want to know why pull it back put in the dark if you can even get it in there there you go and fire that's how long it takes to fire each shot obviously I've said this before if you seen any of these other videos not a big fan they take way too long to reload question is Aaron why do you use them one I want to just show off all the different cool blasters for these videos so you have to use it looks cool like I like the colors blue and orange so it's really similar to this this is the original short fire this one came with just the front attachment it also came with a stock back attachment which could hold a bunch of darts basically the exact same blaster at the end of the day I hate all the brief system blasters come on there alright next up we got these two blasters honestly don't know the names for these these act more like attachments to put on other blasters they're really cool I really like them cause leaves have five spots for dirt storage and then they fire wonder each and they're really easy to prime and fire and then find this one and then boom I do a welder on the video they're pretty easy to reload and then easy to prime the best thing about leaves is if we take a rapid strike right here these work as attachment now is this practical at all no not at all it looks awesome though the whole tactical thing right you don't got a mag in there something like a now you can fire them but then promise to reload them doesn't work so I don't know the names of these things are old blasters from 2005 you can't attach them to other glasses if you want but yeah so you can't get them anymore but they work alright I guess they're pretty cool next up we got the hotshot this is a mega blaster if it's one mega dart in the front one on the top basically the exact same thing as a big shock other than is a little bit bigger and instead of priming on the bottom from the back and boom there you go big fan of this big fan of the big shock super easy to reload super small use a fire looks awesome and I've always been a big fan of the mega blasters I just like the fact that the darts are bigger means that the darts are harder to lose and they're a lot easier to see on camera as well next up we got the double breech this is a two shot shotgun mega version of a nerf gun you can fit two mega darts in here just pull this breeze part back prime this forward and then one prime it again and to almost hit myself in the face to try to put the other new darts in the breech it's not possible unless you pull it back and then put two more darts in from the storage pulled for here okay my problem with this is again it's a breech system blaster it takes forever to reload would have been so much simpler if they had just had four or maybe even five shots in the front where you can just load the dirt the front now the cool thing is I believe they are coming out with something like that in the future and I'll definitely be way more happy where's back and use that a lot more videos let's move on to a different blast next up we got the snap fire dart tag blaster big thanks to the Lord comical he actually gave me this Thank You Drac they shout out to him and this is a great blaster you'll have to prime this blaster at all all just in the trigger snap fire pull the trigger back there we go because of this the trigger is a little bit harder to pull back what you want to prime it you don't have to do anything it's just Alma trigger I think that's pretty awesome you can change the amount of power or the speed you want you turn it from right here bead there or you can change back to power and it just changes the tension and the trigger here so if it's down to power it's harder to pull the trigger back with the darts go farther and it sets the speed less tension on the trigger but then you're able to pull the trigger faster next up we got the disruptor this is basically a reskin strong arm it's literally the exact same blaster but strong arm has this bottom part and the disruptor doesn't and because the strong arm has the bottom part it has a little button here to be able to pop the drum at pretty much the exact same however I like the disruptor a lot better because I think the destructor is a lot easy to reload I can just quickly pop in darts spin it really easy while the strong arm I have to take climb and pull this is I think one of the biggest problems with nerf nerf wars is that you fire all your gun for about 10 to 15 seconds and then you got to go pick up all the darts for the next 5 minutes and that's like pretty typical for every near 4 so look faster you can reload the better than our Placer it is for me Oh nurse why the breach system I hate the bridge system so this is an active stripe series blaster basically the same as the sharp fire take a dart from the bottom where it can store to actually starts darts put it in if I can get it in check awesome Josh you already put a dart here even something they laughter not to load those ones shut up my buddy Josh helping me out in this video just in case you're wondering okay get out of here Thank You Josh put a dart in there you go and fireworks okay I do really like to look at this one though this is definitely another one I wouldn't recommend it well it looks cool and hopefully looks good and gun game seven right that's all that matters next up we got the negotiator this thing is awesome it fits eight darts time in the back hammer shot stop and there we go basically a hammer shot it's a little bit bigger and it can hold more darts which is definitely awesome I think you saw camera shot holds five darts this hold eight however this has a ton of wasted space like a solid inch on the top solid inch on the bottom so intimate ah [Music] blah it definitely looks better in the video that's always the positive I always mentioned that easy to spin easy to fire easier to reload I'm a fan of the negotiators alright next up we got a zombie strike series blaster this is the L break your bow pry them from the back kind of got like a scissors handle just kind of weird I yes pull the trigger and there we go since five darts in it not a big fan of the way this one looks nothing too special as usual as most the crossbows the crossbow part is completely useless and it's still prime and fires without this and in fact this can just come off and have absolutely no purpose other than cosmetics and then with that you just have this but then I would just recommend using something like again a hammer shot which has the exact same amount of shots like half the size and the stock on the back if this you can even call the stock is just not practical at all either so let's Hank nothing special so it ain't nothin special I would much more recommend the zombie straight cross bolt it has four compared to five shots but you can just reload them from the front very easy crime in the back much easier to use much more solid not a big fan of it so this is the zombie strike a bio Squad eraser very similar to the abolish ER except much worse demolisher has eight shots fires to a time this one has only one Primus fire both these can fit into the water canister that comes with the abolish er in it or the bio film that they come with and then from that we just pulled the trigger hey Josh when commuters this won't hurt I swear your honor are you sure okay cover your head E oh come on do we use all of it no way please tell me that someone are still one of the guys freaking while we're filming the video decided to use all up I'm not going to be happy I don't know I hear something in there come on oh my gosh alert up oh my gosh smells actually that's on that why is it hit look it's not foam what the heck is happening Oh - yeah whatever changes shirt something I do I do what the heck it supposed to be foam what is going on I don't know maybe it just ran out of the foaming material maybe have to use it all right away come on nerf get your bio foam correct sorry Josh thanks man okay so apparently now it's just shooting liquid I'll cut in a shot here about bringing the foam on someone I would recommend getting the ricer if you do want something like this get the abolish here because you can shoot water out of it instead of foam it's got more shots than this does so moving on to different blasters next up we got the rampage sonic Ice version it did use the Raider in gun game 4 which is very similar one of them is just the elite version of the other the prime in the front you can put in your magazine got 35 darts drum here put it in put it back and you all race you go you can slam fire it kind of cheese hit myself in the face hold down the trigger tell us it was kind of like a brief system blaster again I'm not a big fan of this part the fact that I can't take the freakin drama drives me not just to try the back then you can pull it out then you get to go maybe that's the way they have to design it I don't think so though but that always bothers me with any of the blasters retaliate err the long shot any of those type of blasters I think I've definitely damaged a ton of my blasters and I think a lot of kids and other people out there damage the blasters as well where we'll show you look how much time that takes one wasted two seconds you know come on there people out there including myself returning you can jam it in there that's probably not very good for the blaster however it worked and then trying to pull it out unknowing alright next up we got the captain caffeine blaster this is one of my new favorite it is a stripe free skin accelerator button for the flywheels boom they just pull the trigger the fire got some lights in the front you usually also makes it sound as well however i rewired it so that i can rub out without a mag in there and then it usually doesn't sound I like this blaster because I like the stripes I also like it because the Star Wars theme I like it because blue and I love the attachments that come with it silence are at the front scope and a stalk definitely looks like captain Kashian blaster how to use it in road one didn't put the accelerator button properly it kind of sticks come on air and get your stuff to get and then in the video I also use the 22 worker mag fire away button is for right-handed people just right hands on the bottom I don't know watch for this one they put it only on the red side next up if you've been watching the channel all recently you know what the splasher is my new favorite hair flash this is a rival nemesis rival blaster has a hundred round hopper super easy to reload in the top here this is the on and off switch won't work unless were just up and then it's full auto shoots 100 feet per second and team blue all the way as usual and yeah this thing is just awesome big fan of paintball waited years for them to make the closest thing they could to paintball for nerf and they finally did it the first time I did a video on these I ended up finding rival balls sitting on top of all of my blasters in the room for like two weeks luckily I'm not going to a full hopper but I'll probably find some cat next up is the nerf nitro it is a black shoe that I lent the Lord to Chronicle so he can do a video for it cuz it's only exclusively in Canada right now it says last year that shoots foam cars basically take the blaster put it on the ground Prime and pull a trigger and a little foam car shoot so it's kind of ridiculous I don't think it's very practical at all can't really see you're using it for months but it's unique it's cool and I can see you having fun with that dude perfect this is a howler football with a dude perfect reskin basically a jewelry skin right north logo all I get to do perfect logo is the same either way isn't it not anyone think about that that's awesome these things are great I love the howler footballs I have a couple of these they're great they're just like bring to the park throw around I use another grenade in my videos starting with gun game three man next up we got Thor's hammer the head of the hammer here is very soft very foam very foam you can hit someone free hard Josh come here no look at look at that you can abuse your friends and it doesn't even hurt the handle of the hammer is like solid plastic so you wouldn't want to hit anybody with that but the head is super soft and it's super easy to throw as well which we use I think once or twice in the video next up we got grenades these come from a modulus kit which means you can clip them onto the side of a blaster and then fit them on just use them as grenades and explosions and chaos and craziness north gun game oh my gosh but the really lights probably too light actually meaning you can't throw them that far that's a negative they look pretty decent look like actual grenade Josh catch next I've got that nerve fire vision sports bat I originally bought these thinking these were phone so we could hit someone like in gum game 3 we use the zombie strike bat and these are not these are solid plastic so here's the visor here's the ball that they come with see there you go can actually hit them decently far the best part about these which kind of blew my mind the first time I saw them is you put these on look like you're from Star Trek or something I look like a dork but that's ok the special thing about this is that night in the dark the light somehow reflects off the inside of the ball and you can see it glowing but no one else can see it only you because you have the light on your head it's super weird you shall be assimilated anyways the first time I saw I thought it was quite cool back that the wear of these glasses can see the ball much better so as though it sucks what they weren't foam I was highly impressed with these still I thought they were very cool the problem with them being plastic though is in the video I went to hit someone for second time alone on the ground and I hit my buddy Elijah in the crotch he was out of commission for a solid like 5 or 10 minutes it made for a pretty hilarious Oh Jake boom sorry Elijah next up we got a nerf nice this comes from one of the modulus kits you can just attach it to any blaster but I think it works probably the best with the modulus boom goes on there so it acts as a bayonet but it also works csgo Call of Duty you know the good stuff I like holding it like this or your fingers are on the front and then your thumb is just missing the plastic pieces swipe across your body black ops 2 style right the final weapon for a nerf gun game 7 is the nerf blow dart blaster take a dart pop it in let it fall all the way to the bottom and there you go shoots one at a time pretty ridiculous I think it's a lot of fun actually one of my favorite things about this if it comes with a rail attachment so the moment I saw that I had to throw a scope on there how awesome is that you know you can try to use your nose put your head down there easy reload easy to fire and surprisingly shoot the decent distance I don't know how far it actually shoot but it it works alright and in my opinion was definitely a great blaster to end up in a pen game step well guys that is the blasters for nerf gun game 7 hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you're going to enjoy the real thing as well at a ton of fun going over these blasters here I had a ton of fun shooting nerf gun game 7 if you haven't subscribed already don't forget to hit that subscribe button and smash that like button comment down below what your favorite blaster is I'd love to hear your guys thoughts - of course as usual the Nemesis you guys want to interact with me a little bit more make sure you follow me on the Instagram and/or Twitter just that Aaron Esther thanks for watching guys I will see you next [Music]
Channel: Aaron Esser
Views: 1,716,829
Rating: 4.7937298 out of 5
Keywords: Aaron Esser, Nerf Film, Nerf War Movie, Nerf Blaster, Nerf Battle, Nerf Mod, Nerf COD, Nerf Gun Game, Nerf Halo, Nerf First Person Shooter, Nerf 1st Person Shooter, Nerf POV, Call of Duty, Black Ops 3, Nerf Trick Shots, Real Life Zombies, Life Size Zombies, Nerf Team Deathmatch, Elite Nerf Strike, Elite Nerf Force, Nerf Emergency, Nerf War, Nerf Gun Game 7, Nerf Gun Game 7.0, Nerf 7, Nerf Breach, Nerf Arsenal, Nerf Mega, Nerf Nemesis, Nerf War Arsenal, Nerf Parody
Id: 5lXBbWxZ-pg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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