EL PASO "MISTERIOSO" de Guatemala: ¿por qué los autos caminan solos?

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No driver, okay, there is no one there, the car is moving alone, holly molly! Billy, I am very afraid! Hey yes, this is quite, quite impressive, hello Mr. ghost! Having fun? [Music] [Music] What's up guys? what's up my buddies! What's up my friends, the pigeon king has landed in Guatemala lands, yes the journey through Guatemala begins, beautiful, beautiful country that I had already visited many, many years ago. I don't remember so well, really a lot of years have passed, so I said "why not go again? I think it is time to visit you once again, refresh my memory, document as much as possible, we will be visiting so, so cool places, something tells me that you are going to like this country very much. First culture shock that I have found in Guatemala my friends, you know it well I am the pigeon king, in fact my clothing brand is called pigeon king, and it turns out that the word pigeon is a way to call the male member, the penis is colloquially called pigeon, so in the street people call me "hey, you are the pigeon king, you are the penis king and i am like"no my brother there is a big difference between being the penis king, and being THE KING" another little thing that I have been said a lot in the streets, is that it seems that here became well known a news that says I poisoned some pigeons in a park or something, so a lot of people let me know, they say that youtuber is the one that killed the pigeons at the park, and I'm like what? I would never harm a pigeon nor a penis, I'm pigeon king my friends. So now we begin this journey in a community called San Felipe de Jesús very very close to old Guatemala, approximately one hour, one hour and a half from the capital of this country Guatemala city. Today we will be looking at the generals, we will be visiting, learning local words, looking at local handicrafts, usually happens that always in the initial video from an adventure people tell me "Luisito you didn't visit this and you missed to see more"... my friends, if you are new subscribers, I know that lately there are several more, I always do several videos of a country, then keep calm, this is going to be a long and detailed journey, and very very nice, come join me my friends, 'cause the beautiful, prettiest Guatemala waits wait for us, let's hit it [Music] Okay, first little thing we are going to do here in Guatemala, I notice that at the streets, it is very very normal to see these t-shirt stands, with traditional phrases, so I'll tell the truth okay? I admit that my pigeon king shirt is a real jewel, that we all should have honestly, but I think it's cooler to have a local garment, so let's see what we found. Watch these cracks have a prayer to the beer, this prayer says "holy beer, you are in the refreshing ice, your name sounds refreshing, come to my mouth your body, make me feel the taste of the encounter, make me feel your presence at the table as in the stand, give us today our every day drink, forgive our blends just as we forgive the waiter, don't let us fall in the ground and and rescue us from cirrhosis... amen son of... that's what it says? ha ha ha Oh! I got it!! it says, look it says like HIP! like he has hiccups, I thought it was son of... ha ha, there it is, prayer to beer, in case you had any doubts, let's see I'm going to take this one, this is cool. I chose mine, it fits me so "cabal" (good) they say here, "it fits you cabal" it has some phrases, I like this word "mucha" I remember the first time I came here everyone said "mucha". What you think? it looks nice, looks with quality, let's keep look, let's see what else we find! [Music] I found a lady here, Argelia, how are you? -"im fine thank god". They are telling me that this outfit she is wearing, is from San Juan Comalapa region, it's so pretty... I want to tell you about this peculiar fact, this is the 5 cents quetzal coin, Guatemalas coin is the quetzal, this coin is equivalent to one quetzal, that's approximately 15 cents of a dollar, which is about 3 Mexican pesos, a little bit less. Okay, the 25 cents coin has an interesting story; look at the woman here, she is an indigenous woman this woman did exist, she was a real life person, she was called Concepcion, obviously at being in the 25 cents coin, people got to love her and nicknamed her "Doña Chona" okay Doña Chona is a very famous character in Guatemala the interesting fact is that, about 70 years or so ago, that she agreed to be in the coin, to be portrayed to be the coins image, she was paid the amount of two quetzales my friends, what nowadays where like "hey take this to be the coins image for over 70 years friend" and the years that are yet to come "take 2 quetzales"... I don't know how much it would worth back then, I would imagine that much more, but it's like if nowadays they tell you: "hey you're going to be this countrys coin image, take 30 cents of a dollar, how interesting, sad fact, about 5 years ago Doña Chona passed away, she died, but she's fondly remembered, with so much love, because, of course, she will be part of Guatemalas culture possibly forever or for decades perhaps hundreds of years to come maybe. [Music] All this is the course of the main square from Old Guatemala, and I have realized that in such a classic city as well preserved as this one, can be super, super well appreciate the amount of churches that used to be in the past, when the Europeans first came to America. In fact, a precise fact, in this city we can appreciate a church in every 100 meters and now that we were flying the drone we could really appreciate it truth you can see a church after a church after a church, after a church...what is this all about Luisillo? Do the inhabitants of Old Guatemala are very religious? maybe yes, but that's not the reason, the reason is because when they first arrived, the Europeans, they were looking for a way to squeeze out every penny that the locals could give them, so they devised a magic system based on the religion, which was called the tithe system, so, since religion had been impressed on them, like "hey, God's gonna take care of you, God's gonna do everything for you, the Virgin Mary story, and Jesus who came to rescue us" and they told them "But if you want Gods protection, our lord, if you want him to to take care of you in all his splendor, my friend, you have to give us the 10 percent of all that you have" they called this "tithe" because it is the 10%, so, people as they wanted the protection of the church they willingly went and with much honesty because of course they didn't you can lie to the church they would go and give 10% of all that I had and from this way it was like they were doing a lot a lot a lot of money of course with this I'm not saying of laiglesia or anything of course that there are excellent churches and there is no generalize to very very good churches that do very small things but at least what could be seen here and the reason why there were so many churches was so that all the inhabitants would not have a pretext and all would give his 10 deserves it, of course it does. the church deserves it there is a way to take away their wealth from the locals of a completely voluntary way go data [Music] and you will see touring this beautiful country guate buena I asked to be brought to me especially to meet the pass mysterious I was watching several videos on the internet reading various things that claim that it is indeed a very mysterious very very peculiar because it is it's about a stretch of road that goes in downhill but in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this in spite of this that the road goes down things go up wow there are videos on the internet of people who put your car in neutral and you you can clearly see how it goes like this embassies the automobiles add up from Likewise I have seen that they do experiments with balls with bottles so I was around here I said why not come to meet the mysterious pass and check the green that is writing clear that it was giving me a lot of curiosity this place is located at about 130 to 140 kilometers from the city of guatemala in the department of only the arrival was easy and obviously we are going to take advantage of visit things that are in this region and well this sign indicates it to the it looks like we have arrived at the mystery pass let's see what this is all about I want us to look at this clearly here goes the road to the side that was going its life not very pronounced but there it is the rise we will see there it is let's do the experiment let's see how it goes the litmus test this circular bottle that I found in the vehicle in theory the road is going up there which is the minimum going uphill then in theory the bottle should be go down let's place it gee hey it's real the mystery is true the bottle is rising on its own goodness gracious de asis once again experimenting with those mysterious mushrooms got into him satan got into him an archer demon try something to keep some momentum to the bottle down in theory should not to keep going down because it's going like slightly like this like this like if I I feel a little bit like I'm going that way then shrink ok bottle let's hit it so much downward momentum should keep going down ok don't look if they go that way oh my goodness gracious it's like walking a doggy has a life of its own extra bottle hey what a mystery this is interesting I didn't think it was real without however it is not the videos on the internet eyes were lying if I should say that the rise as such is not so steep but it is it is evident and it is evident that it is going to there the mercury street becomes the experiment with an automobile to see if it will in the same way the car goes up by itself to see there's the irrefutable proof look there is no driver ok there is no one there and the car is moving just skies holy belle ville and I'm so scared no understand this experiment at home is a little bit with dangerous to leave the so no one will worry about it we come a whole crossroads we are monitoring but well that indeed it's only moving it's going up only the driver got into the case that truck has a life of its own is this the beginning of a very scary movie very bad fuck no yes it is quite pretty awesome hello sir ghost have fun you had already done this edwin experiment is like a optical vision which is like generally so go your theory is that it really does go downhill even though it we see of his life exactly can be I also go more to that had been reading that another theory is that supposedly although it is going down the supposedly the wind from there it kind of picks up more force like that by a perpendicular or something so it's really like the work of the wind what it's doing that things are going up and it will be blowing them down but I don't know the truth that you more with edwin and i will tell you that it is an illusion optics what really the rise that we're seeing is a drop I'm going more to that theory they've got him on the pass guatemala's mysterious if they are by the course cause this department only the only the up to the department that guatemala come to make us experiments brings several objects to do the test I think it's worth the pity it's interesting it's fun I I'm going more to that as it says of a is a optical illusion that we are leaving deceived by those mysterious mushrooms that we ate in the soup is interesting the experiment we continue to travel bella guatemala guat en a a ver qué other curiosities we found at my backs the lake of atitlán che that need lady view that we are beholding is a lady sighted already separated empowered came forth with his eight children is a man of the manor seen and from here we are watching something well peculiar look at that cemetery over there that cemetery we are contemplating check out how colorful it is, it is not a cemetery all gray as it normally is usually see this one really is very cheerful is very very colorful then this really has a reason to be and it is that here in these areas of guatemala that has the belief that that a loved one is departing does not need not be a sad thing at all the grave where thou shalt be laid to rest will be of your favorite color then for example if my favorite color is blue van to be my niche my grave all bluish this I tell you in order that these places instead of feeling sad gloomy melancholics sit down joyful because because happiness continues and life has no end for me I like very much this ideology that I they said that life is usually seen as a a life cycle as a spiral because because it has a beginning but never has an end go once you had life will remain life for the rest of eternity likewise another little thing that they were telling me that it reflects very well this ideology is that they were telling me saying that when you have a wake here in guatemala you can not miss the jokes and games of chance every time a wake happens they are going to see there's going to be someone there having the chistoretes and of course there's going to be a lot of drinking, man you bring the best dayz wine bring it to him beer that cousin johnny has just to pass away the time I see it as something very nice the fact that this is seen as not a sadness but as a joy that keeps on giving I was very much struck by the attention and indeed always the end of a cycle must be seen on the positive side even if it's something that might seem to us very ugly very dark there is always a side beautiful and the end of a cycle can always symbolize the beginning of one new [Music] we are now getting to know panajachel i say knowing in a wrong way because I had come here before I came here anyway I don't think it was a tremendous party town really that were very different time courses from traveler for me right now I'm watching it with other eyes to see you just like that as to look how nice it has a very crazy very cool a lot of crafts when it comes the first lady was as a friend of half a dollar by having them with others eyes here and edwin is sharing me some good data I appreciate it hey very interesting and just now a new one came up girl and she said hey and you had one of those picture with a friend of mine a long time ago years and I net and he told me if the his sight and you told him that you met a twin same I remember this one perfectly photography I'm going to leave you in this moment chain this crack this crack this level of padró tazo twin brother if it is that you get to see this I'll send you a hug there to meet again maybe we have more brothers lost for life brother panajachel itself is characterized because is a little beach town curiously nowadays it no longer has beach and now that it has risen so much the the water level and the beach has already disappeared at least seasonally a lot of partying a lot of relaxation a lot handicrafts and above all a lot a lot a lot October here is the capital of the duct my friends only here in all guatemala all departments in all departments referred to as to the cities that are not the capital exactly this as very place is very small very nice very cozy [Music] and well folks that's how this one concludes adventure this introduction by guatemala we've seen enough but I've been seeing a lot a lot more really already I want to come up with other videos, have being talking about very cool things, be aware to the channel that the adventure in guatemala is very good we are really crazy, so so so fun things, see you in a few days with a new video bye-bye guatemalan pimpollo [Music]
Channel: Luisito Comunica
Views: 11,078,028
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Keywords: luisitocomunica, luisitocomunicaa, luisito comunica, luisito comunicaa, luisito, comunica, comunicaa, guatemala, paso misterioso, carretera, panajachel, paso del misterio, autos, avanzan solos, avanzan, caminan, caminan solos, por que, antigua, antigua guatemala, luisito comunica guatemala, vlog, travel vlog, travel, viaje, viajar, visit, visit guatemala, guia, tour, que hacer, guide
Id: Bg-7ylWcvt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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