The Mysterious Genre Known As "Signalwave"

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so a while back I made a video on Mall soft one of the many subgenres underneath the umbrella home we called vapor wave that at its surface level is supposed to replicate the overall atmosphere and feelings of being in a grand larger-than-life shopping mall but when you look deeper at that sub-genre and the intentions of the artists who produce music within it a critiquing of our seemingly dystopian economic circle of life where big corporations flood our hyper consumers minds with things to buy that we don't even really need which eventually gets disposed as outdated only for the cycle to already have begun again provides the skeleton for the sub-genre to become more than just music but an expression of erroneous themes in human society and I love mall saw for that it's shiny glistening and reverb heavy sounds flooding your minds with over romanticized memories on the surface level only to hold a way more critical and concrete meaning beneath the wax floors of the Pall Mall makes me only more and more curious to dive deeper into the sub-genre not all mall soft musicians making the Tunes are going into it with that deep of intentions I'm sure but I think we can all feel the distractingly angelic sounds of mall soft blanketing over a bigger issue well today I want to talk to you about a sub-genre that also aims at critiquing consumerism however presents itself in quite the opposite way instead of showing off beautiful Airy meg escapes with synth sounds effects and filters like mall soft does signal wave also known as broken transmission is a sub-genre in the vapor wave universe that gets right to the point attacking your ears with a wide variety of past present and future commercial loops sound bites and clips creating this overload of channel surfing data the sub-genre is by far one of the most experimental paths you can venture through in vaporwave as artists don't really worry or care about creating something catchy or in time or anything like that to them they are really there there are really no forbidden boundaries to worry about crossing signal artists crash together loads of advertising clips radio samples and television dialogue just to name a few of the things that play around with to create these musical collages of sound giving them the opportunity to create moods and themes by placing together let's say optimistic samples with more disturbing ones a truly truly bizarre frontier that can evoke some wild feelings as a listener and not to mention the memories of sitting on your couch watching some TV back in the day who would have ever thought commercial breaks could be so damn interesting and if you're a fan for all things odd about our interest for corporate consumerism culture signal live or broken transmission is definitely the sub-genre for you but if you never heard of me no problem baby because today I'm going to talk to you about five albums that do a great job at representing the sub-genre I'm here to give you a proper introduction to the channel surfing Wonderland waiting for you in the depths of the Internet let's start off with this beast we got right over here dream sequence by nimesh not only is this one of the most well known pieces to dive into that or at least contains aspects of the broken transmission sound but it's also pretty much regarded as one of the most dynamic vaporwave albums of all time legendary vaporwave producer nimesh cooks up a link for you listen at 18 tracks that travel through a spectrum of wild emotion with no care for where you'll end up at the end of it all along the way you'll find breathtaking moments of clarity and wonder lust on this album sprouting out of thin air as tracks like keep this and favorite places for example continue stretched out synth chords and nature sound escapes to keep you afloat from the chaos that peeks out during the rest of the album and while a lot of vaporwave includes hypnotizing scents and melodies you know mean I talk all the time it's the sporadic moments on this wild natured album that kind of makes you appreciate those spa-like sounds that much more looking at the album in regards to a signal wave piece it's definitely pretty heavy on the calming instrumentation side as it's more than just a conflagration of commercial clips bouncing off of one another but the power of this album comes from that concept like there's twists and turns just when you think you're starting to get comfy and homey along its MU moments the metro strip away those peaceful currencies and suddenly force-feed you highly texturized cuts and chops of channel-surfing jaggedness using this unconventional tool for a musical composition dream sequence keeps you constantly on your toes as tracks like mas Abajo and la madre get Adela Cornejo that was pretty damn good come at you with roaring static unsure of what channel to turn to next the vocal sample headache that explodes during the latter part of the track the gullwing doors of perception is another example where a mesh subverts the tranquil side of the album into a ever falling nightmare sound and then there are these tracks that are just so unsure with what they want to be trying to climb out of the glitch like just a simple thing we're pretty piano keys and charming little jingles are trying to stay afloat above more crushing nightmarish samples I also love when the mesh just ends measures or tracks out of nowhere leaving you stranded with nothing but the boy you inevitably created for yourself by deciding to listen to be responsible and listening to dream secrets my friends at your own risk most definitely as the warm and inviting world you mesh constantly tries regaining your trust in has absolutely no problem flipping on its side and leaving you disoriented unsure if you even wanted to be here in the first place what interstellar or inception is as theatrical pieces is what dream sequence is as a musical piece beautiful landscapes that can shift and Bend when you least expect it now for a more concrete and textbook signal wave experience let us take a look at circulation by a certain key an album that'll warp you back in time to late 90s early 2000s Japan watching a broken CR T V glitch through its scheduled programming on circulation we really get no breaks or alteration in a mood or sound style as we are commonly fed a true channel surfing experience each of these 15 tracks that make up the album contain a heavy variety of samples within them from beer commercials to classic Toshi ki karamatsu samples some of these samples only lasting mere seconds accompanied by that fuzzy static VHS sound that oddly enough provides the only frame of reference to the dimension of the rest of the audio that is completely stripped of any lows on a frequency scale one thing that the signal wave sub-genre does for you is that it constantly keeps you on edge as getting too comfortable within the grooves of a sound loop can prove to be worthless as it can change into a completely different tempo and feeling in the snap of a finger and on circulation we get that almost all the time as pieces are cut short and warped right into a commercial or dialogue piece with no warning or transitional buildup breaking down this album though can only go so far as it really is just a plain and simple introduction to sing the wave it is a fun Museum of Japanese commercials glazed with nostalgic filters to really drive the whole project home and as with all they believe the artworks low-quality resolution really adds to that tasty early 2000 CRT V goodness through G grid TV by new dreams Ltd it's just another art piece of an album that follows this similar path a circulation but it also does add a little more variety to these showcasing of Japanese TV commercials reborn in this modern age of music here we get a little more action with some awkward stutter chops pitch shifting and abrupt changes along its 12 track course originally released as prism Genesis all the way back in 2011 the EP was re-released as Fuji grid tbe X later on in 2016 touching up on some of the original textures the EP had as well as adding some new warm tones to sections of the album originally coming out all the way back in 2011 many consider this and with good reason to be the original signal wave a broken transmission transmission wave I don't know there's so many damn names for this sub-genre album new dreams Ltd is one of the many identities of vector ID who many of you may know as one of the oh geez of the vapor wave genre in general so seeing ramona dip her toes into just another sub-genre is definitely exciting further chiselling her as a true pioneer of the genre as a whole she just brings some instances of traditional classic vaporwave production on fuji grid TV e^x with some reverb heavy echoing drums that counts on tracks like virtual big turtle i love that name actually providing some groove and structure to the album at points which you don't really see a lot in other signal wave albums that kind of just stayed true to thee let's blast you with a bunch of commercial clips all at once landscape but most of the time though it still does revert back to that showcasing epic flooding your eardrums with compressed audio that's bringing you back to a time oh so long ago when comparing its a prism genesis fuji grid TV the ex has five less tracks but it's almost 10 minutes longer really adding some meat to the original work and making just over 30 minute commercial binging experience a retreat to those who like some experimental weirdness in their musical diet an underrated vaporwave release in general that I'd really love to show you today that fits perfectly and this signal wave Arsenal is tellin i'ts by ghosting released back in 25th originally on the classic dream catalog and eventually on the label adhesive sounds here we get a flashback of 80s and 90s American life media and culture with a shockwave of tuned commercials and glitchy noises portraying the quintessential couch potato and bliss similar to circulation there really isn't one track that I can point out in particular as each track really is the same thing ghosting really didn't even need to separate the tracks here as it all is one constant vision shortened length but exciting in nature tellin Ike's mishmash of channel surfing really genuinely feels like some late-night television and with an album cover that portrays a scene at night the album really does feel lonely and beyond conventional listening hours the mastering and mixing on each track radiates a living room that everyone else has fallen asleep in except me and you know for a fact I'm too lazy to grab that remote well I wish I did and I wish I turned off the television because I don't know how to explain this one moment I was watching Family Matters and then before you know it I was sucked into the family television in front of me but I'm a chill I'm a chill in this television world for a little bit cuz kind of liked it here so I only want to touch up on this album really quick as I've already made an entire video specifically surrounding this album already but we cannot talk about broken transmission without mentioning the notorious classic new deluxe life liberated from the world a moniker of Internet club this mind-numbing experience was released on New Year's Day back in 2012 making another grandfather of the signal a sound along with prison Genesis there are people who love this thing and there are people who straight-up avoid it but whatever you're feeling is for it this nuclear active music bomb is undoubtedly a pinnacle of how far one can take the vapor wave genre are we just drawn to the shock value and presentation of April waves I don't know the answer but I do know you should at least listen to this thing once it's a trip and a half the upfront display of consumeristic cliches replicated through visual and audio advertising chops it's such an interesting and ironic concept in itself that I find I just can't turn away from it and because it's pretty easy to make if you follow the textbook rules of what signal wave is a lot of artists can and have partaken in creating a massive amount of releases with this style of lychees sample manipulation I highly highly recommend getting lost in the world of single wave music and hopefully this handful of albums right here introduces you to the bizarre world this sub-genre presents us with a huge thank you to my discord for recommending the album's to check out in this corner of Internet music y'all know me I really don't listen to this heavy of experimentation so it was great getting some pics from you guys on what to check out there was also an album I listened to for the first time when looking through some of the albums my Dysport recommended me and I decided I want to make an entire video for that album in itself it really hit me hard so expect that video coming out very very soon let me know in the comments below what some of your favorite experimental albums or musical projects are it doesn't even have to be vaporwave related I'm always down to check out some new sounds and get lost down another who's a bit radical until next time much love your boy you [Music]
Channel: Pad Chennington
Views: 267,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Signalwave, Vaporwave, Mysterious, vaporwave mix, vaporwave music, vaporwave macintosh plus, macintosh plus, floral shoppe, aesthetic, vaporwave aesthetic, music, music documentary, japanese commercials, pad chennington, elevator music, weird music, weird songs, mysterious music, future funk, mallsoft, vaporwave playlist, Genre, signal wave, signalwave music, asutenki, mysterious genre, mysterious genres, signal wave mix, 天気予報, what is signalwave, what is signalwave?
Id: U7xsCf75gng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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