The Mystery of the Trial of the Sword (Zelda: Breath of the Wild Theory)

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[Music] the trial of the sword is perhaps the most challenging obstacle in breath of the wild a grueling three part gauntlet in which link is stripped of his hard-earned weapons armor bows and shields forcing him to scavenge gear from fallen foes and invent unique ways to defeat adversaries the trial was included as the major focus of the first DLC pack allowing link to prove his worth and wield the true might of the Master Sword doubling its power to a formidable 60 damage the trial itself appears to be a form of sheikah shrine sets of rooms which are constructed from the same smooth alien stone as every trial before and ending with link reaching ancient monks to receive his reward but the trial of the sword isn't accessed like a regular shrine by using the sheikah slates to gain access to an elevator taking him below ground to the trial area it's instead accessed by placing the master sword back into its pedestal in the Corrick forest which is fitting for a quest to awaken the blades true power but strange for a supposedly sheikah built trial is there something to the trial of the sword we're missing is it actually real or could the entire thing be taking place in a familiar Zelda location from past games let's place the master sword in its pedestal and have a closer look at the trial of the sword the trial of the sword is split into three different parts beginning trials middle trials and final trials each part is accessed the same way by placing the master sword back into its pedestal link is teleported to the trial via Sheik attack the trial consists of 50 for individual floors packed with a huge amount of enemies from the lowly read-back hablen all the way up to Guardian stalkers and Lionel's but there's a mystery to the trial of the sword if it's a shrine where is it located there are areas of the trial which appear to be on the surface with sunlight spilling down from the skies above and butterflies and trees growing yet we know that it doesn't take place within Hyrule as when link enters the trial the shrine monks refer to the area as an illusory realm of sacred mystery separate from the reality you've know is the trial of the sword real at all is it in an alternate dimension in a dream or somewhere we've seen before what if when link places the Master Sword back in its pedestal he's not teleported to a regular sheikah shrine but to the Sacred Realm itself the alternate dimension in which the Triforce was once held the realm in which the chamber of sages and the temple of light besides where the hero of time was sealed for seven years the Sacred Realm has been a concept in the Zelda series ever since a Link to the Past where it was introduced as the golden land in which the Triforce resided however it was further explored in ocarina of time where it's revealed to be a form of parallel dimension to Hyrule connected only by one door between the two worlds found in the temple of time when Link uses the three spiritual stones and the Ocarina of Time to open the door he finds the master sword in its pedestal the final key and pulling the blade from the stone transports him to the Sacred Realm the realm was created long ago alongside Hyrule three divine beings known as the golden goddesses created the the land itself the laws of science and magic and all life that would uphold the law after their work was finished the goddesses departed for the heavens leaving three golden triangles the Triforce at the point where they left the world this resting place of the Triforce which was an alternate dimension connected to Hyrule became known as the Sacred Realm the goddess hylia was created by the golden goddesses before they departed a being who was tasked with a protection of the Triforce and the world itself during a period known as the era of chaos after Skyward Sword Hyrule burned with the fires of war rumors of the Sacred Realm and the Triforce caused battles over lust and greed for ultimate power rau Roux the sage of Light placed the Triforce in the temple of light a location at the heart of the Sacred Realm within the temple of light lies the chamber of sages an ethereal place where sages meets the temple of time was built to protect the only entrance to the realm and the link between the realms were sealed with multiple keys so what are the connections between the Sacred Realm and the trial of the sword first and most obviously both areas are accessed using the Master Sword a blade which serves as the final key to the Sacred Realm while in ocarina of time the Sacred Realm is accessed by pulling the sword from the pedestal of time and breadth of the wilds trial of the sword is accessed by returning the sword to the pedestal this is actually consistent with the Sacred Realm in Skyward Sword during Skyward Sword Link is able to access an area known as the Silent Realm a dimension which parallels the real world though is stained a ghostly blue the Silent Realm serves as a trial for the hero set by the goddess hylia forcing link to prove his worth by collecting fifteen sacred tears and avoiding the ominous guardians all while completely stripped of his weapons and equipment despite its unique appearance and purpose there's a strong possibility that the Silent Realm is actually the sacred realm in the time of Skyward Sword as when link collects the Triforce pieces parts of an ancient omnipotent relic said to reside within the Sacred Realm they're found within parts of the Silent Realm in Skyloft the Silent Realm can be accessed by plunging the master sword or as earlier form the goddess sword into the ground teleporting Link's spirit to the realm just like how the trial of the sword is accessed by plunging the master sword back into its pedestal in the Corrick forest resulting in link being sent to a trial by the goddess hylia without all of his previously attained weapons and equipment in addition the Silent Realm spectral blue tint and particle effects are mirrored by the trial of the sword where all main combat rooms without an environmental effects like snow rain or embers are tinged with a blue light complete with tiny floating particles but the connections between the trial of the sword and the Sacred Realm go much deeper than surface level the single most interesting area in the trial is the sword monks shrine a colossal dome like sheikah room which parallels the laboratory found under hyrule castle but without a hint of the stain of calamity Ganon's malice this shrine shines a brilliant blue and is many times larger than Hyrule's laboratory so large that link can't reach the outer walls by paragliding the same illuminated design of Hyrule can be found circling this shrine and from the opening in the ceiling a gigantic monk's chamber hangs three smaller platforms connected by floating staircases form a path to the monks chamber with the two closest to the monks featuring pedestals for the Master Sword where the blade will be found for the beginning and middle trials respectively but the final podium is found within the monks chamber which is far larger than those found in regular shrines this chamber contains seven ancient monks who surround the Master Sword these seven sheikah monks announced that they prepared the trial of the sword following a revelation from the goddess hylia and that links completion of the challenges has proven him truly worthy of the Master Sword with the tusks completed the monks fade away leaving link alone with the blade of Evil's bane however these sheikah aren't just regular monks they're all frozen in unique poses like crossed arms cupped hands or try Beam and these poses aren't random like many of the regular monks they're actually the exact same poses used by the sages in ocarina of time raro darunia Ruto nabooru Impa and surya and not only this these are the poses used when sealing Ganon within a void in the Sacred Realm the only monk who doesn't fit is the leading monk sat on the highest pedestal who just holds his hand in the shape of an equilateral triangle could these sheikah monks after a revelation from the goddess hylia have built a trial for the hero within the Sacred Realm accessible only with its key the Master Sword it wouldn't be the first time that heylia had used this holy dimension to challenge a hero as the silent realms sole purpose was to force link to prove his courage in order to forge the Master Sword the area in which the monks reside appears to be a form of sheikah built chamber of sages housing sheikah monks who represent the sages themselves with the seventh holding a commanding position like Princess Zelda it's incredibly reminiscent of the chamber of sages most recent appearance in a link between worlds which featured the same design of floating platforms connected by staircases this wouldn't be the first time the sheikah have constructed their own variants of sacred constructs as the ancient arrows themselves appear to be sheikah imitations of light arrows one of only three things able to wound dark beast Ganon alongside the Master Sword and true light arrows themselves is not just a coincidence that the monks imitate the poses of the sages sages across the Zelda series are known to be closely linked with the power of the Master Sword Twilight Princess Zelda claims that the ancient sages were the ones who created the blade a statement which at first appears to be contradicted by Skyward Sword where we see link himself forged the sword from the original goddess sword however although we know that halia created this original blade it could be the case that it was forged with the help of the sages as their emblems can be seen in the temple of halia confirming that they existed ages before even Skyward Sword this would tie into Sahasra Laos explanation of the swords creation in a Link to the Past claiming that the sages following a divine message from God created a sword that could repel the power of even the Triforce wielded by evil in the Wind Waker two sages have been seen to power the Master Sword with the prayers of the sages of Earth and wind directly giving the blade its sacred power to repel evil could these sheikah monks the creators of the trial of the sword have been tasked with the very same role acting as sages could they have constructed a trial for the hero within the Sacred Realm itself awaiting his arrival with a chamber of sages they themselves built however there are a few issues if the Silent Realm the Sacred Realm and the trial of the sword are all the same place why is link only able to access the Silent Realm with his spirit with even the master sword and fee not being able to travel with him it's likely that this is a limitation imposed by the goddess hylia as in ocarina of time we can see that link is able to access the Sacred Realm alongside all of his equipment including the master sword if the trial of the sword does take place within a Sacred Realm why is it full of monsters Lionel's becau blends Hein oxen Guardians burning pink with gallons surely enemies like these wouldn't appear within the sacred realm except that these enemies aren't real we know that sheikah monks are masters of illusion monk Moscow Xie is able to create corporeal tangible clones of himself which can deal full damage to link yet aren't real just like these copies every enemy found within the trial of the sword shares a unique trait they don't drop items aside from the equipment they're using like arrows or shields or swords the enemy slain within the trial of the sword will not drop their regular loot but Koblenz won't drop horns fangs or guts Hein oxen won't drop toenails or teeth even Guardians won't drop their various machinery parts it's because like the sword monks say it's an illusion the enemies found within aren't real they're simply sheikah illusions created to challenge link it's possible that with the trial of the sword we don't just enter another sheikah shrine by placing the blade back in its pedestal link is transported to another dimension the ancient resting place of the Triforce an illusory realm of sacred mystery the Sacred Realm accessed with the final key within which ancient sheikah monks tasked with the roles of sages awaited the hero's triumph over their challenge thanks for watching this video if you liked it leave a like or subscribe if you haven't already for more Zelda content this video was based on a suggestion from Kimball Peterson who pointed out connections between the trial of the sword and the safer realm to me so a huge huge shout out to Kimball if you'd like to leave a video suggestion my website Zeltiq code at UK has a dedicated suggestions page and also a shout-out to Camus Ilyn on reddit for pointing out the connection between the monks and the sages poses cheers guys and I'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Zeltik
Views: 594,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, breath of the wild, botw, botw2, breath of the wild 2, sequel, trailer, analysis, theory, legend of zelda, link's awakening, zeltik, music, theme, ganondorf, smash bros ultimate, release date, nintendo switch, nintendo direct, direct, e3, 2019, forgotten temple, link, wind waker, skyward sword, majoras mask, twilight princess, zonai, trial of the sword, dlc, game awards, pokemon, zelda theory
Id: 3K7pPajNWY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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