The Nelson Family Says "Thank You"

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you you you Oh Wow you yeah joy to come here from Dallas Georgia joy flew in from Devil's tried to put the old band back together that serves really whenever Vito will serve against the news again Anthony boogie can you play the bass amazing blow it down Chris Elwood's came and everybody just jumped in and made it absolutely amazing and then Jabari all the way from the partners house and okay everybody just came in and of course one thing that was consistent throughout the comments musically was that the background singers you know the only thing that could have made them better if I had same me so that's not all thank yous with this a good start have these communists we'll be missed so many couples so many chicks mr. juice I think I don't know about you always possible take me for the best I'm not ignoring you I'm just trying to get myself together because believe it or not this is still in a large way unreal to me I thought that once I saw her deceased get the register but he still had medicine so continue to pray for us as we process to this time anybody else want to share we received oh I do want to drop this in while we're talking because we said he received so many resolutions and one that was we received it late and we did not have time to include it but we won appreciate dr. Dean McAllister who's the president of the International mr. bruckman listen us a wonderful video to you but we actually gone to post two later on today because it was so nice and they also sent us a resolution and so which I suppose shaped the support that we received from the National Church of Bishop Elijah Hankerson and dr. Dorinda Clark called from the department of evangelism received support from vision Gatlin and the Sunday School Department and of course mr. Cedric Daniels who sent resolution is wailing and support I ever looked this morning and I saw the visual branded water who's another one of my journal board members I love my choices where we received a tremendous support from the Macklin family who is again so we're just just honored and grateful that so many have shown such tremendous love and support for our family and so again we just want to say my friends we have one phone conversation and those guys were ready and eager to help me or album so I just want to say to see me so much love this situation and even though it seems and I was going to in the days and flowers we want to make sure her legacy is me we're gonna make sure that they can stay our duty is to make sure they won't forgive and we have a position of humility almeida caring so much she means she was so humbled we're powerful everybody knows anyone no when she was saying one of her signature songs as always of course she would do the close of total praise like nobody's business you always had oh how precious but our Sydney trying to think of another song that she sang all the time there was almost cuz I don't even like the same song to make it hurt yes and have people actually thinking that she it's like you write right so I think I'm just kind of trying to shy away from that Julian but you know I remember when and we all love unto you yo Adam she was afraid of the family been a long strong supporter but you know years ago doubted everything was saying you know she was saying songs in such a way it was because I Oh Oh we can all meet we can only imagine what heaven is doing right I know if I can just meet for myself I keep wanting to wake up from this dream but the reality is she's resting in the press GLaDOS I work like two peas in a pod we call you we had these bags for each other we were like we will be like two old women sitting and talking you know anybody surely Lucy and Ethel you know but we would just sit and talk in our conversations would be something there were the odd sound like two old women but I love Gladys and I know this if I learned anything else in Gladys it was the love of effort here for Yahoo I knew that people loved her but she was also told that nobody cared and she felt like nobody cared but even though she was told that and she felt that if she knew that people would say things about her she what seals tell me Gladys Phyllis y'all you don't take away anything else this the life of Alameda Nelson the Lord forgave you he's not holding anything against you you say I came from you because that's what she y'all for Cuba let it go and never magazine then her legacy of blow let her legacy of music and her love for God and for God's people let it live on then no Bishop ain't told us even one thing of their heart you saw it too what you want to do so until the legacy of al-madinah so it Friday night if you still call their names starting with miss me around yes laters out him for him it was like right on time you you you for the first time or Alvin Ito just overcome with grief and so that's why I was kind of rushing us to go in at them all cuz I need a break and I thought we needed that cuz Friday was supposed to be a celebration and I didn't think that he died today after that prayer you know we would have just destroyed the whole of the room because being overcome with emotions I just appreciate for anchoring us in prayer yes and then Jared but the church boy got it in worship and of course I know he like the rest of her praise team you know many of them just did not participate because you really truly it was the best allowed to have all church you know and and just stepped in and then from there just different abisco it was a present worship senior you know but don't sleep on a congregational repertory back to the whole church and so I thought that was amazing and then for America everybody mr. Kennedy came in anything but you know all the artists from Nikita yeah I enjoyed every bad but some people just kept low like quickly I've enjoyed charisma for years but it was something different if I knew it was great because it looked at the room but you know I've seen you know Oh I told the guys last night as well so party parties you understand anytime folks in the room we just to make that's just I would've been fine if you did his rendition of right there but he's saying no as your way right you are removing content you are Church yeah when he came around I was sleeping out of my seat and it was just the car right behind you know right you know having wishes on bills and these are just talking but uh Nick was amazing and human I appreciate you know because some people train and it didn't cost you much something to sacrifice and speaking of sacrifice I want to appreciate Mario in the midst of his grandma he showed up for us on Friday night and helped us in our Margo is family but we appreciate you for making the sacrifice what else Oh outside that Vanina and truth be told we didn't see this put it was hard for some of these artists together it was very very hard on me I don't know how I'm holding up plate it has to be the strength of the board because everybody can't be down at the same time so we run this down God gives one strength to hold up and rocket knight was excellent but before we begin I actually have the names that I want to talk cuz I want to forget anyone Okita Michael Jones miss Marri Nikki Ross Gary made the background singers were cherry Dana Brown Dario Jared Renfrew my man Patrice Emerson McCoy and Andrea the van was Anthony Nelson Joey I told you Marvin Johnson while Barry and traduce go as well as Chris Edwards who is one of my closest friends who called me every day to check on me inches here whatever you need not just about music how to fight for me and I'm just waiting for Chris Buchanan who came to duty making sure everyone to everyone said the Jericho city chart staff that was there everyone just wanted to lay their hand we're just so grateful for everyone oh yeah back to Friday night every artist that say Friday night if y'all notice all overhead a little bit of Albanese when they were singing it was honestly a grand tribute to her and her style of seen her style of worship everybody and you're ahead she would really I I'm not gonna say she would really if she was there no she was there she was there everything about her was there she appreciated I know she loved she loved everybody that's saying and y'all they appreciate y'all so so very much you we're supporting us and for praying for us yes loving us you just want you to keep praying for us this is this is really something different yes I was gonna do this that's what's gotta get mom said that's what's gonna get us ah so my children talk I tell you it has it is so encouraging even just to know and to receive the love that has been given to us I think almost every state in the church my jurisdiction all have been represented by supervisors you'll see cars divisions have called a tribute from our national supervisor you heard her assistant called every other day to make sure all right I want y'all to know that I am just so so grateful it's just even when I went to you know those ladies have reached out to us and I want them to know that I'm appreciate you for the love that they see and of course mother really wait we live in rivers I've talked to her twice and the love that they said oh my god it is incredible I just want to say that great you know you all have already talked about the singers and the musicians I enjoyed the musicians because it was not a situation where nobody's trying to help do nobody everybody's trying to you do exactly what the word says a company it was just a wonderful thing the Clark Sisters I kept up with us one day one day they have called and we should do she called and he and they care all of them is a matter of fact I talked with her again today even my neighbors I and I had a chance to go down the street to tell him and when I know anything they were coming in the back door I think the day after and they were bringing the things and to everybody if you wrote you all have looked after me oh man we have had food every day speaking speaking of crabs and shrimp my brother my brother that's all this left and I think that is me hitting him and I tell you he and his lovely wife are at every they could call that boy head crabs and shrimp and all of that outside in the backyard and we had barbecue and I tell you he made it all happen and I am so grateful to him and I'm grateful to his wife for allowing him to do that and get back in I'm almost done I want to say that I certainly do I think y'all I thank God for my children I think I for my sure I love my girls I've seen your whole life we'll be before the enemy came I was I was pretty much taking care of our in the day by myself but when this thing came we were all isolated I was y'all know my girls jumped in there and made sure they took some of the load off of me and I guess maybe that's why I don't have any regrets surely I was her here I wasn't ready don't misunderstand me no I wasn't ready before I wanted her here but find out find out but I just want you to know how appreciative I am to them everything allow me to show them how to do what to do and I'm just as grateful as I can be and of course it goes without saying now I got to it kind of had weak stomach you know so you know they they can do the other things for me she had some brain always head down you know hair this one here will take care of the work listen ed she called me one time she came to she start throwing up I said I I said you go home but I want them to know ok me leo yes the merely I'll take him Christopher son thank you I don't care what I need from you he could be getting ready to go to the sheriff's department but he stopped come to see what I need and I want to thank you we got a wonderful how I appreciate you know I know the sacrifice that you I know what you I know what you talking I know that you're they're telling you go ahead honey do what you need to do well and I want you to know I appreciate it I'm just many of you I don't take my children for granted because they got there they are wonderful they stole my name I want to talk about mr. president right he has been down three sisters he has been the brother daddy he has been the counselor he's just been all of that I want you to know he's not in the pulpit yeah but I just want him to know how grateful how eternally grateful I am that you do how you make things help you know a lot of people think that we are really a million ads they really think they really do think that we got our money what they don't know is that we are rich in love and that's one of the things that's one of the main things I implement and that is that my children love each other may be patient with each other and they endure each other because you know when one is gone as we experience it now I can't tell you but this guy here has he was stood he does not let me do it he just he's just there he just says mom I need you to do this and I want you to do this and do that - singing because he's my only true biological son my husband gave you strict instructions and told him what to do in imaginary world he sees and he's looking to hear the word that came from him on yesterday I know that my husband is proud of his boy I just I just I just want to if I could just throw this out there yes as other children we appreciate them for being with us on yesterday I believe if I have mistaken my nieces and nephews but there was Reginald there was Jackie and my nephew kitty my nephew Bobby Darrel's was right there and virgilian and Jovi Jovie him stop until he opened their door and came to that he ever seen put his homes in there he wanted to me and I love my grandchildren I love my grandchildren and I just want to say I got even got on my other nieces and nephews my sister's children don't stay away from me because I am the last my brother and I are the last of what actually represents him cooking how girls change your shame was there Nene was there you know and I'm just so appreciative for this I wanna make my son though but this idea because I didn't know how we were gonna thank the people yes and just know that if we didn't call them name somebody with to the store yesterday brought me a bunch of wheat here I got one yeah Sabrina I'm skeptical about saying what I want and what I need because somebody might hear me and when I look up there I have those that call me you know and say do you want to eat on what you want to eat and uh plus I don't eat three meals a day like y'all and I don't eat all day like go and so you know take the stand that I've taken and you said the magic word the other day who said you I'm so appreciative to a bonito because she left me a soon to be next month 22 year old race and I'm gonna look after you I'm gonna continue to do the things that I've been doing and all I want you to know you got to walk in your son don't think this is a tangle for you to be scattering but I want you to know God's got great things in store for you my husband would always say I have not seen you neither the good things right there that God has for you son pull your head up continue to be sweet and be humble you you got some foundation you've got these aunties you got you may as well get rid so they they go beyond you that I quite all right and you may as well content to be accountable because they gonna know you'll ever yeah if I was impressed Friday night because I've searched for two junctions on Shelby I don't know how you must just we talked about Friday night Oh yes and I almost say these bishops got stripped in the Mission District one appreciate you may be efficient but he was killed on Saturday and just to take you know to err on the side of caution he just didn't call and so I had to get to the church and bishops guy graciously accepted responsibility and Bishop is your Scout still can yes and help yes but you know this finger say if you know yeah I just want to say kill next time you want to borrow my voice I would think caught it in yeah you know where's your takeaway I mean if I tell you that AC does he preach too hard my son you know mind you the same thing that he was telling him visit yes he did the same fact that Bishop Nelson would preach til water would come up out of his socks his shirt all of that with he's soaked in the water rolling down out of them curls he get home to taking shoes out water this sucker is shoe but that's what you know that's when you know the preaching was good to it and that's the way if I was yesterday I tell you he went the frigid and didn't know how to stop with Oh God I think yes that my mother is the epitome of strength she's the class head and she is someone to be adored I would go to her and again people that were saying and I'm so shocked I think you can only gain strength from them and I just wanna just say thank you to both of them for taking care of Alban either and doing something Zizi me and my family it's so amazing but I'm just so blessed and so lucky to be a part DNA and these people it's no fake no honey and I'm just glad when I'm in the past and even before there is no we don't have no beef we love each other we talk all the time um we're a family of love and I think our needle ah since we mean working parties would do things that were just our partner and Athena would say I don't care what she was saying all the time she said I don't care what they do I love Jill said I'm gonna forgive him Indian matter what it would and she taught me she well she would always said she liked me you have to show grace you know to people who may not be in the same way that you need are all have the same I don't know Mitchell have and I'm just grateful that I'm here like working finishing hands egg love me the road now be Jesus all this world I don't know how in the kitchen and listen don't you know it I keep I have to keep some on my first two children I didn't have no problems you know with sewing into the oven you know and giving them what you I just listen they keep me oh look I you know what I think God for mother Kelly because when I first started dealing with quick meal I took me his name and gave it to mother Kelly little Kelly put our name on the lot mattress right in the sponge but she prayed every night and every time I saw that day she would always tell me honey you know I'm praying for your baby I said yes ma'am I know it she said how you know it I said because I see the change and so I want you to thank God for the Warriors you think God for the visionaries you know that helped you to pray and raise your children today I'm proud of them listen now I've heard me sing one in the last three or four days that I have in the last year you our gift and our needles live the end up in other words the texture of their voices what was something out of the ordinary it was totally different from from his and I went up when she got old enough where I could really hear how she was really singing I said oh man and every time somebody else even the ladies in the National Church would tell me it's something different about this when I'm thinking god I just want y'all to make me proud please spend my last days be my best day that's the way if you're gonna keep me up and keep me walking I just need you I just need you to do that do the things that mean your day and striven so hard my children coming up yeah and I got one that can out this I'm telling you who taught my praise dance egoriy general picture you know he don't know if your cousin I'm going to New York because I'm going to stay with my brother someone out I don't think so much that's not the plan they need to plan that I have for your life parents you got to take authority over your sugar you decide but now you have to be well enough and established in God so when you get ready to make that decision you can listen I want to have my grandbabies only okay well first everybody who tuned in on my dad I'm mad because he not thinking today that's kind of my fault it's my fault because well my dad he actually he didn't want to go we need one of our data but so I walked in the room and they were talking about what they're gonna do today now what you have everything like I said you have a church hey buddy I want me to I was like it's not that I don't want you to I said it's just a lot and I said I feel like if you do it right you need to mourn in writing songs over here Brandon thank you you just go through the church and by doing I thought it's gonna become too much and it's gonna vary so I just feel like he needs to let it Orange he attacks part of me why my dad you can't get to me my name is she was she was joyful internet like me my cousin's we don't arguing so much but we used to argue all the time it was always something and maybe she was in she would look at she's got y'all she would it was somehow her voice in the way she studied and we just always just quit arguing and we just sat down and got back to play and maybe she was giving she always know where sting me my cousins were stage many in it did not matter what she had she ever stood we wouldn't be sitting in the back of the church everybody Joe man you got some candy you got some gum named Chico I hope that became you to start giving and then we come to Mimi house she'd be she comes home from work and she comes straight into Mimi's house and she pulled out she got these plastic bag she pull out a bag of pickles it's the flavor pickles if the sour ones that me eating my little we just ate them all the time is usually stop giving so it's just it's hard but we're gonna get them he was my he was my travel but we always travel went to the women's community and all that it was always so she was my number one Supporter she was our number two because like yesterday as Brian was saying she always caught her play she was just always supported those she was the best person to talk to she gave the best hugs and kisses and that's one thing that I'm amazed about her that's one thing about that's disease about anything I'm gonna talk about a memory that I have Avenida I don't know if you guys recall I know you got a new screen recording all of the videos so about three weeks ago my son did a voicing and I posted and I think when I posted it I just you know wanted to show him what kind of feedback heating heat is he utilized his skills and my sister saw it neither call his phone literally crying screaming huh so probably you and my love answered his phone she was like Maggie are you okay crying and saying don't stop don't stop she cried but for me you know it was really Karl really calling for mine and talking my girl are you okay buddy from open ocean but no he didn't so I'm not really why are you crying I'm like okay then I thought I went and took the bones of Chris because he was on the game and I'm like Chris Megan said she's probably oh okay I'm like Chris you really need duty and she say she just kept encouraging country to encourage her anyway but she continued take her too do that for her so I'm going to make sure my son does not stop the video that you guys recorded of my mama she don't get it with him she's gonna get him again because I'll make sure babe my sister's legacy and what she wanted for my son was for him to keep behind and he's singing to keep because and I believe in remembering her that that would be a way for him to also remember her much as doing what we do is what we do you know even though how try to he'll say you know and body but he came to me just get butt you know this is this is my especially doing things most of all I'm gonna miss the peach cobbler yep and everything next door in the house she's one of those times that I just wanna get up but I know this is not good actually we are all Nelsons sometimes so every time my sister go wigs go good job don't run he touchdown me your name over there was some there were some people in the comments who were inquiring about the search we don't we have on the family shirt but you can order shirt go to the church's Facebook making requests in the Inbox the financial information you can send it to kocha Barbie and you can make purchase better of course those of you who want to show support anyway that information of course is listed on the funeral service video begin to my paper my personal pages whether it's Instagram or Facebook or the church's page his bullying also or the video should be not already open load onto YouTube so you go there and watch it as well with him we just want to say thank you to everybody I'm sure there's some things we look like strength is not what all is the strength of the Lord so before we hit my loudness with this you are - dressed No you are my No Oh you Oh you thank y'all thank you strengthen us and keep us just want to say to encourage somebody on love Gatchaman here today and sometimes with us today so I just wanna say on behalf of my wonderful daughter and you got the glory there yes long
Channel: Brian Nelson
Views: 941
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: g_GlaUb3UKM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 44sec (5984 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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