The most UNUSUAL pets on Earth

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some pets are commonplace while others are perfectly peculiar here are the top 10 most unusual pets number 10 the Madagascar hissing cockroach if you want to jump on the unusual but increasingly popular pet bandwagon and you may find yourself in the market for a Madagascar hissing cockroach these little critters are becoming such popular pets that retailers like Petco are beginning to sell them they're cheap easy to care for and perfectly safe for children to handle in fact entomologists claim that having one of these critters for a pet even has some unique benefits they claim that owning a Madagascar hissing cockroach can help people especially children overcome their fear of bugs number nine a grizzly bear most people fear the massive grizzly bear and rightfully so grizzly bears are amongst some of the largest creature's around furthermore they are very aggressive so having a pet grizzly bear wouldn't be the first choice for most Casey Anderson however owner and founder of the Montana Grizzlies counter has defied public opinion Anderson has a pet grizzly bear his bear named Brutus follows him around everywhere and is actually quite affectionate in fact anderson claims that despite Brutus his size and reputation Brutus is actually quite cuddly and emotionally in sync with Anderson Anderson goes on to explain that bears actually have similar emotions to humans so he and his pet grizzly bear have a very strong emotional bond number eight a HIPAA a hippopotamus is an extremely dangerous and vicious animal by Nature in fact hippos account for numerous deaths and injuries every year but that's not the case with Jessica a friendly hippo who has become the beloved pet of Tony and Shirley jus bear the couple found the hippo in a state of distress just outside their home in 2000 when it was quite young the hippo was on the riverbank of their home in South Africa the couple was aware of the aggressive nature of hip-hop's but they insisted that the hippo needed help so they brought it home with them and have been taking care of it ever since before we move on be sure to subscribe to daily toptenz with notifications on so you don't miss any of our videos number seven a gator most people who live in Florida are taught to avoid alligators since they are both aggressive and dangerous but not Mary thorn Mary thorn has a pet alligator named Rambo she adores her Gator and takes it with her almost everywhere she goes thorn even has an assortment of clothes for her Gator and she's known to dress him up for the holidays furthermore thorn claims that Rambo enjoys motorcycle rides so she's been known to take it for a ride from time to time thorn claims her alligator is a perfectly safe pet because she has trained it Rambo will not bite according to thorn and he will even keep his mouth completely shut when he's around other people and guests in her home number 6 a red fox having a pet Fox is probably not on the pet owner radar for most but for Jessica Coker having a pet Fox has not only earned her a faithful companion it's earned her social media stardom juniper the Fox is not your average Fox she's domesticated she's docile and she has over 2 million followers on Instagram juniper is a red fox who was bred in captivity on a fur farm Coker purchased juniper when she was Juniper's best friend other than Coker is a six year old Australian Shepherd named moose Coker is not the only person in the world to have a pet Fox in fact foxes actually make great pets as juniper clearly shows their social media as long as they are tamed and trained properly they are very loyal and they entertained their owners with their comical antics and mischievous nature there are a few drawbacks though to fox ownership foxes aren't nocturnal by nature and are known to emit a musky smell number five a hyena when Bryan Hahn decided he didn't want an average household pet he adopted a hyena they named it Jake and Jake the hyena was a wonderful pet to Han and while Han went off to work Jake stay behind and patiently waited for his owners return wiling away his days in a small apartment in Miami Florida eventually though Han realized that his pet hyena needed a lot more room to run and play thankfully he donated the hyena to an exotic animal sanctuary where Han still visits his hyena from time to time Hans pet hyena speaks to an important issue when it comes to owning an unusual pet unusual pets like hyenas often have unusual requirements they may need more space than an average pet or special food so while it may be tempting to have an unusual pet like a hyena it's often not advisable unless the owner is willing to provide the pets with all its extraordinary needs and requirements number four lemurs famous actress Kirstie Alley has a soft spot for lemurs she owns fourteen of them even though she admits that they are extremely difficult to domesticate Allie is not the only person in the world to own a lemur but this unusual pet is not an easy one to keep lemurs are very high-energy and they need a warm environment they are native to the island of Madagascar and they require a very specific diet so owning a lemur is both a time-consuming and expensive undertaking they require special cages they also require a lot of attention furthermore they are social animals and they will not be happy unless they're together with other lemurs for these reasons some animal rights activists have argued that owning lemurs is actually unethical as they belong in the wild will not be happy in captivity this hasn't stopped some people though from attempting to domesticate these unusual and lively little primates number three a raccoon several people have claimed a masked bandit as a pet but none ourself famous as pumpkin with over a million followers on Instagram pumpkin the raccoon is a pretty popular pet I'll be at an unusual one owning a raccoon though is probably not the first choice for many as raccoons are wild animals in fact most people regard raccoons as a nuisance raccoons although cute are known for being quite vicious and vengeful by nature they can and will attack if they feel threatened but Rosie camp found pumpkin the raccoon when pumpkin was just a babe pumpkin had been separated from her mother there was nowhere to rehabilitate her in Nassau Bahamas where pumpkin was found so Kemp took the raccoon in since then pumpkin has become a fully domesticated household pet it is surprising to learn that raccoons can be domesticated and can actually be decent pets so long as they are trained at a young age number two a tiger famous boxer Floyd Mayweather made headlines when a video of him trying to corral his pet tiger went viral Mayweather is not of course the only celebrity to own a big cat but the publicity over his pet tiger has caused animal activists to step forward animal activists claim that owning a big cat such as a tiger or a lion or any other type of large feline is not fair to the cat they insist that people purchase these cats without the foresight to truly understand what it takes to care for one large cats need a lot of space and a lot of food furthermore they are extremely difficult to train and contain as Mayweather struggle with his Tiger shows big felines have a wild instinct and even if they bond with their owner they can still pose a significant threat to others around them so although owning a large exotic animal is alluring it's not a decision that should be made lightly some people argue that Tigers are an unusual pet for a reason they are not really meant to be kept as pets they believe that Tigers are best left to their devices in the wild where they belong number one a polar bear the top spot on this list of top 10 most unusual pets goes to an unlikely pet a polar bear Mark Dumas like most pet owners loves to swim with his pet but his pet unlike most pets is a giant polar bear his polar bear is named Aggie and Dumas has been keeping Aggie as a pet for quite some time Dumas and his wife Dawn have a lot of experience with bears they handle the animals at beyond just bears in Canada so they are able to successfully train Aggie who is a staggering 800 pounds Aggie is also a star haven't appeared in numerous TV advertisements and movies Dumas says he was able to create such a close connection with the polar bear because he has been with the bear her whole life Aggie is very affectionate towards Dumas and even gives him bear hugs cuddles and kisses Aggie wasn't always this docile though she used to bite Dumas when she was a cub behavior that Dumas had to Train out of her she doesn't bite anymore though and Aggie has become a beloved pet to the couple of course keeping a polar bear comes with unique challenges but the do mosses have provided Aggie with all the Aggie needs to thrive Aggie is a perfectly happy pet polar bear check out some of our recent popular uploads and be sure to subscribe to daily top 10 so you don't miss any of our videos [Music]
Channel: DailyTop10s
Views: 733,872
Rating: 4.8005557 out of 5
Keywords: most unusual pets, unusual pets, weird pets, bad pets, pets, animals
Id: IV2TJ32hOx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 02 2019
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