The near-death experience of Nadia McCaffrey

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my first thing of this experience happened when I was 7 years old in France July 7 1952 and I was indication at my grandparents state it was a joyful place for me to be at and that day I was running in the middle and looking for flowers the idea behind it was to bring my grandmother my maternal grandmother's a bouquet of flowers so I was running downhill looking for all kinds of bachelors button and even Coleco and one thing that I really wanted to get we're white heads with peace and they were coming emerging off a field of wheat they were just glorious I had to have him and of course the wheat was taller than I was I was towering over me so in order to do this I had to turn into this forest of wheat to cut the sweet peas but I was determined to do it I had a moment of hesitation and then I focused on I say well just go I was not looking down I was looking at the flowers and in the process of doing this I disturbed the an ASP I stopped and I looked down and I saw the Viper was staring at me and he asked tied my left ankle and I felt that huge enormous pain coming from my ankle the Viper just wandered away very fast and I just know at this time that I was going to die I was not scary the pain was at osius so I turned around and I started to hunt appeal to the house but in the meantime I scream as loud as I could and I guess they give you an ID the house was located on the top on the top of a hill and I was in the middle part of the meadow which on the other side was the village so the whole village heard my scream and so was my grandmother and she ran down to pick me up and bite of course the more you hon the more the venom will go through your heart and into you body and I just collapsed so she I told her the only thing I could say was a snake bit me and she understood immediately so she put a garrote on my leg upper part of my leg and then she tried to cut open whether the bite was in order to extract as much venom as possible but it was already too long and I went into in consciousness she picked me up and took me to the house put me down on a chaise lounge and hunt for my grandfather to get help I got violently he'll I started to throw up non-stop and in and out of passing out and not really knowing what was around me I nodded clear you know memory.i flashing pictures of people coming and going but before the doctor could get to me two doctors actually my mother was working for one of them it took two hours so when they finally get to me one of the doctor decided to give me an injection of antivenom in my abdomen the other one was saying it was too late anyway but they did and then I went into a coma for ten days I have no idea of time I don't know how long after that it was I just left my body and when I was leaving my body I saw my self I was not interested by it by this body by this thing I didn't even realize at first that it was me but my leg dislike was three times the regular size it had turned punished greenish yellowish color basically the color of the snake and you know I just kind of left that in a hurry so I was in mid hair floating and I was attracted by a strong strong light above me and I just let myself go to it and when I reached that point where the light was here was this magnificent beautiful beam of light she was the most beautiful being I as I have ever seen coal she was giving out was a unanimous love compassion understanding this is it this is what people want this is what we all want this is the place to be the light was so powerful but yet not blindly it was not hurting my eyes or anything of the sort it was I was part of it this beam of light just let me understood to come to her so I did there was no word spoken she held me close and there at me stop right there and she said that she had a message for me the message number one was that I was not going to die I was going to heal and leave quite a long time but I had a lot of things to do and basically what I had to remember was that I was on this earth to help people and with that came a long message one of the things she said at first was just sweet the petite mammalian which means I am your little mother of the sky literally word by word and I was seven years old sense to me she appeared to be as merry I was in the Catholic school so she was very familiar to me she was something that I understood that I know the message was long but all in metaphor which took me a lot of years to realize and understand even now I had don't have all the answers but many of the things that she has said happened though as my son's death but the most I think powerful thing she said was I always will be with you when you're seven and we're something like this you think that every time you turn around she's going to be there and appear to you well that's not what she meant but ten days later I came back to life and then gangrene had started in my left ankle where the bite was and apparently that was talked about computation and I told my grandmother I'm not going to die and you're not going to get my leg and she said well we hope not you know but it's a possibility I said no come on I'm not I'm going to learn that at work again you'll see and then of course two months later I was back on my feet not walking normally I had to have a cane and took a long time but I was called miracle child and I mean tall anyone except my grandmother what happened to me my grandmother was kind of the healer of the village she used to use her hands but also herbs and she had quite a bit of knowledge I told her and she said she understood exactly what happened to me and she said don't ever talk to anyone about it people will think you're crazy so let's keep it quiet and I did life became very difficult for me I could not handle the sisters at school it was a private boarding school that I grew up in mostly I loved the system of the sisters really were wonderful but I also know what was true and not true so I was very difficult to handle and I felt like I was living in a fake world that was looking everywhere for this little mother of the sky that never came back and I thought she was and I wanted so desperately to good to be back in her arms and he throws to her no there is no question about the notice any others experience being a dream it's not i remember the details I remember the shoes that were that they I remember to close their word that they I remember everything so clearly and it's not a dream it's something that it's another dimension I think it's the best way to try to explain this I had dreams where vision and premonition came to me things came to me but it's not at all not at all comparable to any of this experience this is an event that will change your life forever I wasn't the same I was only seven but I was not the same after this happened to me again I could see things that I couldn't before I could see through people I understood without knowing that the height and wrong I know the answers to so many things and of course I was a child who is going to lesson to a seven-year-old or eight-year-old you know nobody except Stoics maybe but that went on for ten years and again I wanted to get so desperately in that light in that magnificent space that I decided that the only way to do this was to die so I decided to swallow all the pills that could find in the house my grandparents house and swallow them you know so I waited until nobody was around and swallow bottles and bottles of pills until I pass out and you're listening the Genoese and I'm here today is because a friend from the village came to the house with a boyfriend to pick up a book that she Nana me so she get to my room found me unconscious pass out and cholera boyfriend apparently did hide me off the bed down the stairs on my head by my feet I was full of bruises get to the hospitai I was out I never woke up all this time get to the hospital and then my heart stopped because it's been too long so they tried the pump I started get me back to life and I left my body again but this time was completely different than the first time I again left it and saw my body on a gurney was nothing to said like the first time at all about that and I was at I was looking for a light I was attracted to the light and I floated back again to this spot where I couldn't see the light but I was very strongly swallowed in that space practically swallowed and spit out I found out later that it's the tunnel but it's called the tunnel today it just taught me on the other side where the light was but it was a different light as a different dimension it was not the same place I was in the first time and instead of seeing someone over knew the beam of light I only heard a voice early very loud very strong voice telling me you can't stay you have not even begin your work yet and I was a very a book you don't discuss with that voice you don't argue I argue with everybody or everyone but I could not think of arguing was that voice all I could say oh you know that's true so I had to get back in my body and back to life I didn't want to so that maybe were another reason where I had so much problem doing it but it was very painful to get back into this body and I didn't want it so I was kind of fighting myself I talked about and when finally I was kind of slipping into another it's not another skin it's something different somethings times we don't belong in this when I get back I finally open my eyes and I was a nurse sitting next to a gurney in tears she saw that was that you know so she was just over 17 and felt sorry and this that and I opened my eyes she stopped she stood up from her chair and starts to scream hunt down find the doctor okay I was back so I had to go on I had to accept myself I had to accept why I was here and wait for you know whatever I was here to be doing it the things would come to me and unfold the last near this experience that happened to me was December 1999 by then I work with us we saw helping people at the end of life and the families so I was sitting that was a nursing home and I was sitting at the bedside of a lady who was herself in a coma that day I was sitting in a green chair and she were I was facing herself on laying on a bed she was as she was in a coma so she was not responding but I was just holding her hand and I was sitting in a chair relaxing and meditating suddenly I felt I let her go over hand and I felt this fever that hit me I started to get soaked I mean literally having water dripping mine from my hair to my face everything started to stick and I know I had fever so I just stood still for a while and I couldn't get up I kind of felt very bad so I look at myself like this I was in the golden light and I did this because I wanted to make sure I was not dreaming I was in the light and I said oh yeah we go again so I just let go I just let go and I found myself in another dimension again never a place that I've been before no beans of light I said there was a voice again that asked me do you want to come home and at at the same time there was a flashing it show me the past the present and to future but that was not me it was not my life it was the planet was the earth so of course I recognized the past I recognized the present and to future we could have ever much different an easier future on one side and the other one worse where we are now I know I was going to suffer a loss and it wouldn't be easy but things were going to shift completely after this everything was gray there was a lot of emptiness not desert like we'll all most people we're not well-dressed hungry angry both and there was no balance there was a war in the background and the people who survived we're in line waiting to be fed and to be helped I was again part of this somehow the sky was blood-red like I've never seen a color like this before when I traveled to the Middle East after my son's death in 2004 I recognized the sky to a point where I could not get up from my seat I was so shook up the same sky the head color the the indescribable colors were there and after we travel through Jordan to the Iraqi border and everything everything is gray there is a great powder that sticks on everything is everywhere so I know where I was I know where we were and that's where all of this was shown to me very vividly it's like yesterday I'm seeing it as I speak I don't know I don't that lasted when I finally came back to my body again I was still in same green chair but it took me a while and I get to wait for the person after me to come to relieve me for my shift so I couldn't I didn't move basically and I was sick I was very sick and I passed out the fever was 105.9 and when I asked to emergency I didn't understand why I was still here you're dead you just don't survive that this time was other was my childhood to come back I know that I was reaching to the topic you know the main core of the reason why I was here and I know that loss that I was told long time ago was really coming to you so the experience happened in 1999 2004 Patrick was shot and killed in Iraq after his death that's where he was in shifted with Patrick definitely oh definitely God I'll go back to where I was when he died that was in 29 poem the deserts Mojave Desert I was there because a friend of mine was dying and she called me and asked if I couldn't be with her you know - before she goes so of course and they both and from Tracy 229 permits like eight hours five right I got at her house which was empty she was in the hospital but I get to her house to spend the night somebody gave me the Hongki I couldn't get the front door so I walk around the house and in the back of the house there is that storm fans that is ten 15 foot tall okay so what am I going to do it's like midnight or 11 o'clock and so I climb the fence I mean we're going yeah come defense I meant hide on top of the fence and it's dark it's pitch dark there I mean it's the desert there is no light around it's just the sky and when I'm sitting on top of that fans here comes the screen light in the sky just beautiful green light and I felt the pressure in my chest something happened I know that I say okay something you know somebody's either gone and healed I couldn't breathe so I said there for a little bit close my eyes and I had to get down that fence get in the house and there was a cat in there the neighborhood the cat that was going completely out of his skull but I know the cat the cat loved me after we you know we know each other started meow without going crazy I see my goodness what's wrong with you check the water check the food and try to haul know with hide under the bed wouldn't leave me alone I tried to sleep but I couldn't because of the light because of the pressure I had in my chest and the morning I just got in my car and went to the hospital to see my friend I spent the day with her I got there and we talked to a little bit and my cell phone rang and my daughter-in-law was on the phone I couldn't understand her she was sobbing crying I couldn't understand her and she tells me mom Patrick was killed I say ok let me talk to somebody sweetheart so she did and the military was there just explained to me and then what I did I got my phone and I dropped on the floor I curled up like a fetus and I just stood there and I screamed I guess I don't remember exactly what I did people just told me after my friend was in tears and I told her but they died and she know him of course so all I know is that I had to get in that car and fight back too crazy because my family was going to be lost they wouldn't know what to do I know that come to find out at the moment of the time the exact time I was on that fence was the green light that because there's a moment that like was shot the exact moment get to the house and there was a series of events that happen here one after the other but I think the most traumatic is the one with my granddaughter she was two and a half and she was playing you know like her doesn't really understanding she understood that that he was not coming back but she didn't saw or understood the to what level that was and she's like me she has a lot of things that she can heal herself and do things anyway she was in a backyard and she was playing with our dog and she hung in the house and dragged me by myself even say comma comma come and see it come and see daddy come and see that that is here that easy so she dragged me out and there was a lemon tree and in front of demon tree I saw this exact place where Patrick was telling I couldn't see him physically like I see you it's but Janice I did she saw him and she described him you know that is he's happy and she said come I can Easter now how can you stay so what happened to me I saw where his head was very shoulder work and where he was standing and even movements what it appear like he is in a very hot day like in Santa Fe or you know whether it is really bad you see these steaming spots that's exactly where apotheke was standing and you just wanted these daughter to know and me that he was all right that's the first apparition that we had the next day or the day before that we were sitting in the front of the computer and that's where the first picture came from Iraq from his unit with the clerics the last ones very last one and the moment we were watching the speech there was about 20 people around the computer at the time we just became silent there was not one sound in that room nothing there was something very very strong it's an energy but it was also a scent a scent of hoses to a point where people stopped and I watched people's face and they were all kind even Sylvia Sylvia he talks all the time but she wasn't she was frozen and she tapped me on the shoulder and said mom that's bad like this year we all know that it's not something that she can explain and make a lot of sense out of but it definitely was real the light the outside light was turning itself on constantly to a point where the neighbor came and say nothing you need to night off because it's on for two days now so I say I thought I'd turned that off so I went turn it off went to the store and then back the light was on again all the time bitches of Patrick and Sylvia ambos just would fail in follow us please down the television would turn on itself if I was deployed he know he was not coming back you really thought that he was going to do something for to help others to help the soldiers and he did because of him we changed so many things in legislature after general Elliman came to the house they reopened 2000 cases of deaths who were just pushed aside so the family could get a closure but also benefit or whatever needed to be done with it that's not it I mean there is a list the band over the coffin the freedom because one of the first veteran that that I talked to national division were able to explain about PTSD and I was one of the first crusader for that so that was that so much of a spectrum around is this that you know and the night before he was deployed elect he to do the cards with me but not any card was the American animal cards that are not familiar with it okay so II um we did and you just picked one card and it was the raven it's actually in here and he picked or even and he started to laugh and he say mom look at my shoulder his unit was the raven but even a war so we laughed about that we sat outside on the bench and watch hold the raven and the crow coming because they were always around the house and he said mom I'll come and visit you with them every time you know you're around I'll be around with the coal and the Ravens the same night my granddaughter was two and a half at the time she watch you know like kids do ten times a day The Lion King okay you know I was they're saying they're saying it and you know the story remember the story of The Lion King he's been ambushed and killed basically and every time it was at the passage of the Lion King being killed janeshia would cover that and not let go daddy that's you daddy that's you to a point where I was fixing dinner Vassili on Iran into the kitchen where I was they said mom I'm not coming back am i I just said you know she's a baby she doesn't know but you know and after Patrick left the next day he was watching The Lion King with her I was and she did the same exact thing every time the same place she got my hand say come back that's my dad you know and before he left he loved angels you know we had Angeles all over and I still some of them are still here and he loved the Archangel Michael you know because he was a defender of it standing for height at home and he said well I'll be working with him yes I talked to my little mother of the sky I do the one thing that she said to me was Nepali a pa pa AME and I never forgot that so it's kind of a way of Claire and I do that this system is true meditation but yes I totally do that and I think comes and goes whenever you know you may drop a glass so like a light or you know clipped me or pinched me sometimes that is even physical contact but we don't have to use our voice that was never word exchanged in any of my near-death experiences everything was felt it's not just physical words it's in depth it's very powerful one thing that I can say is no matter how difficult life seems to be we need to remember one thing that if we are emerged in compassion and love for others we can make it through anything it takes time to master but we really can do it and and it makes you powerful because nobody can take you down definitely it changed both change live the way the way to live the first 10 years we're kind of a tile time we're like a rehabilitation to life which I didn't do very well I guess but after this that from this time until now and the last experience was acceptance but I am never afraid of death all dying I am not afraid of anything well there might be a couple of things like snakes but I'm talking about really I wouldn't run away for anything you know it's just it's part of this dimension and I don't see death as the end there is no end that's why after Patrick my son was born I started to sit and volunteer in nursing home but also other people were dying in a street the same strict I live in and that we grew up people would come and get me we all had children so we pretty much know each other and if a parent was on the edge of death they would ask me to come and help them so I did and I know what to do I just know I would kind of walk the family through it and I thought well this is right you know why don't I just do it on a larger scale and that's where I started a non-profit angel staff org and started to train people give seminar on workshop on living and dying and I walk with the concept of exhibit Kubla host Doctor Who boss so that became the passion of my life and I really thought for a long time until Patrick died that this was my mission to help people transition from one life from this life to to the next and you know explain that we are born we come from a place we are born here we die and we go back to where we are from it's a circle there is notice and one thing that he's become extremely clear to me is compassion and love and I'm talking about unconditional love if you can master these two element in your life no matter what even people that you think you can eat if you work over that and see the situation with compassion you will see things on the inside on the soul this is kind of a mastery of life in a sense that I wish I could share everything I have learned with people so you know they would understand really why we all have a mission I believe that we have a purpose we all do and it's up to us to find that mission and purpose or not we don't have to if we don't want to now it just depends after you have any of this experience for example on people's after effect and how they are going to embrace this some people cannot take the truths cannot take facing what really happened to them and turn away from it and you know their life has become very miserable of course and that's why we have support group to try to understand each other one who person was successfully overcome the near-death experience can help another who has more difficulties reacting or coming back from this experience to life it's a Toma after the experience has happened the person who has the experience survived the experience returned negative or positive it doesn't make any difference the thing is to accept it and of course if you accept the experience and talk about it it's considered to be a therapy and the therapy will automatically help you and accept who you have become I believe it's a choice this is a school this is something where we're supposed to learn and everything is a struggle because we make it that way I have struggled I struggle yeah plenty but I have an exit strategy if you like I mean I know where I'm going and you things get bad you have to see that particular moment and make sense out of it you know instead of fighting it sometimes things are inevitable and you just need to live through it I accept people for who they are I don't try to change their mind I don't try to project my ideas I just can't share what I know people do what they want after that it's not my mission to convince anyone or to try to tell them that there is life after this you know it's not my I know it is and I know where I'm going and so on and so on but the rest of us you know it's just have to discover ourselves like I first mentioned my first name this experience was of course 1952 so okay nobody talks about it you know except boo-boos but it took me until 1995 to realize number one that I was not the only one and that there was nothing wrong with me that many merely actually millions of people are like me through a book from dannion brinkley saved by light where he was explaining is this experience and dr. Hyman woody was better that that everybody knows I had the book I couldn't put it down I stood at the store I think I set on my Shore and I'd hide the book threw up the book and I ran home behind it again and I say okay I need to admit dannion okay I'm so well at the time he was stopped you know so you had thousands of people who used to come to see him and he came to San Jose which was not too far from where I was and I was like 2,000 people in that room I was huge and I say okay I need to get in front of the stage you know I need to talk to him so I need to get into fun and I did it I just walked my way through it I guess that hide in front of the stage but I couldn't talk to him so what I did I just closed my eyes and I communicated with him through my mind oh boy did that work he stopped up and he didn't say anything can you stare at me and walk again but he was looking too ugly times he did that and then when he was over it just kind of dragged me along and he said we need to talk I was talking to him the whole time you know you didn't listen a word I said he was leading me he turn around he excused himself for a second he hugged me and he said to me we're going to work together sure enough after I started working with hospice dannion was working with veteran and hospice he stout actually I'm involved with in the beginning of the organization we created my chapter created the first chapter for him compassion in action so I did work with them and well it was still good friend you know it just was here when I needed him for my son it's this and everything but it's just to show you that there are things that we can do we don't know exactly what gift we have we can't undo what has been done but to make a shift in consciousness it's like a net around the earth and if this net is all reach of a complete reach around the planet we can raise the consciousness to a different level but can we do we have enough power to be able to do this I don't know I don't know I only can am the seed they that's all I can do I plant that seed people do what they want after for the harvest you know it's not up to me anymore I am at peace I know what I am about I pretty much know what's going to be accomplished in this lifetime so and I can see now much clearer than I did before what the beam of light you know was telling me in my first notice experience it makes a lot of sense one of the most important thing in all of this is to never think that we are better than the next person to us we are not we are different but we are not better and because an experience happened to us doesn't mean that we know everything we may have given to your pot energy to do that to touch the Akashic record or whatever but it's not why do we forget there is a reason for that too and why I talk so much about love and compassion because precisely there is so much misunderstanding among us today on this planet that we are destroying it you know not just each other but we are destroying the planet because we don't know and respect the planet do it we should it's all about consciousness when we do this where we are able to feel first and share next we are elevating the consciousness so by talking about it again not convincing that's not my purpose but people who find some truth or can reflect on some of the things that I say will bring another person to walk with consciousness of you
Channel: Anthony Chene production
Views: 349,787
Rating: 4.7862334 out of 5
Keywords: near-death experience, psychic medium, beyond our sight, eben alexander, out of body experience, peter anthony, barabara bartolome, consciousness
Id: 0m5BQWiM--o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 53sec (2393 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2015
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