The mysterious disappearances of cruise ship passengers
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Channel: SBS Dateline
Views: 1,435,960
Rating: 4.6386886 out of 5
Keywords: SBS, Dateline, Lost, at, Sea, Nick, Lazaredes, cruise, ship, missing, disappearance, murder, death, suicide, sexual, assault, attack, Disney, Wonder, Rebecca, Coriam, Mexico, Los, Angeles, United, States, of, America, FBI, police, investigation, flag, convenience, Bahamas, Ken, Kendall, Carver, Merrian, Celebrity, Cruises, Alaska, International, Victims, Blake, Kepley, Merri, Laursen, Jim, Walker, maritime, lawyer, Costa, Concordia, Allegra, mystery, vanished, crime, international waters, bahamas
Id: bLgc1dqhCsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2012
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