The Mystery of Cattle Mutilation

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Oh for centuries farmers have all been dealing with the same problem some have classified it as a phenomenon basically farmers would randomly stumble upon the carcasses of one of their cows completely mutilated dissected drained of blood and missing organs to me it just sounds like nature at work right the simple decomposition just like we learned in biology class and the fair share of predators like FACA synchro is feasting at the bodies but as it turns out those things are a small factor of what's actually happening as of most cases the removal of the organ tends to be so perfect often referred to as laser precision that calls many to believe it isn't a work of nature while many claim it may be because of some sick people are performing these acts they happen all around the globe and the possibility that it was one person or a group of people begins to ring untrue an America alone there have been over 10,000 cases reported of cattle mutilation multiple of these mutilations are occasionally accompanied by UFO sightings that's right aliens in fact aliens UFOs and otherworldly beings are the biggest theories surrounding these mutilations the first ever documented case of cattle mutilation was actually on a horse in early September of 1967 a woman named Agnes king and her son Harry discovered the deceased body of a three year old horse named lady ladies had had been completely skinned and defleshed and had cuts that appeared to be extremely precise not a trace of blood was found at the scene and according to Harry a strong medicinal scent was in the air it to be noted that early in the press coverage lady was incorrectly miss named as snippy which was actually a different horse they owned in 1975 Democratic senator Floyd K Haskell contacted the FBI as his constituents had large concerns around the cattle mutilations at the time over a hundred and thirty reported in Colorado alone and even more across nine other neighboring states the FBI years later reported that over eight thousand cases of mutilations were recorded and caused over 1 million dollars in damages and again and may of 2001 are reported two hundred goats were mutilated in Indonesia so if all looking effusion around these mutilations let's break down what it may be natural cause animal cruelty and cults government and UFOs or unknown creatures so what's the case of natural causes well that's a complicated and multi-layered question let's start with this what was the cause of missing or severely mutilated organs such as the eyes genitalia tongue and mouth the simple explanation is that small scavenger animals and burrowing parasites found the body and entered or consumed the body in areas where skin was its thinnest vultures often even go straight for the eyes mouth or anus of a dead animal the excess thing in our organs easier what about the constant reports of no blood being at the same as it turns out that is a pretty logical explanation - after death blood tends to pool up parts close to the ground where it breaks down just like the other organs do and any blood spilled outside the body that disappears may simply dry up as a result of being exposed to the Sun or insects consume it ok ok bored about those precise almost surgical precision - reported by every case in mutilation experts claim that to be the result of tearing and skin due to bloating from decomposing and also dehydration causes the skin to shrink and tear so that seems pretty damning evidence right to anyone at would but the farmers who experienced it never seem to agree in this opinion mainly because they always claim their animals were healthy and safe from predators that might have caused them an early death in fact ranchers normally state that those mutilated were very strong healthy and often at the top of the pack many believe this is the work of human beings with sick desires but then as some of its own downfalls which I'll get to in just a few seconds anyway the theory is that people are stealing animals and mutilating them possibly for pleasure and our sexual stimulation many point the Colts that they often reportedly sacrifice all different kinds of animals draining the blood and harvesting their organs and keeping them for consumption however this theory came at a time of national concern around cults and may have just been created in the midst of fear or to manifest fear and others it was the closest to a theory without even a remedial amount of evidence when investigated no connections are found to any cults nor were any one even suspected of being involved on the night's prior to the discovery of mutilations there have been numerous witness testimonies of the exact same thing from Virginia to Nebraska Utah and Iowa plus more ranchers and farmers that have all consistently called the same stories telling of saying large disc-shaped objects flying in the sky being followed and possibly watched by multiple unmarked black helicopters sometimes one sometimes more even though there's no actual evidence such as pictures or artifacts recovered it's hard to dispute their claims as they are all almost identical another very popular theory is the involvement of unknown creatures the most well-known being the chupacabra however is unlikely of that at least happen all over the world and the chupacabra is mainly Mexican folklore and may be more present in that area if it does exist whether these mutilations are the work of one of these are multiple reasons whatever is happening to these poor animals that may never be truly discovered I'll leave that to you to decide thank you for watching and I will see you on the flip side you
Channel: ScareTheater
Views: 324,907
Rating: 4.929276 out of 5
Keywords: cattle, mutilation, aliens, nature, mystery, debunked, explained, analysis, creepy, scary, urban, legend, psychos
Id: razcda8Q63U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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