The Most Toxic Relationships Couples

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you might think toxic relationships are limited to just the celebrity crowd but the drama actually extends far beyond the red carpet in this video we're about to uncover six of the most shocking and surprising toxic relationships between celebrities and prominent literary figures whether you're enjoying a snack behind the wheel or just playing curious about the juicy interpersonal stories behind classic books of literature you want to sck around until the end the six cpet relationship is guaranteed to leave you utterly speechless you won't believe what went down between these two luminaries the tragic love affair of Walter Benjamin and AIS the relation between the famous German series Walter Benjamin and Asis a journalist from Moscow was also a painful drama lacis was no ordinary woman she was a Lan theater director an ENT communist activist who exerted a profound influence over Benjamin's pionering Marxist influenced writings their relationships was both personal and professional the par first me in 1924 when lais was directing Productions in the Germany city of Capri Benjamin fell hopelessly unrequitedly in love becoming infatuated with her for over a decade he even even traveled to Moscow in a desperate attempt to win her affections resulting in his book Moscow Memoirs but alas lacis roled Benjamin's advances shattering his heart this tragic rejection may have even contribute to Benjamin's ultimate demise he took his own life while fleeing the Nazis His Brilliant mind and groundbreaking ideas tragically extinguish so Ben and laces shared an undel connection they were never able to make a life together laces remained more stly involved with another man the German cater director Bernard R whom she married Benjamin and laes were separated by both geography and the limits of L's romantic commitments the better sue the story of this ill fated hearing is a poignant Testament to the power of intellectual passion and the devastating pain of love lust the relationship between Vladimir mayosi and Lilia brick is consider it one of the great romantic dramas of world literature there attempt a new kind of coexistence a brave attemp to create a new relationship of friendship and love this relationship continued up to the moment of moosi suicide it was a ous relationship full of ups and downs and later Lilia brick wrote about it Lilia brick was born in Moscow in 1891 and O brick was born in Moscow in 1888 lyia was 14 years old and O was 17 when they fell in love they both studied at the same school and O was lilia's classmate Lilia and O worked together in political activities but when Lilia went to Germany with her mother and sister the the separation caused O's love to fade shocking Lilia after they returned they met each other again but there was no relationship between them until the series reconnected 5 years later leading to their marriage Maya kosi was a poet whom Lilia had seen around and heard reciting his poetry at a party but there was no relationship between them until lilia's father got cancer and Lilia went to Moscow in this city Lilia and Maya kosi met each other closely and fell in love o brick knew about this relationship and did not interfere until one day when all three of them officially confessed their love for each other and announced this arrangements from that day on all three of them lived in a common house which belonged to Maya kosi and oi the relationship continue until the end of mosi's Love although at time he was withdrawn and rarely inclined towards another person mayosi remained infatuated with Lilia this relationship continued until MOS suicide with its ups and downs and later L up break wrote about it in the book lilan moosi by Benjamin ners now let me tell you about the relationship between Sylvia PL and T Hill to celebrated poets I wish the relationship had been as beautiful and joyful as their faces syvia PL was a celebrated American poet and novelist widely regarded as one of the most influential literary voices of the 20th century T Hugh was a renowned and influential British poet celebrated for his bold imaginative work that Drew inspiration from nature mythology and the human cety their initial shape was a complex one marked by challenges Sylvia plus wrote in letters about the difficulties in the marriage she wrote in letters to a psychotherapist about domestic violence and beatings she received from Ted Hughes Ted Hughes beat Sylvia 2 days before the abortion of his baby and told her clearly that he wished her to die Sylvia plus eventually committed suicide in a painful way her death was a devastating loss for the literary world I made an interesting video about syvia pl's biography and her relationship with t Hughes including their death however YouTube limited my video about dear Sylvia and her suicide claiming the video encourages suicide what does her life and suicide have to do with me I don't know anyway I will provide you the link to the video in the description Zelda F Gerald and escot F Gerald the fist Geralds were one of the most celebrated artist couples in the world of nearly a century and their lives became the basis for writing a stories and making many films they had a passionate yet tragic love life it is said that Zelda Gerald was not only a beautiful ballerina but she is also considered a good soliter however the twisted and toxic relationship she had with the Scot F Gerald ultimately brought her to a bit end most of us know Scot fistal through his acclaimed work The Great Gatsby while Zelda is less widely known fans of movies and TV series may remember the depiction of their relationship in films like Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris or genius as well as the TV series The Vampire Diaries as a Scott Fitzgerald himself once wrote Zelda and I sometimes fight for 4 days a fight that usually starts from a nice party yet we still love each other are terribly and are the only happy married couple I know the happiest things in my life are Zelda and the hope that my book will turn out to be something wonderful I want to be admired again some biographers literary critics and even contemporary writers and Friends of the Fist Geralds considered Zelda an obstacle to its Cut's literary progress the most vocal of this was Ernest Hemingway who was once an ad h of his JS B in 1928 Hing B wrote his friend Max Perkins saying 90% of his escot misfortunes are caused by Zelda sometimes I think to myself if he hadn't married someone who made him with everything wouldn't he have been the best writer of our time ultimately escott fitra left Zelda and was forced to accept an offer from a Hollywood company to work in screen writing in order to manage his life es Scott went to Hollywood to study screenwriting where he met Shaya gam a few years later he suffered a heart attack and collapse at the age of 44 in relative anonymity and poverty Shayla who was very similar to Zelda and had interested fal's life in recent years was by his side when he died prior to his death Zelda had been admitted to a mental Asylum where she later died in a fire at the Asylum as a result of her loneliness this strange and complicated relationship between Frederick n and LU salami the relationship between Frederick n and LU salamy had one of the bitterest endings as the beginning of their acquaintance nature wrote I have not been dis Lucky in a long time lcan was a seductive young woman recognizing this seduction requires a small amount of masculine Elegance in order to reveal the rare power of magic behind the images of that Petersburg Noble woman in the depths of those piercing and driving looks and thus perhaps The Secret of nich has fascinating will also be revealed despite his aesthetic life mea instinctively discovered this extraordinary power and perhaps it was this mesmerizing quality that led him even after many challenges to describe solom to lady malv on Mason b as this girl has a stronger Beyond of Friendship with me than anything found on Earth it has been a long time since luck has turned to me like this I hope I have found my true student and if my life is not enough Lou will continue my B and my sinking Lou Will continue my way and my sinking however n's jealous sister Elizabeth hatte L salami viewing her as a poisonous Vermin who must be exterminated at the same time nich asked himself two questions is it possible that Lou is an angel who does not understand could I be a safe at ass Nicha broke off his relationship p salame in December 1882 in an un literature n called salom an ugly the pongi monkey in an ominous phenomenon Ernest cing B third wife was Marta ghorn a prominent journalist whose accounts of world war to survive the remaining photos of this couple always showed them happily in each other arms but in Marta's discovered diary it is revealed that Heming B beat her at least twice and once again he deliberately crash his car into a tree with the intention of killing her in 1936 ghorn spent Christmas with her mother Edna and younger brother Alfred in kest Florida her father had died in the spring of the same year her second book problems I saw including four long stories based on her experiences traveling throughout America during the economic recession had just been published and received a warm welcome from audiences and critics she had also just ended her 4-year relationship with bir friend dual a famous French journalist and economics at that time gloh horn was 28 years old one night she went to a cafe called Slappy Joel with her mother and brother in a corner of the cafe GL horn noticed Hemingway who in her words was a big dirty man in dirty clothes Hing Bay was 37 years old at the time and had trach from his second marriage the second wife of the author of The Old Man and the Sea was Pauline a journalist who wrose for B and bfer the name of Hemingway's first wife was Hadley Hemingway opened the conversation with Gil horn unlike many women of that time Gil horn was self reliant accomplished independent and intelligent but not so intelligent as to scare Hemingway James Joyce described Hemingway as a WR as a buffalo where he wrote referable to arms and he is considered by many to be one of the best writers of his time Heming B fell in love with ghorn during his four business trips to Spain but ghorn as can be seen as her letters to her mother did not have the same feelings for Hemingway until after the defeat of the Republicans one night when Heming B was drunk Gil horn got into Hemingway's BL of linoln continental and after the AER of The Old Man and the Sea slapped her he crashed the car into a tree in an attempt to kill ghorn from then on the fights between these two intensified over every issue until one day having been announced that he had become a reporter for cers which means gilor dismissed from this magazine I will definitely talk more about the lives and relationships of these two couples in the next videos so I stay tuned bye [Music]
Channel: Literary Lane
Views: 515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toxic relationship, toxic relationships, toxic, relationship, dating red flags, dating, love, top 10 celebrities, celebrities, toxic celebrities, toxic people, hollywood couples, famous celebrities, celebrity couples, The Most Toxic Relationships Among Literary Figures, Celebrities and Famous writers, Literary figures, Literature, English literature, English literature students, English literature studies, Literary lane, YouTube
Id: -gZg7-1gvU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 26sec (866 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2024
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