The narcissist BIGGEST LIE

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[Music] hey guys welcome to angel Angela before starting this video I want to thank everyone who has been following me from day one and to all my new subscribers and if you haven't subscribed with me yet please hit the subscribe button like share my videos my channel is definitely about getting deep into the narcissist personality and really knowing who these people truly are and the outcome and the future of these people and of course recovery from this in order to lift our best life of course so let's get right to it and let's start discussing a little bit more about the child in a body suit an adult human being who's a child with no empathy and very sadistic and of course loves to inflict pain on others by saying that it kind of reminds me of my past video I made about how the narcissists are like vampires and their favorite part about being with you it's it's the chase it's the catch it's preying on you they don't want to just go straight to sucking the blood and the life out of you they want to take their time they want to scare you terrify you and that's when they go for the kill so by me saying that that means that the narcissus is always watching and they have always been watching depending on how they met you especially if you met them online if you met them online you were definitely on for for the biggest awakening of your life because these people you have to understand that the Internet is filled with all type of destruction there's married people getting on their their sites where married people go to to have affairs one-night stands it's not just Facebook and all these big major social media platforms so if you met them online chances are that they were preying on you before they actually contacted you and you might have actually even been following them for years or months so they definitely learned how to study you they you know if you've had other relationships they've seen those relationships they've seen you know if you have money what kind of job you have they kind of want to see what your lifestyle is like and if you come from money or anything that's better than them basically anything that's better than them and their families and stuff like that then they know that if they find you in a vulnerable moment where you're posting things that are very sad or you're going through something they know that those vulnerable moments are the right moments to come in and to take over so chances are if you met them online is that they already studied studied you another thing about when you barely need them just if you if you didn't meet them online it doesn't really matter but if you meet them online you just know for sure that they're into all kind of mess when you meet them they definitely want to know your hobbies they want to know your religion they want to know your goals and that's because they want to mimic everything about you so if you you're telling the nurses that you want to start your own business they are going to say hey I always wanted to start my own business I actually want to you know I want to start cooking and selling food or whatever it is they'll just jump on whatever you're built they'll go with the flow whatever you like they like everything is a reflection of you they don't really have a personality all they have is different bits of pieces from everyone they've been with anyone that they've interacted with so they don't really have a sense of real self so they are going to be you whatever you like second thing you need to know about a narcissus is that they're always going to talk about family and friends they want to know if you have friends and family that care about you if they're spying on you on social media they already kind of picked up what kind of friends and family you have around you the reason they want to know what kind of friends and family you have is because one they want to see if they can benefit from your family and friends because they're all about supply so if your family your friends have money or they're always going to concerts always having fun they're going to try to befriend your friends and family now on the other hand if they see that your family is very supportive but they don't see them Mencia gains from it they don't see any gains from it they don't want anything to do with your family and if you discuss any family issues they'll instill more negative things so that eventually you won't want to talk to your family and friends and the crazy part about that is that these narcissus came you know once you really get to know them and deal with them they'll treat you so bad it's like why did I get rid of my close friends and family when they've never treated me as bad as you have you know so they definitely judge you they judge you by your appearance your self-esteem if you have really low self-esteem they'll try to bring it up but then they'll crush it and they'll make you feel twice as bad about whatever it is if you're trying to lose weight or whatever situation you're and they're they're definitely going to hit you and all of your insecurities when they're upset and they're angry and they they judge you so much by your appearance in your your self-esteem and your character and the difference between most people that do that is that they don't have the intention of manipulating you I know that we all look at other people and kind of like categorize people depending on what they wear how they act or how they wear their hair I mean sometimes you might even meet someone and you forget their name and you're like the guy with the glasses the girl with the long hair blue eyes so that's kind of how they categorize all of their supplies they categorize them by something and they kind of in a sense with all of their supplies it's like having one partner although they're not being serious with you they're getting bits and pieces of every supply that they have to build build their own perfect image of who they want so that's why when they lose one supply or two supplies it definitely injures them because they need to fill voids with different things in their life you might just be someone that they hang out with and spend most of their time with but then they might have someone else who they're taking out to places and they're spending their time with doing that then they have someone else that they bring around their family everyone is it's they're just objects to these people so basically you're being auditioned for a job that you didn't you didn't choose so this is why they pay attention to all your behaviors they spy on you they spy on your family and friends they definitely keep tabs on everyone in your life and we will have moments when we realize that they're actually observing us I mean you could have gotten a really nasty argument with them and they Hoover you and love bomb you and you get back with them it's almost like they start studying you is she still upset is she gonna try to pay back is she following is she or he as he or she actually falling for my deceit they start really studying you and you and you actually feel it you get cold or something say you guys just got back together you guys you know he's romancing you she's romancing you if you know some if you get cold or something like that you know they'll offer you their jacket sweater meanwhile you'll have memories of needing to borrow something you know that was very small that shouldn't even be an issue and they blew it out of proportion but here they are love bombing you and all of a sudden they're so nice and here you're cold here's my jacket so they're trying to see if you're following if you're actually falling for their deceit that's why they study you and that's why you fill you fill them actually studying you when they do that and once you actually accept the love bombing you know all that stuff they you might bring up something that they did or you know you know something that they didn't let you borrow or something and they will tell you no I didn't tell you can borrow that I I don't even know what you're talking about I don't remember that there are very good liars to the point where they believe their own lie and that's why I always say that the power of affirming things and affirmations it's very important you think therefore you are so if you if you think you're you're going to be successful you're going to be successful and they lie so much and affirm these things so much that you actually believe it but the difference between you and them it's that you can't keep affirming things but then keep going to putting out behaviors that aren't aren't nice to others it's like I can't keep affirming to myself that I'm going to be successful I'm going to be successful and then I start doing unsuccessful things like treating others disrespectful and start doing all this cheating and all this weird stuff because the universe just does not reward you when you have a goal set in mind but you're mixing it with the whole bunch of negative stuff it you're bound to to crash and another thing about the narcissists and their biggest lie is that every time they discard you and they actually come back they're never the same person I don't know if you guys actually have realized that is that they seem very different every single time they come they don't seem like the same person sometimes you might even get creeped out when you see them and you look into their eyes because you're like oh like I don't know this is like and you're like whoa I know who he is or I know who she is so you know maybe maybe I'm overlooking things but no they they really do come back someone else because they mimic everyone so the moment that they come back you're dealing with a whole nother narcissist but it's still a narcissist it's still a snake a snake is still a snake and not just that but the the hoovering and all that it just becomes a routine after you deal with them for so long they all have a routine basically you know they can come back bearing gifts flowers asking to take you out on it day especially if you're if it ends it really nasty they'll even tell you Oh meet me at this restaurant I won't pick you up I just want to see you I just want to see you it doesn't even matter what you guys do they just want to have access to you they're basically just gambling with different supply after when they're hoovering you they're actually gambling their their hoovering multiple people and they're it's kind of like doing business starting your own business you hand out a whole bunch of debit a whole bunch of business cards and you just know that you might have handed out a hundred business cards but you know out of those 100 cards it has to be someone that's going to call you and do business with you so this is why they they they make sure that they stay on their routine that they hover you the same way so that you don't get confused but you can still fill it you can still feel that they're not the same person and it just kind of becomes like a broken record at this point now to the next thing the nurses the narcissists will always fill and that's one of the biggest lies that they tell themselves is that they're going to be getting over on everyone in anyone they they just believe that they can always come across good supply because they you know sometimes we believe after dealing with the nurses is that there aren't good people out there but there's a lot of good people out there and that's why they really actually believe that they will come across good people but not every good person is a stupid person a lot of good people have been through the worst things in their life and this is where they end up messing themselves up because some people yeah they're they're really nice people but they've already seen that game that they're trying to play and not everyone is going to tell them who they are and not everyone knows what a narcissist is but a lot of people know some people who have been abused or you know they know the signs so they fail to realize that not everyone is going to give them that primary source of supply I mean really think about it can you just go find someone and have them fall in love with you and a couple of days know everything takes time and that's why they usually try to cheat on you for a year or two before you even find out that they've been having a whole nother relationship because they're aware that it you people don't just fall in love you know that's why they usually go for younger targets and people that they know you know single mothers or you know people with disabilities they all for the week they definitely try to go for the week and with that they're always going to reap bad karma in their lives they will always have bad karma in their life everything will always catch up to them and they actually think that because they're cautious I mean the narcissist tries their best to be cautious but they always get caught up they might have an extra phone phone and sups slipping out of their pocket and falling underneath your bed you might end up just I mean honestly everything everything that's in the dark it always comes to light it's just up to us if we choose to believe it and when we stop believing that that's when the narcissist will go into a narcissistic range rage sorry about that this is when they'll you'll see them at their most high and you'll see them you know get angry it might be because they've lost you know primary supply or secondary supply they might have even lost their job you know or if they have kids the child's mother put them on child support a lot of times they try to get under the table jobs if they are if they do have children and you know things like that because they want to make sure that you don't have any control over their money they they like to be the ones in control so the thing about a narcissist when you have kids with them is that when it comes to money and you're trying to have any type of dictatorship in their life even though that even though they actually have to handle these responsibilities as a human being as a man or as a woman they they won't they won't they don't like that control at all they don't like people and control over their money or anything they like to have control over absolutely everything so they will go into these these just episodes where they're lashing out and stuff like that and most of the time they're not going to tell you what's really going on or they might tell you half of the story a lot of times at their jobs they end up having affairs you know they go into their jobs they tell you know their co-workers that they're in a relationship eventually over time these co-workers you know start having trust with these people because they see them every day and eventually you know they'll give them a story about you know how evil you are and this is where the flying monkeys come because this is when they start trying to turn everyone against you and like I said if they have co-workers they'll try to turn them against you and tells me tell you that the relationships not been you know it hasn't been working out it hasn't been consistent and not only not only do they manipulate others at their workplace through having relationships with them but you also have to understand that most jobs have narcissus supervisors and managers and people who love control so when you hire a narcissus into a workplace they know how to give you fake love but you can't you know when someone gives you hate they hate Israel and when these narcissists go they go into these episodes whether their mood is all jacked up they come to work like that and they try their best to hide it but it's impossible and you can't fight a narcissist with another narcissist so guess what happens they end up getting fired and when they get fired and they're not there they don't have the proper supplies around them this is when they go to their hibernation and they start hiding from everyone this is where where you start feeling like you'll see episodes where you feel like you're kind of connecting with them because you're connecting through their struggle whatever their fairy tale story is of why they got fired when they're not going to tell you the truth this is this is the time where you actually kind of feel like you're seeing the real person but you're not this is this is all an act as well and it's only to feel sorry for them because at the end of the day everything is about them you get me there right there life just it really sucks they'll go into these stages whether they'll lose everything and they'll move in with their parents or their old you know they go running back home after the primary source finally decides to kick them out and you know they'll be at home trying to find new supplies and they'll give you time they'll they'll let time pass by and try to hope for you again especially if you had your own place you know your own home and stuff like that and they were able to benefit from you so the narcissus lie the narcissus biggest lie is that they will never be any of the things that they promised you they will never be any of the things that they hoped for and even if they do God will never never ever bless them to sustain those things for too long and if they sustain anything you better believe that the people around them are very miserable most of these people who do end up finally realizing that they have to settle down to keep the show going they they make everyone miserable they make their partners miserable I mean think about it they made you miserable everything and and just how they treated you that's exactly how they're going to treat the new person they're not going to get better treatment and I'm sure the narcissus has probably even told you how they've treated other people or they've even told you they've treated others worst the only thing that follows these people is death disease spiritual transmitted disease diseases as well because it's very spiritual it's a spiritual disease and they're always going to hate pass apply always because while their life is passing them by they're wondering how their past supply made it out of there just see the narcissus is always watching they definitely know what you're capable of capable of that's why they they keep tabs on you because they want to see how good you're doing if you're doing good without them and if you're doing good without them they will always come back to reap the fruits of your labor that's why you know when they put you down and they see you doing good again and if you start looking like you're doing good financially um they'll come right back I've actually had a friend a co-worker that she would kind of you know talk to me about her relationship and I never got to deep you know and to explain to her too much because I was still at the time learning but I remember her telling me oh look I posted a picture where I went shopping today you know in this big plaza where they have all these designer brands like coach and Lobaton and stuff and I remember her telling me that her boyfriend finally contacted her and maybe like a week after that I guess he was having car problems all of a sudden and he wanted her to help him fix the vehicle so they'll treat you like but they'll come back if there's if they see that you're doing good and if you're smart you're not going to take them back so they can reap any fruits of your labor of your labor they definitely know what you're capable of they know if you move on with your life and figure them out they know that you're never going to look back and if you succeed and all your goals it actually starts hitting them and they start realizing that it was you who never really had a problem it was them who was the problem although they know they're the cause of a lot of things they are very jealous beings they're jealous of everyone I mean they literally think everyone is doing better than them and at the same time they will feed you eyes and tell you that everyone's not happy and that people were miserable that people aren't happy in their marriages and they'll tell you that they are the best thing that happened to you but everything is a lie they know that they don't really have much to offer on a deeper level and that's kind of how you end up breaking the narcissus big fat lie this is how you literally burst their bubble it's by moving on I remember in my experience with my ex I had one of his friends tell me about an experience that my ex had with an ex-girlfriend and I I didn't really think anything of it but what he did tell me was that the girl that he damaged or did some shady stuff to that the girl never took him back and she moved on with her life and he basically the friend was telling me this is the only girl that I remember seeing that basically stopped effing with him and that to me spoke volumes because the narcissus had one time told me that every exit he's ever had has came back to him because he was such a great guy and I should be thankful to be with him because every X has took him back but the fact that the person that he remembers and that really it's not even about all this was the love of my life this is someone he remembers because he caused them pain and that person was able to move on with their life that's the person that they're actually thinking about that they always think about and they always realized and think that if I would have just kept going with this person but they know they know who they really are that's why a lot of these older men well you know will tell you oh you know I had a lot of different women or a lot of you know or women will tell you you know I had a boyfriend he treated me so good and you know when you're good to someone and they're bad to you they will always remember that and they'll when they see you happy and they say you living your life and enjoying your life and you're not thinking about them that's that's what has them feeling effed up so you have to remember to always keep going always keeps driving keep following your dreams because I really do believe that the people who have been through this type of abuse and have made it out these people are the strongest people out here and if you can't if you don't know any good people begin with yourself begin with you being a good person um and you will attract that you will also attract narcissus but you know what a narcissist is you know that they they aren't about anything they make everyone miserable I know my uncle's dad was a narcissist and he left him when he was a kid but yet he had other children he took care of and he always you know he was trying to triangulate the mothers but he didn't do anything for him and his mom ended up remarrying again and when he got older and kind of tried to rekindle the relationship with his dad and his other siblings his his new wife was kind of like you didn't miss anything hun he's made everyone miserable you know I've been married them for 20 years he's made everyone my kids miserable everyone they never change meanwhile you're living your best life and they're living their best lie so I hope you guys enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up subscribe and I really appreciate appreciate you guys and I really wish you guys the best on your journey [Music]
Channel: Angel Angela
Views: 3,512
Rating: 4.8585858 out of 5
Keywords: narcissist gangstalking nocontact liars toxic abuse domesticviolence hoover triangulation, recovery narc asscdirect triangulation newsupply, triangulation lovebomb hoover flyingmonkeys
Id: nNi7JnMbYcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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