The Muslim Who Broke the Internet | Ibn Ali Miller (Full Podcast)

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walking down the street he stumbles across a fight breaks it up only to find himself in the limelight and just like that overnight he gains worldwide fame from steve harvey to lebron james ibn ali miller let's meet the man behind the name [Music] but before we begin the conversation don't forget to like subscribe and hit the bell for notifications [Music] i'm good i'm good i'm joined with my brother muhammad salaam alaikum brother kama how are you going i'm doing well it's an honor to be amongst such a giant and then uh ibn ali who's also joining us it's i'm that i've got two giants with me today no no no no no siri is a giant no no no no happy to be in the same room with him you know i'm actually in a lot of pain right now because i've been dying to meet you like ever since i've seen the video i found out you're muslim i've been dying to meet you and i've been i've been actually like reaching out to you i've been like sending you love hearts on facebook and all that but you never respond and i'm like this guy doesn't care about me or anything and i'm just like what's happening so two things one i've been longing to meet you longer than you belong to me this is years before anybody knew who i was and uh we used to play the house every day and i think at that time when the muhammad was coming up you were coming up there were a few other poets that i've really really really enjoyed and uh but when i heard you and your piece about jesus out hey saddam that that took the cake for me masha allah that took the king was longer do you know everyone actually thought i was from america back then because i put on like a fake accent everyone thought i was from new york but then i they go oh this guy's actually from sydney australia this this fraud alhamdulillah we wouldn't go there wouldn't that go there um ibn ali i wanted to ask you a question and maybe this can be a lead up and a follow-up to another question but your name and and the name you've publicized yourself is ibn ali and as a as as an arabic speaking person ibn ali the son of ali so what is your name what is your name it's me eben ali ibn ali but like the son of ali but do you have a yeah my father they converted in like the 1980s so back then uh i'm from new jersey that's the east coast of america so they didn't know like a lot of arabic they didn't have resources for knowledge so like in my hood or in this the city that i grew up in it's very common for a boy to be named ibn and then his father's name your father must have had a good impact on you as well growing up i really understand that um unfortunately your father passed away at the age of when you were one we believe yeah he uh so so my father his name was ali ali abdullah and my father uh he was he was a very very very strong young man in a very very difficult time uh on the east coast so so my father he didn't have his father and his mother had struggles so he grew up very poor and and and that led him to the street life and and the street life led him to islam wow and and when he became a muslim like i have letters from my father my father was in prison um my father was in prison and he he wrote my mother letters this is before he died he wrote my mother letters about the life that he wanted for us right uh the way that he he intended to raise me to be a good muslim to learn my religion and my mother gave me those letters maybe five five years ago when i was maybe about 25 because she said that a long time in my life she didn't think i would be emotionally you know able to handle it so maybe around 25 or 26 she gave me those letters a bunch of them and i read them read them read them and it was very clear to me what my father wanted for me right and what and what he wanted for me was it was to be a good muslim man and i'm not i i haven't become that but inshallah before i die and reconnect with him insha'allah in jannah uh i'll do what he wanted he what he wanted me to do and shall love well i'm sure he would be proud i'm sure he would be proud you were saying that your father he was murdered at 20 years old nam and from what i understand it was your cousin who was also murdered so you're like a man who's growing up in the city atlantic city you've seen so much tragedy so much pain and for me as a as a young muslim growing up where i'm from if i was exposed to such pain that would break me as it would be any other normal as anyone else have you been able to just like take this pain take this tragedy and i guess become stronger through this you seem unfazed by it in some sense well i mean i'm 31 so you so you're meeting me now and and we're talking now right so so i spent many years crying i spent many years um uh going to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala i spent many years um and that and honestly there are some days even now they are extremely hard for me like my cousin that you're talking about shadi he died when i was 19 and and that and that was the first murder that was the first murder that that that uh my age group that we experienced in our family but over the last 10 years i've lost more cousins right i have another cousin named um uh taiwan uh marky and i have another cousin named champsy and they and they were they we were like i'm i'm very close to them and they and they've been killed so and then not just those people my family but then friends and family members of friends and cousins of friends and classmates right and neighbors and run it and so it's it's it's a constant the the murder yeah it's a cycle so it's not that we're unphased maybe a little numb maybe a little numb but but but we're not unphased we're hurting bad but the the thing though is that if i truly believe in the prophet uh prophet sawyers if i truly believe in prophet muhammad saw his son and everything that he came with then then that should give me some kind of ease in my heart if i if i truly believe that if we follow the way of muhammad sallallahu that would be our salvation then i should be able to forgive like muhammad saw your son and so like even the person who killed who killed shadi he was released from prison recently but he embraced islam he was in prison he embraced islam so so will me and him ever be friends no but i forgive him and he's my brother in islam now what a powerful thing to say so the point that i'm making is if you were if you were put in our environment you would survive i'd be because why because you have been put there by allah you have been given the tools that you need from allah right and whatever whatever uh wherever you arrive would have been a destination that was prescribed by allah you'd be fine and you got a good the face man so which one which one me or me or the business both of us both of us no no no no mohammed mohammed we we're going to keep you on tv mohammed keep you on tv i thought so martial come on he might bust out some raps on us and you know yeah no no my days are oh my god my days are over on the wraps i think the people want to hear it come on you actually touch on something really powerful like you were saying the man who murdered your cousin comes out goes to prison accepts islam comes back now that's that's that's a like powerful story in and of itself but it's like a cycle we're seeing common that many people are i think even african african-american from the african-american community they're finding islam within the prisons it's always been like that it's always been like that so like like the majority of the men in my family a lot of them became muslims before they went to prison but it was being in prison uh like and this may sound crazy right this may sound crazy so when you edit this make sure you edit it right i don't want anybody saying like ibn ali's he's down for the prison system because i ain't i'm not dead in prison right but though i we like my father's generation they were gladiators like real life gladiators so when they went to prison it was like a um it was like a break from the battlefield right and there's there's no fitness there's no woman there's no money there's no guns there's no uh boast there's no there's none of that you're in prison right and another thing that happens when you're in prison and we heard our sheik say this when you're in prison the heart is solved and you're quick to repent [Music] so so so so that so the environment of a prison for someone who never had structure right someone who never uh never took a break to think to himself to think for himself to be by himself like we have this aspect of the dean of seclusion yeah but in the hood you grow up in a house living with 20 people sharing a bed with five people right like your cousin's gotta live there because they gotta know where to you never get seclusion you go out on the block the blocks always popping you go to like whatever you're doing is always it's the hem numb right like there's always a lot there's always noise and crowdedness and there's always that right so you go to prison and now you're in this little box for 23 hours of the day and at that time 23 hours of a day i'm in this box i'm by myself maybe one other human being right and for 23 hours a day i have nothing to do but contemplating my lord it's almost as if you are checking in and leaving your nufs outside the door you're just leaving at the door and now like you're saying you're entering this state somewhat now you just focus on your inner self yes in the present bro they they take it when they when they cuff you they cuff your nuts too in order to touch more in the prison system it is modern day slavery period so so i'm not i'm not that's not what i'm taking away it's modern day slavery it's wrong and the way they sentence people is wrong right it is foul and it is wrong it's slavery right and if i tell you like how many years just the people my own family received and uh we were i was we were writing a book and inshallah to get published one day and uh and the point of this is uh what i would like to do is to attempt to show just how much time they received from black and hispanics in the prison system just in our age group and if i take all the men in my family right from now i'm just going i can go back to 1950 i can pull out a thousand years of uh maybe not serve time but on paper that they sentence you to over a thousand years it's my own family so imagine imagine the guys next door the guys across the guys across the street the guys in the hood up town the guys on the other side of the city right and i live in a small city so imagine uh new york right imagine l.a imagine philadelphia imagine detroit imagine chicago how much time have they given these black men in these prisons it's like modern day slavery it's like that it is in fact of course the 13th yeah they said they got rid of they abolished slavery but they reimposed it with what with this prison system labor it's become a system literally profiting from it right 100 it's like the modern day slavery for the most minor of crimes they'll gather and make him successful in this life and the next i mean so we did a song and and um and it's called lost boy and um a part of the verses i reference uh the 13th amendment right and it's like um um uh slavery is abolished right unless if you commit a crime right but the only way for you to make it dom is for you to sell a dom you get the point like they force you into the system bro it's a it's a corrupt situation man it's a bad situation but so so where am i yet with it today it's like bro allah say he loved the oppressed i can't cry about being oppressed i can't cry that allah said he loves me because i'm being oppressed right and and for me especially as a black man it's like what do i want do i want to be treated nicely do i want allah's love and and it's easy and if you're and if you're oppressing me then then i'll be the recipient of allah's love because you oppressed me so even if i'm messed up i'm jacked up i'm doing bad right everything they got that they say about black guys all the other false media they show on tv about the culture all that stuff right allah loves us because we're oppressed so for me it's like from you or from the oppressor oppressing us you just made it easier for me to attain allah's love and also another stronger bond is that we often hear you know god will never intervene between a prayer from the oppressed through the oppressor as well so i think there's no there's no boundaries there's no covering it so you know god is always with the oppressed and this is what you're saying do you know what i kind of admire from your struggle is that you're absolving yourself from this victim mentality you're saying no i'm not going to become a victim yes the the circumstances may be against me but i'm going to grow from this and i'm not going to let this victim mentality bring me down and i've found that i guess it's like a common pattern within your circle and the da'wah of your your m you know i was inspired by him like some of his you see him as a strong man and yes the situation and the circumstances may be against him but when it comes to like the way you carry yourself the way your sheikh carries himself is like strength upon strength and we're going to continue and you've just continued to build yourself i'm nothing i'm nothing like how they are they they like imma mean is a man yeah you get the point like that's a man right allah make us men allah make us true man yeah i mean but i think for me like my mother so remember me is my father's age he knew my mother and my father when they were kids so is is anything that you see from me in that way it came from my mother my father people like imam amin and a host of other aunties and uncles that you're never going to know you know and the whole village the whole village amazing and my uh my mom she said my father he used to say rainbow love he used to always say don't talk about it be about it well heavy right so so i so i take that statement uh that's like um i try to live by that right don't talk about it be about it so so in the aspect of islam don't talk about it be about it 100 100 i think you personified that as well ibn ali it's like what you see is what you get there's no there's no mask per se um in this brief conversation we have that we've seen you um you know i wouldn't think any different where you are in your public life than you are what you are in your private life as well because i think that really distinguishes a person who they what they act like in their private life and who they are in their public life because those who may appear really calm and really collected outside and you know say oh nice words but then those who act like a dictator in their own homes that those are two different people nam and i can't i can't comment on anyone else but myself but what i can tell you is that i have i have immense shortcomings as we all do as we all do i be miss shortcomings and um and may allah help me with my shortcomings and my family uh that they're very good with me very patient with me and and we're a good strong uh we're a team and so that so that so that helps um and and remember mean he used to say that like you should try to make um your private life better than your public life and if you can make your private life better than your public life then at least try to make them equal right like at least try to um you know at least try to make it equal and i'm and i'm and i'm not saying i'm i'm that because my private life is far worse than my public life but because of that i try not to have much of a public life anymore even off the grid keeping it yeah i did this interview because i wanted to talk to kamal that's why i did this that's like really comforting may allah make us you know as we appear as you're saying this is something which which messes with my mind as well am i as i appear am i in public as i am in private and quite frankly i i don't think i am but at the very least i don't want to be a hypocrite i don't want to be like a polar opposite of what i appear to be in public you know i think it was um uh who said that he kept asking the prophet salallahu am i hypocrite my hypocrite my hypocrite like he's constantly asking am i hypocrite am i hypocrite right so and and then our teachers they told us the one who doesn't accuse himself of hypocrisy he's probably a hypocrite right so i think i think for us like in today's time because you because religious rhetoric it can if you if you if you keep it and if if you don't put some context to it then it'll just be some stuff that the prophet says something that umar said something from 1400 years ago and we won't actually connect to it right but what that means is like omar kept asking the prophet saw he said i'm like am i real yeah rasulullah mi 100 it's he had hudaifa bin yaman he had the list of all the hypocrites he would say oh i'm scared my name was on that list so the job for us today man is like just be real man yeah just be and what i mean by saying being real is like be be who you are where you're at right and and connect with allah to isla before you take another step because the prophet is telling me say you take one step toward allah allah takes ten toward you you walk to him he'll come running to you nam so that so that so and that's how difficult that's like that's like facts facts facts right no like that's facts fact how difficulty facts right so it's like be be real where you are like who you are and be real where you're at yeah and connect with allah before you take a step right and when you because when you take that step if it's toward allah you know i guess what you're saying and and i hate to bring this up because i i feel like you probably don't want to speak about it but that video from four years ago i think that's what resonated with so many people it's because it's not someone just quoting a hadith like there are many hadith on the virtues of reconciling between two people we can quote them from now until the end of time but to actually do that and embody them as well embody that i think that's what resonated with people and and as i heard from a previous interview you didn't even know someone was recording but today people are recording themselves doing good deeds in hope that that would make them famous in hopes that that would make them famous and yours was different yours was like the completely opposite of course and and and you were saying on another interview you were you were just like doing a class with uh rodus and then you just stumble across this and it's like bam it's like real life islam and that's what people admire now the program the program was from alamo to isla and pennsylvania uh may allah make it very successful alhamdulillah his institution there and so he had an online program 40 days i i had his class and the morning and then another class with him for roja after asa so the person i was in class with directly at that time as a brother who's studying tareem his name is usted hessen petrus so he was teaching us like um uh uh uh forty hadith right so he was teaching us that and uh and we were learning we were literally we were literally learning um uh in the middle in the moon it was the first one it was the first year we were that's why and so for me on the inside on the inside i think to myself right like now that i've had time some years to think about it because that changed my life i can't lie it changed my life so but where was my intention right so some days for myself i try not to take the credit for intending to do uh what it came out to be that day right i can't i didn't intend for it to be all that it was allah this is the creator of allah it's just you know like uh react like reaction moving through i'm coming through i'm busting the right i'm busting the left see these guys they tripping stop tripping get back in the car i leave right even when i leave i'm oblivious bro well right i'm not i'm not thinking about nothing another day in the hood another day right yeah and uh my my mom she called me from work at the hospital right and uh and she was like uh there's some people who want to talk to you i said what are you talking about they say yeah they're at my job i'm like oh she said the news oh my god so that yeah yeah yeah yeah and that is that so that's how i found out and then so i was like nah mom i think just maybe they got the wrong person or you know she says no no no no no she says were you fighting or something and i was like nobody i didn't fight nobody right so i can't take credit for like like i didn't intend to like you know be the guy in the viral video yeah you know right right place it's a vital moment allah just wanted it to be and it was life man like that's like like our whole life is like that though you know and a lot of people like that that one instant it showed me that i've had so uh so many other moments in my life that maybe physically maybe physically it didn't come out to be like millions of views and this and that but like meeting certain shayok visiting certain sacred places like we've all had those big big moments in our life that sometimes we don't even realize you know and like and and and and that i mean i can go on a tangent about like instant gratification social media this that you know but i don't want to down talk social media because it has its place and if we do right with it it'd be a good thing you know but even on that topic um you know we as big brother come out we were talking about discussing yesterday is that even now when you speak you are really speaking to what you've already taught us in a sense um with your you know trying to be like the you're embodying the characters the characteristics of the prophet sallallahu alaihi but even in these moments even though you could call you could call it 15 minutes of fame right every lebron james is retweeting it and then of course you appeared on the steve harvey show but you haven't really attached yourself to that because i think even with social media and what we find now is that people attach themselves to something that's not even can't even sustain itself which is which is a really really good frame of course but like you said you fight time right place and you know think how you're going to act i think it's clear here and for our viewers at home that whenever you walk whenever you speak you're always in the audience of one regardless of the cameras or regardless of the microphone you're always speaking in that comfort of one which is a very beautiful and indian quality which apparently it's lovely to see [Music] to be honest i can't even um i can't even comment on that i i agree 100 see i agree you know you know things like public and private you're always in that company of one you actually you actually said ibn ali one of your quotes was like you understood it was a 15 minute you know 15 minutes worth of fame and you want to use all those minutes for your mother and giving honor to your mother but at the same time i i personally can't help but say you use those minutes for allah subhana wa tahala as well and you know there's sometimes they do go synonymously when you give thanks to allah you give thanks to your parents like i don't want to talk about steve harvey but i have to you made me proud like when when i saw you go out there in full sunnah like the problem the the the kufi all right and this is like make no mistake i am a muslim and i'm representing my faith you know up up on stage right here right now that was uh i guess a deliberate choice on your part am i right um because you know you know what like so where i'm from like you know how like you know how like guys wear like a three-piece suit my man's got the tie he's got the vest maybe maybe blue nice tie with the brown shoes with the socks right yeah yeah yeah yeah offlinks right cufflinks you know he's he's like you know me so like where i'm from like if i'm gonna go on tv i gotta address my absolute best what's the best thing i got i mean like the top of the line like better than gucci what do i have i got my white soap and my cookie that's what i got beautiful that's it you know so it's so like for me like and eve because even going on tv like that i wasn't trying to be like i can't explain it man but i wasn't trying to be like putting up a front in some sense yeah i wasn't i wasn't trying to make like this so again about those intended actions when i when i wore those clothes i wore those clothes because those are the clothes i wear right and then and even like in the viral video my mom wanted me to do something like i just threw my clothes on my little work boots some work pants my jacket you know and hit the door because uh what i had to do was like a little physical for my mom so i just put my work clothes on and um but yeah like so that white though like i had like two of them at the time i wear them every day you know anything like that i'll put better kid in there no i'm not i'm not i mean you've talked about um studying and attending his courses um there's a lot of you have a lot of respect for your teachers what what what has one takeaway message been from the key figures in your life that stuck with you to this day so so now i live in detroit and i'm studying directly under sheikh abdul karim here he also a study at dar mustafa and um so i received i received different things from different teachers right so imma mean he told us that sufi is the son of the moment right right so and and he lives by that and that's something that he really he pressed on us you got to be in the moment you know and and he also um remember her dad used to say jai to shahid right struggle and your witness and and and with that and he remembered me also told us that the dawah will always be packaged for its time so in the time that we're in we have to do dowel for the time that we're in it's not going to look how darw look 30 years ago 40 years ago 58 years ago it's not going to look like that it's going to look how darwin looks today and the way that dawah looks today it's not going to look that way 20 years from now right so so so so those are some key things i got from me i wrote this when that viral video happened i used to i used to visit this community a lot so shakaya knew me we knew each other out before all this stuff happened so before like that whole video i was already with the teachers that i'm with hamdulillah right and we i was we were trying to do i was trying to do it um and one thing that yaya taught me he said there's a difference between a ripple and a tidal wave well i understood after some time that fame is a test just like money just like woman right fame is a test and there's a difference between a little ripple 15 minutes of fame and a tidal wave right and and he never said explicitly explicitly to me that this is something that i have to overcome but i understood that okay this is the test from allah subhanahu wa ta'ala i gotta i gotta overcome this test so so yeah he in a lot of ways he saved me in that aspect because i was going to go head-on how many people have we seen fame destroyed but one of the the greatest safeguard i guess safeguarding mechanisms is to have someone upon authorities a spiritual authority or someone to just put you back into place hold on homie you know don't get caught up you're you're a bit famous now but just like keep yourself grounded and that's like one of the beauties of having that i was gonna yo me and carla could have did an album bro like like there were some serious opportunities out there bro right and like i'm only james yeah like i mentioned it like bro like record deals like record labels movies like [Music] there's so much they'll throw at you you know but the thing is though is that they'll throw it at you but they want it's a piece of you right and i'll do business but you can't have a piece of me though i want something you can't you can't you can't have a piece of me bro you can't have a piece of me bro i think so that's a beautiful thing as well uh in the sense that when you're with your teachers um with the things that they've taught you as well but with my experience with this york as well is that even if you don't come with a pen and paper what you're always going to remember is the way that they made you feel and i don't know if you've had the pleasure of being in the presence of imam said jacket may allah elevate his presence he's a beautiful man and every time you're with him you know he'll give me a handshake he'll hug me in and he goes muhammad how you been how you been and i swear to you he will make you feel that you're the only person on earth to ever exist and that's the characteristic of the prophet and that's how you know these people of meaning you know when i met imam zaid when i met you mamzie remember me him and him even mean to the uh maybe like 2014 right him and i mean they did like a um like an event together right they did an event together in new jersey and that's how i met him mamzie and um when i met him i felt like okay this this has to be what it feels like to meet uh imam malik right malcolm x like this has to be what that felt like you know what i mean yeah so uh may allah preserve him uh and all of his contemporaries and and all of his students and me and then lastly not lastly but i guess like in a uh in the context of teachers uh he may have been the most he may have had the like the strongest like imprint on me than anybody else and uh he like like his whole thing is the way of muhammad saw he was simple what did muhammad do how does muhammad do allah and and that having the uh having the opportunity to um to have the companionship to be in the company of someone who is uh it's like he's always in the company of prophet muhammad says like but yeah may allah and uh all of his teachers and all of his students i mean you have a lot of a lot of love uh you have a lot of love for the sheikh and i think in one of your lessons i recall you were saying who loves your brother who would die for your brother like yep me unequivocally i would have for a brother they said you know even if you have relation with your own blood brother you're the prophet salallahu islam is your brother as well he's closer than that bro this this bro this dean is a is this the whole affair is love bro hundred percent like everything between the prophet saw salam and his lord right allah subhanahu ta'ala is love this holy creativeness because how much you love muhammad yourself like like how much does your lord love you he created a whole entire humanity for you out of your life like may allah really give us to be with uh may allah give us to be with nabi muhammad may allah allow us to embody the the sunnah of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in our lives and be representatives of the prophet sallallahu alaihi in our manners in the way we carry ourselves in speech conduct as well in private and in the home definitely he make us like prophet muhammed hundred percent i mean i mean sorry to get a little like no no this is this is beauty what more beauty do we need than than speaking about the love for the prophet if i didn't have the prophet salallahu i sell him i would be a victim i would be a slave i'd just be some orphan whose father got killed in the street right some guy from the hood who keeps losing all of his friends right guy didn't i didn't finish college right none of my friends some of my friends even go to college right no one making money no like we would just be messed up if we didn't have prophet muhammad but it's like like i got prophet muhammad saw it right so like like the person who's oppressing me what do you have i have prophet muhammad that's what i have what do you have you know and because i have him i have everything you can't take nothing from me you can't take nothing from me because i have prophet muhammad saw it was subsidized if you took the whole world from me you didn't take anything from me because he already denounced the whole world i still have him and you can't take him from me and and and knowing that he loves me because i follow him and i never saw him and knowing that i'm his little brother because i follow him and i never saw him and to know that he's concerned for me to know that he's thinking about me to know that he wants good uh for my well-being and my family to know that he's waiting to meet me it's uh alhamdulillah it's inspiring so it's inspiring it's inspiring to know that he knows me i know that he knows me you know when i send salam right from the prophet salallahu when i send salam he returns to land back to me and my father ali whoa and my father my father ali abdullah rema allah he got killed in the street when the prophet saw he saw him is giving him salam every time i send the lamb on the prophet i don't see no issues and in quran allah he explained that you will be tested with your with uh with uh with what you love right with uh lost with death like a loss of harvesting crops like loss of money death you'll be tested with these things it's just tests just like we spoke about fame being the test all those things you lose is a test it's a test and may allah give us to uh to pass the test maybe we don't get out hey maybe we don't get 100 you know but if we just pass we just pass but um we'll be safe that's so beautiful that's so beautiful there's a there's a beautiful verse in the quran the believers what's his favor what's his gift this this this messenger and then allah he ends the verse by saying and one of the greatest favors [Music] he recites the verses of allah he purifies you he guides you he does all this and then at the very end and before you were misguided you were astray you had nothing so without the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam where would we be where would we be who would you be what would you who would you be you know so um i've been looking at your instagram it's a very wholesome instagram i must say it's a video it's a beautiful instagram page i personally i don't have instagram but the way you've utilized your instagram is it's like a tribute to your people a tribute to the the faces and people in your life and i felt that that's such a beautiful thing to have that real life connection you know on social media it's all about me me me you know my face here my face there but you're like giving tribute to all these different people and that's a it's a quality that has been lost in today's time was it ever found was it ever found i don't think i've never seen anything like that i mean these platforms are you know any platform to show the aesthetic eventually diminishes the spirituals literally filled with ego filled with ego and it's funny that we have these social media i guess platforms to bring us together yet we're only becoming more lonely as a people and to see you maintaining that connectivity on the ground with your people paying tribute to your people you know their struggles what they're going through they might not be you know the the poster child for the muslim ummah but these people you're giving credit to them you're giving thanks to them and that's that's a it's a beautiful thing it's a beautiful quality to have to have that real life connection on the ground and even in in your video uh one thing that really stuck out to me was i know your father i know your father and that's like you know we need muslims like this on the ground you know away from social media and i understand we're a social media platform but we need people on the ground can i share something with you so so one of those kids i said that i know your father his father serving life in prison for murder that same kid his name was samir he was just killed he was just kidding so like people want to talk about a viral video who cares who cares who cares bro and same kid that i'm saying i know your father he and it was a few of them but one of them i was speaking to that i said your father's doing life that kid just got killed so like who cares about the computer who cares about instagram who cares bro they're still killing young black men where i'm from and you know something that there was another fight in um in atlanta in georgia right there was a brother his name is tyrell bing rahimahullah he was a muslim and he was a teacher a school teacher the very same week that i broke up that fight either i was the day before him he was the day before me something like that right two guys were fighting at a gas station he broke up the fight at the gas station and then while breaking up the fight one of the guys put out a gun to get to kill the other guy and they killed him yeah shahid right that happened the very same week that the video that i broke up a fight went viral this is real life people that i know the people that i'm close to they'll they'll say you know two guys broke up a fight that that time this guy's fight went viral and this guy died who's more meritorious me or him he didn't get a million views or 50 million views 100 million views he didn't travel around the world he didn't go study uh he's not studying islamic he's dead no one's talking about him so i so for me i can't i can't sit here and act like i deserve praise i don't and that and that same brother tyrell his son isaiah was just killed like two or three days apart from the time the kid that was in the viral video got killed samia samir it's real life it's real life man like nobody like nobody who cares about your instagram account who cares about your facebook who cares about your snapchat and there's probably new social media that i'm not aware of but i know there's like more stuff out there who cares bro who cares and for me like i don't i just want young black men i want all people all people but the context that i'm in where i'm at who i can be most effective to i want young black men to not just know islam i want young black men to know muhammad saw yourself you got to know muhammad and if you want to go to allah you have to go through muhammad sorry there's no other way bro so uh i just want i just i'm just mentioning that to stay to the point that i'm uh i'm nobody and i and i know that i'm nobody right and and that's not that's not me speaking down on the position that allah put me in but you still love yourself i know you love yourself you talk about the self love 100 100 yeah right i can't like you have to love yourself right but i understand that i didn't die like tyrell did and honestly that would have been a better way that would have been a better thing i'd be a martyr done no punishment i'm straight boom right but allah chose this for me and i'm thankful for what allah chose for me i'm thankful for what he chose for me and i pray that uh i'm successful in the position that he put me in and i'm i'm i'm pleasing to him and him alone right i pray that i'm pleasing to allah and i pray that i pass the test that i put on the path to him right and any shortcomings that i have i pray that he forgives me for them so that way i still reach him and in saying all of that i know though i know i'm nobody nobody so who i am who my father is who my mother is it doesn't matter it means nothing what matters is who are you following and we're trying to follow prophet muhammad sir that's what matters and may allah give us to really talk about it i mean give us to to be about it and not just talk about it i think even coming from the background of the youth back in the states um you see it's a prevalent issue young boys killing each other over postcodes small meaning things the way that you looked at me i know in england back where i'm from life crime is pretty rampant and over here there's actually just a couple weeks ago real life you know gangsters family foods spinning onto the streets one person got cured kills another you know it's just um like we said before it's just a just a cycle it's just it's just become the norm as well and i think you know we always need to have that takeaway time to really invest in our communities and i think the way that i've seen you and your talks as well is that if there's a kid that comes up whatever and you're delivering something you're always playing with them you're talking to them you know because because that kid that kid don't care about the doors hey kid bro that kid could care less about what you're talking about but he'll remember how he feels you know you know my my parents dragged me to the mat or they or they dragged me um or they'll or they'll drag me um to the gathering that i don't want to be there i want to go play soccer or football you call it right i want to go play football but if you make them feel uh love and and you help them connect the prophet muhammad saw they sell them so yeah when they get more far away from that fitra they'll still remember a time where man i remember i went i went to a gathering and and i felt loved in that gathering right made them feel i felt love in that gathering you know they may they not they may say man that you know that black guy was there you know like but david i remember my name in 20 but but he loved me though right because because some because some of the people who helped us most we don't it was through love you know it was through love i guess that's that's a sense of giving back to your community as well feeling embracing that warmth that you provide we to wrap things up we've had a long time a beautiful time i wish we can see you in person and in real life and may allah make us if we don't if we never meet insha'allah may allah allow us to see each other in jannah i mean in the company of the prophet and the righteous if you don't see us please ask for us as well as first it was a pleasure and you might not like me saying this but like subscribe share hit the bell for 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Channel: OnePath Network
Views: 227,669
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Muslim, Islam, muhammad, quran, mohammad, sunnah, religion, mohamed, Allah, onepath, onepath network, ummah, islamic reminder, islamic lecture, Dawah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 37sec (3157 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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