The Murder of Anita Cobby - Beauty Pageant Queen and Nurse | Crime Investigation Australia

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on a hot February evening in 1986 [Music] a gang of five Suburban thugs is drinking at a hotel near Blacktown in Western Sydney the burglars armed robbers and rapists whack and one is also an escaped prisoner on the Run [Music] [Music] at the same time 40 kilometers away in what might as well be another world Anita cobby a 26 year old nurse and former charity beauty queen is having dinner at a city restaurant with two of her workmates [Music] within hours she'll be abducted by the gang and tortured and raped and murdered criminals [Music] investigation projects [Music] news of the arrest spread quickly in a large Angry Crowd had already gathered by the time the three men were brought to court a storm of revulsion sweeps across Australia as the news breaks that five men from three distinct families The Murphys The Travers and the murdochs have been arrested for the senseless and brutal murder late last night more than 20 detectives raided houses in wentworthville and Westmead [Music] the oldest in the gang that killed zanita Kobe is Michael Murphy who's born in 1953 to Dulce and Leslie Murphy it's Michael who leads his younger brothers Gary and Liz Murphy into a life of crime Michael Murphy was the eldest of nine children there were two girls and seven boys and Michael didn't really have a good time with his dad Liz he clashed a lot with with Liz and by all accounts Dulce was pretty hard on all the kids the family lives in the inner Western suburb of erskineville the police car was always down double parked outside their house and bending street they're in trouble for stealing they'd steal things from homes they'd steal cars but by the time Michael Murphy was 12 he was having real difficulty with his dad so he moved out and went to live with his grandmother Michael's grandparents dote on him and he leads a wild and mostly unsupervised Teenage life after leaving high school early he works briefly at a car dealer's yard before returning to Life as a thief he soon arrested and sent to a juvenile detention center currently he was in boys homes and being continually gang-raped himself as a child in boys homes and apparently he wrote letter after letter after letter pleading for someone in the government to help him and of course that was all ignored so I feel very sorry for Mick but he wasn't someone that I ever walked towards on his release from the boy's home Michael Murphy becomes part of a gang called the Sharpies two of his younger brothers Gary and Liz soon join him carrying weapons and fighting the surfer and the bikey gangs wherever they go it's Michael Murphy who takes the lead Michael Murphy who was the only one who was always in trouble from all the records of the instant in the Republic I was sort of the leader in Gary not being the highest of intelligence followed the leader and lesbian the little brother in stature as well as age followed them the younger siblings I think were almost saying you know oh Michael's respected both in jail and out on the streets and I don't care what I do if I end up in jail well he'll look after me and I'll be respected as well go boy [Applause] have the Murphy's boys Hangouts is a Christian Outreach Center in the city run by the Reverend Fred Nile they did know how to fight I don't know where they used to go to a gym or somebody taught them the fight or their father but they certainly knew knew how to hit hard right in the face broke broken nose [Music] the one night the phone rang and it was a mick Murphy's mother and she was saying to me the police are hanging around the house over at Gloom if you're coming here with the stolen care don't come home tonight so that was a message and I had to pass the message on to them so obviously they were in at least in the car stealing business or stealing cars just for transport [Music] as well as car stealing and burglary the boys also Branch out to mugging the Murphy stage cruel personal assaults bashing and robbing women in the street they had no money so I guess they just lived off other people enough and I'd find the toilets to be blocked up the systems in the toilets and we lift off the lid and you find it stuffed with women's purses the Reverend also has serious trouble with older criminals who regard the Murphy boys and their followers as their helpers and trainees we did have one big ball where another group came in which I later found out were young young older men but still young men who'd come out of prison and they tried to wreck the place one night and actually bashed me and I had a nine inch nine stitches foot on my lip here it was all cut with a probably a bottle or something I found out later they were upset these older men that I was actually influencing what they called the apprentices these are the young blacks that they are actually helping to train into into more serious crime the anti-social nature of the Murphy's personalities would have been developed and ingrained in them during you know their childhood the Murphy's neighbors finally get some relief when the family moves away to the outer western suburbs into a Housing Commission home near Blacktown very much working class and also the lower socioeconomic unemployed it wasn't far from parkley jail so often single mothers used to to live there because they were close to visiting at the jail and they started to gather new friends out there because they they were with other people who were very like very much like them who would truant school not be employed and be a bit bored so they'd start drinking together and a lot of the crime and unreported because people in that area were just accepting it as part of life and they almost became used to it the Murphy boys are soon well known to the local police that they were going nowhere and probably going to repeat because Mick's father was in prison probably we're going to go down the same pathway so it was a pretty anti-social for like the world has nothing for us we hate the World perhaps they were our Prime suspects for most of our I guess crime like car stealing car parts breaking in his bags snatching is that they did seem to have a big chip on their shoulder and sometimes I know they would bash other people and we'd have someone with a bloody nose but sometimes I've actually watched him whether it was Mick but I remember some of them they'd actually just bashed the wall that actually just smashed the wall into their knuckles were bleeding after finishing their shift at Sydney Hospital nurse Anita cobby and two of her workmates have enjoyed a night out at a city restaurant had a great time frivas to sit talking making plans you know generally being three young women giggling you know all that kind of stuff and um then we we left it wasn't a late night we said goodbye to Elaine and I asked Anita if she wanted to lift to the station and I drove her to the station she said I'll see you tomorrow I said yeah see you then and that was the last words we spoke a train trip Anita had taken all her life but this one would be the last foreign [Music] side hotel near Blacktown in Western Sydney the Murphy Brothers have been drinking with two mates for most of the day Michael Murphy has escaped from silverwater prison where he's been serving an eight-year sentence for burglary and larceny it's his second lengthy prison sentence and at 29 he spent most of his life in custody leave the hotel to buy drugs they pile into a car they've stolen some days earlier but it has little petrol and the Gang has no money they decide to rob some vulnerable female and while they're at it to have what they call some fun and rape her as well with Michael Murphy constantly in and out of prison his brother Gary who's five years younger steps into his shoes as the family protector A congenital heart defect and a speech impediment he's the quietest of the wild Murphy boys I've never met anybody who's more popular with girls than Gary or has had more girlfriends and remarkably even whilst he's been in custody he seems to have new girlfriends all the time like every now and then I'll get a phone call and go I've got a new girlfriend now by all accounts he was very popular with the women probably more so because he had a more gentle nature and a quite a nice smile and he was a bit smooth talking Gary was um he was more compliant I mean to your face he'd uh you know when I was working I'd come up and say what do you got on you mate you'd say nothing search me so you know it stops search and detain and check him out but Gary's seemingly gentle nature hides a hair trigger temper he would have bouts where he'd get into trouble with other men though he'd done fly off the handle very easily and he'd get into fights he got barred from the Rudy Hill RSL for life for getting into a fight there and because he drank a lot he fought a lot as Gary gets older his temper gets worse particularly when he's drinking or smoking marijuana he's caught stealing a motor vehicle and driving without a license and he's placed in a juvenile home after his release he gets a job with a local Builder who describes him as a good worker and a good kid but he also uses his mechanical skills to work on stolen cars changing their markings so that they can't be traced over the next 14 years he's charged with multiple offenses with his Specialties being home burglaries and car stealing builds a master collection of keys to fit various types of cars one night I was on Jetty and I stopped a young Loken there was a wire ring with about oh it must have been 60 70 I think keys and I noticed I had a look at him they are all car keys like Holden keys so I'm holding them for for one of the Murphy boys when the younger Murphy Brothers get into violent street fights it's Gary who'd come to their rescue neighbors also tell of regular outbreaks of violence inside the Murphy home they would hear noise is coming from the house and violence but often they'd call a police there but when the police went there it was a which you see quite often sadly in domestic violence where they clumped together and actually the offender lies and the victim lies because they don't want police intervention they didn't have what you'd call a super upbringing the father I think was quite violent to them no education on the drugs on the booze roaming around Pepe Larson doesn't excuse anything but there it is incredibly poor very uneducated very violent I think home lives and really nobody was terribly bright I'd say Mrs Murphy and and she often expressed her inability to control them and but at the same time I heard on the streets that she was advising them not to not steal cars although she did say that you know don't steal cars but in fact never get caught so there was a philosophy in the family by Mrs Murphy I can't stop them Mr Raymond but I don't want them to get caught and end up in jail the brothers appear regularly in court charged with various stealing offenses and they're mostly given small fines and good behavior bonds and often they didn't care about getting caught but they knew that the threats they gave to the witnesses or or victims that they wouldn't be indicted that we couldn't charge them the third Murphy Brother Liz is best described as a tough little nut who becomes a thief at the age of 10. but soon afterwards he discovers that he can make a lucrative income by selling his body in the evil world of underage prostitution Les Murphy was the smallest of the Murphy Brothers and quite a different sort of fellow to the other brothers he had a real hard Edge to him and he was quite intimidating he would argue a lot even with his brothers Liz begins to hang out in an underground bar in King's cross where young male prostitutes meet their clients and he was known to be the frequent companion of quite a few well-known Sydney figures he also works the streets being picked up by Men At Night at the notorious high stone wall behind the New South Wales Supreme Court on darlinghurst road that famous walled by the very courts in which they were tried yeah he was a young underage male processor and he would be on the wall at the age of 19 Liz is charged with two counts of rape and he's sentenced to three years in an adult prison the older man who emerges is much tougher and more violent you know he'd say what did it on your mate say who he wants to know and he'd rare up and get cranky and I'd some just telling my job mate you know that's all I'm doing I'm just asking you and I'd say well you're not searching me he leaves the world of prostitution to return to his proven skills in assault there is a bag snatch on to older women at doonside as they came out of the Centrelink office where Les Murphy had jumped out of a car with another man and grabbed a grabbed bags off two women one of the women didn't let the bag go and he dragged her up the road as they jumped back in the car so it was a common thing for them to get money that way some were saying that they heard them speaking with some other local criminals and and they were discussing the mo or methodologies made a separent operandi off bag snatching and it was never let go make sure that you hang on until a victim let goes no matter what [Music] nurse Anita cobby has caught a lake train home to the outer western suburbs of Sydney steps off the train at around 10 pm and finds there are no cabs at the station rank Anita tries to call her parents from a public phone as this is the era before mobiles but all the phones have been vandalized she decides to make the half-hour walk home it's a warm Summer's night and this is Anita's home turf the streets where she grew up and she has no reason to feel that she's in any danger [Music] stranded at Blacktown railway station Anita cobby decides to walk home a couple of blocks away from the station she turns into Newton Road is driving around Blacktown in a stolen HT Holden looking for a woman to attack you'll be looking for the free school a murder they turn into Newton Road and here Two Worlds Collide [Applause] interesting [Music] when Liz Murphy is released from prison he takes up a life of violent robbery attacking women stealing their bags he moves in with girlfriend Lisa Travers the sister of a young criminal named John Travis the man who will lead the gang attack on Anita cobby [Music] born in 1967 Travers is the eldest of seven children a bus driver Ken and his wife Sharon he has a miserable childhood his mother suffers from both physical illness and depression such a large woman that she would just sit in the house most of the time and it when she did go out it became difficult for her to walk and breathe and do normal things like shopping and accompany her children to school his father apparently was incredibly violent to him from what I understand anytime John showed any tenderness towards his sister his father would bash him with a steel pipe as a child that that's what I'm told so he said on more than one occasion his father would choke him until he fell unconscious so you can understand that he was exposed to a violent sort of environment from a very early age you almost always find [Music] cases like his that the familial environment does not provide a normal socializing atmosphere in which a proper personality can evolve and develop Travis is still a boy when he begins stealing cars to go joyriding and get away from his violent and squalid home life spends much of his time committing petty crime usually with an accomplice his best friend Mick Murdock who's quieter and much less volatile than Travers the two have been mates for as long as they can remember growing up in the same suburb of doonside and wagging school together Michael Murdoch came from a single parent family and his mum was a pretty [Music] um quiet sort of person although when she first found out that her son Michael was smoking when he was 13 he was smoking marijuana with John Travis she ended up calling the police she rang Sharon Travis and told her that they were smoking and she was going to dog them into the police to teach them a lesson so their first conviction came at the age of 13 for smoking marijuana so much you reckon you go for that stereo in your glass work 20 bucks Mick idolizes Travers getting similar tattoos and body piercing and joining him in getting drunk taking drugs and breaking into houses and stealing cars you know anyone that's not home it's all nice they were inseparable they did everything together and while they had other friends in A Wider Circle John Travis and Michael Murdock were always together and many of them did think they were twins because they had the same haircuts they were quite lean in the face about the same height many thought that they were homosexual lovers that they both denied that although when they were arrested they were found in bed together naked still denying that they were gay Murdoch was a quiet sort of fellow much quieter than John Travis he had a cold side to him but probably not as not as cunning and as sadistic as John Travis with a true psychopath there is no emotional attachment to others they are completely egocentric the only thing that matters is their needs their desires everyone else are just objects for their self-gratification objects to be manipulated and exploited and Murdoch would have clearly fallen into that category Paul Travis is displaying Psychopathic Tendencies Mick is exhibiting some feelings and emotions Murdoch is more someone who due to a lack of familial attachment has sought out his emotional needs elsewhere and he found it in his childhood associate Traverse [Music] the two are barely in their teens when they make a pact To Be Blood Brothers promising to be loyal until death don't forget it Anita Kobe's abduction in Newton Road is witnessed by two teenagers a brother and sister in a nearby house [Music] a boy runs up to try to help but just as he gets to the car it speeds away they're driving around the car if they got her and they'd stripped her off pretty well straight away in the back of the car um like punched a face was nose was broken both the cheekbones had um abrasions on them someone holds a knife at a throat tells her to be quiet punches her laser down on the floor behind the front seats and someone fills up with petrol they go to a handbag they took the money out of her purse [Music] paid for the petrol and then went down to Green Park down to carry on with it [Music] foreign [Music] 1986. 26 year old nurse Anita cobby has been abducted by a gang of thugs bashed and raped in the back seat of a car as the gang heads for a deserted Back Road in nearby Farmland two teenagers have witnessed the abduction and Report the incident to their older brother when he arrives home moments later [Music] John Travis grows up to be a sexual predator after getting a bizarre introduction to sex in his youth he was encouraged by his father to take girls under the house so that his father could sneak and secretively watch what went on so he would have a very distorted concept of morality Travers is expelled from high school after exposing himself to a teacher soon afterwards his father leaves home and Travis begins to steal poultry from Neighbors to feed his siblings at other times he sits on the back porch shooting birds which he then plucks and cooks for the family's dinner it's at this time that he develops a new and sadistic streak the psychologist's report says that he was certainly interested in Witchcraft and he was cruel to animals and this was probably or possibly born out of his difficulties did he have with his father neighbors told me and there was evidence presented to the court that he would be unkind to birds he would throw stones at them then stun them and then catch them and kill them slowly Mick Murdoch's mother Rose strongly disapproves of her son's friendship with Travers and even moves to another suburb trying to separate them but Mick stays close to his mate and they spend their days around a Suburban Pool Hall where they pick up young girls many of whom are subjected to sexual attacks they begin to prowl the local railway stations looking for girls to rape with Travis always the leader of the pack they're actually forced down and used in premises and sometimes in public parks forced down and their clothes taken off them particularly underwear and then yeah viciously raped yeah and with um salts too but again with the threats you know you tell anyone about this and I'll kill you he also goes out hunting for men that he suspects of being homosexual and then raping them Travis sexual drive was simply nothing to do with love or romance or it was just simply sexual gratification just a few minutes gratified no matter from what we hear no matter who it was or what it was he just wanted that sexual gratification and couldn't care less about the object of that gratification whether it was any but human animal or or whatever a a psychopath like Travers doesn't see human sexuality in the normal way that people do he doesn't see it as a as a form of um emotional physical interaction and attachment with others AC sex is something that he can use to demonstrate his dominance of people he sees it as something that he can use to exploit others he sees it as something that he can use to degrade others and it doesn't matter whether the object to that is male or female it's all the same to him his depravity deepens as he begins stealing larger animals and committing ugly atrocities on them it's not long before he gains a reputation for bestiality that he had Tendencies to Awards violence with animals and there were suggestions that he had involved in sexual behavior with animals one of his neighbors talked about the night that he had a sheep in the yard he had jumped on its back and had sex with it and while he was doing that he pulled its head back and cut its throat and then he put it on a spit and it became a barbecued rumors also circulate among locals the Travers is responsible for at least a dozen sex attacks on local girls at different times he was aggressive and he would go in and out of that aggression depending on what he was on and he'd he took drugs and he and he experimented with those drugs a lot of marijuana a lot of hard alcohol he'd drink in the end he was drinking a bottle of spirits a day towards the end of being on the run and being caught it was a bird you with [Music] fearing one of his rape victims might be able to identify him to police by the distinctive teardrop tattoo under his left eye Travers flees interstate Travis and some of his mates including Michael Murdoch a drive from Sydney across the desert and went to a Manger and they'd um been buying drugs and um stealing things so they they were they came to the notice of police for stealing first dump and one of the men that they got to know over there was an 18 or a young fellow in his teens at first the teenagers welcomed into the group but after a few days Travis suddenly turns on him and he's viciously raped [Music] threatened to cut his throat at the same time and thankfully for some reason he didn't do that and so he again he used to get strange gratification out of these what's now ritualistic it was simply just a physical thing it was quite a brutal rape the victim the young man had a lot of bruising some broken ribs he was so terrified that he didn't want to tell police but the injuries were so severe that they were determined to to press ahead and charge John Travis so they did put an alert out for his car but he managed to escape wanted by Western Australian police for the rape Travers and Murdoch returned to Sydney where they meet up with Gary and Liz Murphy this is the gang that will soon commit the terrible crime that will Define the rest of their lives [Music] Anita cobby is bashed and raped in the back seat of the gang's stolen car as they drive her to Green Road at Prospect near Blacktown in Sydney's western suburbs it's poorly lit well known as a Lover's Lane and a Dumping Ground for stolen cars [Music] I think by the time she got down there one if not two they've probably already had sex with her in the car [Music] [Applause] so she's been forced through the barbed wire fence rather than thrown over it or helped over absolutely drag through it foreign [Applause] [Music] nothing more worth it you could think of [Music] egged On by The Murphys and Murdoch Travis commits the final atrocity they were talking about whether they should let her go or what should happen and it was decided because she had heard their names and that she'd seen their faces that she couldn't she couldn't leave she was lying face down at that point and John Chavez jumped on her back and grabbed her hair grabbed her by the back of the hair she was conscious at that time because the coroner said that she had defense swings on her hand and she put her hand up to stop that knife and he'd almost seven several of her fingers [Music] leaving her naked body lying in the field the five Killers take Anita's clothes to Travis's home and burn them in the backyard Anita is reported missing that night but it'll be two days later on the 4th of February 1986 that Farmer John ream sees his cattle all Gathering under a tree and he goes to investigate [Music] it was you know an adult or something at first the horrified farmer calls police who quickly descend on the scene followed soon afterwards by media helicopters she had suffered a Cutthroat and lacerations to her naked body consistent with falling on a barbed wire fence as barbaric details become known the murder makes international news it was a crime that really created an enormous amount of community and media attention a massive reward of one hundred thousand dollars is offered for information and gradually Public Assistance puts both Travers and the Murphys among the chief suspects stolen Carr proves to be the key well someone came forward and gave us a report that they had information that the Murphy Brothers and Murdoch had been seen in a car of that type there were other people that just came forward and gave information about and John Travis and others and eventually we got the information from another person in relation to the car that put us onto the car and knows that it possibly stolen the car and it was the car we're looking for first of the three men charge was arrested late last night more than two detectives arrest Liz Murphy and soon afterwards they locate Travis and Murdoch naked in bed together at a house in a neighboring suburb a large blood-stained knife is found hidden under the mattress John tell me more about the knife when Travis is interviewed he denies any involvement but his crude denial only makes detectives more certain of his guilt could Colby with it slid that [ __ ] throat the real breakthrough comes when a female acquaintance of Trappers later to be known as Miss X comes forward with shocking information about him and he had a habit of confiding in her about a number of his escapades including his behavior towards women violent behavior and she was able to to give us a profile if you like of Travers activities and his attitude towards women that's involved High degree of violence included in the information Miss X gives police a details of the brutal rape Travis committed in Western Australia she tells them about how proud he was as he told her the whole gruesome story and it was then she realized he was completely out of control Miss X agrees to secretly record conversations with him in which he reveals the shocking truth and Miss X went down to the cells the wired up G was shaking she was she was terrified during that conversation he confessed to the kidnapping and murder of Anita cobby what you're about to hear is the actual voice of John Travers coldly admitting to raping and murdering Anita cobby you'll also hear the actual words used by Miss X to protect her identity her voice has been substituted by an actress [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you okay [Applause] [Applause] she was an amazing lady and she stood very strong in court she never wavered from her story she wanted to give that evidence because she knew that if she didn't John Travis would commit another crime like that again a massive Manhunt is launched for the other two Murphy Brothers Michael and Gary and they're eventually arrested in a house at Glenfield in Southwestern Sydney tactical response group swerved just before 10 pm [Applause] news that five men have been charged with the rape and murder of Anita said set up a wave of revulsion right across the nation it was enormous there was huge crowds outside the Blacktown police station there was nurses hanging from the from the building opposite with a dummy made up hanging in a nurse there was no doubt if that if the public had the opportunity to get the hands on these offenders we wouldn't have seen them again [Music] the intensity of the public reaction terrifies other members of the families another of the Murphy boys Bernie a petty offender on the run from police told newsmen he feared for his life that's pretty scary you know just just seeing that you know and especially for my brothers it must have been hard for them oh I'm scared I'm just scared to go to jail because I think uh what's been said may may happen and uh I mean I I don't want it to happen to me but an innocent woman had been attacked by five men three of them from the one family the the Gang of Five uh really consisted of three three close-knit brothers and and two two friends who who were also mates but on the on the night of the kidnapping they operated as one as one unit there's no no doubt about that the brief routine appearance was marked by more tight security by now the crowd had grown larger and more hostile when the Murphy Brothers John Travis and Michael Murdock are interviewed the police find them quite Cooperative they're all eager to tell their story but like all cowards they try to blame each other they admitted that they had sex with her and they gave us some details in relation to what other people have done to it but on the whole their efforts were to minimize their roles and blame everyone else but I do think John Travis was probably the ringleader and the one that actually conducted the murder because he had that violent streak with a knife and so on I never ever have seen any knives mentioned with the Murphy boys he was serving 24 and a half years Miss X receives death threats including one on the phone from Michael Murdoch's mother it's not an easy task for a uh for a witness for any witness and giving evidence in a in a murder trial the case probably harder on this particular informant because she had been a close friend and confident of Travis she also knew others in the group Travis Fury is obvious as she steps up to give evidence at the coronial inquest he did try and um he did try and make a grab for her and which was quite a surprise no one was expecting it although he was being watched quite closely and he did threaten her dog threatened her family and he did try and attack her and she she was very frightened but she did stand her ground and she kept giving her evidence Miss X has her identity changed and she and her family are moved to a new secret location the five men stand trial in the New South Wales Supreme Court some 13 months after Anita's murder John Travers knowing the evidence against him is overwhelming suddenly changes his plea to guilty the trial of the other four lasts two months and the defendants shock Australia with their callous attitude laughing and sniggering in the dock as the gruesome details of Anita's murder are described to the jury their demeanor in court was probably one of Magnus I suppose the boys were giggling and smirking and carrying on they certainly didn't take the core proceedings since they did joke and talk yes and there were times that there were some glaring advances towards us the investigators and towards the crowd or towards the prosecutors Michael Murdoch probably was the one who a little bit more remorse than the others I can say from sitting in that court from the period it started to the period of finished um I don't believe they shared any remorse whatsoever for the crime that they committed [Music] the jury finds all four men guilty and they're sentenced to life in prison [Music] when we got out of the Court after they'd all been um reminded for sentence we walked out I recall a bus driver and there was a classic photo in the paper of a bus driver doing a little jig along the streets out the front with the throwings had in the air going out there guilty they're guilty and it was reminiscing of that dance when the war was over I didn't have a great deal of empathy for the for the offenders it was a it was a classical wordless crime I did go into the jail to see the Murphy Brothers and I saw Michael Murphy and Liz Murphy and Gary Murphy I found them all to be very very different in their in their personalities in their demeanor Liz Murphy was intimidating the manner that he spoke was was one of anger and aggression and violence Michael Murphy and Gary Murphy were a little more subdued and they were quite remorseful at times about the crime and their involvement in it but I felt that um both of them believed that they shouldn't have been committed of the crime many psychiatrists have tried to explain how these men could lose all respect for their fellow human beings how they could callously ignore pleas for mercy and take such pleasure from Human suffering While others with equally miserable childhoods do not turn out to be torturers and rapists and killers Travers and two other prisoners tried to escape through event no I don't think someone like a Trapper's could be rehabilitated in our current state of knowledge and therefore you know I think the I think his foul was annotated never to be released and I would suggest that's properly appropriate in this case [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 52,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, police, renae marsden, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, anita cobby, horror, crime stories, new episode, cobby, cobby murders, killers, murders, murderer, australian crime, anita cobby case, case
Id: 6-enLCHalpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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