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[Music] hey guys welcome back to Angel Angela today's topic is going to be the narcissus greed the narcissus greed is solely them living in a planet where everything literally has to revolve around them the narcissus greed is so intense that it if they have an idea in their head about how they're going to get it most of the time they will go after after after whatever they want and they will go with an agenda but 80% of the time their plan always ends up failing they're always coming out with some type of great idea different ways different revenues the shortcut on how to make money or how to make a move and a lot of low-grade narcissists will envy others for what they have be very jealous of what others have they always think that people get help they don't understand the the process of working hard for what you want even if you're not you know working hard as far as physically you're actually waking up each and every day to put in the work to achieve success and for those who do achieved success the narcissus secretly envies them and most of the time they want to be around those type of people they want to be around successful people they want to be around positive people because they're not positive and even if they have this persona that they're so positive and very cocky with their nose in the air and just making it seem as if everybody wants to be around them everyone wants to be their friend everyone thinks that they're this magnificent person yet they don't have anything to show that you know and for the nurses says that you know does have you know money or financial gain and usually these people there's no there's no amount of money and success that these people can actually have for them to actually feel satisfied with life and happy these narcissus fill no satisfaction at any time the only thing they will try to do is make everyone around them miserable because they're miserable the narcissus greed is very intense they have a way of making making it seem as if everything that is yours everything that belongs to you is theirs they're so greedy I mean you can go and buy a new car and they'll be asking you to drive it or they might you know whenever you you guys are ready to do something they want to take over your vehicle you know you might have a better vehicle than them or they might not even have a vehicle but they start to have an attitude that everything that belongs to them is theirs and everything that belongs to you is also theirs that's literally how greedy they are now I don't know if you guys have had experiences with narcissists and them actually stealing from you because you have to understand narcissists they don't care about anyone they don't love anyone new supply old supply they don't feel those type of emotions they get off on hurting others in order to feel better about themselves so a lot of times you will come across narcissus that are con artists and not only while they con you out of you know taking out loans on a car a house just different ways of taking abstracting money from you they might tell you that they're sick they might tell you that they just had an emergency there's literally something always going on in these people's lives because of their greed their greed to be with different partners agreed to take from their different partners their greed to take from their own children so these people are con artists but sometimes you might think that they got away with you know maybe you you put something under your name and you might think that that is all the narcissist has took from you but the the reality is that if you've ever came across a situation where something was missing in your home chances are this narcissist took it sometimes it's hard to believe it you might think oh I know he's a cheater he's a liar he's many things but he's not a thief and have you seen him still from stores or other things friends trust me they'll steal from you I actually was in a situation with a narcissist and what he did was you know I was observing everything he said and I guess he had got into like a fallout with one of his guy friends and he his guy friend ended up leaving some like really expensive equipment in his vehicle in the backseat like an expensive camera or something and his friend came back to pick it up and he told him to his face like bro I didn't even know you left anything in my car it's been a lot of people in my car I've been giving people rides I didn't know you left anything in the backseat he gave him his car keys and he's like you can go and check it but I don't know so he checked it when he came back he said you know I don't have anything I don't you know I don't see anything back there narcissists are so sneaky that they will help you look for something that they know they took or you lost so that's how greedy these people are if you're dating them if you're with them you know even if you're friends with them so if you're friends with them they're always going to assume that you have it better than them it's always you have it better than them because in their life because of their greed they keep coming across situations and they don't understand why they're always going through some type of tour moil in their life so you must have it better than them so why not take from you you know yes we've been best friends for 15 20 years but that doesn't mean anything because I'm not loyal to anyone and that's exactly how the narcissist thinks they're not loyal to their children they're greedy when it comes to their own children not only that but they think they're so much better than anyone and everyone else they think that they have the answers to everything they believe that their way of doing things it's better than your way of doing things sometimes they might not even have any type of experience they have never been in that type of situation but they will give you advice on how to handle it and if you don't listen to their advice on how to handle it you're going they're going to put it out in the universe that you're making a bad mistake sometimes you might you know take a leap of faith and the narcissist was wrong and even then you know they'll tell you something like oh you were just lucky you know they will never give you validation they give no-one validation they aren't loyal to anyone when it comes to them being greedy I mean it could be anything from you know telling your children are telling their own kids that hey you know your your your kid might be in you know playing a sport or an instrument and they're going to be the parents that are going to peer pressure them tell them that you know they're not doing too well they're not doing good enough if I was you I would do this they're always criticizing they're always telling you you can do better and it's and yeah you can always do better but you don't tell someone they could do better and then put them down at the same time or tell them that you could have done it better so they're always trying to unveil a date others and what others are doing and along the process they're trying to attract whatever they can from that type of relationship from whatever relationship they're in there trust me they're they have an agenda to take they are the kind of people who will help the next-door neighbor if it's a 70 80 year old lady and she's taking her trash out and he might see her and he might run to her rescue and you're thinking to yourself why does the narcissists always do something good for them and not for me he won't even take the trash in our own home but here he is taking the old lady's trash out if this lady is the old lady and she's wealthy and her husband passed away the narcissist will stop at no limits they have no limits when it comes to using people they if they can get good in with this lady next door and be friends with her and you know start trying to pretend you know give her some type of attitude towards him where you know she starts looking at him or her as if you know they're her grandchild or they might even you know get romantic the narcissist is that greedy where they will go and have it doesn't really matter how you look what you're doing as long as they can get something out of it if it's a same-sex partner they're willing to go and do whatever whatever they can in order to get something out of out of you so yes they're willing to sleep with the same-sex if that means you know getting ahead and in you know in getting a better job or getting in a better position at their jobs this is this is their mo so I wanted to give you guys a Bible verse this is going to be Luke chapter 12 verse 13 and one of the company said unto Him master speak to my brother that he divided the inheritance with me and he said unto Him man who made me a judge or divider over you and he said unto them take heed and beware of convention for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possessed as he spake in parable unto them saying the ground of certain rich men brought forth pennant aful plentifully and he thought within himself saying what shall I do because I have no room were to bestow my fruits and he said this will I do I will pull down my barns and build a greater barn and there will and there I will bestow all my fruits and my goods and I will say my soul soul thou has much Goods laid up for many years take time ease eat drink and be merry and God said unto Him thou fool this night my soul shall be required of thee this night thy soul shall be required of thee then whose shall those things be which tho has provided so is he that Laith up treasure for himself is not rich toward God so what a lot of these narcissists do is that they want to gain fruits for labour that they didn't put in you know they want they put in the short cut whatever they do in life is the short cut the easy way out and they have to literally lie still cheat their way to whatever they actually want and they actually believe in their hearts that they must lie still cheat in order to get those things in order to be rich wealthy in order to prosper in life they feel that they need to get over on others in order to get there in order to get abundance a lot of them even will tell you look at all these celebrities look at these actors look at all these politicians they had to lie and cheat and do these things to get there that's just the kind of world we live in everyone gets pimped you know they have that type of mentality but what they don't understand is that what you put out you will receive what's the point on trying to gain all these things but you're not you're not doing anything to spiritually help others that that doesn't give you any type of God lie powers you know the only thing you're going to get out of that is bad karma coming your way so the narcissus greed never ends their karma never ends they're in a constant battle they're in a battle with themselves and then they'll make you believe that you're in a battle with yourself and this is where they want to confuse you int into believing that you're the problem when it's obvious that their greed is what's wrong them from the inside out this is why they start aging bad this is why bad things are always happening to them and at the end they're holding on literally onto a string holding on to to a supply for their dear for their dear life and you know and they have to live with that regret they have to live with themselves they have to live with themselves knowing all the pain everything they've caused others and while they're living with that with that constant reminder it's only because they have dug themselves up in a deep hole and now they're not surrounded by the same type of people that they try to manipulate and play so it never ends up pretty with these people these people are too greedy everywhere they go even if they play this you know Prince Charming or this nice girl act eventually their true colors to come out that greed in them they can't help themselves you know you you give them you know a little bit of trust and things like that the only thing they're going to do is get tempted get greedy and cross you and get their karma and keep living in this continuous loop of lies so if you guys like this video don't forget to Like don't forget to subscribe you guys don't forget to leave your comments let me know your experiences and I will talk to you guys on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Angel Angela
Views: 3,506
Rating: 4.9609756 out of 5
Keywords: narcissist greed envy jealous toxic finaldiscard newsupply triangulation asscdirect sarahspeaks, hoover flyingmonkeys greyrock stealing evil narcawareness narc, liar cheater conartist, Narcissist, gangstalking, abuse stalking envy hate toxic abusive, Coach, viral narcmonth viralnarcissist, youtube the dream is free viral, relationshipadvise, narcissism, healer
Id: ozpdq6M0qBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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