The Most SHOCKING Interview You’ll Hear In 2020! - Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, and Marin Katusa

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This is the rich dad radio show. The good news and bad news about money. Here's Robert Kiyosaki. Hello? Hello. Hello. It's Robert Kiyosaki, the rich dad radio show, the good news and bad news about money. And we're in podcasts in Scottsdale, Arizona. He going to heaven or hell. And right now it's approaching hell. It's getting really, really hot. Kim's getting out of town and it's just going up into the mountains and I have to stay on work like everybody else. But anyway, we have a fantastic, fantastic, very interesting multi-dimensional show. And, um, I'm really excited about it because, uh, I was watching charge of Gammon and the rebel capitalists and this gentlemen named Marin Katusa came on and Marin just blew my brain out because Marin is, you know, he's a calculus guy, but he is also a financier out of Vancouver and Toronto stock exchange is where Kim and I have worked with gold and silver mines, but also you understand swap mines, but he's also going to be talking about like gold may be a great investment, but it has to do with financing from what I call the shadow banking system, this mysterious subject called swap lines and the comments Kim. Well, we're going to find out what swap lines are, cause this is, can be a very complicated subject, but we're going to keep it really, really simple so that people can understand. So this is your, this is right up your wheelhouse Robert. So I know you're excited about this and I'm excited to, to talk with Marin. And Marin is the author of the New York times, best seller of the colder war and like, um, like Marilyn, you know, Kim and I have traveled the world. And so we see the world from different perspectives. So this is a very important show, especially if you're interested in, what's going to happen to gold. What's going to happen to goal happens below ground. And it was called the shadow banking with a swap line business that very few people know about. So Marin, welcome to the rich dad radio. And let me just say Marin Katusa Katusa, um, he's at 27, this was, this was fascinating. At 27, he helped co-found and build Canada's third, largest copper mine. And over the last two decades, Marin's become one of the largest finance seers of publicly listed Canadian companies by raising over 2 billion, billion dollars in financing ventures and debt. So, uh, we're we got an expert here with us today. Bad for a school teacher. He used to teach calculus. It's actually over 3 billion and you learn, you can literally learn through your mistakes, but you keep going in there. The key, the game is to have more winners than losers. Okay. There you go. That's our strategy. And you operate out of Vancouver and Kim and I went a year. I was like, I'll cut our God. Got I started in Vancouver. And we were laughing just before the show began when Kim and I would tell our friends that we're listing a company on the Vancouver as stock exchange, but it says, you guys are a bunch of crux. I said, those are my friends are talking about because Kim and I felt so at home on Vancouver. Cause there are a bunch of Cowboys and then we'd go across to Toronto stock exchange. They're a different breed of cat there. So Vancouver was the wild West, as far as we're concerned and we just loved it. They consolidated the Alberta and the Vancouver stock exchanges after the whole Brea ex scandal. But you know, I'd like to remind everyone that the biggest scams actually weren't in Vancouver, Vancouver does get a bad rap because our city is so much more beautiful than the other Canadian cities. But, you know, BreX came out of Alberta stock exchange and Toronto, you know, the bankers out of Toronto, like to give Vancouver the bad rap, but the biggest mining companies actually have come out of Vancouver. And most recently, you know, Equinox, which started in my office, I'm led by my very close friend, Ross Speedy, who also created Pan-American, which is the world, which will be the world's largest, pure silver company. Those all started in Vancouver. Wow. And anyway, you know, Kim and I just had such a great time up there is felt at home and uh, anyway, welcome to the program. So would you might explain why you wrote the book, the colder war first, because I think that sets a scene to what we're going to be talking about. Sure. So, you know, I spent literally 13 years on the road. Um, you know, my body took a toll. I started at 180 pounds and I got to 245 pounds living the life on the road, uh, going into over a hundred and it was 13 or 14 countries from, you know, places setting up the first mining company in Kosovo to going to Iraq when it opened up, uh, you name it, I've been to it from, you know, going to the ports of the oil in Kuwait with the energy ministers. Um, I really lived it and I was very lucky to be mentored by some of the best in the business. And they said, look, we've got the knowledge and connections. You've got the legs go and do it. So that's kind of where I built my personal fortune during that time. But I recognize something that a lot of people you don't learn through the CFA program or books was this political risk aspect and the real dynamics. So I was the largest investor and the founder of a company called quadrille Quadriller became Europe's largest shale gas company. And when I really got into it, you know, a very famous guy said, Marin, you gotta be ahead of the game because you're so young, how are you going to compete with conventional oil and gas? So one of my geology professors at university, he was a guy named dr. Mark Bustin, who was the world's leading authority on shale gas. And it kind of put two and two together being lucky and saying, I can't compete with all the bankers and the companies on conventional oil, but in 2005 people weren't talking about unconventional oil. So I pitched Mark to come leave the university, come work for me. And that's how we started quadrille. And that's when I saw the real dynamics. It started with gas prom where they were funding the anti-development of unconventional cause they really had Europe. Uh, essentially, you know, they had Europe by the balls. Okay. You look at the UK Germany over half of their natural gas and energy supplies were coming from the Russian gap, essentially the Soviet pipeline distribution system. And that was the lifeline for Russia. Was there oil and natural gas. So that was the beginning of where I went. Wow. Like I can't believe all this, you know, these NGOs are being funded by, you know, former communists against the West, freeing themselves from this energy, a dependence on, you know, former Soviet. And then I looked at uranium, for example, you know, one in every 10 homes in America's power by former Soviet uranium mines. And I went, Whoa, the average American doesn't know this. So as I was traveling more meeting all these people, I started connecting with the companies, visiting all the assets is whether it was in Kazakhstan or Russia, Uzbekistan, all these areas. And we're realizing that the average person has no idea how dependent we are on the emerging markets and the geopolitics involved cells, essentially the basis of the book. And that led me to the swap lines. Yeah. Please pay attention to what Marin just said. Cause it's, it's out of sight of most people's minds, what he's talking about here, but also wasn't uranium one, a Canadian guy who worked with the Clintons to put that deal together. So that's how Russia, Russia bought our uranium resources also. Yeah. So that's in Wyoming, I've actually been to the mine. Uh, so that's an ISR in situ recovery mind. Uh, so energy metals merged with uranium one. That's how uranium one got the assets. Uh, it was through energy metals. And then when the Russians bought it out or I think it was around 2011 and 12, it finalized, uh, that, that that's essentially what happened. Those assets were part of the package, but the real reason, the Russians, uh, you know, uh, the media, I was on the front page of the New York times because of this article, uh, the media loves the whole Clinton angle and all that, uh, that mine isn't producing today in Wyoming, the real reason the Russians bought a uranium one was for the actual assets in Kazakhstan. That was the real reason they bought it. But there's no doubt at one point more Russian, uh, more American produce uranium was owned by Russians than Americans when it was producing, which is insane. And there's one more thing. We're at war right now between Saudi Russia and our fracking system, the States aren't we. Correct it totally. And what people don't, uh, truly appreciate is the, the Russian setup is obviously supported by their government. Like think about what a, a private company in America or Canada have to do for permitting versus something in Saudi Arabia, which is Saudi Aramco, which has completely state, you know, even though they say less than 5% is owned by others, it's controlled and supported by the government, same thing in the Russian. So, you know, when you talk about free market versus government subsidized, there's a lot of angles here that people truly aren't appreciating. And if anyone thinks like here's something so insane, do you know that Canadians are still importing Saudi oil on the Eastern coast rather than producing it domestically? We have huge reserves of oil in Canada, but the politics, the average Canadian and American don't understand. So when they're trying to prevent development and the North American technology, both Canadians and Americans, we have the highest standard of environmentalism and all these developments, but yet they're preventing the development of these assets here at home for good high paying jobs here, but we're importing and using, uh, resources, energy, oil, uranium from countries that aren't keeping the first environmental standards at the pro level. We are, it's just half ass. And are you, are you saying, man, that's all politically driven. People are making deals with each other. They want, they want power. They went, huh? No one asks who's funding. These NGOs and environmentalist, like, you know, what's the agenda here. There's, there's so much to the game behind the scenes, right? You talk about the shadow banking. What about the shadow politics of it all? Anyway, we could go on forever and I'm, you know, gotta keep it simple for me. But like I said, you were on George Gavin show. And I love that guy because he's the only guy that can draw a diagram of the shadow banking system, you know? Cause it's so shadowing. But anyway, um. Can you first talk, can you first just define the two of you what the shadow banking system is? Well, Marin you're better than I am that. Sure. So when you look at let's, let's start with, uh, how the swap lines were started. It was actually in the 1913 reserve act that Congress passed. It was never intended to happen. The shadow banking evolved as a short term solution that really got out of control. So in 2008, when the global financial crisis happened, there's actually a government testimony of, Bernanki trying to answer the questions about the swap lines and the shadow banking. And he couldn't answer it. He kept going like this. You can just Google it. It's all there. And he kept going back to his and then the lawyers are whispering in his ear, the answers. And they've never done this before. So the clause that created the swap line, wasn't actually an intention and here's the craziest part of this. Okay. So think about, so there's 15 central banks around the world. Now there's over 200 central banks, but there's 15 central banks that have been granted swap lines to be. A swap line. It says. W w one more thing, 1913 is important. Cause that's when the fed was created, but it was also when the IRS was created. That's what people cannot see because it's below the surface. You know, like you see the, you see bank of America on the streets when you see wall street and you see like, um, Charles Schwab on the street. But below that whole ground level as is massive lines, it's like an oil refinery underground, all these lines, running everywhere as cash flowing in this direction, click cash flowing in that direction. But mom and pop never see it. Correct, but mom power paying for it. And here's the wildest point. So what this essentially happens is a swap line is a lifeline. It think of it as a, uh, a, a line of credit unlimited here's the craziest part. So think about all the media attention and nonsense. Everyone had to see in the news and on their social media, regarding the $2 trillion stimulus between the Democrats and the Republicans and all the BS between that were half a trillion dollars already in the first month of these central banks being granted that's foreigners. So the Americans are subsidizing that demand for us dollars in these foreign countries. So if you want to take bank of Japan is already drawn down over $225 billion in the first month of being allowed to, and they're done dollars of U S. Marin, let me, let me just say it another way. Bank, bank of Japan, their central bank doesn't have dollars. So the U S lends some the dollars so they can pay us back. Is that basically it. And here's the scheme. When you want to talk about the shadow banking or the, you know, friendly agreement, there's seven day loans or 84 day loans. So 12 weeks. So that's kind of where it's at. And you look at the interest rates being paid. They're not getting paid back. They're just rolling these over and over and over. So they take a seven day, they rolled it over to 84 days and they just keep compounding. Now, what is wild about, this is the chair of the fed or the U S fed. So right now, Powell does not need to get us president Trump's approval. Congress approval, The house approval. Nobody it's essentially an incredible stick, but the swap line nations that have this lifeline, they have to agree to the terms and conditions. And essentially it's America saying, Hey, you're our ally. We'll back you. If you're short of U S dollars, we'll create a swap line, a lifeline, a line of credit unlimited. So, but what the serious implications here are, is Trump's done all this work for Boeing to subsidize because, you know, it's a, it's, it's one of the biggest companies in America. I think about all the jobs and just the logistics of the country. So he's going to prop up the company Boeing, but at the same time, almost $200 billion has gone to the European central bank that then funds that they take those U S dollars because, uh, the year, uh, Airbus, you know, the, the Boeing equivalent of Europe, which is being subsidized by the French government, by access to these swap lines, to compete with an American company, that's what Powell isn't thinking, where the dynamics get really crazy, where it's the American people that are funding the cannibalism of their own industry. So if Trump really wants to make America great again, he has to close these loopholes that the fed has unintentionally created because it was never intended that way. So if you look at, you know, uh, countries like, um, Uh, Mexico has a swap line. Canada has a swap line, Australia, uh, Sweden, Norway. These are American allies. Now, do you think Russia or China are going to get a swap lines? No. Marin, we needed to take a break, but I understand this cause this is the underground with people do not see. And this is a very important program and we're doing our best to keep it as simple as possible. So I will come back with, but going more into Marin Katusa and how the swap lines may impact the price of gold eventually down the road. So we'll be right back. Welcome back. Robert Kiyosaki, the rich dad radio show, the good news and bad news about money. Listen to the rich dad radio program, anytime, anywhere on iTunes, Android, or YouTube. And please leave us a comment if you like the program. And all of our programs are archived at rich dad, We archive them for one reason is we don't sell anything. We are pure education company. We talk about things. We don't sell it, but we said, we do want you to get further educated. So we archive them at rich dad, So you can listen to this program again, especially this program because of what you're hearing about today, less than one 10th of 1% will ever, ever understand what we're talking about. So I've got a rich dad,, listen to this program again, you'll learn twice as much. And then let's have your friends, family, especially business associates, listen to this program and discuss it because what's, you're hearing nobody else is hearing about. You're going to want to listen to this show more than two times, because there's a lot going on here. And our invite Marin. Yes, our guest today is Marin Katusa. He's the bestselling author, New York times bestseller the colder war. And at the age of 27, he helped co-fund and build Canada's third, largest copper mine. And over the last two decades, Marin's become one of the largest financers of publicly listed Canadian companies by raising over 3 billion, not 2 billion, 3 billion in financing debentures and debt. So he's a pretty good, pretty smart guy. His website is Katusa K a T U S a And not only that, he's a high school math teacher had taught calculus a, saw that light and went into the dark world of the Vancouver stock exchange for Kim. And I cut our teeth 20 something years ago. So it's fascinating. And I love this. So, so Marin, let me, let me ask that. You said the fed chair, Powell is doing all of this and giving all this U S dollars to all these countries, foreign countries, yet he's not aware of the consequences. Because he, he can't be because there's so many dynamics. And I always use the simplest strategy of look. So the ECB has drawn down almost 200 billion. Okay. And it's not being paid down. Remember these are, they keep rolling over. And Powell just said, we digitally print it right here. That's a quote from him directly. So what happens now is one second. So the European central bank is out of dollars because I think 80% of the debt in the world is financed in U S dollars. So on a backlight, the European central bank runs out of dollars. Our fed extends a swap line, which means we lend them the dollars so they can pay us back. Exactly. But they're not paying it back. This is the whole point. They just keep rolling it over. Right? So the debt keeps growing, but what does the European central bank or the Japanese banks do with these dollars? Well, it's not like the bank needs them. It's the biggest companies in Europe, such as Airbus, which is the Boeing equivalent, which has been subsidized for years. That's what the whole battle has been about. And what they do then is they take those U S dollars, convert them into the euros prop up the debt of a company like Airbus. They subsidize that manufacturing of those buses. And specifically now when the airline industry is on life support, they're using us dollars from the U S fed to put the lifeline into the European airline industry, which is directly competing with American Boeing. That's just one example of many. Think about the impacts. Like this is huge. Like there's over 80 countries. I've already asked for swap lines with Turkeys, openly begging for them. But you have to agree to the terms and conditions. This is the power. America has a big geopolitical stick, and this isn't the next five years going to be the biggest stick that the American foreign policy can use because of the shortage of U S dollars globally. So you look at what's going on and, uh, any parts where they're producing gold, silver, natural resources, you know, we joked Robert before we came online, God created gold, but the devil spread it around the world. And when you look at some of the places and the regimes that are in control here, things that we've talked about a month ago today, Zambia has declared that gold is a strategic asset. Well, of course it is from a government standpoint because it's the purest form of money and they're going to nationalize the mines. It starts with the gold and I'll go to the silver and all I'm trying to say, mine's now owned by foreign corporations. They're all companies. Exactly. And this is what I'm trying to educate people is the risk isn't priced into the market. Some of these, for example, like on my website, I put this stuff out for free just to educate people. The royalty companies are treating three times their nav. So three times what there were so pretend your house is worth a million bucks is trading at 3 million. So already it's expensive. Gold needs to go to like $3,000 for it to be fair value, but that's fine. That's a separate point. But 65% of their revenue comes from assets that are producing from negative swap line nations, which are nations that do not have access to the U S dollars. This is the point because it becomes a foreign policy type of is if Powell or Trump says we don't like you like Indonesia. And we don't extend a swap line to them. Then the only recourse Zambia or Indonesia, or these other countries that hate us, they're gonna take our gold mines. And a lot of N. Indonesia is the perfect example. Let me tell you why you hit the nail on the head here. So Indonesia, um, there's an American company. It's probably the best copper company in the world called Freeport. And Freeport has one of the best mines in the world in Indonesia called Grasberg it's it's, it's the largest gold, silver, uh, gold and copper mine in the world. This thing is massive. Anyways, Indonesia keeps changing the rules. We want more royalty. We want you to build a smelter here. We need to take a larger percentage of the mine. Then once they raped and pillaged, as much as they could, they desperately needed a swap line. They agreed to the terms, the conditions with the American government, because of the geopolitical angle, the governments are smart and Indonesia is the model to Turkey is going to follow. Argentina is going to follow. They're going to steal as much as they can, but still keep the mine a lie, but the investors get screwed. And because China was expanding in a, in the south sea American needed Indonesia's support there. And that's why, uh, the American fed the U S fed granted in Indonesia swap line. So Indonesia became the 15th, uh, central bank to get a swap line. But you look at Argentina just recently, the environmental minister of Argentina openly stated that these Canadian and American and Australian companies aren't taking care of the water and environment to the standard that they would. But hold on that these companies are the best in the world at the environmental standard. Now mining's difficult. There's no doubt about it. I'm not trying to paint it in a, in a, in a beautiful brush, but it's, it's a tough industry. But like I said, how do like that's a form of he's hinting nationalization. You think in Argentina national company, what happens is when you look at nationalization, they Venezuela, Mexico did this Mexico nationalize the oil fields on the Americans in the, in the 1920s in the revolution there. And what happens is they take the profits from these resources, they fund their social agenda, and mining is tough. And, and energy development, you have to reinvest in the projects. And the fundamental theme here is the shareholders who are exposed to companies that have assets and negative swap lines are going to get screwed. And number two, the output level of these assets are going to decrease because the government officials, that's what they are. They're government officials. They're not entrepreneurs. They're not true developers of these assets. They're not reinvesting into these assets to keep the production up. So the production goes down. So ultimately this is the biggest bullish case for gold that nobody's talking about because the local governments in these negative swap line nations are going to essentially steal these assets from the foreign owned company. So Marin, you know, you're, you're hurting me and Kim and myself dearly because we had a gall mine, one of the largest mines, ever, a billion ounces. And in China and Dolly on China, we floated it on a TSE, the Toronto stock exchange. And as soon as it was proven, then it went from exploratory to proven China took it from us and, and they, and they nationalized it means. They just stole it. And the reason was, is because we're polluting the water. So everything you're saying, you know, right now I need to go outside of vomit. You've lived. What is happening in these foreign countries are going to use the tagline that investors in the West are forcing these companies to live by, which is ESG environmental, social governance, right? First of all, who gives a social license? It's, it's, it's an infinite loop of questions. You can't get a social license. It's a never ending process. But this ESG concept is going to be the secret weapon that these local countries, these, these negative swap line nations that are going to use to nationalize and China, like you pointed, is that like a lot of people don't realize China is the world's largest producer of gold. And the zero ounces gets sold into the international markets. It all gets sold in China, right? So when you look at Russia, a major producer of gold, none of it gets sold. There is a net buyer of gold of also other people's gold. Then you look at someone like Canada, we are a major gold producer. We're a top eight gold producer in the world, and we own zero gold. Our central bank has sold all the gold. Like we literally have no gold. That whole point on this whole thing is that a swap line is the money system. And if we like you, we'll give you a swap line. If we don't like you, you don't get a swap line. And the reason to saying gold is God's money. But the devil devil distributed it gold is found in some of the most inhospitable people who hate America, the most countries, which is why the price of gold should go up. But there's one more thing that people do not realize is that if you own everybody, everybody right now is running into gold mining shares. But if the goal mining company is in one of these countries with no swap line and hate America, what's going to happen to the price of the mining company shares. Exactly. And you're the you and another individual are the only ones that have reached out to me and said, Holy, like, you've just blown my mind with this concept. The other individual is one of the largest investors in America, by the way, and what people want. And this is across religions. It doesn't matter if it's in a communist state or a atheist state, a Christian state, a Muslim slate. It doesn't matter. It's going to be across the board because it's about a shortage of us dollars in a deflationary environment. And the first thing they can go after because the Western media will be like, Oh, that damn mining company, they polluted the water. Like the example you gave in China, ESG is what the foreign countries are going to use. Argentine has already hinted on that. Zambia is already set. It's a strategic metal, and we want to keep the ESG at that world class level. Last time I checked, I think the Americans are going to keep it at a higher level than, than the mining companies. And Marin at the break, you were talking about Hong Kong and what was really going on in Hong Kong, what what's going on there. So you look at the access of swap lines. So this is developing into a G2 world. So it's America and its allies. And you can already see who it's allies are because who got swap lines, right? There's 15 central banks that have it. And then the rest of the world is the battleground. Now. So China and Russia are really trying to work with developing a alternative to the U S dollar swap line lifeline. And to do that, the Chinese are preventing the flow of capital out of China. Look at Vancouver. Real estate is a perfect example to do that. The domestic like the Chinese money, the, the underground shadow route to get the money out of China was Hong Kong. And that is precisely one of the main reasons that our media isn't talking about why China's going after Hong Kong. If you look at what's going on right now, and that's essentially how they're going to nationalize it, and now China's diverting the world with, you know, not just COVID, but this battleground of India, but this border dispute, when's the last time really? We've heard about a border dispute with India, but that's front page news, but nobody's picking up what's going on really right now in Hong Kong. And it's about the, the, the wealth of China fleeing out to get into America and, you know, a true free system, because once that money's trapped, it's the new iron curtain, if you want to. So if they nationalize Hong Kong, the money stops flowing out of China. Correct? So I w w w we have to have you back, man, cause this is such a massive subject. You know what? This is my question. You know, the guys like Jim records are calling for, you know, gall to go 5,000, 10,000 a, you know, I hear all the things. And, but what you're saying now with the swap lines being cut and our other countries hate us, and they're inefficient. Do you have any forecast on the price of gold and silver in the future? Cause there's a buddy of mine. Uh, we talk I've, uh, looked into what his son's doing with the water products in the middle East smart guy, super smart guy. Um, to answer that question, I think we first have to discuss two things timeframe, but the other thing I've always, I like to call it. We trademarked this term, you know, there's a millionaire, there's a billionaire, but a lot of people want to become bully in air, right? With their bullying, their gold bullying. And I always remind everyone what happened to, uh, America's first bullying era, which was Bernard Baruch. At that point, he was the American who held the most amount of gold bullying as it was a little over two tons of gold, which is about a 75,000 ounces of gold. It's over $125 million of true wealth today. And when 1933, the first major executive order that president Roosevelt made on April 5th was you have to surrender the gold at $20, 67 cents. The international rate Robert at the time was about $29 us dollar equivalent in Europe, but the American government, whether you had a safety deposit box or anything, they seized everything. And they opened up the box and said, you've got gold. You got to sell it. Now at 20.67, then on January 30th, the U S gold reserve act came out. And that's when he repriced the goal to $35 an ounce. And it was a 69% increase like that. And he needed to bring inflation. The only thing I'm trying to warn everyone who does own bullion and you need to own bullion. And first of all, don't tell your friends about it. Don't flaunt. It don't show it off, uh, be very careful where you store it. Because another thing I think another step that these negative swap blind nations are going to do is take a page out of Roosevelt's book and force people. And remember they, how America did it. They actually made these guys testify. They went to the gold miners and the bullion and dealers and said, show me who you sold all your goal to. Then they went to those people and said, you have to sell it to us. That's what's going to happen to places and negative swap line nations because gold is pure money. And it's the quickest way to get access to U S dollars. And if they do that in a local currency, like an origin story in Turkey, if you produce gold, you can't just sell it to a smelter outside of Turkey. You've got to sell it to the fixed rate to the government in, in their Libra, in their local currency. Then you got, you get dinged on the tax and it's a lower rate. Then you got to convert it to us dollars. You get dinged at that at the government rate, just like in Argentina. So the governments are going to clip and cut from each angle. So I believe in being a bully and air, I believe in owning bullying. But I think before gold has its massive incredible run. And I think Rickards is right. It's going to hit that $5,000 price. We're going to see a lot of volatility. I think that five years is the timeframe to get to 5,000, but you're going to see a lot of nations, call it a strategic asset and do exactly what America did in 1933 and force its citizens to surrender or nationalized their gold at the fixed rate in their local currency, then reprice it at the higher price. So you want to be able to hold it and survive to get to that five year timeframe. You're the best man. You're the very best I'm so I'm so glad you came on this program. I want to thank George Gammon. And I mean, that guy is fantastic. George is great. It's fantastic. You know, but anyway, thank very much. We have to have you back because you're talking about something. I don't think anybody else knows about. So Marin, thank you very, very much from the [inaudible] that just went against her theory about us Canadians that's right. And you, and you have a lot of resources at your website, right? Right. And this is all free. I'm not trying to sell anything here. I started as an educator. It's my passion. It's my love. And you know what? One last thing I'd leave you with. It's not just your viewers. I know that the largest, the executives of the largest producing gold companies in the world, these are my buddies and not a single one, not a single executive that produces gold at like over 500,000 ounces of gold a year knew what a swap line was. Right. I think about this. They produce their revenues are touching billions of dollars a year and not a single one. I talked about 15 of them. Not a single one, knew what a swap line was. And after I walked them through it, like they were blown away. They went, Holy crap. So that's why you want to be invested in, in, in positive swap line nations because the political risk is not being priced into the mining companies. Cause no, one's talking about this. Thank you. And Kim, and I know that very well cause they took our goal in mine from us. And again, I just want to say your, the website is Katusa K a T USA. Katusa Go check it out and get yourself educated. All right guys, take care. Thank you. And we'll be right back. Welcome back. Robert Kiyosaki at rich dad radio show the good news, the bad news about money. I want to thank Marin. Katusa fantastic. You heard something less than one 10th of one. Thousands of a percent of people know about it's called a shadow banking system. And one part of that system, a thing called swap lines. So Kim what'd you do? Oh man, this, this was eye opening. Cause I didn't know. I didn't know what swap lines were. I didn't know how this all plays out. I didn't know that the ramifications with gold, but the last line, listen to this again. Cause the last line that Marin said, he said, if you're going to invest, make sure you're investing in the countries that are, have the positive swap lines countries that the U S is giving us dollars too, because the other countries don't like us and they're going to start doing really bad things. Well, what happened to our gold mine in China? Exactly what exactly what Marin said. Once we developed it, once we found gold, it was proven. Then the Chinese government said, Oh, I'm sorry. We're not going to renew your permit. And they took it. I said, cause we're polluting the water and we weren't polluting the water. The other thing is that is that I wrote this book fake and I don't have any, you know, it's not the Chinese people. It's the CCP Chinese communist party. And I was just in China this past summer, I almost a year ago, they bent my book fake because I wrote about it. And they actually had people watching me every step of the way. You know, I was one I'm on stage. They had these people watch him, make sure I've said nothing against them. The reason I say that, ladies and gentlemen, that's where America is heading right now, all socially, politically Iraq, the left and all this other stuff. They don't like capitalism and all this, this, this is anti-capitalist as they come, they blame the people like Kim and myself and our buddy Frank, who was one of my best teachers ever. They blame the capitalists, but it's really the environmentalist. And they blame the capitalist on the environmental issues, social issues, things that are not of the capitalist, doing what they're using it. As you said, they're using it as a ploy to do kind of. That's the thing I'm really, really afraid of is the S and quasi environmentalist are going into the school system and environment is a Trojan horse, but it's really to sell communism to our kids. And I'm, you know, so be very, very careful of with Kim and I mean, I'm so glad Marin said what he had to say. Please listen to it. Talk to your friends and family, especially if they're environmentalist's because a lot of this environmental stuff is fake. Thank you for listening to the rich dad radio show.
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Keywords: TheRichDadChannel, robert, kiyosaki, rich dad poor dad, motivational speakers, business ideas, make money, how to get rich, network marketing, how to make money, how to invest, passive income, cashflow game, dollar swap line, marin katusa, katusa research, gold buillon, robert kiyosaki, shadow banking system, financial education, kim kiyosaki, rich dad radio show, gold prices 2020
Id: dJGUhWq7Efk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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