The Myths Behind Green Smoothies | Are They Doing More Harm Than Good?

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is it possible that your green smoothie might be working against you that's right is it bad for you well you guys know i love green smoothies i talk about them all the time they have so many amazing health benefits everything from detoxing your liver getting those hormones balanced and giving us that glowing skin and hair that we also desperately want but here's the problem and i see this all the time in the patient room where we just have green smoothies wrong some of the time so in this video i want to break down why your green smoothie may not be working for you what to avoid and then we're going to make one of my favorite recipes together all right so let's break it down why in the world is a green smoothie bad for you well here's what we found and what i've seen first hand now let's talk about all the prepped green smoothies that are out there right you're like me you're tired you're hungry you go grab something off the shelf we've got some different prepped green smoothies here here's the problem when they're prepped and sitting on the shelf any of those different smoothie blends out there we are losing the nutrient qualities of many of the ingredients that's right it's actually going down in the amount of fiber and vitamin a and vitamin c and all the stuff we really want to nourish our skin hair and all our different organs including the liver so that's problem number one problem number two is that a lot of these are made with lots of juice fruit juices in particular and guess what that does guys it drives up our sugar like some of these have 50 grams of sugar in it i tell patients all the time and try to follow the rule of staying under 25 grams of sugar so that's a big problem and that's a problem because sugar can worsen candida now i'm not going to get into a whole spiel about candida right now but if you want to learn more about candida check out my other videos i've talked a lot about candida and the effects that it has on the body all right so we don't want the fruit juices we don't want it sitting on it on the shelf the other issue with a lot of these are that they have functional ingredients in them right the label looks beautiful in fact if we picked up one of these it might have spirulina it might have chlorella but it's such a tiny amount it's not really working for us and it's giving us this false sense of security that we're really doing what we need to do for our bodies so those are some of the reasons the prepped ones don't work but let's talk about when we actually get in the kitchen and we're dumping which we're going to do in just a minute and trying to make our own well oftentimes we fall into the same trap we're using fruit juice instead of water as the base so again we're driving up that sugar level we're doing more fruit compared to the amount of greens and vegetables so that also is driving up the sugar level or you might be guilty of this if you're a mom like me we're dumping a whole lot of sweetener in there just desperate to get our kids to try even one sip but we're taking down the nutrient quality and again increasing the overall sugar content so these are the things we want to avoid and we want to make green smoothies that work and we want them to work for us all right so now you know what to avoid when it comes to a green smoothie let's get ready to make a green smoothie and i really want you guys to know my five favorite ingredients for making any green smoothie and i really don't overthink it here are my rules hopefully these will be helpful when you're making your own green smoothies at home so first of all i like to use a variety of greens so some of my favorite greens are going to be kale spinach swiss chard some of which we have laid out right here secondly i always pick something that will give it a little bit more consistency than a juice so i like adding maybe half a banana to it or half an avocado but that gives it a creamier texture which is actually a lot more filling the third is i'm always worried about fiber so adding in flax seeds chia seeds don't add psyllium husk i tried that it was a total disaster but adding in some sort of seed to up the fiber content of your green smoothie is another helpful hint so i would pick if i had to narrow down to five i would pick kale spinach banana avocado flax or chia i'm gonna dump those in one category and any one of your favorite fruits whether it's apples pears berries whatever you'd like to choose all right having said all that let's get ready to make this smoothie we call this the grocer's green smoothie because really you can probably dump anything in there we're going to start with our base notice how i'm using water as the base i have about six to eight ounces of water i'm pouring it directly into my vitamix which yes is still my favorite blender of all time then i have measured out a mix of different greens i didn't stick to one here this is a mix of everything from spinach kale swiss chard beet roots all kind of mixed up and mashed up together so think about it you're in the refrigerator it's kind of towards the end of the week everyone's looking sad when it comes to our greens chop them up put them together dump them to make the base of your green smoothie all right let's get all these greens in here next ingredient of course is the fruit for this particular recipe we've chosen berries i've got some strawberry a little bit of cantaloupe mixed berries again it doesn't have to be scientific you can just kind of have fun with it there's some wild blueberries in there too and remember wild blueberries really high in those antioxidants so again feeding those cells feeding those mitochondria right we talk about the mitochondria powering our skin our muscles our brain and so much more this is a nutritional powerhouse right where we have it but we're going to keep going we're going to add a little pinch of chia seeds to it for added fiber one of the biggest mistakes i keep seeing over and over again is people not getting the fiber we need so wherever we can dump it in we want to get it all right i'm going to go ahead and cover it now smoothies remember are a wonderful opportunity to add additional things in that you may not remember to take during the day i have that issue too so you can add a scoop of collagen to this for your collagen booster you can add a prebiotic or a probiotic this is my belly fix you can add a scoop of that to this as well but again have fun with it make it something that really gives you the energy and the nutrients that you desire all right we've got all our amazing ingredients in here let's go ahead and get ready to blend this thing up and again i'm using this vitamix which i love but you don't have to literally done now we just need to pour and if you want it to look pretty make your kids have it whatever your motivation might be you can decorate it a little bit so i've got some grated coconut that i'm gonna put on top as well some people i know will put like a little bit of leaf or a mint or something like that on there but here we are ready cheers super easy have fun with it and remember you're just trying to get those nutrients in and if you can do it it's better than all the prepped blends just avoid some of the things that make a green smoothie bad all right remember i post new videos every week and on the recipe report we have so many great videos really dedicated to getting your liver healthy and keeping those hormones balanced don't forget to like and subscribe and remember we are in this together i want you to join my growing super women's circle because we need each other to stay super powered [Music] you
Channel: Dr. Taz MD
Views: 231,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: green smoothies recipes, green smoothies for weight loss, green smoothies for diabetics, green smoothies that taste good, Green smoothies for toddlers, green smoothies for clear skin, green smoothies for breakfast, green smoothies only for 30 days, green smoothies taht taste good, green smoothies that tast good, dr taz bhatia, dr taz candida, dr tazmeen, healthy eating, green smoothies for pregnancy, green smoothies before and after
Id: kMpS-4UdnyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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