The Most Relics We Have Found In YEARS! Unbelievable Day At The Beach!

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foreign Beach an incredibly rainy morning but surprisingly warm today we're gonna do the bottom see what loose things have been displaced by the change up oh this might be a tool job annoyingly she might have more of the back of her head and not the front oh no I'm sure we'll find a purpose there oh very well disguised a gobby Ali Gob Jack Five Stone it's a games piece Victorian and that one's been really worn that's lovely wow okay that is a really really good start I think I found the right level where all the things being washed down to talking about children's games pieces I started marble is it or is it just a stone very very round Stone me and Mum were just talking about that there must be a frozen Charlotte here and it's not a frozen Charlotte but it's something I haven't found a very long time and I'm very excited this is definitely yes I know this is definitely the line isn't it do you see uh no I didn't think my eyes are switched on enough yet it's the vicinity oh the head the doll's head is she complete and she's perfect oh and she's so cute it's a lovely little she's still got her painted face oh my God ah okay okay toys so far only toys this is the line though isn't it it is the line you're on the line only the last doll said we what we found was in Scotland okay called marble nestling definitely think this is probably the line I think so barely started all this conversation about Frozen Charlotte's can you see it no no yes I can no oh she's got oh she oh she wouldn't have been a frozen Charlotte she's got arms oh she would have been a tiny dog do we have a tiny and then we can fix our legs yeah I've got arms tiny enough though what have you found oh she's so detailed good Shard I was Navi again now I think they said we're pronouncing it wrongly Navi Navi I don't know this is definitely the line oh this was beautiful green and it's all worn like mine that's a beautiful gobby wow toys yeah which are always our favorite days [Music] oh yeah sauce this one became fully tooled up today let's see a handle oh is it a cream pot oh is it missing a hand what's that just Batman it's a rainbow yeah oh uh we don't need that then we've got quite a lot of uh just don't wear out this beach recently that looks like that could be a really good shirt it says mint CWS but it says manufactured for something or locks Oxford Street so hot locks that sounds like it might be a shop or which always have some cool history especially on Oxford Street that might be our shared story I don't want sad oh so tiny toys but it's a good sign that we're finding toys yeah me and Mum have got her heart set on a Frozen trailer today black faceted bead first bead of the day real lack of beads since all this work but there is a beautiful one starting to see repeats of shirts that's Saint George's Union goodness sent to George's Union London which we have done a Shard Story on the line I think that's probably the last time we should say it but look mum [Music] can I never see it it's quite big oh no it wasn't even looking wow the last two times you have well she's got the pink fancy yeah it's really fancy and she's like properly completely glazed that would have been a very expensive doll yeah wow such an amazing yeah feel it it's like properly that is an amazing leg oh another brilliant day oh on the line hello you look interesting oh got the round thing yeah with something on it oh it's broken so it got Reeds has it got a is it button is it got a duck the bottom wasn't it duck is it's got a ducking I can see um like cat tails let me zoom in I think it's good I think it has a dark horse one wow that'd be such a good in a doll's house oh my gosh it looks like it's gonna clean up really nicely on the bottom too it's got like the detail of the water oh and it's got a star on the back so it's not broken off something because that's supposed to be seen well it's a shame the Top's not there but that'll still make a really pretty picture it matches my jumper it's on it as well but it's such a good line that's so beautiful I'm so excited it's what not like like a literal hoof you're deviating from the line so they'll come back this way what on Earth is that what is it oh the blue thing yeah is it Beach does it happen oh wow beautiful that is stunning what light oh well not great oh my gosh that is so beautiful it's so blue oh my gosh I love it that is so amazing and it's complete wow [Music] I need to put my gobby in here just so we can oh barely started I am so excited did you put your goggy in here yeah oh one day what was that one I mean it's burnt but filtrated yeah I can't remember what it says I don't have my glasses oh wow does it say filtrated certified I don't know I don't know oh that's such a shame something else I would like to find today [Music] not such a shame it looked like an ice cube wow it broken only just though yeah you'll never see that's quite cute that looks like a little bone top hat oh it's solid what on Earth is that then like a shop of something like going oh it looks like a little burnt top hat or a pot now the mysterious bone item to add to our mysterious bone collection they made all sorts of things with bone it's a tiny blue bead second bead of the oh actually okay second bead of the day this beautiful blue one and then underneath a tiny tiny pink seed bead which I've broken all my nails with the allotment beans just as I said beads and stood up is that one yes big black glass one beads oh it's like that timing our favorite bottle dump years ago every time I said bead I found one thank you foreign part of a teapot far more beads today my nails are so rubbish now oh goodness oh he's a big white clear one I say big [Music] swing top swing swing top stopper oh UD United Dairies one of those before okay what's that that could be something it might not be but it does look intriguing foreign [Music] patterned thing it's quite nice though [Music] oh it might be something I mean it's definitely something oh some metal finds oh no we had metal fines the other day too okay um I mean I think I found a little bottle that sort of shed like an acorn but I don't know or if it's like a bulb or the bulb it's got something inside it thank you Christmas tree light was was it what's it going to sign it it's got something inside it it's just um it's just thick glass it's got its hollow inside but it's got nothing inside it that I can see why is that um [Laughter] it's not broken in any way is it how weird is that what is that that's beautiful how thick is that glass apparently multiple perfume bottles yes it's like acorns so it's an acorn perfume bottles [Music] speckled eggs you can get a lot of perfume in there I suppose you wow okay it's on the line it's on the line goodness wow that is stunning oh my gosh okay keep going oh my goodness oh it's a terracotta looking thing on top of a terracotta looking thing oh it's a tiny little orange lid that'll be so cool for the doll cells I can't tell I've got gloves on cute have you got a shirt already okay yeah g g w Plum Tree Home potted meat Southport thank you could have a look at him anyway eh wow look at that that's pretty crazy that's very crazy let's take that for Oscar well I will say that for Oscar I mean is that what kind of crystals are they okay wow I mean that's not natural to this beach maybe someone had them and threw them in the bin wow goodness of course I guess it's stunning Oscar like that wouldn't see wow found a leg and now we've found an home oh on the line and liking the line nice thank you and lick lick another leg I remember we first started coming to this beach we found hundreds of legs and arms and here they are again and a head I found a dog's head found two legs and an arm that's a good day for us H stubs okay mum's really far away oh no that looks like a really exciting find but she's all the way over there so I think I'm just going to have to film it oh my gosh look here like I was obviously chipped on the back but from the front you can't tell that and if I leave it I'll just get more smash so hello Mr knobbly I hope wow okay but right how broken is she obviously I can tell that her back's broken does she have all of her face I'll see if she does she's gonna be the biggest one I've ever found oh my word look how full she is that is the most gorgeous painted face and she would have been one of those big dolls oh oh mum's gonna be really excited about making clothes for her so beautiful the paint her hair oh my gosh okay she's like one of my most favorite double sides I've ever found the size of her oh she is she is stunning I'm so excited I can't wait to show mum again it might be one of my favorites of this thing that I've ever found yeah I know no no and look how big she is I said you'd be really excited to make her clothes and isn't she got the most beautiful face not for something that's coming yeah on the other channel yeah face is she the biggest I think I said she's the biggest like other than like the bisque ones yeah that's the biggest we've ever found I know isn't she amazing and then yeah I found that whilst I was provarigating about filming this I love her she's so massive imagine the most gorgeous interview clothes we can make her so big she is so big which is good because we've got some really big limbs that I never thought we'd be able to use it that might be a bit small I don't want to look in the box we have got big limbs though yes big limbs okay I need to dig out this bottle excuse me to film yes please I don't think it's a couple lots of digging no oh is it melted or is it just that wonky look Hunter I think it's just that wonky that's a cutie though that's cute almost color it's lovely color and then we're just just gonna wiggle this pipe stem yep we're deviating from the line I'm gonna do this on the way back but this is just the edge yep [Laughter] cool that's a nice one oh nice oh yep nice I could put it in my bag this time yeah okay there you go if it's anything or not I don't know oh oh his oh you've got your own tool it like it give me something or is it going to be a handle again oh it's his leg it's a leg the horse's leg a dog's leg Lion's leg a leg really unusual it's pretty doing the big tool the tiny scraping oh it looks pretty it's very unusual oh no biting though I was hoping it might have writing on then beautiful grazing though it's beautiful it's such an unusual shape yeah no I don't wear a collection just like doubled overnight coming here the last three times nice it's lovely it is oh yeah true Stone I look like it might have an animal or some really cool picture on it it's a good little house oh is it a picoda pagoda oh a stoneware Pagoda nice I meant to say I meant to say sponge wear Pagoda did I say SpongeBob the whole time I was talking I meant to be saying SpongeBob the excitement's getting to me big black faceted chunky oh button I'd say probably had a shank already picked this up but it didn't film but this is the only one we've ever found here and it's a lead figure it's got no legs but it's got the most magnificent headdress instead of Native American before we had a bow from the position of his hands wow that's amazing brilliant oh it's been so long beach for me I had tiny tiny little doll's leg perfect we've been slightly dwindling on our doll making supplies so this is a nice boost anything on it [Laughter] it's a big one sure you don't want the Big Tool be that Big Tool go well it's complete oh it's a master support oh and it does Stampy then be born and Denby oh no gay Tamworth oh oh [Laughter] this is just gonna need a bigger office today that's beautiful have we got one that big a master told report yeah I don't think so no well because we don't find bottles do we put it somewhere that's beautiful you see him I don't think we need him they know [Music] that's a cutie but I don't think we need they're more bottles in the last three trips here than we have for a month I mean this is very bubbly it's very nice but it is chipped out the top I'm going to be strong I'm going to put it back in there keep it safe it's just just see what we're you know I mean is that supposed pot [Music] well I wouldn't broken oh I think that's broken [Music] I couldn't if that's got anything on it I'll take it and see just round there's copper yay three dolls legs wow that looks beautiful and really exciting [Music] it's obviously just off some Pottery but look it's a tiny I'd say daffodil maybe with a leaf and that is perfectly ready to just go in a pot and be a plant in the doll's house oh wow what an excellent excellent day again that looks like it could be interesting oh well that's a star shape looks like a sheriff's badge what do you think when we clean up that's going to be a badge I think it might be oh my word okay wow brilliant what is that oh it's very pretty what's that it's like some sort of COG but it's really decorated the wheel was what is that that's really pretty it looks like it would have had something around it maybe what do you think this is Kate oh okay I'll leave my trowel there sticking up I'll just bring I'll come look at your badge now I'll show you this is printed oh it's printed it's not painted oh um well no painted wow it's really painted it's beautiful isn't it what is it [Music] a pulley like a curtain or something you know maybe it seems very shallow feels strange that they've painted that maybe it's a ship with a fancy I really like that it must be yeah yeah well I thought of thread maybe oh or something oh maybe because it's much it's very shallow and they would have had decorated yeah yeah oh maybe that makes more sense in a fancy ship I see you patch do you think it looks like it might have something once it's cleaned up wow yes yeah it's definitely a star shape well the day yeah yeah I know well just yeah okay rain does good things sometimes actually I think it's there no tree yeah he can yes it's there at the top of the tree yeah what do we think let's be a beautiful little white one oh wow it's got no yeah nothing oh nice great for my desk it's empty it out of some mud what do we think I think the chances are it's going to be broken but you never know we have been having some good luck oh did that wobble then oh no it didn't sorry terrible filming [Music] oh no that's a shame oh it is embossed I thought it was going to be let me see what it says half of this bottle where this line is is two tablespoons oh that's such a shame oh I did look in the hole and the Top's not there okay oh it's missing the head cherub oh I'm sure we have a head yeah that one of the rarer ones one oh no I think it's black I think oh is it black glaze black but terracotta inside oh or has it been in a fire I don't know oh this is cuckoo again that's the third copy of the day wow having not found any of the first previous trips wow oh my gosh yeah I'd say I'm gonna guess yes and that'll be amazing we haven't because you haven't found a port play yet yes such a beautiful color wow I know I know oh it's so beautiful I know I was looking at stoneways the other day and thinking because we gave some away didn't we as a birthday present and it was like oh we we don't actually have that many well that's changed completely led to one of a stoneware pot slid I'll be nice on top of something a little token I think it's um token seal oh it says something I need to put my glasses on my imagination am I seeing things oh it looks like a man's head robust yeah no that's not your imagination no yeah you can see his face yeah yeah actually it looks like a soldier yeah there's a round thing there yeah there's also between [Laughter] [Music] wow okay also I think you've just stood on it now oh [Laughter] wow I wonder what the soldiers had um yeah what a handful it's crazy oh okay another tiny black glass bead with my black gloves muddy black gloves oh my goodness we've never found a SpongeBob animal have we no you've had a train I found a train we found a bird I don't know but that's a butterfly ones multiple butterflies that's really pretty I do love a pattern of a no but it would have gone around oh they would have been so beautiful oh how are they on the other side too yeah wow nice that's amazing hmm a really sad find another really sad one another one missing its head one leg it's got It's a cute pair of cherubs yeah another but oh that would be if we have a head no hahaha obviously I can tell it it's broken but how Broken Oh you no oh per rail daily oh no look at that look at the train um what did it say by the faculty deliveries which no no Devonshire daily okay that's possibly the most heartbreaking thing I've ever found purple and the train oh no oh that is that is so unbelievably close that is heartbreaking fresh Break um it's not worn no I'm going to take this just in case in one of our searches the other bit because it feels like a semi-fresh break a cherry toothpaste specially prepared by hidden break London wow yeah I'm Gonna Keep it just in case just in case you want to see something super depressing I'm keeping it just in case it feels like a fresh break just in case the other half ever shows up it is I did just say I wanted to find a pipe but generally yeah yeah no blue one a bit of a chip at the top but wow so many Thorn pipes I know cool what do we think obviously very burnt but is it complete yes yes it is tiny yep I think I'm going to take it that lead seal I'd say it is yep no way I literally just picked up a bit of plastic and I thought because of how much this beach is rewarding us and then look what I instantly saw I found one of these for ages wow it's a very loaf um what all the other names for them oh and look that's bringing us mug ah it's a fossilized sea urchin yes and a pixie hat pixie helmet that's another thing they call them and a tiny little jerk Kickstart little dolls jug yeah that's a lovely example it's beautiful hopefully big beautiful one wow lucky things lucky things [Music] you are not going to believe this this is no your notes well it's um it's it's blowing my mind I just I literally you looked at this I just dug that out you didn't see it on the other side then no oh I literally just dug that oh and it was too much effort so I stopped digging and walked away that is off the side it's like one of the like rounds yeah you know that is such a huge print it's supposed to be print oh it's the biggest word you walked away from it I'll have a look well I didn't walk away the old Gluck in it the iridescence I hope we can get this off [Music] how Prince is that now ah five live and only one from the Thames wow but look it's got the bit that it would have actually been connected to the glass or what a vessel to be yeah oh my goodness oh my God what a day I walked away from me I can't believe you dug it up I know I know oh wow you're having a good glass day aren't you yeah wow oh it's so beautiful I love that it's actually still on the it's one of those morning beads from one of those bracelets black fasted one sticking out very undignified it is it's complete how many legs is that now four dolls legs yeah oh no it's on three legs including the big one do you want to come over mum because I just turned this I think it's got writing on it oh well that's late yeah really yeah oh almost a table maybe oh I wonder what that would have been what is very very thick that must have been table maybe not oh that would have been and actually whilst we're here Mommy oh is it is it the top of a bottom is it the top of one no yes yes it is but is that a big marble oh it's called multiple it was clear oh is it the top of the no it's the top of a handy though hmm how broken is that okay for Kate nice I'm gonna take that that's a beautiful k ah wow I love a shirt like that yeah do we want this one yes okay she's beautiful I'm eating lunch but oh no look she got no body though he I don't think oh God but that's going to look really nice on a mantelpiece with the legless other ones he's missing half a face and his legs but such a shame he would have been so small I think he probably would have been sitting wouldn't he yeah maybe he will look a little mantle piece though yeah hmm nice and the sun's coming out again dots that's what it has on a decorative dots noise no way is this gonna be an arm oh no it's another leg whoa another doll's leg goodness wow leg day oh it's been so long since I've had the chance to say leg day I just pulled the shoe out from that hole does that look like the bow is that that's a face in the middle oh is that again my imagination hmm no way maybe the other one the other day was because of the fire but ah my goodness now that's been burnt to be almost pink beautiful it's clearly a bot stop it's been in a fire but it's beautiful it's pink now amazing gonna be a lid oh oh one three five two three I think it's got something on the other side too hmm it's not a lid then hold marble wow quite a few of these now from these couple of days beautiful no why are you goodness [Applause] oh why we could definitely do legs on that one easily enough though we've probably got some legs that's the best bit at least if you're going to have half of one that's the best half to get it's got a head it's got a head absolutely no hair whatsoever maybe it's a Charlie oh this is the second one that's two half makeup maybe it's me that's gonna find the next Charlotte and you is going to find the pot lid Maybe ah I I take that as finding one okay but it's got no legs yeah she's gonna just got the head which usually they don't oh well does make me sad but we can mend you beautiful piece of pottery it goes all the way through like it's sort of been layered and that's beautiful I might just take that because it's so beautiful okay that's black bead three today because my black gloves again black glass bead everything I'm prod seems to actually turn out to be something that's a beautiful one oh mud locking Chandelier yeah look wow oh my gosh that's like authentically yeah it's faceted yeah it's got a back end front I'm digging out a stone oh yeah I don't know what that is okay coming I don't think I can squat anymore oh how just as I got down okay oh no this doll's arm's got a broken wrist to do this carefully this one needs a trip to the dolls Hospital must have been done by one of the machines it's strange if you don't really ever find just hands like that but there you go perfect came along just in time it does look like a coin to me I mean imagine it's probably I don't know maybe it's not what's that what's that oh no because it got stuff on it I can't tell it looks like it came off of something it could be a badge again okay put that in the pot which bit of that was sticking out even with the Big Chill nice crazing though yeah yeah very very useful nice and good as gifts as We Know there's a tiny little bottle there second yeah it's cutie but do we want it it's got a screw top I'm gonna have to be strong and say no but I'll put it back in there we found so many recently I think that's complete I reckon it's probably broken I don't know though now that is for the my head right do you think oh that's a big one isn't it wow oh definitely leg day yes that now I don't know completely lost count I don't know but what's that there is that the other leg no nice wow this is this is yeah this is such a good day is that ahead with the hat yes with a incredibly fancy hat okay mum's found something whilst I'm talking about her fancy hat okay let's go see it is against us again it's coming foreign but it's okay we're not panicking oh no no I was just saying we're not panicking the tides coming in but I just oh my God it's only it's a complete apart from the thumb oh I've never found one like that what if you wow I think we've got some heads that would fit yeah wow okay go go yeah I was going let's we don't need to panic the tire's coming in but we don't need to panic what's that I've left my tool what's this it looks like it's got this this is just a stone I could stop you do we think it's a whole metal plate oh good glass leaf on top of it though I haven't even seen that that's a proper glass leaf look at the detail of it is it broken or is it yeah it's broken at the end but that doesn't matter that's good for the god that's amazing right okay put that in the Box let me just quickly film a close-up that's a detailed glass Leaf wow the box of Wonders dig this plate [Music] thank you um I don't know I don't know what it is it's not a plate though it's been oh it's bent here we'll take it and clean it I don't know what that is so at the top of an oil can or something oh maybe Maybe should I take it yeah it's heavy I can put it in my bag what do we think let me put you down and dig and it is complete 100 complete it's a white one which means I will be taking it even my back is super heavy oh my word I can see that it's broken but I can see that it's still got paint on it oh it's another one of those dogs he's got a blue collar and a painted face hi wow we're gonna have to make some sort of kennel I'll spread them out between many different dolls houses wow hello that's amazing is that going to be a dulled slid hiding among the stones perfect but it's the it's the most important parts there it's a pipe clay pipe heel that's a horse yeah it's got a Mane It's not a deer this time it's a horse look at that hello horse's head I'm sure definitely easy somewhere in the doll's house which is very cool wow okay this might be my last find of the day is it exciting um until it's almost Gray not green like I thought but oh definitely not just Aqua let's have a look it's really dark and it's not I don't think it's because mud it's almost Gray I'll show you the light is awful oh and actually down here a tiny bottle is that a sample size is it yeah it just says bothered you do have a couple of these but a tiny little bottle I will put it back where I found it got very excited then but I can see it's broken but how much of it is there not very much and her majesty uh beautiful mother of pearl button beautiful bun notice that it looks very neat please it doesn't look like it's I mean it's obviously broken there it's always a shaving brush the bottom of a shaving brush but nice thing though yes the bottom of shaving brush isn't it why is it why are they always broken Woods Erica nuts toothpaste oh there must be one here I mean this is quite a small one isn't it it's like a Pioneer lid oh filming this just in case you were just about to do it but it does oh no yeah it's not though is it it can't be they're literally about to leave the beach it can't be it's not it's not it can't be let's do it [Laughter] is the Portland gonna become like the head oh I was oh oh you already thought it was didn't you yeah well it's that there's that shape yeah yeah it's yeah that should be printed why aren't you printed it's complete okie dokie wow I don't really know what to say I think that is possibly the longest mod looking film we've ever made yes so well I think it is yes it is yes there's no possible about it a Snappy but unfortunately there's so much stuff and this is just like we've talked about having like a big Roundup at the end of all the films but this is I mean there's so many things I mean so your favorite find is the apron bottle is this Acorn bottle it's got a ground off top and you think it's from a chanteline yes it's a chanteline perfume bottle it would have had a silver top like that you would have take you know like unclipped and then the purple would have come out there's one very very similar on the internet glasses stunning it's amazing internet what can you say I'm really old yep talking of really old we have the print which we have to get this off of but we will do that before the big main Roundup and now the print to add to our print collection it's um a raspberry print so it's for grip although I think this one may just be decoration it might be a magnet yeah so that's probably seven 18th century yeah um no I reckon that's 19. that's Victorian or maybe yeah yeah so um um clean this up oh gosh and you can see I've got to do some more but you can see this one and it's becoming golden and the gray the water I love the water with the little yeah I think there's a button yeah yeah with yeah you can see where it would have had a show it's got a star on the back so we'll clean that up more for the big Roundup multiple dolls heads that are beautiful and the button cleaned up really well and it's still got the shank beautiful Mam's lovely um echinoid fossil it's a really really wonderful example very love it did in pixie helmet it's definitely brought us up didn't it oh yeah and my lovely Blue Glass hat pin oh God bless you um Soldier bust cleaned up um this wasn't a badge oh goodness but it does did have a hole in so it must have been uh for necklace or something I'm not sure gosh hey paper yeah it looks like it may have had something once upon a time but we couldn't get it um loads of Limbs your wonderful Crystal it's almost like smoky quartz it is beautiful isn't it it's stunning I mean all these things I think are probably things that people collected and then they got thrown away yeah thrown away but that's beautiful this weird mystery thing yep hand-painted Cog wheel pulley why would it be hand painted don't know and then I think the rest we will show you what our big Roundup including all the lovely stoneware yeah incredible day for dolls heads and Prince just basically wonderful wonderful day um we found some really good shirts too but the film is too long for a shared story so we will just do those at the end of other films yeah so thank you as always for watching uh commenting subscribing liking the video and all means everything and we really really appreciate it thank you of course as well to our wonderful patreons and anyone that donates in any other way we hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and we will see you soon not sure where bye bye
Channel: Mudlarking With Kit & Caboodlers
Views: 79,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mudlarking, bottledumpsearching, bottledump, victorianbottles, exploring, slowliving, beachcombing, history
Id: 0Is5h4cZ87A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 10sec (3970 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2023
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