The Near Death Experience of Mrs. Nicole Dron

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Another proof of NDE, there are too many humans, unrelated, around the Earth, with no prior knowledge of NDE, with the same experiences, for any sane person to consider NDE to be false. Before internet, before Raymond Moody book.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Adult_InThe_Room 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/jtflcntmltstlbms- 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thanks for sharing this

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/orbfromthesource 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] nicole you had a near-death experience in 1967 when you were 26 years old can you tell us about it and what happened thank you yes i had this experience following the delivery of my second child so three weeks after having given birth i had a very very serious hemorrhage and i was taken to the hospital with a blood pressure of five and the next day i went into the operating room for a dnc but finally another hemorrhage occurred and i had to have an emergency hysterectomy and that's when i had this experience because my heart stopped beating for 45 seconds with a flat electrocardiogram and my blood pressure was down to between two and three but during this procedure i experienced the most beautiful moment of my life the most beautiful moment of my life i found myself outside of my body everything that was me that is my true being was on the ceiling and i had a 360 degree panoramic vision i could see everywhere on all sides at once and most of all i had this incredible feeling that i existed beyond my body for the first time in my life i understood that i was not only this body i was the inhabitant of this body then i heard the doctor and the nursing staff bustling about the surgeon was saying quick a bag of blood a nurse ran to get a bag of blood hurry another one hurry a third i later found out that i had used up the hospital's blood bank and at one point the surgeon said oh she's dying on me before that i had time to look at myself i was of course lying on the operating table with tubes everywhere i wasn't pale i was like a corpse and i said to myself how ugly you are girl but it didn't matter because that body was like the shell of a snail it just wasn't me i thought about my husband and my father-in-law who had said to me as i was going from the bedroom to the operating room my husband also said to me don't worry everything is going to be fine we're waiting for you in the waiting room well i thought of them and instantly i was in the waiting room i became aware of walking through the walls without any apprehension because there's no time to realize anything it just happens in this waiting room i saw my husband and my father-in-law both of them were pacing up and down and i realized that i could see them but they couldn't see me so i was waving to them i tried by all means to show myself to them but in vain i must admit that i felt kind of despair the despair of a person who wants to say but don't worry i'm here not being able to be seen understood and later i thought it's terrible for people who are truly dead and are more alive than ever to feel that those around them consider them dead obviously i'm not here to convince anyone i'm just here to share my experience and later on of course i realized how could anyone understand that i had passed through the walls i had a simple academic education in school you can't understand this and one has to be interested in spirituality in the spiritual anatomy of the human being to be able to understand these experiences and so in this waiting room believe it or not there was no bench and no chair my husband confirmed this to me later i had this ability while being me to be the others too i was so to speak in my husband's heart not in his physical heart but i knew everything he was thinking i knew everything he was as a human being and the same for my father-in-law so afterwards i tried to comfort my father-in-law later i said to my husband you weren't too worried were you but no because after all i had come in for a dnc and that was it he was unafraid and my father-in-law he was older he was more worried so i wanted to reassure him i put my hand on his shoulder but my hand went right through his body i said to myself what's wrong with you what is happening to you i didn't understand then i found myself in an abyss of darkness of silence i had the impression of being in total nothingness it lasted maybe i don't know a second a fraction of a second i can't say because time no longer exists in this experience and then i was aware that i was dead and i said to myself that's it my girl you are dead but no i was more alive than ever and if anything i was a thousand times smarter than i am now and i remembered what i was taught when i was younger in sunday school i was raised roman catholic and we were told that we lived until the end of time until the final resurrection but in that dimension what is the end of time a thousand years ten thousand years a million years a billion years it didn't make sense anymore and then maybe i became anxious and fortunately in the distance i saw a pin prick of light and i always say let's imagine ourselves in an inky black night and suddenly a star appears we're not alone in the world anymore and i was sucked into that light at full speed and i remember that i felt noises buzzing i could see lights that were still quite bright everything faded away afterwards i felt some presence around me i couldn't see the faces but i could see them and this light became the whole horizon and i went into that light i can assure you this was the most beautiful moment of my life the most beautiful moment of my life that's for sure because it wasn't just light it was love that we have no idea of on earth a love that fills you your soul that restores you your soul this light was not blinding i was returning home i was in my homeland i was love i was life i understood the words i am because while being me i was becoming everything i do not know how to explain it everything was in me i was everything and everything was in me and this notion of being one yet everything at the same time is something extraordinary and this love i have never found anything like it on earth even though i have been very lucky i had loving parents i have a husband who loves me i have children and grandchildren who love me but it was nothing compared to all this love that was waiting for me it was nothing i found myself in a beautiful garden you can find that on earth too but if i looked at a blade of grass i saw the light in it the molecules of life i saw other colors pastel colors that we don't have here on earth i sat by a stream it was water light i can't explain it and the sounds became colors and vice versa and i felt like i was no more important than a musical note a blade of grass a drop of water because i had simply become life itself and i thought we were doing the opposite of what we should be doing when we lose a loved one we feel despair you think you'll probably never see them again i thought if we knew they were just living on or that they've just returned to this other part of life if we knew that they were in fact on the route to life with a capital l or that they had already entered into this life then i remember seeing beings that i have never seen on earth but i recognized them i saw a being who came to me my heart of course skipped a beat it was my little brother my parents had lost a seven month old baby when i was 11 years old i was his little mother in a way it had been terrible for me yet there he was he was a teenager radiating light of course one might say but how can you be sure mrs drone that this was your brother there is a big difference between what a baby looks like and a teenager so i say i have no proof to give anyone i just know i know that's all even if the whole world was against me i assure you it wouldn't matter i think it's a soul-to-soul recognition there's no other way to explain it i found myself in his arms he was solid and so was i whereas in the waiting room of my of the hospital my hand had gone through my father-in-law's shoulder i think that we were in the same dimension and that what made his reality was also mine and i said to my brother if only mom and dad could see you can you imagine how happy they would be and it's not even in words it's a direct communion it's beyond words i was him he was me that's all he told me i can't say otherwise of course he told me that he had always guided us always loved us and i was really extremely moved because i understood that his love was far beyond human love he loved us for who we were that was all i saw my husband's brother too my husband at 14 years old had lost a 25 year old brother he had drowned and that was a tragedy in the life of my husband and my in-laws and he was there too he was waiting for me i can't tell you as i would like to but i saw being i felt like it was the whole universe coming to me in the form of a being who didn't identify himself or herself but our heart knows who it is he asked me how do you love what have you done for others and at the same time i saw thousands of hands turned raised to the sky pleading i knew it was humanity all of humanity suffering what had i done for them obviously i wasn't unkind but i hadn't given my full potential if i'm asked what does this phrase mean to me now how did you love what have you done for others i would say have you loved yourself how did you let life grow in yourself and in every human being how did you set it free and in the presence of that being i was shown my whole life i was able to review my life with the good things with the bad things when i had done something good i was in the heart of the person to whom i had done good and i was receiving what i had given and of course the other way around the reverse too and at the same time what is surprising it was as if another part of me one could say the soul the self the conscious whatever this other part of me was able not to judge but to evaluate my life in relation to what it should have been if i had always been loving and wise and i understood there that love means rectitude and also justice at least some rightness that it is not something punitive it's not punitive at all it's to help us be who we really are and well there was i also saw the future i could see my children growing up i was very proud of them and at one point i was shown the future of my life i saw my in-laws and my grandmother who were about the same age three years apart and i could see that all three of them would die in a very short period of time three weeks apart two of the three three weeks apart and much later on january 27th of 1981 my father-in-law passed away then three weeks later on the same day the same tuesday my grandmother died and at the end of the year it was my mother-in-law and then i saw but when i say and then and then and then i can't help but use the words in a row because everything is there at once but here it is words are powerless to explain it and i saw the evolution of the earth i saw giants that walked the earth i had a whole lot of information about atlantis but this information it's gone i only know that i knew i had quite a bit of information about the creation of the earth i was told about atlantis i was told that life was everywhere in the universe i was told that our earth was not a sacred planet i didn't understand what that meant i understood it in that dimension but afterwards i had to rediscover that in my life let's say and that it was in the process of becoming a sacred planet i was told that god was force itself movement itself and life itself and that anything that went toward oneness was good i was told that on the most subtle planes that christ buddha and muhammad were working together to regenerate the earth on the most subtle planes and when i die well they won't ask me what race what religion what tradition i belonged to it is only the quality of being of an individual that is important then i was shown i was shown the future of humanity i was told that in 1968 we had great technology but that unfortunately brotherhood consciousness had not accompanied this technology so what could we say now today and they showed me all the things that could happen if we didn't change and for me the if is crucial it's crucial because it is our part of freedom in a way it's not something that has to happen but if we don't change these things can happen so in 1968 everything was flourishing i was shown unemployment that would spread all over the world i was told about a plague too that would ravaged the whole world of course some people said to me but uh nicole already for some time don't you think it's aids and now they say rereading your first book because you said that because you said the same thing in that book do you think it's covered there was no name i'm not going to make it up i don't know anything about it but they told me that and so i saw tsunamis earthquakes i know that our earth will experience great upheavals and above all one thing that affected me a lot was that i saw great violence that was rising great violence was rising and so i know that we are at crossroads at this moment and that finally all these calamities one could say could be avoided or perhaps mitigated if we ourselves work on love within us quite simply but i see my experience at the heart of each religion at its heart but yet beyond religion at the same time beyond the institutions because christ as i was told about him as i understood him on the other side and mind you i don't pretend to have understood everything that it represented but he was far beyond all religions he christ he represented the fullness of god in every human being that was it i cried when i understood that because i understood that we each have in our hearts a little piece of this christ and we are asked to make it live that's it that's it to the extent that we are able to well to grow in love in wisdom but we no longer need all these calamities that we cause in a way i found myself in a city of gold of light and of precious stones it was beautiful i saw my life again there i was shown certain details i was asked if i wanted to stay on the other side or if i wanted to return so it may seem monstrous to some people but all i wanted to do was stay on the other side even though i had a husband and children i felt i would not have been separated from them that they would have been inside me on the other side but when i thought about it when i came back down a little bit in human consciousness well i didn't want my children to be orphans i didn't want them to suffer and i didn't want them to reach out to another mother other than myself i wanted my husband to be happy but definitely not in the arms of another woman so there it is and i was told that i would come back and forget a lot of things because i had to and i mischievously thought aha they want me to forget a lot of things but i'm sure to remember and yet when i woke up i only brought back bits and pieces i was shown a wall of gems and i was invited to be a stone in that wall obviously i know that this is symbolic it is inviting a whole inner transformation i also saw a being coming to me as far as i saw it i wanted to melt into it i don't even know if it was a man or a woman he seemed to give off both energies at the same time and yet at the same time i understood i understood that this being was me but me at the end of time me realized and i wanted to say if you only knew how beautiful we are on the other side each one of us and we should tell the children instead of talking about mortal sin and so on i respect all that of course but we should say hold on to your star don't forget who you are because on the highest planes of your being you are beautiful you have the strength for everything you have the strength to go through all the even the hardest of trials you can get through you have that strength within you and so at the same time it's quite humbling because i could see how far i still had to go on earth to be who i already am on the other plane in a way it's very difficult to explain very difficult afterwards my brother who let's say said goodbye to us he said you tell mom and dad to be very forgiving of my maternal grandmother when she leaves and my maternal grandmother loved her daughter my mother but also her son-in-law she would say to him you are more than a son to me and i could see that there would be not a fight but like a misunderstanding at the end of her life when i woke up afterwards i thought this can't be this isn't going to happen but it did because my grandmother became senile we would today say alzheimer's and so there were little things like that that hurt my parents and of course we didn't hold it against her because it really wasn't her fault if you will but even that was true so i don't remember leaving my body but i do remember coming back into my body through my head it's not poetic what i'm going to say but it felt like being stuffed into a sock on the other side for me it was the tragedy of existence on the other side i was me and i was everything at the same time and then i returned as if in a coffin and this feeling of being everything had disappeared the other became someone else and that's how we then sometimes quarrel whereas on the other plane we are one they had to slap me to wake me up and when i did i had such a beautiful piece of music in my ears so beautiful it would make you cry of incredible beauty i'm still looking for something in classical music or in sacred music that would sound like what i heard but in vain it's just in vain and above all i came back with the feeling of having brought back a moment of eternity but it's very very minimal compared to everything i experienced i only brought back bits and pieces and it's also very frustrating because behind this music there is plenitude there was this feeling of being one with life with the universe but i say thank you to life with a capital l that allowed me to live this experience because everything has changed since what would you say was the main impact your experience had on your life afterwards if we can sum it up in two words i would say having and being before without really knowing it i was like everyone else i was into having that is to say well i'm not a very materialistic person no but i have always i think been open to spirituality even when i was younger but i didn't know i had never had this experience so being in the having for me it's well who said that it was a german psychotherapist named carlfried durkheim i have written it because having is the ego at work it is the intelligence and the will when they are distorted by desires passions emotions it is what in us wants to be acknowledged all the time and it's an illusion given by life and i would say that before i was right in the middle of it and after having lived this experience well all these human troubles shall we say i would say that they are human troubles these illusions pass go away we are beyond all that then and i knew plenitude total freedom which for me is being being in its true sense and so this experience gave me the deep desire to seek the truth to seek justice truth which leads which leads to plenitude and i know that the only way to get there is love i know that your way of understanding death has undoubtedly been modified by your experience i'm no longer afraid of death in the sense that often when we are afraid of death it's because we're afraid of no longer existing now i know i undoubtedly know that there is only life and that when i close my two eyes life will continue i know this without any doubt on the other hand like everyone else i am only a human being and i am afraid of the suffering that we may go through before death or senility and so forth yes of course but i'm no longer afraid of death because and this is precisely where life has all its importance when you know that you don't die life becomes precious because you know that you you have come to grow in a way regarding religion you said you were raised catholic did your way of considering beliefs or religion change afterwards of course i would say that when i was young well my parents were deeply christian without going to church but they wanted us to have christian values and so i was brought up with those values and i will never deny my religion because i know that within it there are many sacred treasures as certainly within all true religions which preach love but following this experience i am no longer that is i no longer feel shall i say like a prisoner of not a religion but of religious institutions when people say for example outside the church there is no salvation for me this no longer makes sense because i have experienced the great religion of love for me there is only one religion and that is love and in this great religion all religions are included it's as simple as that and for me the real religion is not about history it's already a good thing to be given tools to understand beliefs and so forth but now i have faith and it is not a faith it is not a faith that is imposed upon us it is the faith of experience and for me true religion is the path that leads from the caterpillar to the butterfly it's the path of transformation it's not just believing it's becoming what you believe it's embodying those truths and i know that we will not be judged i don't like that word but that we will be evaluated according to what we have done with these qualities if we have incarnated them or not that for me is true religion thank you so very much nicole thank you so much for this interview and i thank you [Music] you
Channel: Afterlife Experiences
Views: 119,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1jyu35n9SnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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