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[Music] welcome back to angel Angela and today's topic as you guys can see is going to be the narcissist betrayal is your lottery ticket that is the narcissist betrayal is your lottery ticket so um before I get into this message oh my gosh you guys we've made it to 1,000 subscribers I know it's you know it's not a million but that means there is a thousand of us who are friends who are headed towards the same goal my last video I talked to you guys about dreams and I remember I told you guys you know that I was speaking to someone who who wants to have a better body and feel better and how I told them you know close your eyes picture yourself being the size that you want to be to have the body that you want to have and I told them to open their eyes and that's how easy it is to chase your dreams I mean the dream you guys is free the dream is free the narcissist comes in your life this is what narcissists do it doesn't matter what family friends all the narcissists come in your life to bring some type of chaos into your life they come to bring disease and it's so true and as I was speaking on this yesterday or I believe a day before yesterday so many great things have been happening but between just those two days not only you know did I go on YouTube and realize that we're over a thousand now so that was my first surprise of the day and I just a lot of great things just have been happening and I just sometimes you look back because the thing about it you guys when you're with the narcissus you keep looking back you keep emanating you have to stay busy you have to tell yourself that it's going to get better even when you don't feel like it's going to get better look yourself in the mirror and really do it I did that and I did it consistently you have to do it consistently as if it was a diet when you when you're on a diet you have to be strict with yourself you have to manage your thoughts you have to have a diet of thoughts literally go on a diet where as soon as that negative thought that negative emotion you know all those extra calories come around you tell yourself that you don't need it you don't need those extra calories you don't need those negative thoughts and no matter your situation you guys it doesn't matter if you're on the street it doesn't matter if you're barely making it it doesn't matter what such what situation you're in have faith have a dream and work every single day towards that and by the time that you do somehow there there's gone the universe is going to be making a way for you because you finally got rid of these toxic people around your life these narcissists see the universe is it's gravitating all these emotions all these emotions that are coming out of the narcissist and they're sticking on you you know that's why it's kind of like you are who your friends are because even if you say you're not you start getting attacked so the narcissist betrayal in actuality is your lottery ticket sometimes it's going to feel as if you're doing your best you're putting in the work and everything is kind of slowing down around you there is a time and place for everything sometimes we may we might think that we we are ready for something and we are not ready for that because we haven't gained the skills mentally and spiritually to be in that position just yet see a lot of bad things happening guys lots of bad things but the world the world is your backyard the narcissist is your lottery ticket see when you're a child everyone tells you you can be anything you want to be they even have days where you know all you know all the parents and they have people come to the school and they they tell you hey look you can be this you can be a police officer firefighter things like that but at the same time when you go to school as a child that's when you start to realize the difference in others everything is versatile you're not at home anymore the world seems a different place and you would think that people would tell you that right you would think that they would give you that advice right but they don't they don't give you that advice starting from childhood they don't because they need confusion they need hate so not just narcissistic parents and things like that influence influence their children but the children go out and to the world and there's no direction because the adults that we thought were so smart also have messed up ways so this is why there is an ongoing problem with narcissism this is why a lot of people can achieve their greatest success or their greatest dreams because these people live and breathe on gossip on drama so it's very important to understand that no matter the situation that you're in things you're not part of this world you're part of this world but spiritually it's bigger than that everything happens for a divine reason you guys the narcissist is your lottery ticket it's your lottery ticket you guys you guys have to start making wishes upon your life wishing positivity upon your life how many of you I want to ask you guys a question how many of you when you finally realize what narcissism was and you started to research and you started to realize that people around you were narcissists and you started to see certain friends differently because you realized that maybe they were that narcissist and that narcissistic will in their relationship they were not they were that narcissist in their relationship and they were giving you advice about your life how many of you know narcissists and family members and people that keep going back and forth every single day every week they make up they break up arguments with family members they're mad at each other one minute having some type of drama and they kind of say oh well you know Uncle Tom he's super crazy so he basically messed up the party again and they just keep living in this cycle over and over and over again and none of those people are dreaming big and even if they are dreaming big they're living in bad karma according to the negativity that's coming out of their mouths see the narcissus was your lottery ticket because once you figured out who these people are how they're trying to spiritually attack you you realize that there's a lot of people that you can try to educate or you can try to tell them or warn them about the evil that's going on in the world and they're just going to look at you like oh you're one of those people that believe in God or you're one of those people that you know just they everything that you do positive and your true reality of things those things make people angry those things are things that they can't even understand even if they read it even if they go online and they say I think I'm gonna I know that I'm in a in a violent relationship and they start to see that all these narcissist videos are popping up and see and things like that some of those people actually still don't get it after and they still go back to the narcissist knowing these things knowingly now now they actually know who these people are and knowingly they still go back then they get wrapped up in the cycle over and over again and those people never return to these videos again they never come back to these videos they keep living that life they don't care that they have a disorder they don't understand the spiritual attack so you my friend just got the lottery ticket see your life the universe is your magic lamp your genie you know like the genie who helped Aladdin the genie didn't know didn't didn't care about granting that wish whether that person was good or bad all they were asking was what do you want the narcissus they know what they want and that's why a lot of times you find yourself upset when you think they're getting everything that they want but usually 99.9% of the time they get back everything they dish out and they get it worst and if they and if if you think they've been going years and years without getting it trust me they will get it so bad but it's not up to you to wish bad on them because once you wish bad on them the genie the universe believes that you're bad too so you'll get it right back to yourself the narcissist is your lottery ticket because most people that are very upset for the things the narcissist did and you think they got away with it most people react to it you know how many people I've seen just lash out start breaking windows and hitting cars and slashing tires and I mean u-turn just as evil as them because they they didn't bring that out of you but they're bringing those that bad energy that that's buried in you because that's what the world revolves around hate or else they would teach you from young age all through life the meaning of not hating how simple is that to not hate to not worry about other people's progression have you guys ever heard of people saying why is it that every time the lottery ticket people when it's always an old person when are they going to let a young person win and when they do let a young person when most of those young people tell you that they might have not been in the best situation but they had hope and they were grateful because life is not a race it's not a competition and the narcissists lives and breeds on competition they compete with you their own partner their friends their children they compete with everyone you can't compete with anyone because all of the all have to hurry up and graduate college oh I have to be the first person to do this or I have to be better than this person all that competition you guys it's no point in it the world the bigger picture the the best thing that you can do is have peace within yourself peace not being attached to anyone but yourself not saying you can't love or you can't fall in love again or you can't do certain things but peace what peace in your life is the biggest thing you can have the biggest weapon that means that when you go to work or when you go somewhere and people are doing things to try to bring bad energy in your life by you not feeding into it by you being patient all of those things are things that bring peace in your life to the people those old people that won the lottery they have came into a point of their life where they have peace and they're thinking about nothing but pure bliss or they're thinking of their their calling out to the universe to the magic lamp to the lights and they're and they're telling them what they they're telling the universe what they want most of those old people they know what they want hey I'm ready to retire or I never got to really see the world or I'm right you know but they're content they're content with their life already they're content most of those people when you see their interviews you can tell they're humble people and you can tell that the ones that aren't what happens to them they end up going broke and you're wondering how did these lottery winners go broke because God does not bless bad people I know I told you guys a story of a friend that was in a narcissistic abusive relationship she had kids that were my age she had kids that were older than me already on there you know in their late-30s so by the time she left the relationship she didn't have a house she lost her house because you know narcissists are selfish they don't want to leave you with anything even if you deserved it even if you did anything and everything for them so she had to go and live in her get a little apartment she had to work in actual 9 to 5 as an adult as a you know I think I believe she's in like her late 50s so I mean she had to fend for herself but that she she never lost hope on the weekends she would go to her little country club plays and dance and drink and enjoy herself she never gave up that hope she never complained you guys she never complained she won the lottery ticket the betrayal you know these narcissists sleeping with their own wives sisters their best friends they'll sleep with anyone around you they'll sleep even with men so imagine being her going through that with someone losing weight going through so much and finding love again and even if that person passed away after a year of being with them you know because they ended up with cancer even if they passed away that person ended up leaving their house everything that belongs to them and told them I want you to enjoy the rest of your your L basically you know your elderly life the rest of your you know you spent 50 50 years with a narcissist 30 years 20 years with a narcissist 7 years whatever however many years you've had with the narcissist you have 50 more years 20 more years to go if you've spent 20 years in hell spend the next 20 years in heaven you have a lottery ticket you have to humble humble yourself and you have to wake up to who these people are and you have to be happy and you have to wish everyone all those people you have to wish them well there are seasonal people they were here for a reason where you are going they can't come where you're going they can't come any more there is something in store for you you know I had times where I thought I wanted to give up I felt like I had every single on against me and I really dig there's so much to my story I share a lot of things with you guys and that's not even the half but it's for you guys to know that it does not matter your situation because the universe doesn't care about degrees the universe doesn't care about any of that stuff it only cares about what you want why do you think there's times when you tell yourself why are all these dumb people getting famous for being dumb because those people know what they want you need to know what you want the narcissist knows what they want the only thing is that they'll never really get it not the way they want it but you you have a chance you have a shot so I just came to drop that knowledge with you guys today because it's been a wonderful day a very productive day for me I am I'm coming in to a point in my life where things are becoming super super busy for me and I try to make these videos for you guys because it's my job to help people become the better a better self and be strong to fight this battle with me we're fighting we're all fighting a battle together a lot of you guys feel like you're you're by yourself fighting against the world and you're not when you guys look at the sky you guys see the Sun you guys see the moon we are all looking at that same moon and that same that same Sun no matter where you are at we are all looking at that same Sun that same mean this world is bigger than what you think it's bigger than the narcissist you guys can have anything you want so I want to thank you guys for coming with this you know coming with me through this journey following me and subscribing I'm so glad that I can help you guys I'm so glad that a lot of you guys are progressing in your healing and you're starting to understand that there is nothing to hate on the narcissus is the most hateful person that there is there's no love they're all the smiles that you see I'm pretty sure you guys have seen them fake smile in front of you many times I even had a situation where I seen the narcissist talking to someone and they were having like the best conversation I didn't want to break it up and when that person left the narcissist was like oh my gosh I couldn't what I couldn't wait to that person I couldn't I couldn't just wait till they just shut up he was super irritated and the whole time he was smiling laughing I could see all his teeth just bright smile it was just crazy so these people live in misery you guys the narcissist betrayal is your lottery ticket they are your lottery ticket you never know when something's going to happen you never know when God is going to answer your prayers but he's he's never late he's always on time sometimes we think oh why is all this happening but later on we look back and we realize we have so much more in that situation was so little like a tiny act so you guys don't forget to subscribe I appreciate all of you seriously and don't forget to Like and don't forget to comment down below and I will talk to you guys on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Angel Angela
Views: 3,396
Rating: 4.8626609 out of 5
Keywords: narcissism, narcissist betrayl exboyfriend finaldiscard breakup cheating gangstalking youtube viral, gangstalking, healer, relationshipadvise, Narcissist, lovebombing narcissist asscdirect sarahspeaks lottery final discard, Coach
Id: l3zzug0quN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 25sec (1465 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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