The Mysterious World of 11 Dimensions - 11 Dimensions Explained- Higher Dimensions Explained

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this video covers all the dimensions starting from the zeroth dimension to the 11th Dimension One By One in great detail friends let me tell you that this is the most detailed video on 11 Dimensions that you can find on YouTube here you will also get answers to some important questions like what we mean by Dimensions why do physicists and mathematicians study extra Dimensions how many dimensions are there in the universe and if there are so many dimensions in existence then why we are not able to perceive them so let's first understand what we actually mean by dimensions a dimension is the number of coordinates required to specify the position of an object in a space for example a point in one dimensional space requires a single coordinate let's say x a point in two dimensional space requires two coordinates let's say X and Y and a point in three-dimensional space would require three coordinates let's call them X Y and Z in the same way objects present in higher dimensions for example in the seventh Dimension would need seven coordinates or seven variables to specify its location in a space but now you may ask why do physicists and mathematicians study extra Dimensions actually we live in the three-dimensional world and cannot directly experience higher Dimensions these Dimensions seem to be hidden but is still scientists and mathematicians are working hard to find them but why one reason is that it can help to explain phenomena that cannot be explained with just three dimensions for example the theory of general relativity suggests that gravity is a result of the curvature of space time in order to fully understand this Theory it may be necessary to consider extra Dimensions another reason to study extra Dimensions is that the idea of extra Dimensions can help to unify different theories of physics for example String Theory which is one of the leading contenders for the Theory of Everything suggests that the Universe has 11 Dimensions including Time by considering extra Dimensions String Theory can account for the behavior of particles and forces in a way that cannot be explained by other theories related to just three dimensions now I will discuss how many dimensions are there in the universe according to classical physics there are three dimensions of a space length breadth and depth and one dimension is of time the general theory of relativity combines these four dimensions into a single Dimension known as space time Dimension where time Dimension is not separate from space Dimension but the string theory requires extra Dimensions to exist according to the string theory there are total 10 dimensions and as per M Theory which is an extension of the string theory total number of dimensions are 11 not just this according to the bosonic string theory which is the original version of string theory the space time is 26 dimensional now an obvious question arises if there are so many dimensions in existence then why we are not able to perceive them why we cannot feel the presence of higher Dimensions actually we might be living in higher Dimensions without being aware of it but because of the limitations of our brain and senses we may not be able to perceive them according to some researches extra Dimensions may become turned up at extremely small scales this scale is so small that we cannot see them with our experiments based on current Technologies as we live in a three-dimensional world it's very hard for our three-dimensional brain to visualize higher Dimensions there is a process known as compactification where higher dimensions are curled in on themselves on changing our reference frame and going into microscopic level we will find higher Dimensions let me explain it with the help of a simple interesting example suppose we are looking at a rope from some distance which is tied between two rocks from this distance we will see only one dimension of the rope that is length now imagine that an ant is crawling onto the Rope so from the frame of reference of and the Rope is at least two dimension dimensional as it can see its breadth and thickness also along with its length the end can also feel the grooves and roughness of the Rope if we go to microscopic level and see from the reference frame of atoms then we will see a whole new world of three dimensional atoms having solid nucleus and electrons revolving around it in three-dimensional space on going further into the microscopic level of strings inside the atom we will see that strings are vibrating in 11 Dimensions everything in this universe is made up of tiny vibrating Loops known as strings according to string theory so you can understand how we can find higher Dimensions at the microscopic level now I will discuss all the dimensions starting from the zeroth dimension to 11th dimension in detail Zero Dimensional world or 0d the zeroth dimension is the most basic concept of Dimensions it represents a point or a location in a space that has no length width object in other words it has no physical extent and cannot be seen or measured despite its Simplicity the zeroth dimension is a crucial Concept in mathematics and physics as it serves as the foundation for higher dimensional spaces a Zero Dimensional world may seem like a strange concept but it is an essential one for understanding the underlying principles of our universe in mathematics the zeroth dimension is used to describe a single point with no dimension for example a single dot on a piece of paper can be described as having zero Dimensions next comes the one dimensional World 1D imagine a world that exists only in one dimension a world where length is the only Dimension this is the concept of a one-dimensional world a theoretical world that challenges our understanding of space and the existence of life itself this Dimension is often used as a reference point to describe more complex objects and dimensions in a one-dimensional world everything exists on a single line therefore there is no wealth or death this means that objects or life in this world would be extremely thin existing only as lines themselves despite its Simplicity a one-dimensional world will pose some fascinating challenges for example how would objects move in this world in our three-dimensional world we can move in any direction we choose but in a one-dimensional world movement would be restricted to Only One Direction forward or backward along the line this means that objects would be limited in their ability to move and interact with one another despite these limitations a one-dimensional world would still be capable of supporting life in fact some scientists have speculated that there could be intelligent beings living in such a World perhaps existing as complex patterns of lines of course a one-dimensional world is purely theoretical and it's unlikely that we will ever encounter such a world in reality but by exploring these theoretical worlds we can gain a deeper understanding of our own existence and nature of the universe around us the concept of a 1D World challenges our understanding of space and physics and helps us to appreciate the complexities of our own three-dimensional world two dimensions world in the two-dimensional World objects only have length and wealth as there is no depth everything is flat and exists on a plane surface therefore objects in the two-dimensional world would have non-zero area but zero volume this concept of a two-dimensional world has intrigued scientists mathematicians and philosophers for centuries and has been the subject of countless books movies and discussions a flat sheet of paper having negligible thickness may be considered as an example of 2D object now imagine living in a world made up of flat objects everything you see would be flat or two dimensional in this world all the trees cars houses people and animals would be flat even your own body would be it to the object consisting of only length and width in this flat land there would be nothing like up or down you cannot jump in this world as there is no Third Dimension available for you to jump objects can only be pulled or pushed in that plane hence the laws of physics would be very different in the flat world one of the most fascinating aspects of a two-dimensional world is the concept of perspective in our three-dimensional World perspective allows us to see objects some different angles giving us a sense of depth and distance but in a two-dimensional World there is no depth therefore objects can only be viewed from a single perspective this means that objects would appear very different depending on where you are standing or looking from next we are going to discuss the three-dimensional World also known as the 3D World the concept of a three-dimensional world is not a new one as it is the world we live in every day however the inter cases and complexities of a three-dimensional world are often overlooked and taken for granted on adding one more Dimension to two dimensional objects we enter into the world of three dimensions this third dimension is of depth on adding the third dimension of depth the flat objects turn into the solid three-dimensional objects having non zero volumes in a three-dimensional world we are free to move in three directions forward and backward left and right and up and down as 3D objects have some volume there if you buy some space unlike flat objects one of the unique features of a three-dimensional world is the ability to perceive depth in addition to death perception the three-dimensional word allows for a wide range of movement and motion we can move in any direction and objects in our environment can move in any direction as well one of the key features of the third dimension is that it allows for the creation of objects with volume in the first and second Dimensions we can only create flat two-dimensional shapes such as squares circles and triangles but in the third dimension we can create cubes spheres and other 3D image objects that have length width and depth friends here in this video I have explained the fourth dimension in detail solid objects need three coordinates length width and height for their geometrical representation therefore they are called three-dimensional objects you should keep it in mind that all these three coordinates are perpendicular to each other in the same way four dimensional objects need four coordinates for their representation please note that the fourth coordinate should be perpendicular to the other three coordinates actually a four dimensional space is a mathematical extension of the concept of three dimensional space now I will discuss what superpowers a four-dimensional being would have it would be possible for a person living in the four dimensions to go back in time and change the decisions made by him in the past and start a new timeline but here it should be noted that as no parallel universes exist in the fourth dimension he can have a single timeline therefore his old timeline will end and new timeline will start based on his changed decision a fourth dimensional being can not only control time but also would have many other powers like it would be able to see inside the solid objects because that being would have a 3D retina that can see the whole solid 3D object in its entirety including its internal structure for example it would be possible for him to see what's happening inside a closed room or on the other side of the wall he can also see the internal organs of upper body and many other surprising things like this it would not be possible for 3D beings like us to bound him as he would escape from the extra physical Dimension the fourth dimension as three-dimensional beings like us cannot be bounded by two dimensional structures like a square rectangle or triangle we would escape from the third dimension perpendicular to the plane of these 2D shapes similarly the fourth dimensional beings cannot be bounded by three dimensional structures they would easily Escape through the fourth dimension these are some of the capabilities of the fourth dimensional beings that seem Supernatural to us they would be able to use the extra dimensional powers in so many ways that you cannot even imagine for Simplicity I will explain here one of the simplest four dimensional structure this four dimensional structure is called as the test resurrect actually Tesseract is the four dimensional analog of the cube the simplest way to represent a tesseract is by drawing two 3D cubes one encompassing the other on a 2d plane these two cubes are separated by an unseen distance we know that a 3D cube has eight vertices we now connect the respective eight vertices of both the cubes now comes the interesting part of the Tesseract actually these eight lines that connect the vertices of both the cubes represent a single Direction in the fourth dimension that we cannot see we know that the surface of the cube consists of 6 Square phases in the same way the hypersurface of the Tesseract has eight cubicle cells the Tesseract has 16 vertices and 32 edges we can say that the Tesseract is a four-dimensional hypercube friends now we will understand and visualize the fourth dimension using various techniques of dimensional analogy like cross sections projections and bounding volumes dimensional analogy is an important tool to understand higher Dimensions it is used to study how n minus 1 Dimensions relate to n dimensions and then inferring how n Dimensions would relate to n plus 1 Dimensions we are living in a three-dimensional world let's say it is the nth Dimension it means n plus 1 is the fourth dimension and N minus 1 is the second dimension so we can use the dimensional analogy to understand the next higher Dimension that is the n plus 1 Dimension the fourth dimension for this all we have to do is to First understand how a lower Dimension that is the second dimension or n minus 1 Dimension relates to our third dimension that is the nth Dimension let's understand this with the help of an interesting example suppose a three-dimensional being enters into the world of two-dimensional beings we can call these two dimensional beings flat lenders for the flat lenders the being of Third Dimension would be like God they would be surprised by his powers a threat lender can only see things that are present in its 2D plane World a three-dimensional being would be able to remove objects from a safe of flat lenders simply by moving them across the third dimension as the flat lenders cannot see anything which is above their flat land so when a 3D being removes any object from a two-dimensional safe through the third dimension perpendicular to the 2D surface Flatlanders would be surprised and may wonder how someone can take out the objects from the safe without breaking it open Flatlanders would not be able to see the third dimensional being who stole the objects from the safe if he is present above or below the 2D plane in the third dimension let's now try to understand the concept of fourth dimension using an interesting example of cross section of objects suppose a 3D object passes through a 2d plane then what would the 2D being see actually two dimensional beings cannot see anything that is above or below their 2D plane so when a three dimensional object passes through a 2d plane then the 2D beings would only observe the cross section of the 3D object cut by that plane to understand it let's take an example if an apple which is a 3D object enters into the 2D world and passes through their 2D plane then beings of the 2D world would not be able to see it until it touches their flat land when the Apple just touches the surface it would appear as a DOT as the Apple passes through the 2D surface of the flat lenders gradually the Apple will appear as a growing Circle until it reaches the diameter of the apple and then the circle will become smaller and smaller then again a point and then disappear from the eyes of the flat lenders but here it should be kept in mind that the 2D beings would not see the circle like us as they would have only one dimensional retina in their eyes therefore one dimensional image of the Sun Circle would be projected on their one-dimensional retina you can understand this concept of retina from the example of our 3D world as we live in a 3D World and have two dimensional retina so actually we see only two dimensional projection of three dimensional objects as our retina is only two dimensional we are an inverted two-dimensional image of three-dimensional objects is formed it is our brain that can create a 3D model of the object using 2D input from our eyes the brain can analyze and process information like lightning Shadow gradient and perspective to create an image with depth which is nothing but a three-dimensional image of the object this is the reason V the three-dimensional beings with our two dimensional retina cannot see three dimensional objects in their entirety for example we cannot see all the surfaces of a cubical box at the same time nor we can see what's present inside the closed box simultaneously for seeing the Box in its entirety we need to see it from different angles separately because we are seeing only 2D projection of the Box on our two-dimensional retina in the same way four dimensional beings would have three dimensional retina so they would not be able to see the four dimensional objects in their entirety the three-dimensional projection of the four-dimensional object will be formed on their 3D retina similarly if a four-dimensional object passes through our three-dimensional world then we would only see three dimensional cross section of the four-dimensional object V with our two dimensional retina can see two dimensional objects in its entirety for example we can see a rectangle in its entirety it's all sides and also its complete inner area at the same time in the same way a four-dimensional being can see a 3D object in its entirety as a four-dimensional being would have three dimensional retina therefore three-dimensional projection is formed on its three-dimensional retina for example a four-dimensional being can see all the sides of a cubical box and also what's inside it at the same time as it can form a 3D image of the object on its 3D retina I know it may sound magical to a three-dimensional being we can visualize the fourth dimension also by using bounding volumes as we know that two dimensional objects are bounded by one dimensional boundaries like a two dimensional square is bounded by four one dimensional edges in the same way three-dimensional objects are bounded by two dimensional surfaces like a three-dimensional cube is bounded by 6 square faces so we may infer by applying the dimensional analogy that a four-dimensional object is bounded by three dimensional volumes it has also been proved by mathematics that the Tesseract is bounded by 8 cubes now I will discuss a controversial topic the topic is is time a dimension in order to accurately describe the position of an object we need not just the special dimensions to tell its location but also time Dimension to know how that position changes with time suppose someone is driving a car then its location is changing every moment in this case only special dimensions are not enough to describe its complete information regarding the motion because nothing can move instantaneously in a space without moving in time for moving in space we need to move in time too therefore time is a dimension you would find it interesting that as we move faster in space we move slower in time this phenomena is called time dilation if we could approach the speed of light then we will not move in time at all time will stop for us at this highest possible speed it also means that we move in time at the maximum rate when we are stationary in a space Not only time but also the distance along the direction of motion contracts we call it the length contraction at the speed of light the distance along the direction of motion contracts down to zero so we can say that space and time are not separate or absolute they are inseparable as we know it in space-time fabric so it would not be right to say that time is not a dimension some call it the fourth dimension or some say that it's present in all Dimensions whatsoever it be it is clear that time is a dimension where we can move only in the forward Direction five dimensional World 5D actually parallel universes exist in this dimension in this case you will have another versions of yourself in parallel universes that would be living their lives independently they would have separate timelines for the parallel universes but their lives in different parallel universes will be based on cause and effect it means their lives will change as per the decisions made by yourself versions in different universes but one limitation of Fifth Dimension is that you cannot meet yourself version directly using shortcuts to another timeline of parallel universe now I will tell you why the researchers believe in the presence of The Fifth Dimension and why they needed The Fifth Dimension actually researchers wanted to develop a theory that unifies the four fundamental forces in nature which are electromagnetism gravity is strong and weak nuclear forces for this they needed a five-dimensional space in 1921 a German mathematician Theodore caluza and Swedish physicist Oscar clean independently developed a theory known as the Calusa clean Theory the Calusa clean theory used The Fifth Dimension for unifying two fundamental forces in nature gravity and electromagnetic force but later it was found that their approaches were partially inaccurate now we will see why the Fifth Dimension cannot be observed directly by humans clean suggested that the fifth the dimension would be rolled up into a tiny and compact Loop and this Loop is on the order of 10 raised to minus 33 centimeters under this reasoning plane envisioned light as the disturbance caused by Rippling in the higher Dimension which is just beyond the perception of humans to make it more simple let's take a simple analogy Suppose there is a fish in a pond when it rains ripples are created in the water of pond because of the raindrops but the fish present in the water can only see Shadows of ripples across the surface of the water although the gravity and electromagnetic forces seem unrelated but introduction of The Fifth Dimension can help in finding connection between these forces later the idea of super string theory and super gravity provided is strong support to the Calusa clean Theory actually according to the superstring theory everything in the universe is made up of tiny vibrating Loops known as strings and these strings vibrate in 11 Dimensions therefore it made the scientists believe that there are at least 11 dimensions in the universe hence Calusa claim Theory suggesting five dimensions of space was supported by the super String Theory now I will discuss what is the scientific evidence for the existence of The Fifth Dimension although we cannot directly observe The Fifth Dimension but it is possible to record indirect evidence of existence of The Fifth Dimension it has been made possible by the Large Hadron Collider LHC but how does it work actually when the subatomic particles Collide in the Large Hadron Collider new particles are produced including graviton it was found that the gravitone escapes from the fourth dimension and leaks off into five dimensional bulk next we will see the supernatural powers that a person living in The Fifth Dimension would possess a fifth dimensional being would have all the powers that a lower dimensional being has along with many extra capabilities a being of 5 Dimensions would be able to control time as per his wish he would be able to move in any direction in time past or future it would be possible for him to be present at different locations simultaneously the fifth dimensional being would be able to choose different carrier paths or jobs at the same time for example he may choose the professions of a doctor an engineer and an artist simultaneously actually parallel universes exist in the five dimensional space therefore in five dimensional space you may have different self versions of yourself in parallel universes your different self versions were would have separate timelines so they will live their lives independently lives of different versions of yourself in different universes having separate timelines will be based on cause and effect it means their lives will be based on the decisions made by yourself versions living in different universes now we will discuss the limitations of the fifth dimensional world one major limitation of this Dimension is there are no shortcuts between the timelines you cannot jump directly from a point on one timeline to another point on other timeline it means if you wanted to meet yourself a version living in another parallel universe then you cannot meet him directly as I have already mentioned that the Fifth Dimension is based on cause and effect therefore to meet your another self version you will have to go to the point of cause in past on the time line but the dimensions higher than the Fifth Dimension are free from this limitation there are shortcuts between the timelines in higher Dimensions it means shortcuts are possible between the timelines in the dimensions even higher than the Fifth Dimension six dimensional World 6D 6th dimensional space is comprised of all possible three-dimensional realities that could exist essentially it is a space that contains all possible variations of our world in the sixth Dimension time is not linear but rather a collection of all possible moments that exist simultaneously this means that every event that has ever occurred or will ever occur exists in the same space in the sixth Dimension the sixth Dimension is a space of infinite possibilities where every possible reality can exist it is a place where every decision we make creates a new reality branching off into an infinite number of possibilities in this Dimension every choice creates a new Branch leading to an entirely new reality in a six-dimensional world the rules of physics and the nature of matter could be vastly different from what we experience in our three-dimensional world for example the force of gravity could be much stronger or weaker and particles could have different properties or behave in different ways while the sixth Dimension is a theoretical construct that exists beyond our current understanding of the universe it is an essential part of many scientific theories such as String Theory the sixth Dimension helps explain the nature of our universe and how it interacts with our other dimensions while it may be a difficult concept to grow us it is an essential part of many scientific theories a six-dimensional being has all the powers that a person living in The Fifth Dimension has along with some extra capabilities parallel universes exist also in the sixth Dimension a six dimensional being can see all the presence pasts and features of all the parallel universes but one limitation of the sixth Dimension is that all the parallel universes must have the same beginning or the initial conditions that is the Big Bang like in The Fifth Dimension in the sixth Dimension also you are free to choose multiple carriers of your choice and your multiple versions can live their lives simultaneously in parallel universes as I already discussed one problem with the Fifth Dimension was you cannot meet yourself version in another parallel universe directly using shortcuts but the sixth Dimension is free from this limitation you can easily jump from the timeline of your Universe to any point present on the timeline of any parallel universe now let's discuss the seven dimensional World 7D According to some theories the seventh Dimension is a space-time continent that connects all possible universes and timelines it is a realm of pure possibility where everything that can exist does exist in other words the seventh Dimension is a place where all possible universes and timelines converge in this realm every possible outcome of every possible decision is not only possible but actually exists it means that every decision you could have made every path you could have taken every reality that could have been all exist in in the seventh Dimension imagine a book with every possible story that could ever be written the seventh Dimension is like a library where every possible book that could ever exist all in one place it's a space that is unimaginably vast containing every possible outcome of every possible choice that could ever be made seventh Dimension can have infinite number of universes a being of seventh Dimension can have infinite forms of itself and can move from one Universe to any other Universe all the powers that are possessed by a sixth dimensional being are also possessed by the seventh dimensional being the seventh Dimension is free from the limitations of the sixth Dimension the seventh dimensional universes may have originated from different start conditions a person living in the seventh Dimension can have infinite forms of itself which are able to move freely between all the infinite number of universes at his will these infinite number of universes may have originated from different initial conditions not just the Big Bang eight-dimensional worlds eight D the concept of the eighth Dimension may seem like a far-fetched idea but in theoretical physics it is illegitimate possibility one of the most intriguing possibilities is that the eighth Dimension would be a higher level version of the lower Dimensions one way to think about the eighth Dimension is to consider how it relates to the lower Dimensions just as two dimensional object such as a flat piece of paper can be thought of as a series of one-dimensional lines and a three-dimensional object such as a cube can be thought of as a series of two-dimensional surfaces in the same way an eight-dimensional object can be thought of as a series of seven dimensional surfaces or shapes this would mean that everything we see in our three-dimensional world would be a projection of the higher dimensional reality in an eight-dimensional World there would be eight different ways to measure space this means that in addition to length width and depth and time there would be four more Dimensions that we cannot even imagine while the concept of an eight-dimensional world may seem like pure science fiction there are actually real world applications for this idea for example some researchers believe that an eight dimensional world could be used to explain phenomena such as dark matter and dark energy these are both mysterious substances that make up a large portion of the universe but cannot be seen directly the eighth Dimension has as a plane of all possible presents pasts and futures for all the infinite number of parallel universes and all these infinite universes extend up to Infinity String Theory says that in the eighth Dimension objects do not have any physical existence you may think of it somewhat similar to our digital world where we cannot touch the objects but only can see or hear them they can change shapes size and appear or disappear instantly so it may be somewhat similar to the virtual reality nine-dimensional world 9d in the ninth Dimension every possible timeline every possible reality and every possible Universe exists simultaneously this means that there are an infinite number of universes existing alongside ours each with its own unique set of physical laws constants and outcomes the this concept is known as the Multiverse Theory which suggests that our universe is just one of many possible universes that exist in the larger fabric of space-time one way to visualize the ninth Dimension is to think of it as a vast Library containing every possible book that could ever be written each book represents a different reality or universe and every possible outcome or decision is recorded in its Pages the library itself is the ninth Dimension a space that contains all possible realities and timelines yet exists beyond the constraints of time in space as we know them infinite number of universes exist in the ninth Dimension it is possible for the universes in the 9th Dimension to have their own laws of physics and separate conditions and probabilities of their origin you may be surprised to know that in the ninth Dimension many civilizations or aliens may live simultaneously at the same place these coexisting civilizations may not see or feel the presence of each other the ninth dimensional beings would have mind-boggling superpowers that being would be capable of going to any point in time past present or future of any infinite number of universes he would have no physical form and would be able to move freely in space and time in any of the universes while it may never be possible to directly observe or interact with this Dimension it is still serves as an important component of the theoretical framework that seek to explain the fundamental laws of physics and the working of the universe 10-dimensional world 10d the 10th Dimension is also believed to be a place where all all possible versions of the universe exist simultaneously this is known as the Multiverse Theory and it suggests that our universe is just one of an infinite number of universes that exist in different dimensions each of these universes may have different physical laws constants and dimensions one way to visualize the Tenth Dimension is through the concept of hyperspace which is a theoretical space that contains more than the three dimensions of space and one dimension of time that we are familiar with in hyperspace the 10th Dimension can be thought of as a point that moves along a line of time creating a timeline of all possible events that can occur in the universe this timeline is often referred to as the block Universe the implications of the 10th dimension for our understanding of the universe are profound if the Multiverse theory is true then it means that there are an infinite number of versions of ourselves living in different universes it also means that there are maybe different versions of laws of physics and constants that govern the universe which could have significant implications for our understanding of the nature of reality the 10th dimensional being would have infinite Powers he would be able to do the things that are beyond your imagination he would be able to control even their space-time and everything present in all the infinite number of universes so what would you call that 10th dimensional being whose infinitely powerful I think you can call him the god some researchers also suggest that God lives in the 10th Dimension 11 dimensional world 11d in the 1970s String Theory emerged as a possible solution to the problem of unifying the forces of nature 11th Dimension is a fundamental component of a string theory String Theory poses that the universe is composed of tiny one-dimensional strings which vibrate at different frequencies to produce the different particles and forces that we observe these strings require extra Dimensions to exist and the theory requires the existence of 11 Dimensions 10 of a space and one of time a string theory proposes that these additional special dimensions are too small for us to observe directly these dimensions are thought to be curled up or compactified meaning that they are tightly wrapped up in tiny Loops or shapes that we cannot see or perceive in the 1990s a new Theory called M Theory immersed which proposed the existence of the 11th Dimension this Theory Builds on previous theories such as a string theory and super Symmetry and attempts to unify all the fundamental forces of the universe the 11th Dimension is a crucial component of this Theory M Theory is an extension of a string theory that proposes that there are multiple universes or Brains Brains is actually an acronym for membranes each brain has its own set of Dimensions M Theory requires the existence of 11 dimensions in the universe that we can observe but it also proposes the existence of other universes with different number of dimensions in M Theory a brain is a multi-dimensional object that exists within the universe brains can have different dimensions from one dimensional strings to higher dimensional objects like d brains or M brains these brains are thought to be the fundamental building blocks of the universe with particles and other forms of matter being composed of these objects brains can interact with each other and their interactions are thought to be responsible for the fundamental forces of nature for example the electromagnetic force may be caused by the interaction of strings and brains m30 suggests that our universe may exist on a brain of its own known as the brain world this idea is part of the larger concept of the Multiverse in which there may be many different universes existing on different brains the 11th Dimension is sometimes referred to as the brain world or the bulk in this Dimension all possible universes and outcomes exist simultaneously it is like a massive landscape of all the possible ways the universe could be each one represented by a different brain or membrane within the 11th Dimension some scientists have speculated that the reason we observe only three special dimensions is because the other dimensions are hidden within the 11th Dimension the existence of the 11th Dimension has profound implications for our understanding of the universe one of the most significant implications is that it provides a possible explanation for why gravity is so weak compared to other fundamental forces such as electromagnetism in M Theory gravity is proposed to exist in the 11th Dimension and is therefore diluted in our observed Universe this dilution could explain why gravity appears to be weaker than other fundamental forces another implication of the 11th Dimension is that it may be possible to travel between different brains and therefore between different universes this is because the different brains within the 11th Dimension are separated by tiny gaps or wormholes that could potentially be traversed at present there is no direct experimental evidence for the existence of the 11th Dimension however there are some indirect indications that it might exist one possible line of evidence comes from the fact that string theory predicts the existence of particles called gravitons which are hypothesized to mediate the force of gravity gravitones would exist in the 11th Dimension and the properties could be indirectly measured through experiments that look for the effects of gravitational waves despite the theoretical framework of M Theory and proposed existence of the 11th Dimension experimental evidence for this Dimension is currently lacking however several research Avenues are being explored to detect the potential if evidence for the 11th Dimension One approaches through the use of particle accelerators such as the Large Hadron Collider these experiments aim to detect new particles that could provide evidence for the existence of the 11th Dimension another approaches through the observation of cosmic microwave background radiation which is the Afterglow of the big bang by stirring this radiation scientists hope to detect subtle variations that could provide evidence for the existence of the 11th Dimension but is there any way to visualize the 11th Dimension actually the visualization of the 11th Dimension is a highly abstract and theoretical concept and cannot be directly observed or experienced in our physical reality however by using analogy's mathematical models and visual representations we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex Concepts it is difficult to give a concrete example of what and 11 Dimensions might look like since we cannot observe it directly however we can imagine a simpler version of the concept by considering a two-dimensional object like a piece of paper we can move in two directions on the paper left right and up down what if we roll the paper up into a tube we have effectively created a third dimension the dimension of the tube circumference in the same way the extra dimensions in string theory are thought to be curled up in complex shapes that you cannot see or interact with directly but there is still have an impact on the behavior of the universe another way to approach the visualization of higher Dimensions is through mathematical models and visual representations for example the calipio manifold is a mathematical concept that is of often used to visualize the extra dimensions in string theory this is a complex geometrical structure that has been studied extensively in mathematics and physics and can be visualized through computer-generated graphics and animations so friends this was all about Dimensions if you found the video interesting and informative then please like and share it if you have any doubts then feel free to write in the comment section and for more such videos don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel engineering Made Easy thanks for watching
Channel: Engineering Made Easy
Views: 22,261
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Keywords: 11 dimensions explained, 11 dimensions, eleven dimensions, eleven dimensions explained, eleven dimensional space, dimensions, string theory, dimensions explained, all dimensions explained, all dimensions visualization, dimension, how many dimensions are there in the universe, higher dimensions explained, 4th dimension, 5th dimension, 6th dimension, 7th dimension, 8th dimension, 9th dimension, 10th dimension, 11th dimension, 0th dimension, m theory, branes in M theory
Id: Qj4iZzWxoJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 0sec (3120 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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