The name of God discovered in over 227 manuscripts!

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[Music] Showell or Paul the sent one apostle to the Gentiles stated that the living Oracle's the Oracles of God are committed to the Jews the Oracles of which in the Greek is Logan which is the communication God's Word was committed to the Jews and our theme through this series is let the Jews interpret the Scriptures as Jews have written and we'll leave plenty of time at the end of the series for the Gentiles to interpret all the Scriptures that the Gentiles have written ladies and gentlemen may have me a gorgeous night they trick you back this job you need a nanny this has been an amazing journey from from the the very first time that we launched into a problem you really I brought my problem to you wasn't your problem right Yeshua said something as it's recorded in the King James Version that really contradicted his message and everything he did in his entire ministry and I remember the day we were in my in my home there in Jerusalem and I laid this thing out and it's on Matthew chapter 23 scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses eat whatever they bid command you to do and observe that do and observe and and I said this goes against everything issue ever taught everything that he did and we we went back through the gospel record to see that very thing and you said okay you know this is I don't have a dog in this fight this is not my problem you know and you know Michael one of the ways I could have handled it the way some Jews would have handled it is I could have said well Michael you know I'm a Jew I the New Testament isn't my scriptures this proves your scriptures is invalid because between Matthew 15 and Matthew 23 there's a contradiction throughout the whole book I could have done that that's right but that's not my approach my approach I don't find that very interesting what I find more interesting is to say okay this is an ancient text written by Jews what does it mean in its context right right this and you said this is an apparent contradiction in an ancient text that is my field yeah let me see I can do right but I could have played the game and said I got you Michael there's a contradiction in the New Testament but you know I wouldn't have learned anything from that and what I felt instead I should cleared you or that kind of person I wouldn't have come to you but I knew that you're a very honest scholar yes I mean you said it exactly the way that you see so from a scholarly perspective I want to say is there any way that I can you know figure this out is there any source that that maybe sheds light on this and we ended up looking at this Hebrew version of the Gospel of Matthew which has been you know a treasure trove of information and insights and you know some people getting really nervous they say so you're telling us we should throw away our Greek Bible I'm not saying that at all what I'm saying is this Hebrew version of Matthew is another witness to the things that Yeshua taught 2,000 years ago that's right and it is in your book the Hebrew yeshua versus the greek jesus explained the title a little bit before we get into our topic today because it'll need to understand that so I'll tell you Michael the original title of the book is now the subtitle and I thought the original title of the book was new light on the seat of Moses from shame tous Hebrew Matthew Han and I thought that was the most brilliant title of a book that anybody had ever written in the history of mankind yeah and I sat down with the cover designer who is this Orthodox Jewish woman in Jerusalem and she's you know how to explain her with the books about she wasn't gonna read it I had to explain it to her and she and when I explained what I explained to her is the way that Jesus is presented in the Greek manuscripts and the Greek text is different than how Yeshua is presented on this matter in the Hebrew version of the Gospel of Matthew right and she said so what you're describing is the Hebrew schewe versus the Greek Jesus she came up you know she said what's the book about I explained to her and she said well that's the title yeah I'm like no that sounds like a boxing fight like you know macho crotch you know you know but she convinced me you know and I was like I can't get rid of I love my title so we made it the subtitle because I just couldn't let go of it but that's when I had to explain it to someone who knew nothing about this had never read the New Testament you know didn't know anything about it and explained it to her she said so what you just described to me is the Hebrew issue of verses in contrast to the Greek Jesus not that there to different people right but the way he's described in these different texts as they've come down to us is sheds different light on it comes down to also not only different text but also different perspectives a Western Gentile perspective of Yeshua completely removed from the culture the language the times the the taka note the rules and regulations that they all live with the first century and knew what Yeshua was deliberately and vehement ly violating see a Western Gentile when they read what Yeshua does and when he heals the man who's lame for 30 years and tells him to pick up his bedroll and walk they have no idea what he's - he's really saying to that man and why the Pharisees the next day are making plans to kill him right and you really and really what we're saying which is is you know I'm weeding comp with this you know professor David flew sir of the Hebrew University he was the pioneer of this and like the 50s that he you know he came along and he was an Orthodox Jew and he said you know if Christians for 2,000 years have been interpreting Jesus as a Christian he said what happened what would happen if we looked at him as a Jew and you have to understand this is this is an Orthodox Jew in Jerusalem at a university who said something and he was the department of Jewish history you know he wasn't in the New Testament department huh yeah right and he started to study that and and that really became the foundation of what now as a whole field of study of Christians and Jews who are studying Yeshua Jesus as as a Jewish person in his Jewish context and it's it's you know shed all this light on things that that I think would have been lost before they were lost you know I I once sat down with this Catholic scholar who was doing a PhD and the PhD was on you know a doctorate he was doing and he was doing it on the Sermon on the Mount and he said you know up until now every scholars looked at the Sermon on the Mount as a Greek speech so they look at the speeches from that time of Cicero and you know Julius Caesar and he said well what would happen if we looked at it as a Hebrew speech and I said you know that's wonderful or Aramaic speech you know as Semitic speech I said you know to me that was like kind of like no duh right but I'm like this is wonderful Catholics Kyle saying this and the natural question to me was so have you know how's your Hebrew and Aramaic and he said well I I'm not studying that I'm like wait a minute your speech you're in Israel this was in Israel and you're not studying Hebrew Aramaic I you know to me that didn't make sense for my humor University background but but when you look at it both from the Jewish culture and the language that Yeshua spoken which was the Hebrew language in that context you get all these insights and one of the places which is really cool and we were talking about this before is in John 17 and we get to John 17 I think so yeah well what we one of the things we left off was in in the book of the revelation yeah we're one-and-a-half chapters in Hebrews served in a Hebrew manuscript that's found in the British Library it's us you can look it up online it's Sloan 273 I did a like a three-hour podcast you can find that in my Hebrew voices mm-hmm and it's an amazing manuscript there's all kinds of amazing insights in it one of them that I shared last week was that when in Revelation 1:8 in there in the Hebrew it says I need Hiawatha Tov I am the olive in the top the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet yeah-ho waha Elohim yahuveh the God the one true God that's what it says there in the Hebrew and you know that's really interesting because some scholars have said well at Patmos there was this big shift and God made it clear that he's no longer using that name the name Jehovah that Jesus has accepted the Rabbinical ban on the name and in the which hadn't even happened at that it hadn't happened at the time there was a there was an Essene ban in the name at that time but in a Roman ran no that was before the Roman banned Patmos meaning we're talking right yeah it was before the Roman right right exactly the 4th Roman ban before the Rabbinical banned so it's kind of an anachronism but he's taking it based on the Greek text as it's preserved we don't have the name yahuveh so therefore nor do we have in the book of Acts right so we went late quoting the the prophets were as well so so when Jesus had the opportunity to say his father's name yovan said he said and that proves therefore because those are the exact words he spoke in the original Greek therefore it proves that that if Jesus wanted Christians or people who follow him to know that name he would have taught them that name and made it known now could we get the job really the the John 17 set up is Yeshua this is his last time with the disciples before the crucifixion he knows what's going down and these are his last words in and every time we see the last words recorded of anyone throughout the scripture you pay particular attention to them because this this is like the summation this is where it all comes together and now nambia please take us out if you know if Yeshua of Nazareth wanted his disciples to know that the name of the Father was you'd hey vaviiova he surely would have told them that's a really good I mean it makes sense that argument John 17 6 I can you read it from yours I'll read it out here King James yeah I have manifested thy name Oh manifested can I tell you what that sounds like to me okay he's a magician and he pulled the you know it manifested a rabbit out of the Hat here's what it says based on the Greek this is the great Jack just great okay I have made your name known to those whom you gave me from the world and then again at the end I've made your name known and that's what it legitimately says in the Greek some English translations have that like I'm reading you here from the I think it's the New Revised Standard Version and that's what it says in the Greek I've made your name known John 17 26 he ends the speech I made your name known to them and we call that in in textual studies and inclusio he opens a speech with the phrase I made your name known and he ends it with the same phrase it's a it's a rhetorical device throughout the Hebrew language where I want to emphasize a point I start with something and I end with it and then and then if you look at 17 1 which is part of that speech he says father and at the end in verse 25 again he says father he's addressing God his father and what's interesting here now this is something that would be completely lost in the English I'll be honest Michael I didn't notice this until I was speaking with a messianic pastor and he said Nehemia you know we were spending some time together studying and he said would you look at the Hebrew translation of John 17 for me and I'm like why would I look at a Hebrew translation of John 17 I know that's not your room yeah and I know it's from the Greek it's by a man named Franz Dale it's a great Bible scholar of ancient Hebrew who translated John 17 into the Hebrew in from Greek I said well why would I bother looking at they said just do me a favor so I start looking at it and I'm blown away completely unexpected I found something he didn't he had no idea what I would find right mm-hmm so but he had a hunch and I gave him credit he had that hunch and I look at it and what I find is you know I've talked in the past about Hebrew word puns and a Hebrew word pun is where they take a certain Hebrew word and they use it repeatedly throughout the passage and sometimes they'll use too similar sounding words repeatedly after the pass out throughout the passage ULA's punch it they'll use that word over and over and over and there's this great thing there where they I agree an example in my book the Hebrew short verses the Greek Jesus where it's um it's this beautiful thing where where you shoe is talking about paying a debt and the word to pay is shall aim and he repeats the word five times shall aims shall we shall we shall I'm Shelly I'm like at the end of the parable you're like do we need to keep repeating the same word and that's the Hebrew style and at the end he says social my father in heaven do if each man forgive his fellow with a complete heart and the Hebrew phrase complete heart is live shall aim so the word shall a means pay but it also means complete so that's a beautiful believer word pun in fact the the the the beauty of it of the the character of the Hebrews we're using the same word or similar sounding words with different meanings and that ties it together it's a way you can memorize it as well it helped the people who weren't necessarily literate who would just heard this once and they'd be like oh yeah pay pay pay pay pay complete heart you know that ties in the concept together in that figure speech you don't see it in Greek don't see an air make it is not exist and the beauty of that example is you read it in Greek and it doesn't say a complete heart it just says a heart right I mean it's beautiful there it's a no I think it's Matthew 18 it's in my book Hebrew servers the Greek Jesus and so we have this beautiful thing here in in John 17 we go back to John 17 please do okay so and I only saw this when I looked in Franz des Lettres Hebrew translation so this is a beautiful thing he did he translated it from Greek into Hebrew and things appeared that you couldn't see in the Greek or the English so one of the things that showed up is he's talking about your name and he says and he says the phrase your name three times your name your name your name remember Shelley Michele I'm sure I'm just like in the parable three times your name he opens with your name he closes with your name I've made your name known and then throughout he keeps talking about which you have given me and keep saying this you have given me you have given me you gave me to those whom you gave me you gave I mean it's repeated and one of the things that occurred to me as I'm reading this so there's a common word for gave in first temple Hebrew which is not on but in second temple Hebrew and a little bit in first temple Hebrew we have another word for gave which is yaja via hava so he's talking three times about the name which is Yehovah and he keeps using this verb over and over yaja via jávea Javie Ahava which sounds like the name Jehovah and I mean uses this verb 16 times in 26 verses this is not a coincidence right when you read it in English you're like why does he keep repeating himself because that's the Hebrew style you want to you know punch that that keyword that has the sound has the sound of the point you're trying to get to which is making the name known so he says I've made your name known those whom you gave me you gave me you gave me I gave you gave and that's Yahoo via Hawaii ahave aha do you have tani it's it's this sounds like the name Yehovah well if that was all you know let's be impressive but maybe it's a coincidence five times he talks about love which is Ahava so you have jehovah the name jehovah to give and Ahava to love that's three words that sound very similar in the Hebrew language there's no way that he gives this speech and that's not just jumping jumping off not jumping off the page jumping off his lips to their ears that he's punching this concept of those who have you've given me love and the name of the Father you Hova and of course he calls the father avi my father so you've got ya ha ah ha ha yeah ova avi there is this we call assonance or parent emotion it's Hebrew word puns this is a central theme throughout this passage of John 17 and the bottom line is what ties all of this together is that Yeshua says I made your name known and we know what that name is it's Yehovah he is and you know and translating it as I've manifested your name is very clever right what does that mean I've manifested your name I don't even know what it means right my actions have shown your name and maybe that's rude and maybe that's true as well but to make your name known especially in the context of later Jewish history where the name became a secret so at that time it wasn't a secret so he's telling his disciples if you take this at face value the name of my father is Yehovah that's the face value of what it says if you take it seriously okay now now this is literally this is the Lord's Prayer this is Yeshua's prayer to the Father about his disciples there that's that's that's what this is and as we started out the whole series we see that in the end time fulfillment of Moses prophesy Jeremiah's probably Joel's prophecy Ezekiel Franzese is that calling upon the name of Jehovah is that thing which which causes the Almighty to here up and in that he wants his name to be known throughout all the earth we started in Jeremiah where is that what was a great thing it will no longer say Yoav our lives have brought us out of the land of Egypt in how did he bring us out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand so the whole world will know that his name is Jehovah Jehovah yeah and now we come back into the land in which it will make the Red Sea crossing pale by comparison all the people coming in says that Gentiles will come to Israel and know that his name is yellow can I read you another prophecy this is Jeremiah 12 16 and I'll read the whole thing but start in verse 14 he says thus says you ho bought to all my evil neighbors I mean he's talking to the Gentiles he's talking about the nations that surround Israel and in verse 16 he says and shall come to pass if they surely learn the ways of my people to swear in my name as you haha lives as they taught my people to swear by Baal then they shall be built in the midst of my people this is a promise to the nation's to the Gentiles if they learn to swear as yo Baal lives they'll learn that name and they'll swear by that name by the name yova they'll be built in the midst of God's people now let me ask you what does above all mean in Hebrew ball means Lord that's right it's just the Lord yeah nondistinct well actually ball wasn't the name of the Canaanite deity did you know that Michael yeah Baal was this no say on his it was the title idol well and so the Canaanites believed that their supreme deity or the I guess technically the son of their supreme deity Baal that he his name was ineffable and unpronounceable it was too holy to pronounce does that sound familiar the ancient Canaanites believed that and his actual name was Haddad we know that from the Syrians who did so Ben Haddad was one of the kings whose name means son of a dog but actual God's name was Haddad and he was called they didn't dare speak his name they just called him lurid Baha so we have the answer see yourself this says the Gentiles have been speaking and by Baal by just saying the Lord yeah but if they will speak by the name of yahuveh well and here's the here's the they'll be build up there's the beauty and fire and the danger of it so if you just call God Lord well Lord can be anybody right right god I was I was in uh you know I was in China and there were people who kept talking about the Lord and they were taught and I'm like sooo why'd he keep saying the Lord they were talking about some some like Chinese who lived in the 1200 who died and became God and they believed that you know that he's the Lord you know they kept talking about the Lord I'm like that's a strange phrase who's the Lord you know the Lord could be anybody right it could be any day George Harrison oh sorry I don't know what that means my sweet lord okay Lord Oh was it really yeah yeah I didn't even know that Wow but the point is Lord is so generic and he's saying to those Gentiles okay you worship your Lord and happens to be your Lord as Haddad but you just call him Lord if you could just use my name that's unambiguous and I got a wonder if that's why you schewe according to John 17 made the name known to his disciples right just so you're clear the name of my father is this now it's not recorded the name that he revealed but through the word puns it's quite clear he knew the name was Jehovah because he keeps saying yeah haha gave ahaha love IV my father it's he's punching that over and over in the past okay okay hold on just man he didn't make his name known yet the book of Revelation is the only book written by Yeshua just like Baruch was the scribe of Jeremiah John is the scribe of Yeshua and what does it say you know his name is in the book of Revelation so Yeshua makes his name known out openly and this is before all the events of the revelation mm-hmm yeah I mean definitely in the Hebrew manuscript of the revelation you have him saying you know I am The Aleph in the Tavia Javie eloheem and so when he says I've made the name of my father known I've made your name known to my disciples I think you've got I don't know how you can say any was he lying did he not make the name of his father known to the disciples or was he following a rabbinic tradition that would didn't come into play for another hundred years right and and even if it did come let's say it did exist which some scholars claim right this guy who wrote the book about Yahweh at Patmos which is a serious scholar that McDonough gentleman he's a serious scholar he wrote this book let's say it did exist at that time which I think the strong evidence that didn't we've talked about that the rabbi executed for speaking the name by the Romans he was executed but even if they did have the banner name even more so that John 17 proves you know what that what John 17 then means is I don't care what the rabbi said I make your name known to my disciples because it's important right I mean like either way Yeshua was speaking the name of his father and that's in the Greek of John 17 like it's there in every text of John 17 unless you you know cleverly translate I manifested your name you know rabbit out of that kind of thing well literally it's I made your name known and it says it twice and I mean that it just ties in so beautifully with the Hebrew Matthew where the first two words he speaks after the resurrection in the Hebrew Matthew are Yehovah yoshiya which is the meaning of his name so I mean it's just so beautiful Jeff yeah oh this is great now let's go back I want to take everyone back just a few minutes mm-hmm before he utters this prayer before he speaks his prayer and this is what he just tells his disciples in his last address with his disciples that he will send the promise of the father he will send the gift of the Holy Spirit who will lead you into all truth may that that's what the promise is that the Spirit will lead us into all truth and you know it's not like we were born with it it's something that we have to be led and it's not something that you know just a light switch goes on someone you know it doesn't repeat after me prayer or whatever the the the formula is and all the sudden everything that comes on it that into their mind is true everything that comes out of the mouth is true no it's it's a leading it's a a revelation and then this is something that in your life as far is the meaning of the name in the pronunciation of the name this is something that that haunted you as a child as a matter of fact your name has his name in it so I learned this recently Michael I was doing some research on my on my lineage and and you know if I've time we'll talk a little bit more about that in a future episode but one of the things I did is I pulled up my birth certificate and I noticed my name is spelled neh emia it's the first word I learned to spell as far as I can remember at least and on my birth certificate it spelled neh emi 8h and I thought what's strange and I figure you know at the hospital they probably dispelled that the way it's normally spelled English but my parents spelled it some other way I don't even know why but I thought you know rather than assume that I'm gonna call it my mother so I called my mother in Israel she lives in Jerusalem and I said mom why you know I know I saw my birth certificate and it has my name with an H at the end what why is that and she said oh you don't know I'm like no she said oh because we originally spelled it I ate what your father didn't want you to write God's name and and what that means is my name yeah and in English Nehemiah it's nafham yah which means yah comforts mm-hm and so every time I'd write my name in English with the H at the end that H represents the H of you'd have ave of Yehovah and so he pulled he dropped the H so that I'd be able to write my name and not be writing God's name within my own name and then I'm like you've got to be kidding me so so literally hiding the father's name which is part of my name I'm not God you know but my name means yeah comforts the father comforts hiding the father's name you name your hova is something that I didn't realize I got literally with the first word I learned to spell my own name like that was something that was hidden my God's name was hidden in my own name from the time I learned to spell the one of the first words I ever learned to spell maybe the first word right and I didn't know that I mean I knew when I wrote it in Hebrew yes you had hey at the end and and I remember yeah well we weren't supposed to write the hey you're supposed to write you an apostrophe cuz you know otherwise writing yeah I never connected that to writing it in English that way and but that's what my father was thinking oh no that names - holy - right we're gonna just write it without the H at the end to hide the father's name and that's become so deeply ingrained in Jewish tradition and Michael in the in the next part can we get into why this has become so deeply ingrained in Jewish tradition why is it that the rabbi's have banned God's holy name we shall and and I think we want to explore further about these these 1500 manuscripts again that you talked about last week that have just become available in your hand in in digital format and and I said last last week that I am going to it cost you $1,000 for this people don't realize what it cost not not only the thousand dollars was nothing compared to the thousands and thousands of hours use in research this last year and and this is really this is how ministries keep going is because people who want the truth who you know who want to grab onto these nuggets can can can support those who are actually doing it not not everyone can do what you do and that's why you're here aren't you buy an island you do things that nobody else can do that's why I've relied upon you when I have a question in Hebrew I don't go to somebody who went to Hebrew class at Dallas Theological Seminary you know or any other place and so as I promised as a matter of fact right now just before we take our break now Mia I'm going to assign this this check for $1,000 for you yeah because that is exactly how much it cost you for that one piece of research a Michael and and we're gonna invite everyone out there to participate in the ministry nothing is free in life ladies and gentlemen nothing is free is it well I mean you know there there's things that you can access for free but even you know there takes time and energy and and someone had to do it someone had to prepare it you know somewhere along the way it cost something you know and now we are giving this out more than 127 countries broadcast every bit every second is paid for in broadcast time everyone sours everything that goes on to make these things available to the world at great expense Nehemia is life my life and the lives of all the people here and rude awakening and what it cost us because we pay for this airtime no one gives it we put it out there to the world even YouTube it cost us thousands and thousands of dollars to put material up free of charge to you so if you appreciate what we're doing then it's your opportunity to if there's one thing I think that you should had taught he said be a giver be a giver it's not just one little area just be a giver in life you know just let you know as you open up the floodgates as you give then it says that men will give unto your bosom press down shaken together running over shall men give into your bosom and so this is really the the code of the Levite the one who who lives their life to serve God's people may having a good I don't believe you have a Levite in your background immediately is there not for my father's side but I actually looked in my my father's mother's father was a cocaine actually oh okay yeah iconic priests right I found his tombstone and the tombstone the hands are like this which is an immediate sign that you know someone's a Konak priest and it says Cohen that's right which you know I kind of knew that but I didn't know specifically who it was so my father you know it's not my father's father's father which would require for me to be a priest or a Levite but I do have an ancestor there who was a coming in soon and the Levi's job was to be the one to minister to the people with archaeological technology advancing more rapidly than any period in recorded history an ever increasing number of ancient Hebrew manuscripts are coming to light and amazing things are being revealed it doesn't matter what school you went to where you thought you learn Hebrew we're gonna deal with things ladies and gentlemen that are revelation from heaven that have been set up for generations to come to pass Michael rude and Hebrew scholar Nehemia Gordon reveal the fulfillment of ancient prophecies in our present age in the Gentiles shall know my name I looked through hundreds of manuscripts searching for this exact text will we listen to and heed this modern-day miracle or will we ignore our masters voice and miss one of the greatest revelations of our time order the Gentiles shall know my name right on DVD or blu-ray you'll get all five episodes as seen on Shabbat Nightline owned this exclusive teaching now by phone or online hurry this is a limited time offer why did Christians lack power in their lives why is it that there is such a dearth of miracles that that magnify the god of the heavens and the earth why is it that Christians really are missing out on so many things well the ancient scriptures tell us that the Gentiles have inherited lies that they will come to Israel when they come back into the land in the last days the Gentiles will cry out in repentance for the abominations that they inherited and when they do the Almighty will make known his hand his might in his name Jehovah will be known to the Gentiles it also tells us that that the Gentiles in the nations that they call upon the name of Baal which in Hebrew is the Lord a nondescript title of a of a God a nondescript God which could be anything but yet if they will come to Israel and they will call upon and learn the name of the one true God that they will be restored they will be built up they will be edified in the midst of Israel and so we are going to delve into these things wouldn't the Hemi Gordon Nehemia take us into this prophetic trip into the end time well in Michael you know here I've got to have to profess as you're sharing these things it's breaking my heart because what my people have done with the Jewish people have done is instead of proclaiming the name to the Gentiles even when Gentiles came to them and said what is the name we've we've perpetrated this this cover-up and I called my book shattering the conspiracy of silence and where that comes from is this rabbinical concept that the name is too holy to pronounce that not only can't Gentiles know about it but even Jews must not speak this name it must be kept hidden and and if you trace this back to its origins and I talked there in my book about half the story and I didn't have to actually cut this because there was enough room in the book but the other half of half of the story is Roman persecution that was a key part of it the Romans wanted to wipe out Judaism they forbade the Jews to speak God's holy name but there was another internal reason why the rabbi's banned the name now the first time anybody says in outside of the let's say the Essenes and the Samaritans the first time in rabbinical Judaism that anybody banned the name was in it appears in the Mishnah around the Year 150 in the name of a rabbi named Joshua and this is in son Hedren 10:1 and he says even one who pronounces the name according to its letters has no portion in the world to come which is a pretty heavy statement Oh meaning I grew up with this concept I mean in Christian terms what he's saying there is a person who speaks God's name who actually says the name Jehovah has no salvation meaning it you know they don't use that terms that's Christian terminology but the Jewish terminology of this period they talk about they start out saying all Israel has a portion in the world to come and this is a list of exceptions these don't have a portion in the world to come and why don't they because they violated certain rabbinical prohibitions right that's what gets you banned from the world to come and the world to come the image there is that is I think what a lot of Christians would call the Millennial Kingdom in other words the Jewish understanding is the Messiah will come be a flesh-and-blood king over the earth he'll defeat the enemies where they were gather in the exiles and bring peace to the world and under his reign we will all have a portion in that world in that Kingdom so they're saying if you speak God's name that the rabbi's are saying this around the year 150 then you will not have a portion in the world to come now what most people do and I'll admit that I'm you know part of this you know I've read that and usually focus on those words and you say okay it's an absolute prohibition to speak God's name there was this Israeli scholar named Ephraim or Bach and he wrote this massive book it was like 600 pages or something he has footnotes that are 10 pages I mean this guy is a genius he's considered the foremost expert in rabbinical Judaism he wrote a book called the sages and in the sages he has like a five page footnote or something where he explains this statement of Abba show in its historical context and he says you can't just start with ABBA shul start at the beginning of the passage and the beginning of the passage of the Mishnah is these have no portion in the world to come they list different people and one of the people who has lost their salvation and or in you know Christian terms is those who read the outside books and the Talmud explains outside books refers to the Gospels is that like this is not a it's not a Torah prohibition but the rabbi's has made this Proclamation anyone who reads these outside books the and they call them in the in the Talmud there at van Gaal Eon which is no Legaspi the Greek word for gospel if I'm known anybody who reads these outside books says no portion in the world to come and then it says and those who whisper over a wound saying and that quotes a verse Exodus 15:26 all the disease's I placed on Egypt I will not place on you for I am the Lord who heals you so there were people who were praying over those who were sick in other words they have medicine like we have today not not that that's always so great but they didn't have any kind of you know they didn't understand disease the best you could do is pray over somebody and and the way that Jews often pray is by whispering so for example you you know you see Hannah who is in the tabernacle and at the time this wasn't a common practice so the priest Haley Eli sees her and he says are you drunk you're muttering under your breath just don't remember I'm praying so the rabbi's make this statement they said somebody who whispers over a wound quoting a Bible verse has no portion in the world to come why is that that's strange and the answer is that the rabbi's saw that this was working people were praying over the sick and they were being healed and the rabbi's couldn't do it so they said if you do that you have no portion in the world to come and it's in that context that a basket wall says even one who pronounces the name according to its letters meaning as part of a prayer for the sick there were people who are healing in the name in the second century around the Year 150 and the rabbi's say if you do that if you heal the name actually pronouncing the name you'd have ave the way it's pronounced Jehovah then you have no portion in the world to come you've lost your Jewish salvation why they don't say why but apparently it's because they couldn't do it themselves so you you have where this prohibition begins and where they say the people they have no part in the world to come are those who are reading the Gospels well now those maybe set four categories maybe but they may overlap what's the contact right they may overlap and right and and and one of the pieces of evidence that they overlap now of course in the New Testament you have people healing in the name of you know Jesus or I guess you schewe and there's a great story in the Talmud about a certain rabbi who was bitten by a snake and he's on the verge of death and a believer in Yeshua comes to heal him in the name of Yeshua and he refuses the healing and dies and he's held up in the Talmud as a holy martyr because he refused to be healed in that name in the name Yeshua which is like unbelievable like the rabbi's aren't denying that there's Jews who can heal in that name Yeshua they're just saying we don't want any part of that which is unbelievable so what we know from other sources is there were people who were healing in the name of Yehovah I mean we know that first of all from here from the Mishnah right they were healing in the name of yahwah and those may have been just regular jews you know the jewish multitudes who didn't know you know didn't obey the pharisees they just read the scriptures and they read the verse all the diseases i placed on egypt i will not place on you for I am Yehovah who heals you it's what it says and in their desperation for a sick person they pray over somebody and they'd say that verse and the rabbi's would see if somebody healed and say that's forbidden we can't have that outside of our power ok now you're you're reading this actually from a Hebrew text right right testimony this is the Mishnah son Hedren 10:1 and the other references in the Talmud these are Jewish sources from this period from around the 2nd century mm-hmm now there's a Greek source and it's actually a Greek pagan source ok gotta listen to those folks this is this is amazing so it's called scholars refer to it as the Hebraic host logos it's a it's I mean it's what we would call witchcraft and you might say why are we looking at witchcraft the way it's described in this papyrus written in Egypt around the years around the same time 150-200 is they stand you and this is a long papyrus called the great Leiden Leiden zijn in Holland the great light and magical papyrus and it has all kinds of each candle for part my magical papyrus there's all kinds of incantations and spells and they're in the name of Horus and Isis every pagan thing you can imagine and all of a sudden in the middle of this papyrus they say this is a really powerful spell because these are Hebrew words and they actually say in Greek Hebraic host logos hebrew words now what are the words they say a bunch of words that sound like complete gibberish and they say other words that we can clearly make out as Hebrew words for example they refer to the great God's Abba oath Oh what's a both I obviously that's two votes which is the Hebrew word that we usually translate as of hosts mm-hmm they have other words that are clearly some kind of corruption of Hebrew words and you have to imagine there's some pagan who's herded you pray over a sick person saw the sick person healed and said oh I wanted to be I want to do that right right and and that got passed on from pagan to pagan to pagan until he wrote it down in some confused form but they're testifying essentially and they actually say at the end of the at the end of the the Hebraic Oh slow Gois it says this works it's been tested right it's pretty cool so in other words somebody saw somebody they saw a Jew or maybe even a Jew who believed in yeshua praying over a sick person and get healed and they said we can do this right i mean it's just like simon magus in the New Testament he says like whoa you guys can do that how do I do that I'll pay for it right in this case he's not paying for it he's just overheard it and the interesting thing is some of the words are complete gibberish why are they gibberish because they were Hebrew words and the Greek guy doesn't know what those words are he you know it's kind of like when you hear a foreign language and you know if somebody speaks you in a foreign language what did I just say I don't know this foreign language well what are the words forgot what they mean I don't even know what words you spoke I can't even detect where the word began one word began another ended or what the sounds were right so in this Hebraic hosts logos one of the words it appears over and over and over is the name you'd hey Bob hey and it appears in all kinds of strange forms and why you know so it appears as yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah ah all the and the point is the Greeks heard these sounds and they weren't sure how to write him in Greek so they said hey let's try to get all these let's try to write this in every conceivable form so we'll get it some way right these are this is what happens when pagans try to represent when Gentiles try to represent the name of God especially in Greek which is a language which it's not suited at all for the name the name is good hey Bob hey there's no huh sound in Greek in the middle of a word you have a spur at the beginning but in the middle of a word huh doesn't exist as a sound right vote isn't exist as a sound so you have three of the consonants that are pronounced the final and silent yet hava and two of them can't be pronounced the first one you can I guess represent as a yota and they're pretty you know which is like an I they're pretty consistent representing it as an i but the next two letters there's no way to write in Greek and you have all kinds of bizarre ways of representing the name in Greek now I was in contact with this scholar at the University of Thessalonica and he's a brilliant guy kidding France his name and he's but he's a native Greek speaker and he's doing a study on the Tetragrammaton and Greek sources and I read this study and I had a contact this guy it's amazing what he's discovered what he found and he looks at all Greek sources you know Christians pagans anybody who wrote in Greek and and and what I focused on is up until the Year 500 in his study and up until the Year 500 in Greek sources what you have is the name represented in 33 different ways at least meaning one of the things we've heard of well it was written yabai and that's Yahweh in the Greek right yabai would be Yahweh in Hebrew well that's one way it's written in Greek there's actually the third easy three different ways or three and I want to show you a manuscript and so that I what we have with people will pick out one and then they'll build a color on it or what they'll do is they'll pick up five and they'll say oh there's Yahweh and there's yahuwah which is the name of a demon and there's all kinds of different you know forms of Greeks attempting probably through this confusion to represent the name and they'll say oh well that proves in the Hebrew it would be Yahweh or Yahweh what about the other 28 that you ignored her this may be more than that he in this study presents' 33 from that period I want to show you this this is a papyrus in London in the British Library its papyrus number 121 and in this papyrus the name of the father you'd have avi is represented as ya oh ah which sounds awfully like what I find in Jewish Hebrew sources Yehovah remember they don't have a huh so if they wanted to represent and they don't have a ver if they wanted to represent ya Hovan one way to write it would be yeah oh uh and you have that you can you can see it plain as day hmm even if you don't read Greek right so the little thing that looks like a w in Greek is omega or an Omega right and that's an O so all the other ones looks like English letters and I in Ian's a this is from the 3rd century AD and this is a pagan document where they're doing the same thing they've heard Jews healing in the name and they say we want to be able to do that we want to be able to heal using that name we don't exactly know how to pronounce it will write down whatever we think we hear and one time they wrote it down and actually a number of times as yeah oh ah now does that prove his name is Jehovah of course not the Greeks full of confusion and here I have a list of Greek transcriptions of Univ Ave of the name yova all kinds of different ways yeah oh uh Yahoo a yah yah yah own Yakko yeah ba well which one of those is the true names I'm not gonna find out from Greek sources and this is what blew my mind Michael what I realize is what scholars are doing is they're looking at any source but the Jews will look at dozens of different Christian sources written in Greek pagan sources even nastic sources which maybe I'll get to in a minute anybody but the Jews and why is that because the Jews don't know the name everybody knows that the Jews don't know the name so let's hear what everybody has to say everyone but the Jews just not the Jews right and we see you know just creeping up all of the world if the Jews say to the Jews do it has got to be wrong which is indirect contradiction to what it says in the New Testament pray that the The Living Word of God was committed to the Jews and right and they're the ones that have have kept this and look I'm not done the manuscripts I have come out and we'll get to that but I'm not saying blindly follow everything the rabbi's oh absolutely not but if the Jews have said something and they consistently preserve this information and it's consistent with the Bible why would you go and look at a Greek magical incantation to find out how to pronounce the father's name when it's in Jewish sources repeatedly I mean the Jewish sources and we'll get to this maybe in a future episode it can't come back in to share this Michael Dirr future yeah yeah we can questions I want to share this is one of the you know discoveries a contacted us and I want to share this Michael I found up-to-date 52 Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible with the vowels Yehovah and I found 16 different rabbis who say the name is Yehovah and and and what we're having what we're seeing an in secular scholarship and in the Hebrew roots world in the Christian world is anybody but the Jews now and I want to bring an extreme illustration of this so this is a professor at the University of Helsinki and his name is Anton Maher Jonin and you can find this online that's I think why it's spread through the blogosphere but what he's done is he's written actually a serious scholarship this is not some crackpot on Facebook this is a serious scholar at a university and he wrote a paper called a nog Hammadi contribution to the discussion about the pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton in other words what can we learn from ancient naga hamadi sources now oh my goodness naga hamadi is known in the christian world as the source of the gnostic gospels and it sounds real impressive Wow the Gnostics preserved that the name is Yahweh and that's his conclusion wow that sounds real interesting so I thought what's interesting so Gnostic these Gnostic sources we know are translated from Greek there's no question about that and this particular document is called the Gnostic apocryphon of John and it's translated from Aramaic or at least parts of it comes from Aramaic and if we assume they heard the name you'd have of hey that meant a Jew speaking Hebrew was overheard by an Aramaic speaker maybe another Jew who then was overheard by a Greek who was then transcribed and translated into Coptic which is an Egyptian language so we're getting this fourth hand so what are they talking about in the Gnostic apocryphon of John I looked this up and I couldn't believe that somebody would seriously bring this as proof of how to pronounce the father's name it's like bringing the Hebraic host logos and saying well this proves the pronunciation what the the magical papyri proves is that Gentiles pagan Gentiles heard Jews healing in the name it doesn't tell us how to pronounce that name because it's all confused and what's oh I didn't get that I forgot this so in the Hebraic host logos one of the names that appears alongside Yahoo and Yahoo and all these in Yahoo hey all these pronunciations is the name yes ooze which is the Greek representation of Yeshua and it you've got a really wonder so they say these are Hebrew words and so clearly they hurt a Jew healing in the name you'd have ave but it sounds like they also heard someone healing using the name Yeshua and Jehovah at the same time which then ties back to the rabbi saying well if you heal on that name you have no portion in the world to come that's how it ties into people who read the outside books so they're reading the Gospels and they're healing in the name Jovana then they end the peeling of the name Yeshua we got to just ban the name altogether that's what happened in rabbinical Judaism right it was this slippery slope which they saw these things happening in front of their eyes they said we can't control this we better ban it so back to the Gnostic apocryphon of John with this serious scholars dollar ones left really speaking the name our believers in Yeshua really who are actually healing people according to these sources I wasn't there but that's what the sources record okay so this is coming from Jewish sources from a Jew these are Jewish sources I didn't make the sources up there there they're clearly talking about it and the other one on them and the other one is a second witness from a pagan source meaning there were two there was rabbi saying this and there were Greek pagans both saying that people who called in the name youhave Ave Yehovah and the name is sure healing in those names and one said we got to ban this the other said we want to do that you know the pagans said that so the point is that that you kind of it's kind of interesting you have two different witnesses we're talking about the same thing I want to get back to this guy and I don't were running a time this this professor and again he's a great scholar I'm not you know knocking his scholarship I'm calling it to question the methodology here meaning is it valid to look at a gnostic source to find out how to pronounce the father's name which is what he argues and I've seen people in the Christian world say well it's the Gnostics they say it's Yahweh right so what are the Gnostics talking about so if you read the Gnostic apocryphon of John it's horrific what they're talking about Michael they talk about a demon called yalda by oath and there's almost no question that yalda both is an Aramaic or Hebrew word probably Aramaic there's similar languages and an Aramaic it would be the Hebrew equivalent the equivalent of the Hebrew yell at bohu which means son of chaos who accidentally creates the physical world then to try to make up for it he rapes Eve who he's created by accident and spawns a demon child named Yahoo a so Yahoo a according to the Gnostic apocryphon of John is not the God of the creator of the universe of the Hebrew Bible or even of the New Testament he's a demon child who's the son of chaos he's the son of the son of chaos so really Yahweh is the grandson of chaos and this is what people are bringing as proof of how to pronounce the name of the creator of the universe I'm sorry my God's not the grandson of chaos and there's all the spawn of a demon right exactly and it's very what I realized reading this Michael is what scholars are willing to do is dig deep into the depths of any pagan source as long as we don't ask the Jews how to pronounce the name and why is that because the one thing we can all agree on is the Jews don't know how to pronounce the name so why would we ask them and one of my important discoveries recently is Jewish sources that prove beyond any shadow of a doubt that in fact the Jews did know how to pronounce the name that they never forgot it it's it's copiously documented sources in 52 Hebrew manuscripts of the Bible it's documented in the writings of 16 rabbis and there's some other really cool things that I'm gonna share are we running out of time is there gonna be next time yeah we are running out stop Michael okay well we're gonna have to come back and do okay but yeah again this is this is really this is what Yeshua said that he would send the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth the Almighty is still is in charge of the universe and when he gave us revelation to Moses concerning the dispersal of Israel throughout the world and then bringing them back and at that time the cataclysmic occurrences that will be happening around the world that his name will be known that Gentiles will know his name is Rho was no will know his name and even though it has been hidden in plain sight in Hebrew sources they have been covered over and the entire Christian world has turned a blind eye to the New Testament number one that Yeshua came as the Prophet we must hear and obey and he's being ignored that shawwal says that the Oracles of God God's communication his living communication was committed to the Jews and this whole idea that everything that you say has got to be wrong if they say that this is the way the agent Keller was they've got to be wrong everything they say is wrong is nothing but a lie from the pit of hell and it's time for the Gentiles to wake up and cry out in repentance we have inherited lies we have inherited the worship of pagan gods we have inherited the pronunciation of the of the true creator the heavens of the earth from pagan sources from from pagan incantations instead of going back to who to whom it was delivered into whom it was given so that they would hold on to it because once the Jewish people have a tradition right or wrong they are gonna hang on to it until hell freezes over and so we're gonna find out what those sources say we're gonna go back into sources that have never ever been translated into any other language and the one person that can take us there is one person qualified they have made Gordon and they're him in with that I would like you to please close with ironic blessing yes thank you Michael Vanessa yo Bob you shwah you know bob bless you and keep you yeah Elia have upon available you Anika you have a shyness face towards you and be gracious towards you yes i Yavapai novel FIU how about lift is face towards you the ascend hashalom it may give you peace man I'm speechless shabbat shalom su voto we'll see you next week this is the ride of a lifetime this is Bible prophecy being fulfilled not only in Israel but to the Gentiles as well you're welcome see you then [Music] you [Music]
Channel: A Rood Awakening!
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Keywords: A Rood Awakening, Michael Rood, Nehemia Gordon, joel Richardson, isis, 666, terrorism, muslim, antichrist, revelation, yhvh, Israel, dead sea scrolls, Yahweh, god, name of god, hebrew calendar, end times, prophecy, Yeshua, hebrew names of god, yhwh, Elohim, names of god, Jehovah, Lord’s Prayer, Abba, el shaddai, yah, jesus, the lord, mark of the beast, Adonai, tetragrammaton, tetragram, yahshua, jews, temple mount, rabbi, the torah, Karaite, quran, new world order, apocalypse, Armageddon
Id: xmPQZNIe9_g
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Length: 56min 47sec (3407 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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