Lusitania: How A German U-Boat Killed 1,000 Civilians | Sinking The Lusitania Docudrama | Timeline

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Gosh, that ship was so beautiful inside.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BrentKev ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

The book โ€œDead Wakeโ€ by Erik Larson is an excellent account of the last voyage of Lusitania.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/CheeseburgerSmoothy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Cool I'll check it out. Thanx!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BrentKev ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 15 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
hi there welcome to this timeline documentary just before you watch I want to tell you about history hit TV it's like Netflix for history a place where true history fans can go and find hundreds of documentaries and interviews with the world's leading historians my name is Dan snow I helped to found history hit TV I'm a day filming a new documentary for the channel on the Titanic this is the route that Titanic took from Southampton around the Isle of Wight off on our ill-fated maiden voyage you can find out how to get to history at TV in the description box below or just search online the history hit TV and when you get there make sure you use the code timeline to get the special introductory offer anyway enjoy this documentary [Music] there are moments in Hester day that changed the world forever when the real book is ripped up and thrown away and then innocence is lost one spring day in 1915 two thousand men women and children boarded a ship to cross the Atlantic unaware that they would participate in such a moment [Music] unaware that they would become pawns in the great game of war I was one of those people [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the war had only just started when Germany unleashed a new and deadly weapon the you bored [Music] torpedo is vindicated film transition to be rose finishe cut from Swansea fair no for Annette de ferran firm fondant we'd been trying to starve them into submission with a blockade of the ports what we were doing was illegal but effective and retaliation there you vote commanders were ordered to attack any British vessel they could find even unarmed merchant ships [Music] the rules of warfare were being rewritten right [Music] those quiet snows and that's why I fear from sex [Music] one ain't at the time the Admiralty used to ruling the waves didn't take these underwater ten fish too seriously still to be in the safe side Naval Intelligence reported any activity to the First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill yes Oh what is it and just on my way to see Lord Kitchener about a matter of some urgency I have half the fleet steaming towards the Dardanelles and the damned infantry to support them so we've just heard German u-boats torpedoed another merchant ship yesterday off the Scottish coast war is 5 no warning given and the ship was totally unarmed there flatting every convention of international law fine yes well we mustn't allow sobs that is what they want no their submarine campaign is a dismal failure they are picking off tiny handfuls of small ships after the many thousands that are using British ports water off a duck's back Hobbs we must show the world that here it is business as usual we must continue to attract neutral shipping to our shores particularly in the hope of entangling the United States with Germany if some of its will get into trouble no betting meaning a few American casualties might hasten their entry into the war good day I was returning from electric tour of America when I first found out that the Lusitania might be a target for these submarines there it was right below the DS sealing teams an extraordinary warning from the German Embassy that we might be attacked America hadn't yet joined the war so I assumed this was just a bluff to discourage trade with Europe surely the Germans wouldn't really contemplate sinking a ship full of innocent people [Music] this was Britain's flagship liner not just a [ __ ] but a huge City and the weaves nothing competed in size and power she looked indestructible what was that question did you see the water at the paper I did thought it was scare mongering tactics they think they can intimidate us that easily than they're wrong I don't like it Tom couldn't you talk to him tell him I've changed our minds after all we've got the children topic - [Music] isn't your wife worried about you going look three years ago I booked a passage on the Titanic something made me change my mind I guess someone up there is looking after me was really dangerous they really never saved anyway we'd never get our money back don't get yourself all worked up [Music] the fact is madam we have a top speed of 25 knots no ship during more than 14 knots has ever ever been torpedoed to get you all safely deliver pool I give you my word on that and you'll be in the capable hands of one of the best ships masters around captain William Turner can I get you to sign that loser I don't like carrying munitions turning a rifle cartridges shell casings that sort of thing all part of the war effort captain Turner be careful with that captain can I ask what you make of this notice on your paper so I believe everything you read in the newspapers as usual will sailing under the guidance and protection of the British have museum they looked after us very well on all our previous crossings now if you'll excuse me we've just received this from our people in New York belongs not the sailing times of the Lusitania sir yes the travel is intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and Great Britain and that American sailing and British ships do so at their own risk it's signed by the Imperial German Embassy that's a good one sir they talk a good war Windridge threatening something of the Lusitania size and speed I hardly think so most amusing of the Germans not normally known for their sense of humor thank you hundreds you say [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as we prepared to set sail we try to put all thoughts of submarines and water out of our heads and settle down to enjoy our luxurious surroundings [Music] [Music] morning sir what is it morning sir [Music] figure out why I said that were 15 target repeater dead slow astern all injured [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] at 12:20 we cast off for Liverpool on our seven-day voyage on board were nearly 2,000 souls of my fellow passengers 200 were Americans and 129 were children [Music] what we didn't know was we sailed west was that on the other side of the Atlantic 3,500 miles away the German submarine u-20 had also just left its own port and was now heading in our direction [Music] [Music] [Music] mr. Koenig's an Akuma machine OMSI attire is perfectly good and Ginza man look don't go gonna be a Suzy fibula has to find fat come Clara Shabazz not give isn't yellow my dear Molly in Holland obtain a Tonto and go isn't zero tender mushroom from you is it inept English niched headline lozenges [Music] [Music] I don't see I don't see I'm too shy to the head director Phil soon immigrants come I'm going to play that game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] film it again would a hot pot by the machine for las casas fat Schmidt again who the heart over the homes in that 50 and ft Oh good Spanish second Santa comma a quadratic Costa and snow savings in Oakland I love you yo fizzy [Music] little did the u-boat commander know that the Admiralty had intercepted his coded messages [Music] intelligence like this was a godsend admit ships could be diverted out of harm's way though it had to be used sparingly or the Germans would gas their codes had been broken [Music] thank you so what are the eggheads telling us Windridge they have deciphered more u-boat signal sir excellent and well so far they indicate that you 28 here remaining in the North Sea bother you 20 it's going west abouts Island into the iris see also decoded this earlier and from German high command to all u-boats fast demon Lusitania expected Liverpool 7th or 8th May which must be a target sir I do want us to do she's to hundreds of miles off nothing we can do Windridge for the moment [Music] we were still four days outside the range of NAU Bert but the Lusitania is powerful steam turbine engines were taking us closer by the in first class we were suffering a strict embargo on German wines and enemy mineral water but there is no shortage of movie stars famous philosophers suffragettes entrepreneurs and among them multimillionaire Playboy Alfred game do you how do we play it you buy a ticket for a dollar and you have to guess how many miles you're going to do in the next 24 hours and whoever's closest wins so what is it 100 miles a day or something and 12 because I have 12 racehorses and I'll say 509 because the 9th is my birthday right bring us some cocktails will you what we have I'll have a gin sling No excuse me is this chair freak seasick bad luck have your parents go to my mother's in America and my daddy is dead I'm sorry grown-ups only say that well growing ups are very little imagination so there's looking after you my name's Hilda it's a Scottish hat I live in Scotland under Nayland no my wife and three boys there's some other folk that and I'm a very good cure for seasickness exploring about two of the ship [Music] professor it was as if the crew shared the Admiralty's calm confidence that no harm would befall us [Music] they showed little enthusiasm or competence during the infrequent lifeboat drills [Applause] I know what you're gonna say that's meant to be taken by the Navy until then we need to go on drilling this lot until at least look like they know what they're doing oh and mr. Vanderbilt has requested a tour of the bridge what Oh God apparently the master of the Mauretania and detained him to a cocktail party up the last time another bloody nightclub I told him no sir Kuhn and regrets special wartime restrictions are in place sounded very convincing infestation myself good how she hadn't been Johnston carrying two degrees of poor power to my tank or sir weathers closing in sir yes I think you might be right there of course shall we be taking sir where we get to the war zone what business is that of yours Johnston Lancer more time navigational orders are confidential to myself and captain Anderson understood sir carry on Anderson forget it Johnson it's nothing personal thousands of lives in this house don't forget you've worked with him a long time sir a very long time [Music] so we've just heard a small merchant ships being sunk just off the south coast of Ireland looks like new 20 started at work right mr. Luthor warships in the area so we troop ship a Ryan due out of debt report tonight Emily yes I lost a son away from the met back to Liverpool the message sent of her relative issues to maintain at least 20 knots and zigzag yes sir the ship went down here and was last sighted at 1430 today near Queenstown so you two in disposition must be somewhere near here the Lusitania is also headed that way maybe we could ruin out of harm's way north abouts Island had an extra day or so on to her passage I don't think we need to impose such a great inconvenience on the many hundreds of passengers were in religion yes sir the u-20 was having little success she'd only sunk a small fishing Mountain know she was low on fuel and supplies and desperately hunting for a few trophies before her return to Germany [Music] the ningรบn speaking am sometimes a new Thomas resonate liftoff [Music] [Applause] [Music] spender difference ain't no food relax connect an extraction see the English refers Olga because X thousand ton Kingston either a minute the pylons a sticky by the machine for house cause the father by the machine for house cause of odd the Buddha was really scared prices don't I see [Music] wife is not fatal wine scum lines love wines loss [Music] foof sex seemed not knowing sane F so if did I [Music] sounds of coningsburgh lighthouse [Music] [Music] hey let's be all that money [Music] do you think the Germans really will try again no no I just believe in being prepared that's all prepare for the worst and you can expect the best when we get to Liverpool miss dolphin where will you be going then just school now that says they'll make a lady of me my husband quite from Stuart collecting one of us punkers the boiler room we can't be no to me [Music] surely I would and they have a cargo holds philippi shells bullets all kinds of snipe after all the glad when this is over and we get to Liverpool to ride this one's not been a big and worn settler meshes in my arms those two are so excited I've overslept she's gonna have force walking around with rats I'll see you in the dinner [Music] Dorothy look at this only 462 miles that's darn slow Nashville is a get-well Michael Peters ever okay because of Liverpool in Diana Kristy vital of little best well the facts committee if you lose it on your spiel see mr. Morgan his atheria dampened clumsy El Sistema Pasadena and bothered in British informally keister that's provocative squads agri-food the amber feel years fantasy shifts fizzing without interpeter we're making wasn't try memories of the continued crustacean for puzzle there's a vision the u-20 sunk another boat off the irish coast sir we've cleared all our ships out of the area yes sir but there's still the Lusitania sir chewing on that root first thing tomorrow should we send a destroyer escort sir windows close the door we cannot nursemaid every civilian ship out there the Navy simply hasn't the resources we've half the fleet in the Mediterranean trying to win the war just a super standard u-boat warning to all shipping in the area the Admiralty's standard new board warning was nothing new it was centered nearly every night of course we knew nothing of how our feet was being decided we were more preoccupied with that regular feature of transatlantic crossings the passenger talent contest [Music] no I'm afraid I can't I can teach you if you like I don't - Hilda where is your nice tonight there's a dance tonight blow she's gonna find the sailors she says it's not much to look next we are incredibly lucky to welcome straight from Broadway the lovely Miss Dorothy Taylor [Applause] I went wild when the band played how I ran to the man when his hand swayed were my pets [Music] you can exert a signal from the Admiralty avoid headlines steer mid-channel course submarines of Irish coast is that it that's also well then gentlemen we're just at a u-boat warning from the Admiralty they're far off but we better take precautions price it's up double the lookouts darken the ship to prepare the lifeboats no I ask that I'll inform the passengers soon so you can keep [Music] I love to stop right beside an upright or a height on baby we are truly honored to witness the performance of such caliber captain Turner ladies and gentlemen I shan't be singing a song we've had a warning from the British Admiralty and that German submarines have been reported off the coast of Ireland however there's no cause for alarm I'm entering the war zone tomorrow morning we shall be securely in the care of the Royal Navy I would only ask you to take the precaution of keeping curtains drawn in your cabins tonight and asked gentlemen not to light their cigarettes on deck otherwise please continue to enjoy the entertainment thank you get up to the bridge as soon as you finish you are they sending us an escort no word yet captain sir well I see by the ship's bulletin that we're not reaching top speed and I'd like to know why that is it's because we've only three out of four boiler rooms operational on this crossing sir that's a disgrace we were told no u-boat can catch the ship and now he's slowing us down you know the chairman of Cunard is an old friend of mine and I'm sure he too would like to know what exactly you're up to he knows perfectly well what I'm up to he issued the instructions to conserve coal supplies himself part of the company's war effort but we're only down from 24 to 21 knots and new boats can barely make 12 knots with a following sea goodnight smartness Ellis be freezing up there will be warming off with the blankets I am NOT spending the notes deep down in our cabin with submarines around I want to be on top where I can see what's happening a nice and narrow floor thank you very much [Music] vulgar it's the last thing we need still has the last thing they need to in the soap they'll be waiting for first light I reckon [Music] [Music] it's not so bad actually reminds me of when we were pardon that seems like a lifetime ago it was just kids whimpered yeah more was Dallas good night sir sir I know [Music] [Music] [Music] emergent yeah it's what Ilana shuffle it turns me Matsu mind if a million handbook had bad meets miss Resnick never it is in black are there it's an oxy be listening means my God why not forget it [Music] [Music] would you speed system knows reduce me 15 knots we can't risk going any faster when we can see romance in front of our faces inform the engine room on the fool head of steam we may need full speed at a moment's notice anymore from the Admiralty but with any luck this will burn off in an hour or two and get our bearings and begin to pick up some speed yes until then just go steam in the head and do God knows oh sure Lee that noise is just advertising our position are you really worried about those submarines but if one came now then I die in the arms of a beautiful woman dying forget it I'll be serving for sure won't you you can't swim oh I'll give you it so what a girl you are look at you you can swim you sing like an angel and you're in a darn good living which is more than I could say yeah well comes of being born penniless look at my life and I think you know what have I actually done except pay a lot of people to do things for me morning yes yes indeed sir of course I understand now ask you to hold for a moment please sir thank you it's the chairman of q-not sir what he's heard about the torpedoed ships want to know what we're going to do to protect the Lusitania q'l chilled telephoned him every morning to check he's doing his job tended bugger off thank you so much for waiting sir won't be much longer bar I tell him I'll issue a special warning direct at her captain so we're going to issue a special warning almost 24 hours have passed since the last u-20 attack and only now was that information being related to the Lusitania eyebrow head price that take it back up to 18 months 18 ah at last submarines active in southern part Irish Channel last heard of 20 miles south of coming big light shipping what does that mean last heard of when last week last night an hour ago are they playing God knows I'm just gonna fix in our position in case the weather comes in again then getting decent information I can act on it I'll bring them in closely see if that is brown head Johnston Lee so stabbed or dead stop attend sir [Music] with the fog lifting on the site of the Irish coast spirits rules see that [Music] no one of us should really go down in back or go Jorgen opening [Music] that's why [Music] if it's alone I meant there's less yes yep's this as Moses I'm losing time here [Music] as a good physician this guy's blood of kotecha John kilometer limited in meter meter follow-up infants photo film come out come out by the [ __ ] might imagine good Einstein of 0tz both Einstein of zero to10 star now see what even once okay shut up like Santa Rosa Tania says I think not [Music] morning young lady you're packed and ready to go ashore look that is Ireland we're almost there Avis I soon see my boys again music will you come visit me at my school I'll tell you what even better you can come and visit us claim the hills and my boys will take you out and overboard and you can catch crabs for your supper she promised really from it my hope today come on let's have some lunch [Music] lutely its goodness systematic but their pylon fingers an enema sir pebble antiport sir two points about the bow looks like old head of kinsale okay excellent I want a four-point fix on the lighthouse please mr. vesting steer south 87 feet up so 87 East mitigating she had nothing cause she left directive also in klamath intuitive our sorrows White's glamour and somewhat of a social [Music] look time for me to the extraordinaire no too sweet for me I'll say up the det cord Shelly Nagesh village head often live in ONC projects - P - finish cat places and found on after net peggeleh davidovich got eyes - and channel art or not Oxana okay why it's asclad centavo so shows inspiration we know it's capital Hawaiians babeson minions clapping [Music] and I anticipate Assad - Clippers off as a good sign that it's anxious fregley knish doesn't found king of blends that's why [Music] I see [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if we have been hypnotist simply put into page I suggest to find ourselves like to school [Music] [Music] chips on on Freaks are lost britain [Music] Royston not in command see I find out what the problem is typically done by engines are out of commission sir seven degrees to starboard sir this rate we won't make a deport lower the lifeboats to the rail Anderson that don't launch until loose load [Music] one day [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's close it see you upstairs there's been a torpedo that has indeed come on us if we could visualize Jacqueline I want you to hold my hand very very tight they're not like all right [Music] [Music] signal son self-interests come up once listening to the south of Oakland Salem I think Redemption ooh we times up you know some competition [Music] [Music] [Applause] shall we thank you [Applause] [Music] we don't go down just stay up here all right just be prepared as [Music] is 30 degrees sir Wow mr. pastor the four buckets come in boiler rooms 1 2 & 3 are flooded I can get no further inspections that's me this awesome water into the hub she's felling fast sex could be done to slower so we can get a life goes down this is 30 degree starboard sir [Music] [Applause] a little drowned anyway come on come on we will lower the boats as soon as he is safe to do so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is 20 degrees sir [Music] gentlemen abandon ship Johnston get out save yourself go on tell Anderson we slowed enough to lower the boats that's an order [Music] says he's buried in space [Applause] where'd you get to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one at a time don't push ladies don't push please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to us that's mutant let'em citizen but user takes yourself big enough I'm not close [Music] you [Music] some held onto life for four hours before being rescued but foremost the bitterly cold Atlantic proved too much [Music] so Windridge what the healthy new ones Lusitania has been Sun sir 2:30 p.m. today 8 miles off the Irish coast sunk torpedo sir she went down in less than 20 minutes impossible Coast Guard saw her from the shore rescue operation is underway the casualties are expected to be high excuse me gentlemen we also intercepted this from new 22 base saying she did the job with just one torpedo one torpedo yes sir and she sank in 20 minutes Takako must have exploded this must not get out understood in fact I want every Hubert message we've intercepted in the last week in my office under lock and key within the outer Marion I need to get a message to mr. Church at once [Music] all that evening a ghastly procession of rescue ships brought the living and the dead Oshawa over 1200 people had perished just 35 out of 129 children had survived [Music] and only four out of 39 babies have you seen a young brunette boy in his father among the survivors was captain Turner he had miraculously been pulled unconscious from the water [Music] [Music] [Music] real hopes grave news indeed indeed Prime Minister Watson inquiry questions in the house and abroad did we do enough to protect how could we have done more naturally it is of the very first importance that no blame or negligence is attached to the Admiralty we welcome an inquiry we have nothing to hide I hope not Holmes our navigational orders to the captain were full and precise sadly he seems to have chosen not to obey them I've been studying his course whether he acted out of sheer incompetence or because he's been caught at by the Germans we don't yet know well let us find out he must be pursued without check we are compiling a full report on him very good no there is one other matter pertaining to this affair the German government is seeking to justify the attack by claiming that the ship was carrying armaments and that these must have exploded in the hold why else they ask would such a large ship of sunk so quickly having been struck by only one torpedo well plenty of survivors think they saw more than one torpedo funny how the memory plays tricks and we can see to it that they are the ones called to give evidence of the inquiry of course with the ship at the bottom of the ocean it's impossible to prove absolutely either way good work Holmes [Music] [Music] can you manage this anyone here by the name of Ho burn here [Music] you're right yes child not going to die are you good I had lemonade and biscuits for breakfast my saver employee avis and i are among the lucky ones less than 300 bodies were ever found the rest lost at sea [Music] worldwide reaction to the sinking was unanimous in its condemnation of Germany rioters destroyed German own shops and British cities the New York Times devoted an entire Edition to the disaster featuring photographs of the mass graves our own personal tragedies were quickly turned into wartime propaganda and Germany was struck off the list of civilized nations [Music] now the British Admiralty had to make sure that the one house was it awkward questions might just undo the propaganda victory they had saw only one I think that those of us who survived have well almost a duty to those that didn't to find out why we were left so open to attack especially when we were given assurances right at the outset that we would be under the protection of the British Admiralty the judicial inquiry was held just a month after the sinking captain Turner arrived unaware of the trap that had been set [Music] better give us some bloody answers alright I declare this investigation into the sinking of the Lusitania open mr. Carson what this isn't an ordinary case for enquiry where we must determine the cause of the accident that is known and this inquiry the questions are with regard to the conduct of the captain whether or not he navigated his ship in accordance with his strict instructions and thus whether or not he could have done more to save the 1198 lives that were lost that day captain Holmes you have I believe prepared the Admiral as evidence indeed sir and I shall if I may remain in court in case I can be of any assistance in clarifying matters milord without further ado I call captain Turner to the stand captain Turner you were given strict instructions to steer a mid-channel course we're not yes but first I had to find and yet when the torpedo hits you were just a few miles from shore we'd come in close because I needed their bearing on our position you disobeyed orders they've been a fog earlier I needed you willfully disobeyed your strict orders from the Admiralty doing so captain Turner you were inviting disaster we're not the Admiralty's broadside was relentless our traumatized captain was questioned about instructions he couldn't remember because in truth he had never been sent off [Music] how'd they FISA but you stuck to your guns I'm beginning to think it doesn't matter much what I say seems like they've already made up their minds sir that officer from the Admiralty you interviewed me well he told me will help the inquiry if I told them I've seen at least two torpedoes even three the more the merrier said but I told him there was only one I swear that on the Bible they don't want anyone thinking it was the munitions exploding took us down so quickly so we were carrying munitions in only has lots of them man rifle cartridges shell casings that minor thing I don't like it any better than you there are thousands of our lads in the trenches desperate for that ammo this is what happens in war everybody gets their hands very dirty very quickly those women and children on board that's just what they were afraid people would say which is why they're trying to cover it up then I'm interested in the truth Merson might I ask what impression the captain made on you to play my impression is a pervy straight an honest man not shred of evidence to suggest that he's in the pair of the Germans I think the airport he has been quite improper to suggest it are you minded then to judge the man simply incompetent captain Holmes you made it very clear to me what the Admiralty wishes the findings of this independent inquiry to be however my duty is to see that the truth prevails to me he seems to have been a very good captain but in wartime my lord there are things more important than the truth in wartime my lord the survival of the nation as a whole becomes paramount any hint of discredit to the Admiralty could lose us important friends among the neutral countries do you understand are you suggesting that I declare an innocent man guilty I'm suggesting my lord but you find a way to conclude this inquiry without damaging our chances of winning the war what will happen sir they find you guilty here God knows at best stricter matzah getting kicked out that worst tried for treason and hanged or shot here and then what they do these days whatever's cheapest to expect all right the conclusions of this inquiry are as follows that the Admiralty diligently and fully advised the captain of the Lusitania of the route best calculated to avert peril and that captain Turner was a competent man who did his best in difficult and perilous circumstances the Commission therefore finds that the loss of the Lusitania was due solely to the damage caused by two possibly three torpedoes fired by one or more submarines of German nationality it was a deliberate attempt to murder the passengers on board and the entire blame for this cruel destruction of life must rest with death [Music] it all had the feeling of a Sharad being played out for the press with the real questions left unanswered was the ship deliberately left exposed in order to bring America into the war we'll never know the Admiralty did an excellent job of covering its tracks [Music] many years later Churchill wrote in spite of all its horror we must regard the sinking of the Lusitania as an event most important and favorable to the Allies although two years were to pass before the United States declared war on Germany the poor babies who perished in the ocean struck a blow at German power more deadly than could have been achieved by the sacrifice of a hundred thousand fighting men on that day the idea of a good clean war with a court of honor that protected civilians vanished forever the gloves came off and a new age of total warfare began [Music] I used to think a government was there to protect its people but of course it's there to protect itself [Music] babies [Music] [Music]
Channel: Timeline - World History Documentaries
Views: 1,171,139
Rating: 4.8018141 out of 5
Keywords: History, Full Documentary, Documentaries, Full length Documentaries, Documentary, TV Shows - Topic, Documentary Movies - Topic, 2017 documentary, BBC documentary, Channel 4 documentary, history documentary, documentary history, lusitania, sinking ship, sinking tragedy, lusitania mystery, titanic
Id: zWKxWR7rehw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 5sec (5405 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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