The Most VIRAL YouTube Covers of All Time #2

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I actually thought that you will do an reaction video of the new KSI song

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nicholasfjw 📅︎︎ Jan 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
in this video we're going to be looking at even more of the most viral youtube cover songs of all time let's get started first off we have a cover of john legends all of me by louisiana zogby 108 million [Music] smart views drawing me and you kicking me out got my head spinning no kidding i can't pin you down what's going this seems to be in the category pretty girls singing there's nothing standing out with a version so far her voice is good but it doesn't stand out that much yet and the instrumental is exactly the same and i'm so dizzy i don't know what it means so obviously at least to my eyes this is lip synced and you can kind of hear how they cut the vocal pretty bad there they cut off the breath sounds a little bit funny that's nice [Music] it's very nice i don't see where the 100 million views are coming from though because it doesn't stand out that much compared to a lot of other stuff the accent makes me think that she's like from i don't know indonesia maybe even india i don't even know it makes me think of j flaw which i think has a similar appeal that also gets a lot of views on her covers we talked about her in some other videos but yeah she can make cover songs and get big big views where maybe the musical qualities don't stand out as much as maybe her appearance which is fine it's okay to capitalize on your appearance you know you can't hate on it but at the same time you can't say it's 100 about the music next up we have the kings of youtube covers boys avenue in our previous video on viral youtube covers we had them as well this is photograph by ed sheeran 230 million place [Music] it's always so well [Music] can done sometimes but it's the only thing that i know i just think his voice is so great at transmitting emotions [Music] she's great too it is the only thing that makes us feel alive more i think about it the more it's the same here that there's like a young pretty girl that's part of it all the biggest youtube covers seem to have like a very pretty young girl [Music] [Applause] [Music] she has such a great voice that's so awesome they both have that like super sentimental vibe to their voices let you go wait for me to come home everything with the harmonizing and the type of arrangement this is what the potential of something like glee could have been to me but instead they just made it like this you know harmonizing and building bigger vocal arrangements can be a very tasteful interesting thing and i think that boys avenue and especially these ones would be a miller are very good at that and i really like it by the way welcome back to another daily video my name is joel from roomie official you're very quiet you should say something is math related to science oh that's offense never say that again today as i said we're looking at some of the most viral youtube covers but we're also squeezing in some viral mashups and some coverage we're not intended for youtube but still with viral on there let's continue here we have a classic that wasn't made for youtube it's grace and chance's cover of paparazzi by lady gaga this kind of catapulted him into famous i remember [Music] things are great nice [Music] is so bored they don't know what they're looking at and then like 68 million views on youtube and these guys are sitting there in the background like they just want to go home that's funny it always makes me worry for singers when they get famous before puberty like justin bieber had a really hard time obviously sounded not great there for a little bit backstage he definitely has a great voice the rhythm and stuff for the piano and how he's playing it a little bit confusing there's no stable beat really [Music] [Music] is mine it is really high it's definitely impressive great stuff grayson chance by the way guys we got merch check out this merch this merch that merch buy them so that i can buy rednecks the band and make them dance for me all day they're going to be dancing next up we have the medley of daft punk by pentatonix a lot of you guys asked for that last time 342 million [Music] it quick erase views write it cut it please it save it load it check it quickly write it plug it play it burn it flip it drag and drop it all these pentatonix videos and songs are always so well produced but at the same time as like takes away a little bit of their immense talent that you know that they have [Applause] [Music] don't look at me like that keeps [Music] i wonder if it's contact lenses together with some type of special light you shine on it to make it really pop [Music] i love scott's uh vowels like he doesn't sing sun ever it's always showing we're up all night to the sun we're up all night to get some i can't even overdo it as much as he does it's very interesting i feel like they all practice so much in front of the mirror when they're singing like they like lift it up so it's like one of those little tick tock smiles that people do on there it's so fun [Applause] last night there's nothing wrong with just a little [Music] amazing i love this next up we have teddy swim's cover of you're still the one by shania twain 50 million plays a little bit more of an unknown one even though that is a lot of place this goes out to my mom looks like we made it look how far we've come my baby he had a little talk there in the beginning and then it switched to a lip sync interesting there's even overlapping vocals here like never make it like there it kind of overlapped into the next phrase [Music] what happened there on the two weirdly tuned or something [Music] i never really like when vocal takes overlap it takes me out of it like okay it's very obvious you recorded this in many many takes apart from that amazing stuff i always feel like it adds so much emotion when someone looks like this like a big beard in tattoos and stuff and then you sing like a really soppy song for some reason it really works it's the same principle as rock bands doing covers of ballads and stuff like that and you're always like wow that's so awesome like the sound of silence by disturbed here we got a mashup of see you again love me like you do and sugar by megan davies it's got 73 million place [Music] gotta love those autofocus guitar shots love me like you do love me like you do love me like you do mother love me like you don't touch me [Music] i just wanna [Music] i like this mashup because it's so based off of the melodies and making everything work like a puzzle it works really really well i like all of their voices they all sound really great girls get a lot of plays on covers on youtube who would have known i think i saw a study somewhere that said that both girls and guys like to look at girls more [Music] for that song gotta say it's not working [Music] entirely [Music] ah that's very good i don't know why i keep going back to glee but this is glee done better why did not like a multi multi-million dollar tv show deliver things that are on par with people doing it independently on youtube that is crazy anyway i really like this very very good and here we have the iconic simirally doing a cover of cups from pitch perfect by anna kendrick this has 53 million views [Music] won't you come with me [Music] this was a big fat everyone was doing covers of this cop song it was such a big thing it's hard to imagine something similar coming up now [Music] [Applause] you're gonna miss me without great performance it's cool to see that it is live but at the same time it's like oh you can't really listen too long because it's kind of good very echoey room and a pretty mid-range heavy microphone anyway they were always super talented did a lot of live covers great stuff next up we have from another very iconic youtube cover artist kurt hugo schneider it's a cover of beauty and the beat and it is alex good kurt and chrissy costanza if you were around for the golden cover era on youtube they were some of the biggest names oh i remember this i've heard this so many times it's very good [Music] oh [Music] i like how he always sounds like he's about to be strangled in a good way it's just a very specific type of singing overall his tomboy or however you say timber anyway overall maybe his voice doesn't stand out that much compared to a lot of what do you call a type of singer kind of like an emo type of singer but that particular thing is pretty unique i keep wondering how it feels though because it does sound like it might hurt a little bit [Music] that is nice who can make my life completely [Music] that is very high her high note there [Music] of course incredible i like it i like the music video i like all of it and here we have a really fun one i think people asked for this as well post-modern jukebox covering creep if you don't know post-modern jukebox they kind of take newer songs and make them sound old it's pretty [Music] eye snazzy think it's live as well actually how they record this like i love that [Music] [Applause] it's so dope [Applause] [Music] i think it's this guy who is kind of the brain of the operation of post-modern jukebox i gotta say it's incredible it's amazing i'm so happy something like this is working i assume the budget isn't too high for something like this but there's a lot of rehearsal involved they always bring in such great singers that's like what i come in for because it looks like the singing is actually live and it's always just unreal the arrangements are also really dynamic from what i remember if we go towards the end i think it's gonna be a lot bigger sounding [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] oh oh big gold goosebumps that was unreal i love that 90 million views that is easy to see why okay guys click here for more music commentary videos they care for music vs videos and i will see you tomorrow in another daily video this was so much fun there's so many great covers i'm sad covers aren't working as well on youtube anymore but don't be sad it's gone be happy that it happened am i right fellow earthlings
Channel: RoomieOfficial
Views: 1,100,336
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ErJx90SgMeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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