The Narrow Way: Steve Lawson Sermon Jam

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jesus said a lot of shocking things but this takes the cake this goes over the edge this is the single most riveting thing that i believe jesus christ ever said that ought to arrest our attention and get a hold of us in these verses jesus said in no uncertain terms that there are actually more people going to hell than there are to heaven many jesus said are on the broad road that are headed to destruction few jesus said are on the narrow road headed to life there's no other spin to put on those words but what makes this even more jolting is that jesus christ is talking about religious people in these verses he's talking about people who claim to know god he's talking about people who say lord lord he's talking about people who on the last day will say lord you knew me i cast out demons in your name lord i perform many miracles in your name lord you know me if anyone enters through me he will be saved and i want you to know that there are no other points of entry into the kingdom would you notice the definite article thee enter through the narrow gate not a narrow gate not one of many ways to get into the kingdom the fact that you must enter means that you came into this world on the outside of the kingdom and we were all born physically in sin psalm 51 verse 5 in sin did my mother conceive me this is what he says to you tonight there are not five things that you have to do tonight there aren't ten things that you have to do there is only one thing that you have to do to become a member of the kingdom of god this also presupposes that you were born on the outside being born in a christian family is not good enough attending church is not good enough being religious is not good enough i want you to know that jesus christ himself is this narrow gate aganizumai you must agonize to enter through this narrow gate it will require soul-searching it will require deep conviction it will require you counting the cost it will require you renouncing the world it will require you denying yourself you can't come in a group you're going to have to peel off from the group you're going to have to break from the pack you're going to have to break even from your family and come one at a time to the lord jesus christ and i also want you to note that this is a command he says enter through the narrow gate it is a present imperative which means that he is commanding he is calling everyone under the sound of his invitation to leave what they where they are and to leave what they are and to come immediately to him and to enter through the narrow gate you need to know that the gospel is a command and you will either live in obedience or disobedience to this christ who is calling you to enter through the narrow gate and to fail to respond to this gospel is to commit the greatest sin under heaven it is to trample underfoot the precious blood of the lord jesus christ and it is to insult the spirit of grace you must surrender and you must choose to take that last step by which you leave the world and leave the kingdom of darkness and enter into the kingdom of light this other gate that takes you down another path that ends up at a at a different destination it it's easily accessible it's so large it's like putting a golf ball into a hole that's the size of the pacific ocean you can't miss when you get near this gate to pass through and what this gate is is religion without regeneration it is religion without the new birth it is religion that appeals to the flesh it is religion that talks about god and talks about christ and talks about heaven and talks about salvation the only problem is it is a gate that does not deliver it does not take you there it is the gate of easy believism that you come just as you are and you remain just as you are and there is nothing for you to give up and there is nothing for you to renounce and there is nothing for you to confess it is religion without repentance it is religion without submission to the lordship of christ it is religion where you can continue to run your own life and run and chart the course for your own soul it is religion without death to self it is religion without cross bearing it is religion without denying self it's religion that costs nothing and requires nothing you just walk an aisle raise a hand sign a card you're in you're going to heaven no you're not you're going to hell these are those who are self-deceived they think they have entered into the way of salvation only one day to wake up in the flames of hell beware the false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves they preach a false gospel to you they preach to you that you can believe whatever you want to believe and live however you want to live and they seduce you and entice you and tempt you and and lure you because they tickle your ears and they say to you what you want to have said and they stroke your ego and they tell you you can have it all you don't have to give up the world you don't have to give up your sin just come through the wide gate not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of heaven and they're talking the talk they're saying lord lord they know the words to the songs and they attend the bible studies they know the lingo they know the jargon they just don't know the lord and they'll talk about how involved they were in in religious activity did we not prophesy in your name you have convinced yourself of that which is not reality you are self-deceived about your salvation and you are self-deceived about your ministry you are self-deceived about your release religious activity your whole life is a facade oh for a moment just to pull back the veil and to see yourself for who you truly are to see yourself for how god sees you it's churchianity it's playing the game of of church and you're you're very good at it as way out there as it is whatever kind of sin you want to commit and we can find a church for you where you will feel very comfortable and then i will declare to them i never knew you god knows everything about everyone he's not talking about cognitive facts about people the very hairs of your head are numbered he knows every word that you're going to say before you ever say it all your days have been written in his book before there was one of them he knows you better than you even know yourself because your heart is so deceptive and if god is speaking to your heart tonight you need to enter through the narrow gate to remove the mask and to expose your heart to yourself that you are on this broad road that is headed for destruction behold now is the accepted time behold today is the day of salvation today if you hear his voice do not harden your heart see to it that you do not refuse him who is speaking this religion that does not save this churchianity that does not deliver and does not take you to heaven jesus now talks about real salvation and genuine conversion and authentic regeneration in order to follow christ he must leave everything else behind not follow a church not follow a man a mere man not follow a set of rules or regulations not follow a code of ethics no follow me commit your life to me surrender to me give it all up for me get up from where you are move out by faith give me your life attach yourself to me become one of my followers i'm not telling you where this will take you in this world just follow me every moment of every day this is what it is to be one who enters through the narrow gate jesus said he who is not with me is against me meaning there there is no neutrality in this you're either out and out for christ or you are out and out against christ to enter through the narrow gate means that you come to pledge your allegiance to christ you are out and out for him it may seem restrictive it may seem that it is holding you back but all that it will hold you back from is that which would harm you that which would do destruction to you how good of god to make it a narrow path that you would be in the very center of the goodness of his will for you to lead you into green pastures and to lead you beside still waters praise god it is a narrow path that keeps you away from the pollution of the world system and it alone leads to life to life in other words if you're not on this path you don't have life you're just a walking zombie you are empty on the inside there is no reality within you regarding the things of the spirit of god and for those of you here who are on the outside we're so glad that you're here to hear this gospel invitation and he is calling out through this gospel to you and you will have no rest for your soul until you find your rest in jesus christ our lord
Channel: Montana Viking
Views: 24,580
Rating: 4.9499998 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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