The Most UNDERRATED City to Live in ASIA - Kuala Lumpur in 2024

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hey guys it's my first time in koala lur and some people told me that they really love the city and some people told me that they really like it so I wanted to see it for myself what is the reality of living in koala Lura C chanom and I will show you everything you need to know in this video if you're interested in coming here the first impressions of the city is pretty insane I'm now in the famous GCC Park and yeah it's pretty awesome City like uh how it seems like the center area it's uh really tropical and modern and so cool buildings and everything and I I have been disoma for almost 3 years and tried living in so many places in Southeast Asia I noticed that every place have their benefits and some things that are not so nice so we'll see how it is in gual Lumber my favorite big city so far is probably Bangkok but it was quite expensive there but I think qual lomper is famous to be quite affordable so we'll see how the cost of living is here now I will show you all the prices I also really can't wait to show my Airbnb it's really awesome apartment building close here and it's quite easy to in KL to find something affordable nice apartment with infinity pool and gym and everything so that's what I love about these kind of cities also it's so nice to walk around here I'm surprised I expected it to be nice but it's even nicer than I expected it's really beautiful it's really peaceful it's quite hot now in kale I think it's rainy season but the weather is still nice but yeah quite hot but I'm I'm so happy with this park but yeah now it's time to go to a mall I need to buy something and the shopping seems to be pretty awesome in kale it's quite easy to around in the city with a grab car it's only like1 or $2 per ride in the city so it's quite affordable and and the yeah from uh from Finland yeah and most countries get 90 days visa on arrival for free without doing anything I got that also so super easy and it's nice in K also it's really Central like it's kind of like a hub for the flight so it's easy to travel from here to anywhere basically and it's affordable so it's quite good location to be based in I guess nice and easy just few minutes to the mall it's really nice with the grab and from the airport also I just got a grab also it was like $15 total from the airport it's like 1 hour drive so it was quite easy to get to the hotel from there I came to pavilion mall it's I think one of the biggest ones and it looks quite big I'm a little bit lost I'm trying to find a DJ store because I need a new drone and I think it's quite affordable here I think the shopping in KL is really good because there's so many big malls and also it seems that everything is a little more affordable than in Western countries or in Indonesia or all these countries I'm used to being okay so I will show you now around the apartment buildings there's actually so much to show around here but I decided to start here at the balcon in My Level where I'm staying in the 31st floor because I've been here every morning meditating because it's really beautiful the sun is shining some sunlight in the morning it's always good and healthy and the views are pretty amazing there's actually I will go there later there's some kind of like a rainforest thing last one in the city I really love how they put so much Greener here it's really nice in the city to be in a building like this but yeah now to the rooftop and this is the rooftop I'm actually surprised that in the morning maybe because it's Sunday there's quite many people here already but yeah with the pool the view is pretty amazing I definitely need to come here in the evening I think it's going to look really amazing with all the lights of the big building builds there's actually also twostory gym in the building with the views I will go do workout soon and show more about that but let's see what's up here oh in the rooftop there's more space to chill and there's so much actually they really make so many places to this big buildings always I really love to stay in these like big buildings in the big cities because then you have a gym infinity pool and like so many amenities and one store down they seem to have some business area where you can work or have a meeting and also there's some games like blyard okay I'm at the gym now they have pretty much everything needed for basic workout downstairs is some cardio machines and everything and the views are really nice from there also and here upstairs they have the weights and everything and some space for yoga stretching whatever here the views are pretty awesome and I'm the only one here now so that's really nice addition also yeah I really love to have a gym like this in the building I'm staying it's just really nice to come like every day or often easily to the gym and not needing to go somewhere especially in the city it takes a while [Music] always I had a such a good workout is basically the best gym I ever had in an apartment building or hotel they have everything you really need it's small but there's not many people here so it's really nice and the views are really really amazing but yeah for the apartment I will show you that later with the link to the Airbnb and the prices and everything but I just need to organize this stuff a little bit before I show it and now I'm starving so I will go to the city to check one restaurant that I found that looks really awesome and do some work there and I have arrived to after one it's such a cool looking spots middle of the big buildings and it's quite close where I stay my food has arrived looks good Super Fresh not the most affordable place but I needed something healthy and kombucha and I tried the Wi-Fi it's quite fast here it's really good actually so it's good for working here let's try the food it's actually really really good it's so fresh and so tasty I'm impressed actually because coming from Bali the food is so good that it's a bit difficult sometimes to travel when the food is just doesn't compare but this is really good the kuch is really good and I also really need to try the Malaysian food because it's really affordable and I think it's similar than in Indonesia that it's really tasty and good and also my friends told me that the Indian food here in KL is really really good because there's so many Indians here so I need to try that also I'm just walking to a supermarket and the city seems to be very walkable at least that's what all the grab drivers keep telling me it's funny because like uh yeah they have business if I used to grab but they keep telling me that you can actually just walk here the weather was also so good it has been like this every day while I'm here that is in the morning and midday it's really sunny and nice and then in the afternoon and evening it might be a little bit rainy or more cloudy but not too bad and the people seem so nice in KL I'm surprised it doesn't really have that feeling of big city of like business and rushing around people are super smiley and nice a lot of people like um in the building or in the streets just stop talking to me and like giving advice and also the grab drivers are super nice they always talk and give advice and ask things and super smiley and my everyb host they're really really nice so yeah it's a really good vibe here I really like it so far far it only took few minutes walk to the mall where the big Supermarket is it looks actually really good it's nice to have a good supermarkets of course for long stay and it seems nice and yet the views when walking are just so nice that yeah it's it's really nice to walk around and go to places in the center of KL it seems to be like not so big area that everything is kind of a little bit close to each other which is really nice there's actually quite many things to do and see in qual lumur area and today I came to one of the main attractions B caves let's see how it is I'm a little bit worried because there's a lot of monkeys I hope they don't steal my stuff but yeah it was actually really easy to come here with grab it only was like4 to5 to drive here and it's like 20 minutes so very very easy and simple and I'm so surprised by the area like it's uh kind of like in the city like I thought it's kind of like in the countryside or in the mountains or something something but it's just randomly like sun in the city it's of course getting so busy already but it's really beautiful place and I have reached the cave good burn in the legs to walk here but yeah I think this one of these places you just want to come for one time and see how it is but I'm super excited to try the Echo Park and stuff in qualer Center because those are things you would do like often and go there all the time so I'm here at the apartment now I will give you a quick tour and I will show you the prices and everything in a second but yeah this is basically it it's quite spacious I found it on Airbnb the best thing about this is the location because it's so close to everything is just few minutes drive to anywhere in the center and you saw the MDS it's really nice with the gym and everything but yeah the apartment it's pretty nice the bed is so comfortable and basically all I need in an apartment because I order food and eat out is nice bed and nice place to work and the table is pretty nice here also for working really comfortable with nice view and the Wi-Fi is also quite good as you can see the view is nice to the big building and it's just really nice in the evening to see the city lights and everything it's super nice I've been sleeping without the curtain and it's super super quiet here so it's really nice to just relax and sleep and work and everything I've been actually really enjoying this apartment and of course there's also a kitchen that is never used by me because I don't I don't really cook when I'm in Southeast Asia but it is kind of nice they have this like opening thing so if you want to cook there's more space here but without cooking it's not on the way and this is the bathroom it's okay no problems with it this apartment is quite nice actually even for longer stay because there's lots of space you can put your stuff there or there in the closets so this is basically the Airbnb listing that I found and booked they had so many apartments in this building actually and some even more cheaper ones but yeah this has been really good because in this floor is the nice balcony so it's really nice you can easily go there to just look at the views or medat or whatever so it's really nice in the mornings so it's definitely good value for money but also there's so many options for apartments in the city that are really nice with infinity pools and everything nice designs for around $600 per month there's many many options in this building I found this one that is super nice looking apartment for like 600 or the total price is 700 something per month so yeah there's there's many nice options in KL is easy to find and of course you can find something that is even more affordable but maybe not as nice am many it is but I'm actually a little bit surprised because I I look into KL like year two years ago and the prices were even more affordable like insane apartment buildings for like like $400 per month or something so I don't know why the prices seem to be a little bit more now but yeah still really really nice value for money I just ordered some Malaysian food but in the meantime I came to the seventh floor to check like what's here the last amenities I haven't seen yet so there's some area to work I guess here and chill with the view and there's even a cafe I didn't know they have there's quite much in the building actually there's also a little convenience store in the ground floor so you can basically you don't need to leave here much the food has arrived looks so good smells so good it wasn't the most affordable Malaysian food but still good price let's try how The Taste is but yeah also I was just uploading from the new drone the footage and yeah it looks insane I'm super happy with the DJI air tree it's pretty insane nowadays what kind of food is you can get from that kind of drone not the best food ever but pretty solid still I I really want to try in the nth Market what kind of food they have there oh yeah actually yesterday I ordered from this one vegan cafe and the food was really really good like 10 out of 10 [Music] almost I came to the Echo Park for morning walk it's so nice it's literally next to the apartment right there I heard this is the last rain forest left inside the qual lumper city it seems to be quite big area there's supposed to be some birds and animals here so let's explore I'm so lost I walked through like hundreds of spider webs I'm deep in the jungle KL Tower is here also in the park I found a monkey hello oh there's other one it's kind of scary is it okay it's so nice I'm literally the only one in the park right now with the monkeys but also it's kind of scary to be the only one in the park with the monkeys but yeah this park is super super nice experience but yeah it wouldn't be a place to come every morning for morning walk because the entrance fee is quite much but yeah there's also one more Park I want to check because there's a lake and I think it's really good for running oh it feels so good to swim after the rainforest it was so hot there and of course I don't mind the view here is so nice but yeah guys try to do a morning walk every day and cold shower after that it will really change your life I'm trying new restaurant lagula today it's actually really nice there's really nice menu looks really nice and the Wi-Fi is super fast here so yeah I think generally for working qual Loomer is quite good the Wi-Fi seems to be good in all the cafes and in the apartment building and there's also so many working spaces in the center that look really niceu I'm checking quickly the night view on the rooftop there's a lot of people here I think there's a little party going on but yeah now I go to the center in the KLCC to see how it looks at now it should be awesome the quor views from the rooftop are really amazing from the pool and the sunset was really amazing today also just really cool views there's definitely some dates going on looking at the views it's really cool spot for that it's just really magnificent buildings and the view at night is even cooler I don't know how it translates in the camera but yeah it's it's massive there's some people running here it's actually a really cool spot at night also to just run here and see the views and it's not as hot so it's pretty nice I came to Botanical Gardens for aun and this place is actually awesome there's no entrance fee and the area is so big and there's so much to see here and while I'm having my run I will give you my final review and opinion how it is to live in koala lur and if I think it's worth it for you to come here also so let's start with the cost of living so I would say that it's quite affordable it's definitely more affordable than bangok for example but also it's not as good as Vietnam for example in Danang it's really even cheaper for the food and everything so it's not the best in that way but of course it's also a really big city so even if the accommodation is a little bit more expensive here but you can get that kind of building that has infinity pool and gym and everything so it's good value for money for what you get basically and for the food it's not as good as for example in Danang I think the food there was better in bangok also it was a littleit better so it's not the best food ever but it's quite good there's many options and for the transportation it's pretty nice with the grab that is so affordable and easy I like in KOA lur because everything is so close in the center so it doesn't take long time to go somewhere and also the traffic is mainly not stuck or anything so it's quick to go with Greg but also of course if you stay longterm maybe renting a scooter could be quite nice here also and of course you can even use public transport but then it's not so quick to go around and one thing I noticed in KL that there people are really nice and it's nice to talk to people many people start talking to me randomly but I haven't really met any like friends here mainly I talk with the grab drivers or people staying in a building but they're just here for short term so I don't know how the situation is for like longterm living maybe it's easy to make friends here but I'm not sure about it it doesn't seem as good as in Bali or these places where you just automatically make friends like every day wherever you go but yeah all in all I think it's one of my favorite if not the favorite big city in Southeast Asia because it's just really nice Vibe like the KCC Park and this park there's really nice areas and the center is so nice and people are nice and it's just good it's just Good Vibes here but also I'm not sure like who is it for for long term like if you have a job here of course then it makes sense but for like this gen noads I'm not sure like probably in my opinion it's better to be in Bali or this like Islands but if you like big cities then I would recommend trying it maybe it's something you really enjoy and like but of course there's many other options like Bangkok for example but at least for short stay it's definitely worth it to come to koala lour and I hope this video was helpful see you next week subscribe and like the video
Channel: Joose the Nomad
Views: 54,354
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Keywords: kuala lumpur in 2024, Malaysia travel 2023, How is Kuala lumpur now, Living in KL, Expat in Asia, Digital nomad, Digital nomad destinations in 2023, Kuala Lumpur travel guide, Tips for Malaysia travel, Kuala Lumpur cost of living in 2023, What to do in kuala lumpur, What to know before travel to Malaysia, How cheap is Malaysia, Kuala lumpur lifestyle, How to travel Kuala Lumpur, Where to stay in Kuala lumpur, KL activities, Is Kuala Lumpur Cheap now in 2023, KL 4K, KLCC, Bukit
Id: 7_jQgMDSFr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 9sec (1029 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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