The Most UNDERRATED Climbing Skill

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how do you go from this to this most climbers think it's all about flexibility but that's not the whole story so here's what I recommend first if you find you don't have the flexibility to get into these positions work on the Frog pose and weighted deep squats the Frog pose helps unlock external rotation and Abduction of the hips which climbers need a lot of the weighted deep squats help with hip flexion range of motion while under load start with about 10 to 20 pounds and when you can sit comfortably in the full range bring the weight in closer to your chest and progress the weight place a small wedge under your heel for assistance as needed next we need to work on our strength and proprioception in High Step positions hold on to an object for balance lift your knee up as high as you can then try and hold that position for a few seconds and repeat finally let's improve our pushing strength after all none of this will be useful if we can get into the high step position but not out of it you can perform High Step drills on the wall but box squats or pistol squats will generally be easy to track and progress consistently if you want even more information on this topic check out our full-length video on YouTube and that's today's beta
Channel: Hooper's Beta
Views: 88,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, sport climbing, rope climbing, climbon, climb stronger, climb better, rehab, physical therapy, doctor of physical therapy, orthopedics, strength, mobility, function, training, strength training, climb harder, sport, athletics, fun, education, sport training, training for climbing, hip mobility, high foot, high foot climbing, deep squat, frog pose, yoga pose, yoga hip mobility, yoga for climbers, pistol squat, pistol squat climber
Id: Yeg2IhVuhrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2023
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