The Mountbatten Festival of Music 2022 | The Bands of HM Royal Marines

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[Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen good evening and welcome to the royal albert hall for the 2022 mountbatten festival of music [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this the 50th mountbatten festival of music i'm katie durham and whilst i am pretty familiar with this venue this is actually the first time i've worked with the royal marines it's pretty good so far i'm just saying very proud indeed for any other first timers here in the hall or if you're watching online we're in for a treat tonight because we've got traditional music we've got contemporary music we are going across many genres through many eras it's a glorious festival of music but it's also a festival with real purpose each year these concerts help to raise much needed funds for our royal navy and royal marines charities and young lives versus cancer with your support tonight we can help these charities continue this vital work the concert opened with a brand new fanfare written by the core band master warrant officer class 1 ivan hutchinson it was composed to commemorate this jubilee year it's called platinum celebration and is our tribute to her majesty on stage making his conducting debut at this year's festival we have the first of tonight's four conductors captain tom griffin [Applause] joining captain tom on stage we have the band of her majesties royal marines collingwood plymouth and scotland ladies and gentlemen the masked bands of her majesty's royal marines [Applause] now as you'd expect our opening sequence will feature the world famous core of drums and they're going to assemble to music by the norwegian composer thomas bergerson with a piece called wings which is the first movement of his work humanity the drum static has been written by corporal bugler ben payne and it's inspired by his great-grandfather's experiences during the second world war including that as a prisoner of war it's called the last stand and it's a tribute to the strength of the human spirit another new arrangement then from the core band master brings together the full force of the masked bands and the core of drums in another two steps from hell feature entitled brave stone and then to close the opening section we turn to the music of the american march king john philip souza and his ever popular march hands across the sea but first to bring them onto the stage the mount baton march composed by lieutenant colonels vivian dunn please welcome the spectacular core of drums [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] just spectacular i'm sure you'd agree ladies and gentlemen the core of drums now the english composer philip spark published his first compositions when he was a student just down the road from here at the royal college of music and he quickly established himself as something of a giant bit of a legend in the brass band world his works have now been widely performed and recorded by all the great ensembles all the way around the world so to mark this golden anniversary of the mountbatten festival of music the appropriately titled overture for a special occasion [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] brilliant stuff absolutely brilliant now then we're going to shine a spotlight now on just a few of the amazing musicians we've got on stage here we're going to introduce you to some of the soloists in a few moments we're going to hear the song at last which originally featured in the 1941 film sun valley serenade but which was of course made famous by etta james i mean it's an absolute classic we're going to hear a wonderful arrangement by band color sergeant matt baudic and it'll be performed by band sergeant rich burberry on trombone and on vocals band lance corporal hannah smither it'll be conducted by captain sam here sign who'll then be conducting for the rest of this first half of the concert but before we hear samantha james we're going to hear something from the gang lands of new york city in the 1950s west side story inspired by shakespeare's romeo and juliet it is such an all-time favorite isn't it that score by leonard bernstein it's dramatic it's beautiful it's violent it's well it's just great isn't it and we're going to hear a dave grusin arrangement great arrangement of i feel pretty and i'd like you to give a very warm welcome now to warrant officer class to bandmaster hannah trojan on the piano and on flute band color sergeant sarah paxton [Applause] [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] do [Music] but [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] so [Music] ah [Music] so so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hey is [Music] is [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] that i could speak to a dream [Music] [Applause] [Music] my heart was wrapped up [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] you smile was [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you are [Music] [Music] loves [Music] [Applause] [Music] just dreamy stuff thank you so much guys that was wonderful well ladies and gentlemen we are approaching the end of the first half and i want you to just get yourself ready psychologically to spend some money in the interval that's what i really want you to do treat yourself there's a band shop located at door six selling a selection of royal marines banned memorabilia you know you want to it includes the most up-to-date cds and books and i urge you to go and get involved they'll also be royal marines musicians circulating in the corridors offering you all sorts of treats and of course all the proceeds will go to the royal navy and royal marines charities easy easy it's all for a good cause thank you should we get back to the music um to bring this first half of the concert to a rousing climax uh we're now going to celebrate the career of one of britain's most successful musical artists born reginald kenneth dwight sir elton john has sold over 300 million records during a career spanning decades and it's his 75th birthday this year so lieutenant trevor norton has produced a fabulous selection trevor's family are in he's produced a fabulous selection of classic hits so we're going to have solos from vancouver sergeant gordon carter on saxophone vocal performances from band corporal brian lloyd ban corporal sam mckindo and bandlance corporal kirsty haynes ladies and gentlemen here are the masked bands of her majesty's royal marines to perform your songs the music of sir elton john [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] hey me [Music] and hmm [Music] me [Music] um [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] baby [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a don't you know i'm still standing better than i ever did looking like a true survivor [Music] without you on my [Music] [Music] don't you know i'm still standing better than i ever [Music] come on [Music] yeah yeah yeah you got it [Music] [Applause] i'm still standing better than i ever [Music] [Music] without you on my mind [Music] [Music] hey i'm still standing [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] she packed my bags last night three flights [Music] i miss the earth so much i miss my wife is lonely out in space [Music] [Applause] [Music] brings me round again [Music] up here [Music] and i think it's gonna be a long long time and i think it's gonna be a long time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] me is [Music] [Music] [Music] saturday night all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] man [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] come on saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday saturday [Music] saturday saturday [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i promised you variety ladies and gentlemen right i don't know if you were expecting that but i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did what a way to start the second half the music of what i like to call rave legends the prodigy take me back music arranged by band corporal aaron pittman i hope your attention has been thoroughly grabbed and you're all set for the second half now we've got a new conductor at the podium as well as i'm sure you noticed please give a very round uh very warm round of applause to the newly appointed director of music training major daryl powell [Applause] okay then from a selection of music which maybe is new to some of you uh we move on to an arrangement now of a very popular very uh very often requested piece of music a real staple in the royal marine band repertoire for decades now many interpretations of the post horns have been played in these concerts i think at least six previous incarnations in fact we have a brand new one for you now from corporal joe rowlands stand by i'm not going to tell you too much all i want you to remember though is you asked for this when the time of man came to an end a darkness swallowed the land there was no more laughter no music the instruments of old fell silent and a new evil crept from the shadows to take their place recorders bagpipes and clarinets there was literally no control on clarinets anyone could just walk into a shop and buy one no background checks no training to make sure you could handle it properly you just paid your money and walked out with one anyway as our world descended into chaos from the darkest recesses of the underworld came a most powerful force of malevolence four servants of darkness who would relentlessly travel the land bringing misery and despair to all who beheld them the four horns men of the apocalypse [Music] one carried a silver trumpet and all who saw him troubled in fear he was bad tuning [Music] [Applause] the next transman sat upon a white throne and all who looked upon him saw only their own mortality he was bad rhythm [Music] [Music] the next carried a short and rather peculiar shaped horn and was very difficult to work with very challenging poor attitude if you ask me he was bad timing [Music] he was bad timing [Music] he was bad time ah here he is [Music] the next wielded a long and mighty weapon and was the worst and most dangerous of them all really bad guy no one liked him he was bad pitching [Music] himself no not the pdm it wasn't that bad but they had awakened a foul demon and lo he did unleash upon mankind the most evil of all musical genres disco this was too much for hornsman to bear sure they were all for a bit of war pestilence and famine but this was just getting silly [Music] they had to work together to send this foul beast back to the depths of hades [Applause] [Music] wow wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] food [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Laughter] food [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] the devil was banished back to his kingdom of agony and ruin and peace was restored to the land thanks to four heroes and their huge mighty glorious horns [Music] [Applause] [Applause] don't say i didn't warn you thank you so much to our four horns men they were band sergeants mark upton rich burberry and paul sagas band corporal joe rowlands and band lance corporal benny coxson thank you guys [Applause] on the 2nd of april 1982 an argentine invasion force landed on the british sovereign territories of the falkland islands code-named operation corporate the british task force sailed within days we're going to hear music now composed by band corporal craig sanders and watch film edited and produced by band corporal james dunlop recounting key events of the 74-day conflict this includes genuine historic footage from 1982. the mass bands recognized this 40th anniversary year in a tribute to those who served in 1982 some of whom are with us here tonight and those who didn't return [Applause] the house meets this saturday to respond to a situation of great gravity we are here because for the first time for many years british sovereign territory has been invaded by a foreign power after several days of rising tension in our relations with argentina that country's armed forces attacked the falkland islands yesterday and established military control of the islands i'm sure that the whole house will join me in condemning totally this unprovoked aggression by the government of argentina against british territory the falkland islands and their dependencies remain british territory no aggression and no invasion can alter that simple fact it is a government's objective to see that the islands are freed from occupation and are returned to british administration [Music] the argentines continue to show solidarity over the occupation of the forces their posters carried messages of hate it's still difficult to appreciate the passion the argentines feel over their claim to the island though it is plain to see at precisely 10 15 this morning hms invincible flagship of this extraordinary fleet slipped her moorings and eased gently into the calm waters of portsmouth the operation britain's commitment and task force had begun [Applause] [Music] now eight thousand miles of sea stretched before her perils of winter in the south atlantic the roaring forties and perhaps war at last she was clear away into the hazel half an hour later it's the turn of hermes the older generation carrier but perhaps looking more menacing the hardware displayed for all to see god's field [Music] and then more softly come back [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] me [Music] so [Applause] [Music] whole generation grew up in britain with this image instead for endurance a hunger to succeed but no one outside that elite group who made the yomp can know what it really meant [Music] it was a journey no one wanted to make on foot but the helicopters that could have taken them and their gear into battle had been destroyed they had literally no choice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the attacks had all been planned to take place at night there was too much open ground between the mountains land without cover for british troops to risk daylight offenses the night attacks were to be a key factor to our success large entire shows came in around us [Music] 200 yards from each other in a narrow estrious fitzroy leading off bluff cove the men had come to join other troops which have established positions here only seven miles from stanley [Music] then just after two o'clock that monday afternoon the shelling stopped we could hear only the occasional small arms fire and that less and less frequently the mountains and the valleys between them became silent then we thought of a possibility was there a ceasefire could it be a surrender at five minutes to fall major bill dawson came out of his tent best friend i've just heard that the white flag is flying over stanley [Music] tuesday 15th of june it was difficult to accept in those first daylight hours looking at the state of port stanley that the argentines had been here for less than three months and that the british landing was less than a month ago thankfully the royal marines quickly began to put things right men who had been here when the argentines invaded on april ii and had defended government house returned there that first morning of peace and raised the flag over the building they tried so hard to defend [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] just magic thank you we're going to continue our reflections now on the falklands war with a very special arrangement by captain philip trojan of brothers in arms the iconic dire straits anthem written in direct response to the conflict the performance is accompanied by a film showing the excellent work of the royal marines association the royal marines charity which provides outstanding support to serving and former royal marines and of course the aim of these concerts is to raise much needed funds for those who've served and that is where ladies and gentlemen you're about to get heavily involved because i normally tell you to turn your phones off during concerts but right now i'd like you to text to donate and the number is up there 70470 so please do so if you can and if you'd like to show your lights and tell everybody that you've donated that would be great if we can see twinkling lights all the way around the hall now for brothers and arms we're going to hear the guitar playing of band sergeant andy platt and on vocals band corporal sam mcindoo and to conduct the remainder of tonight's concert please give a very warm welcome to the principal director of music lieutenant colonel jace burcham so [Music] so [Music] these mist covered mountains are a home now for me but my home is and always will be someday your return to [Music] and you'll no longer [Music] through these fields of destruction baptisms of fire [Music] i've witnessed as the battle rage [Music] you did not desert me my brothers [Music] there's so many different worlds so many differences we have just one word [Music] but we live in different [Music] [Music] now the sun's gone to hell [Music] has to die [Music] to makers [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so powerful thank you so much it's time for a little light relief now ladies and gentlemen and a piece which is effervescing with character it's by eric whittaker it's called noisy wheels of joy and he describes it as pure simple fun it's got themes of love and adventure and comedy and it's all just basically thrown around the band with gay abandon we love it colonel jace particularly loves it we hope you do too [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] great stuff thank you ladies and gentlemen we're approaching the finale and once more for these concerts the mast bands have conceived and produced a very special musical tribute now we're recognizing that the mountbatten festival is in its 50th year so we're kind of begging your indulgence really we're going to tell the story of this national treasure with music again composed and arranged by core band master ivan hutchinson and with a film produced hello team hutchinson and with a film produced by band corporal james dunlop anyone here oh give him thank you we're going to take you on a historical journey right from the very start back in 1664 up to the modern era and beyond ladies and gentlemen this is the story of the band service of her majesty's royal marines the blue band for queen and country [Applause] [Music] the bands of her majesty's royal marines are regarded as one of the foremost military musical ensembles in the world with a rich heritage of performing world-class music raw marines musicians and buglers deliver a range of operational and musical outputs join me lieutenant colonel jace bertram principal director of music royal marines and myself lieutenant anne miller as we take you behind the scenes back through history and look ahead to the exciting future of the royal marines band service [Music] to understand our roots we begin here in the city of london and the order of council from his majesty king charles ii dated the 28th of october 1664. the twelve hundred land soldiers before fifth raised to be in readiness for sea service to be divided into six companies each company to have one captain one lieutenant one ensign one drummer four sergeants and four corporals at this time drummers were essential to communication acting as signals on the battlefield and literally dictating the rhythm of the day that see on a man of war beating to quarters calling the hands to dinner and ashore beating retreat to mark the close of the day by the 1760s from the original 1200 his majesty's marine forces had grown to comprise some 50 companies in three divisions at chatham portsmouth and plymouth the tactical importance and relevance of these divisions meant that each included 200 drummers for the next century drums and later fifes with a mainstay of military music continuing to provide these specific rules to the fleet on ships such as this hms victory launched in 1765 with music becoming more accessible and thus more popular a demand emerged for something more through their own subscriptions the officers in the divisions funded small musical ensembles with strings wind brass and percussion employed purely for their entertainment [Music] by the early 1800s informal bands were being set up on his majesty's ships musicians played a vital role in supplying the ship's cannons with gunpowder known historically as powder monkeys [Music] [Music] in 1802 the corps earned the title royal from king george the third instigated by the serving first sealord at the time admiral earl saint vincent this was for the contribution made by marines to the general service of the royal navy in 1804 the royal marine artillery was formed and in due course a royal marine artillery band established in addition to the three royal marine light infantry division bands as demand increased so too did the complement of the bands with new instruments being added to increase the range of repertoire for the ensembles and this included the advent of turkish music the introduction of exotic instruments such as symbols and drums popularity of the bands included the royal family who requested that royal marine musicians accompany them on their raw tours portsmouth division band the first military musicians ever to travel abroad by the mid 19th century this was becoming a common practice by the time this ship hms warrior entered service in 1860 the complement of the bans and the frequency of the support they gave to raw tours had increased the portsmouth royal marine line infantry band accompanied the prince of wales later king edward vii on a raw tour for which they were awarded the privilege of wearing the prince of wales plumes in their headdress insignia by the end of the 19th century royal marine bands were established with instrumentation that enabled them to double as orchestras and marching bands they provided direct support to royal tours in hm ships and royal yachts with chat and raw marine like infantry band proudly wearing the white rose of the duke of york some of these emblems are still used as part of our uniform today in 1882 the march a life on the ocean wave was officially recognized by the war office as the march past composed by henry russell and arranged by band master jacob cabbie the early 20th century saw profound development and exposure for the role marine bands the poor smith division bands under the direction of the senior band master another lieutenant miller had already started experimenting with putting the coral drums at the front of the band at a church parade prior to the coronation of king edward vii where all four divisional bands were present he placed his 30 to 40 drummers at the front of the band the sight and sand the mass bands led by the coral drums were so spectacular particularly when they played the hymn onward christian soldiers all royal marine bands adopted this practice from then on band had continued to be embarked on his majesty's ships but complement and musical standards were inconsistent something often attributable to the personal wealth of the admiral or captain that funded them so in 1903 the royal navy assigned responsibility for the provision and training of music to the royal marines ships bans were populated by marine musicians from the royal naval school of music which was established at eastleigh barracks portsmouth they were a royal marine uniform but with insignia of a liar to distinguish them from those in the divisions also in 1903 for accompanying all state visits to provide musical entertainment the royal marine artillery band was awarded the distinction of becoming the permanent royal yacht band privileged duty that continued with the descendant portsmouth bands until the decommissioning of her majesty's yacht britannia in 1997. over the next few years significant changes were implemented across the fleet with the launch of the dreadnaught class in 1906 there was a need for more stokers and there were seaman specialists due to the revolutionary new steam turbine engines there was a requirement therefore for more personnel for fire control and that job was given to the royal marines fans from that point royal marines musicians became operational the first half of the 20th century was dominated by war and conflict musicians and buglers performed their operational roles at sea with musicians manning the gunnery transmitting stations below the water line the buglers on the bridge sounding calls to convey orders when those ships were sunk all bats were lost [Music] [Music] [Music] a set of memorial silver drums and a set of memorial silver trumpets are dedicated to those of the royal naval school of music who gave their lives in the great war 1914-1918 and the world war 1939 to 1945 respectively purchased from the subscriptions of their comrades these are displayed here at portsmouth cathedral for the annual memorial service in 1923 the royal marines light infantry and the royal marines artillery amalgamated to form the royal marines plural with portsmouth division located here at eastnee [Music] all royal marine bands adopted the ceremonial uniform of the royal marine artillery whilst retaining their insignia confirmed by their respective royal duties a life in the ocean wave and heart of oak were officially adopted to march past by the admiralty along with the salutes and advance and review order still used today in 1948 the buglers began training alongside the musicians at the royal naval school of music at eastney this aligned them closer to the band and also established the combined training we still recognise today in 1950 the decision was made to amalgamate the royal naval school of music and the divisional bands to form the romarines band service the former becoming the royal marine school of music and moving from here to deal in kent under the direction of lieutenant colonel sarvian dunn the next decades were to be a period of consolidation and further development bands of her majesty's royal marines were by now regarded as the finest uk military bands in the country and among the foremost in the world in 1950 beating retreat was performed here on horse guards parade and filmed and screened to gain a wider public profile [Music] when the royal marines come to town londoners go to sea and today there's something special the royals are to beat retreat as one would expect royal marines bands performed their duties for the funeral of king george vi in 1952 and for the coronation of queen elizabeth ii in 1953 on the commissioning of the new raw yacht britannia in 1954 the portsmouth group band was once again assigned to permanent raw yacht service royal marines bands were now something of a household name with regular television appearances new screenings and performances at national and international sports fixtures such as the 1966 world cup final little did they know it but they were in for a bonus and the royal marines put on a grand half-time journal [Music] the 1953 movie entitled innocence in paris features the comic actor ronald scheiner playing the part of musician dickie bird a bass drummer in a royal marines band and the closing credits of the 1965 thunderbirds movie features the staff band performing the title music on the parade ground in deal 1973 saw the first of a series of annual concerts in this iconic venue the nation's village hall that concert series is now in its 50th year and in that time has raised significant amounts of money for the somalcom sergeant cancer fund for children now click sergeant and roy navy and royal marines charities despite consistently marching at the front of bands since the start of the century it wasn't until 1979 that the buglers became fully integrated into the royal marines band service their uniform refers to their history with a thin infantry stripe as worn by the general service but with the dress cords that distinguish them as buglers the iconic core of drums the oldest specialisation in the royal marines continues to be in huge demand around the world developing new techniques and innovative performances they are often requested to deliver training overseas in 1992 women were admitted into the royal marines fan service this year marks the 30th anniversary of that major change and a worthwhile point to note is that 40 of the current band service are female working in partnership with international military music schools and with close affiliations to civilian colleges and conservatoires here in gibraltar block at the royal marine school of music continues to be the forefront of music training operationally royal marines bands have deployed in every major conflict in the 20th and 21st centuries including the falkland islands iraq and afghanistan and providing support to humanitarian operations such as the ebola crisis in sierra leone and in the uk support to military aid to civil authorities even now royal marines band service personnel are deployed around the uk in support of the nhs the reputation of the royal marines band service is entirely due to our predecessors [Music] their achievements their performances their profile [Music] and their sacrifices those who have fallen through conflict and those we lost in the terrorist attack and deal in 1989 it is incumbent upon us the current and future generations the present custodians of this national treasure to honor them pay tribute to them and live up to their memory [Music] so [Music] [Applause] the bands of her majesty's royal marines are now the only dedicated profile asset available to the royal navy enhancing the reputation of global britain at home and overseas and not just delivering world-class music but protecting the nation in delivering a range of operational capabilities for the royal navy commando force and civil authorities structured to deliver a greater breadth of versatility for the future raw marines bands are now designed around small ensembles that combine to form larger ensembles up to and including the iconic marching bands and concert bands that agility enables royal marines bands to deploy overseas in small or large ensembles promoting uk global influence facilitating international diplomacy and engagement and creating and supporting opportunities to promote uk prosperity ensembles now include vocalists and guitarists in addition to strings enabling bands to perform the widest variety of musical genres such as can be seen and heard in our performances both live and online in maintaining profile for the royal navy our online presence has grown exponentially seeing millions of views across various social media platforms with our channels reaching 50 million people worldwide every month we're incredibly proud of our heritage where we've come from and where we're going in over 350 years we've represented and served alongside the royal marines and the royal navy and accompanied the royal family for generations past present and future it continues to be an honor to perform around the globe on behalf of the united kingdom on the world stage the bands of her majesty's royal marines are a unique force multiplier within defence with a long history of service to britain royal marines bands maintain their heritage delivering versatility agility and excellence configured to meet the demands of operational and musical outputs giving performances that blend the traditional with the contemporary representing britain live and online in the uk at sea and overseas this is your royal marines band service [Music] so [Music] [Applause] just fantastic thank you so much ladies and gentlemen on behalf of all of us can i thank you for supporting this year's festival and helping us raise so many much-needed funds for the royal navy and royal marines charities and don't forget if you want to see or hear more you can follow us on all the social media channels and you can watch this concert in fact on youtube for this mfm broadcast and if you haven't already done so grab yourself a copy of the cd from last year's mountbatten festival of music as well as you leave but we will be back we'll be back next year on the 10th and 11th of march for the 2023 festival we'll also be beating retreat on horse cars this year on the 25th and 26th of may that's after an absence of four years so see you there now as you leave the hall you won't be able to miss the charity collectors and i have been reliably informed that you're always extremely generous so don't let me down uh if you haven't already texted to donate or you'd like to donate some more please take a moment to do so the number once again is 704 and you will contribute to this invaluable work done by the charities we're supporting tonight we're going to finish the concert in traditional fashion with the march past of the royal navy heart of oak the march past of the royal marines commandos sarah murray and of course conclude with the regimental march of her majesty's royal marines a life on the ocean wave all those serving and former serving please stand for your respective march and you might even spot an oppo across the stalls so we look forward to seeing you on your feet one final mount baton festival tradition is the possibility to hear a final piece this evening after those marches it's all down to you and how much appreciation you show you've been a fantastic audience already tonight so i have no doubt you'll be showing your appreciation warmly loudly later and finally really finally this time on behalf of colonel jace myself his fellow directors of music the mass bands of her majesty's royal marines thank you so much have a very good night have a safe journey home see you soon thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] nobody can [Music] cause it hangs them up to see someone [Music] [Music] make your own kind of music even if nobody else is [Music] [Applause] and if you must be going i will understand [Music] is [Music] if nobody [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a celebration [Music] there's a party going on right here let's still celebrate and have a good time we're gonna celebrate and have a good time together it's up to you what's your pleasure [Music] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The Bands of HM Royal Marines
Views: 613,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal Marines band, royal navy, marching, military, corps of drums, band, the queen, the king, music, live, concert, performance, Mountbatten festival of music, horse guards, beating retreat, video, film, amazing, incredible, awesome, best, piano guys, lindsey stirling, 2cellos, Peter bence, raf, army, corps, drum, percussion, brass, woodwind, strings, drummers, drumline, American, singing, singer, royal Albert hall, london, uk, british, smart, how to, play, top 10, ten, classic fm
Id: Q9VooyxTP8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 40sec (8320 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 30 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.