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[Music] welcome back to angel Angela on today's topic we are going to be talking about the narcissus is nice to strangers only before I lose my train of thought I thought this was a very important topic to kind of go over again because one thing that all narcissists have in common it doesn't matter they're your family members it doesn't matter if they're friends it doesn't matter if this is someone you're in a relationship with the number one thing that all narcissists have in common is that they are nice to strangers they are nice to strangers there are nice to you when they meet you they are nice to every single person in their life that is a stranger or that is new that they don't really know like that this is where you're going to see your narcissistic parents or someone in your family just always doing something for the community always doing something for people who are in need always answering the phone and talking to those people that are in abusive relationships or going through some type of hardship in their life they'll be there for everyone they'll have empathy so it looks like it this is where you'll see narcissistic your narcissistic partner be very friendly towards their friends or towards strangers they'll help people push their vehicles they'll help people change their tires they'll go over and above and you're just kind of looked you're kind of on the sidelines looking like wow they're nice to everyone but me and you'll probably even tell them you're nice to everyone but me and they'll tell you it's because of your attitude they'll tell you it's because you make them be mean to you they'll tell you so many different things whether it's a really whether its family they'll sugarcoat everything but the simple the simple answer to that is all narcissists are nice to strangers because of the newness of it because they don't know them and because they don't know them they understand the principle of when you meet new people they're only you know all you can do is judge a book by its cover they're not showing their pages to these people they're not showing the chapters of past relationships they left behind they're not showing all this stuff they're showing the cover and the cover from the outside looks looks like a good cover they even put a protection on it you know like a little protection cover on the book but if you open up the pages it's a very old book you can't even see the writing on half the stuff because they actually forget half the shit that they do so most narcissists will deny being nice to others they'll tell you that they don't treat you better than others but when you're sitting in your living room couch and they're having company over say it's your parents you'll see that they go over and above and then they want to include you into a role that you never have tooken before so say you kind of already are used to your parents BS they basically when you have company or someone around they're going to try to change you into being whatever they want you to be and if you just obey or you do something that is out of which to them is out of character which is really not out of character because this is who you are and this is how you act all the time but because they have that company they're you know they want to give that person that they talk to on the phone or that person from church or they want to give this these this illusion of who they are most narcissus will be nice to strangers for personal gain and personal gain only the narcissus is only looking for supply so when they deal with strangers it could be many different things that these strangers might be good sources to them for one they could be a good source because these sources might actually know other sources of people who also have fed into their fake persona so somehow these people have came into the narcissus life through other people because of their fake persona and chances are that you're dealing with a narcissist when this person is seeking praise from these people so they can be seeking praise by anything you know they can sit there and talk to these people about their family talk about their finances they can be talking about anything but it's always going to be negative and when those things are negative these people are put into their life to basically give them a pat in the back support them you know tell them that you know I I don't know why things are always happening to you and you're such a good person and these people are going to be almost like flying monkeys only that they don't know that they're being flying monkeys and they'll fit into the narcissus fake persona and once they do feed into this fake persona that they they've introduced themselves as from the start this is what makes people vulnerable so if they're friends and you know eventually they go through something this friend is going to wonder why this person is always going through something so they're going to be there for them even if it's not financially but sometimes most of the time most narcissists are going to seek people that can actually help them financially so they will seek people to help them and that's their source of supply you guys so buy them just having people around them who don't know them it's the greatest supply they can get because they can be whoever they want with these people they act there are different characters and you will realize this when you deal with them you know maybe you're out with your partner and you go out somewhere maybe you go to a whole different City and somehow you guys bump into someone and you're wondering who that person is and they'll tell you oh that was just a friend from a long time ago and this might be a friend who they just went out to a bar with a week ago or two weeks ago and they were out meeting girls together and things like that or meeting guys together they will tell you oh I don't know that person and they're a whole different character with that person and the reason they don't want you guys to know each other it doesn't necessarily mean that they don't want you guys to know each other because they have other supply they don't want you guys to know each other because see because the narcissist has a new character with everyone they might have told them that when they were younger they you know you had a really big fortune and they lived in a foreign country and they were prince or they were a princess or you know or they were a very good musician or they used to own a big company and they lost it all it's always these big crazy stories and I'm pretty sure when the narcissist got with you they told you one version of that story meanwhile they give everyone a different version and sometimes they forget you guys they actually forget the stuff that they tell you guys another reason why you'll see that the narcissist is nice to others and not you mainly is because sources of supply to them like I said doesn't necessarily mean that they you know it's a partner or they need something but another way that they're getting source sources of supply is when they hear other people's problems so a lot of times they keep friends if they keep friends that are doing worse than them or even if they're not doing worse than them even if they're doing actually better than them but if those people have problems in their life the narcissist actually feeds off of that so it doesn't matter if you're sexually involved with them they're feeding off of your problems they'll they'll even give you advice they'll even tell you hey come over let's have a let's have a coffee or let's go on a hike and this is where a lot of times they'll make it about themselves once you're around them they'll start talking about their problems and this is how they use this is another way to use the transfer of energy between people they never come around people with you know positivity or talks about the future and things like that unless they're going to get something out of it and most of the time they want those things to come to them easily they don't want to work for it and if they do any work for it you better believe that they're going to be stepping on anyone and everyone just to get there another reason why they are nice to strangers and not you is because by them helping a stranger out so say you guys are driving and you're close to getting to your home right and you see that someone on the road they're having mechanical problems or you might be leaving a store or something and you see a woman hysterically and she's going through something and no one's helping her you know a lot of times when things happen most people will just keep driving right like you know just keep driving and it's always those good Samaritans that will pull over and help you out the narcissist pretends to be a good Samaritan and a lot of times when they're doing this not only is it to make you jealous and upset and to make you feel as if they're nice to everyone but you but it's also depending on the area that they're in if they're in a familiar area that they are in a lot or they find themselves in that area a lot a lot of times they feel as if while they're doing this act of kindness they actually believe that other people are watching them they believe that every single person is watching them help that person they they even if no one is looking they believe that someone is looking you know and if no one is looking you better believe that when they're done doing that nice act of kindness they're going to call other people or tell other people of the kindness act that they did so that people can say oh wow that's crazy at least you help them out you know that's what they actually want that's what they're seeking so yes they will either you know call others and tell them of the act of kindness that they did or they will be doing that act believing themselves that other people are watching them and know who they are as if they are celebrities and they're like wow you know he is a good person you know especially if they believe that that area is filled with other people that know them you know because they might be in a situation where later on someone tells them hey I saw you over there on the corner of 1st and 3rd Street and it looked like you were helping someone push a car so they get off on that they feel as if they are actors and the camera just said you know it's like action you know action time to time to pretend so this is why they are most of the time they are really nice to strangers during those times another thing that you will notice with dealing with a narcissist is that when they are giving a fake persona of who they are to different people the extensity of their lives will be very dramatic so they can say that they have our own or have things that they've never had so when they're with you and someone comes around them and you might not have a nice car or something they will duck they will hide they will they will turn around and not want to be seen in that vehicle or in that position that they're in because they've lied to this person have told them that they have more than what they really have so if that person is like hey you know I seen you walking and you were getting into the subway I thought you had a car they'll say I do have a car it's just my car's in the shop so you know sometimes I do get on the subway or I get on the subway to get exercise it's not good to drive all the time so this is how fake they are with other people so never believe that these people are actually being good people just to be good people everything that they do is to hide different characteristics about who they are and their past and most of the people that really know them are their partners and their families and both of them usually you know even when you're dealing with the narcissist you let them get away with a lot of things so of course in their mind they're feeling as if the master of these puppets and I'm toying with everyone so another thing that you will notice when narcissist is kind of meaner to you and nicer to everyone is that every time they do something nice for you they believe that they deserve if some type of praise for doing something nice to you so this could be your parents you know they did something nice for you and they expect so much praise but at the end of the day it's kind of like well you decided to have kids you decided to do these things so this is kind of what you do when you have kids you're supposed to support them you're supposed to come to their graduation so they're the kind of people that would say something like I drove all the way over there to make it to your college graduation and it's kind of like well you're kind of supposed to do that or you might go on a date with the narcissus and they take you to a really expensive restaurant and then later on they're telling you oh I took you to an expensive restaurant I don't take people I don't take people to those type of restaurants unless this all right I don't even take my own family to those type of restaurants and I took you there so eventually all that niceness that they portrayed to have in them becomes as something that they're they are keeping in their book that that they are counting in their book and they're kind of like writing it down they're taking out their notebook and they're writing down on their schedule okay well I wrote I bought Suzanne this today I took her out to dinner the next day I went to the grocery store and bought food to cook for her and made a really romantic dinner so it's like they're actually taking note of all those things and they're thinking they're calculating what can they do in order to get those things back in return whether it's sex whether is you know giving them a ride whether it's helping them fix their car whether it's helping them you know go from a different job to a different job or giving them some type of business opportunity or you know or just being around you for what you have and making themselves look good and it's they actually expect to everything they've given you in return or they feel as if well I did this for you and it's kind of like you actually don't need the narcissus for any of those things any act of kindness that they ever did for you you really don't need it you really don't want it if it's going to be something that they're throwing back at you I mean none of us like it when people help us and then they throw it you know throw it back at us this is something that the narcissus is constantly doing to people the only difference is that anything that they've ever done for you they're getting it back some way one way or another so they really are selfish people it's it's not that they are kind to other people and they're not kind to you it's all fake I mean you didn't need the narcissist to go to the grocery store to make you a romantic dinner I mean yeah it was nice because you thought hey this person is thinking about me they want to be with me so they want to romance me they want to do something to make me smile this is how you're thinking about it but if they're going to make it seem as if hey I could've cooked for someone else in your head it's kind of like well you should have cooked for someone else I don't need your fucking food I don't need your groceries I can buy my own groceries but see everything the narcissus does for every single person in their life even strangers it's to get some type of recognition out of it it's all about getting praise so every narcissus every single narcissus no matter male/female they are seeking praise from others another thing that you will notice is that a lot of the times when the narcissus is being nice and doing good deeds for others it's almost as if they believe that by doing these good deeds that they won't get their karma for what they've done to you and others in their past and in their present you can tell them something and they might even tell you I don't get karma or bad things don't happen to me yet they have pillow talk to you there's so many nights where they have called you and just talked about how much of a bad day they had and half the time the times that they have told you that they've had a bad day they won't tell you the complete truth to what really happened so they really really had their karma come back and they're looking for you to save them and that's why they won't tell you the truth because they they don't want to give you the satisfaction of thinking damn Tom just yelled at me last night but now he he went through a car accident and he's going through so much let me be there for him or tom is going through a DUI I have to be there for him but yet they were just talking down on you and telling you that they don't get their karma so this is one big lie that the narcissist lives in everyone reaps what they sow when you don't see it you guys don't think it's not happening it might even happen the same day they did it to you sometimes they get their karma right back to slap them in the face but a lot of times you have flying monkeys and enablers who don't really know the dangers of the narcissist until it happens to them and trust me you guys just because you guys don't see it happening now or just because they have all these flying monkeys don't ever believe that these flying monkeys will be in their life forever because everyone is temporary temporarily in their life for some time the only person you'll ever catch the narcissus who will stick by the narcissus side until they die is their mother's something about the mothers I don't know it's something about moms you know something about your parents they're usually the ones who stick by you and if they don't stick by you you must've did something really evil like still their house still their living trust and you know do some really evil stuff in order for your own mother not to want anything to do with you because we all know most of the time with narcissus their parents someone close to them is always enabling them even if they go to jail and they have proof of everything you'll see their parents up there every single weekend and they'll speak of their kids highly as if their kids just graduated college but they're in jail or something another thing that you guys need to understand about the narcissus and their their life of delusion is that they believe that by them doing good to others even if it's not good like real like the intention of it was good for them to give us a homeless person say they give a homeless person five bucks they're either going to tell someone they gave them five bucks or they're going to be looking around hoping someone saw them give them five bucks so most of the time these narcissists when they're doing stuff like I said they're doing stuff because they also believe that someone is either looking at them and they also believe by them doing those little acts of kindness that they do which are nothing compared to how much bad they do they actually believe that they're going to get good karma out of it yes you guys they actually Wow I know they actually believe they're actually going to get good karma out of those little acts that they did although they are 99.9 percent demon most of the time so this is another way they get people just believing that they're delusional I a lot of times they might even tell you that you're the delusional one and and yet they're the ones that keep replaying the same cycle in their life I know when I met the narcissist I had you know I was in my life I was really really young at the time so I never lived when you're when you're you know 18 19 20 you're not thinking of what can go wrong you're thinking my life is starting I can't wait till I'm 21 I can't wait till I start drinking you're not thinking of failure when I met the narcissist a lot of his life a lot of the things that were happening it was a lot of negative things they kept they kept having different failures in their life or they went through different situations and I remember the narcissist telling me one day that I was delusional and I was like what's delusional like what are you talking about delusional about what like huh and I literally had to look up delusional because I'm like delusional is you know that's when you think something is something but it's not that why would he say that to me and I'm searching it up but to come to find out he was the delusional one I remember just telling my friends about him when I met him and telling them how much of a great guy he was because that's who they pretend to be they pretend to be good people at first you guys so I remember my friend was kind of like yeah I could understand if he's a great guy but the more I would tell her about him she would just kind of be like you know it's it's like it's almost like you know like she wanted to tell me that this guy really sounds she gave me a terminology but it wasn't delusional but she was basically trying to tell me it sounds like he's very delusional and in my eyes I was looking at his delusion as confidence because the narcissist possesses a lot of confidence when you meet them and it's hard to see that that confidence is actually a delusion so a lot of time they'll tell you you're delusional but it's actually them and this is where they're reflecting themselves on to you because they feel like shit inside and when you break their delusion and when you tell them about their delusion this is the beginning of them hating you and then this is why a lot of people end up being black sheeps and their families because you break out of that delusion that everyone's living in you know you see that if you're living in a family home or everyone is super Christians super religious but you see everyone doing the opposite or they tell you that you have that you're you're a sinner you know you might have you might be a good person but any little thing that you do you're a sinner and you need to go to the pastor and you need to go and confess your sins and they'll keep telling you confess your sins confess your sins over and over again meanwhile in the Bible it always says that when you judge others God is judging you the moment that you judge someone God is judging you yet these people especially those people that are religious they this is what they do so once you start asking any questions you're actually breaking out of that delusion and that family in that relationship and that's what makes these people hate you because it's always about them and these people always end up really miserable and lonely so I want it to just drop this knowledge you guys the narcissist doesn't care about others and they don't treat everyone else better than you because they care about them they're delusional people so I hope this video helped you guys don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you haven't subscribed yet for more videos like share and comment down below and let me know what you guys think talk to you guys later bye [Music]
Channel: Angel Angela
Views: 2,443
Rating: 4.9166665 out of 5
Keywords: Narcissist gangstalking newsupply hoover finaldiscard youtube
Id: 9bCHas4emGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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