The Most OVERRATED Bosses In EVERY Soulsborne Game!

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I'm Billy s welcome back to the channel today I'm copying my boyfriend by using a shield build because we're talking about my most overrated bosses from each Souls born game so a few months ago I talked about the bosses I felt were underrated Link in the description and now it's time to flip the script my concept of overrated is a little more on the Diplomatic side though because a majority of the fights on this list are ones I do still actually enjoy perhaps even bosses that I also overrated in the grand scheme of things I might list bosses that will horrify you but it's okay we can get through this together so let's begin the most overrated bosses from each Souls born game ranked let me know which bosses you want to connect more with in the comments down below Demon Souls is in this weird Middle Ground compared to the rest of of the series as I truly don't think a single boss in this game is overrated in fact a majority of the fights in this game are either so janky their bad or underappreciated in the community as a whole so even though I actually do enjoy this fight and I feel it is underrated in terms of the overall Souls born series I think based solely on the game it's from the penetrator is the most overrated boss in Demon Souls not because the fight plays badly far from it but because the move set of this boss is just so ancient in comparison to what players are used to now in from soft's outings going back to fight the penetrator after having any experience with another Souls game is like bullying a toddler his design is sick his sword is Iconic and his animations are really fun to watch dance likee in their movements but I can't deny that for all the hype this boss had on the runup to my first playthrough of demon souls the actual fight was just over far too quickly his attacks are easy to block or Dodge through and his health Pool isn't terribly large if you've done enough of the other Arch Stones before tackling 1-3 you can tell he's a prototype for the fights that from software are now known for and sadly that means he's just a bit outdated as a result I could say the same thing about Old King alant too with his rigid movements that are easy to predict but I think he puts up a bit more of a fight and it would be a gag if I ranked my favorite boss in the game as the most overrated this really felt like a by default Choice when it comes to Dark Souls there's one boss that stands Head and Shoulders Above the Rest in terms of overrated and that is onstein and Smo I don't think this comes as a shock to anyone watching given how this pair was touted around for years as the hardest fight in gaming by every single journalist under the son and was an absolute brutal hurdle to overcome right while that was my initial experience with these two that doesn't mean those feelings hold weight in 2024 the fight does a lot right with onstein and Smo having complimentary move sets that cover for each other's weaknesses the arena is designed in such a way where you can funnel each boss to separate them from the other for quick damage and the second phase being determined by whom you slay first is still one of the coolest ideas from early from soft boss design but I've always been a proponent that while I do adore this fight there's a lot of Jank mainly from orstein as his movement and move set just don't match up well with dark souls 1's animations the way he janky dashes across the arena with the tracking of a homing missile is hilarious yet painful to watch his aggression when he pulls out the lightning Spears always feels so LAX and sometimes you can get caught in situations where both bosses are being aggressive leading you to to take damage you can't avoid on suffer from being too overhyped for their own good to the point where people were arriving at their Boss Arena expecting this insane level of difficulty when in reality they just require decent positioning and a good Mastery of your movement options to win the fight in that sense I understand why they'd be considered overrated and I can't think of another fight in Dark Souls that could fill this spot so thank God we're past the point where every boss was compared to this Duo because you know that means nature is healing after my last playthrough of Dark Souls 2 there was one boss fight that I was extremely high on going in that just didn't do it for me in the same way on my return visit and that is the Lost Sinner likely the first of the four Lord Souls that players will face off against she's found in a pitch black room and wields a large sword that can very easily clip your health bar from Full to zero in a minute her gimmick is that you can't lock on to her from far away unless you light the Torches above the arena via the bastile key once lit you can lock on like any other boss and the fight just becomes a simple sword battle I like the concept of the gimmick a lot and I think the Lost cner definitely has some pluses when it comes to her design and the way in which she moves in attacks But ultimately it's a swordfight duel in a game that is filled to the brim with other boss fights against similar enemy types the Lost cner doesn't have the difficulty or the uniqueness aside from having a larger than average sword to stand out against bosses like velat the pursuer the Looking Glass Knight fume Knight or suron and yet I feel of the four Lords she's the one that has the most love from the fan base while I personally feel Freya and the rotten while I may not enjoy their fights as much I think are just more interesting as a result and when I'm saying I would rather go against the giant spider boss given I'm an arachnophobe that is saying something God my takes in this video are actually so lukewarm it's not even funny I think we need to change that he may be my fourth favorite boss in bloodborne but the way everyone talks about him like he's the best of the best I just can't relate it's ludvig the holy blade I can already hear the gasps of horror in the audience but let me explain myself I do love ludvig as said fourth favorite boss I think his move set is extremely fun in both phases taking two very distinct Styles and mixing them together to create a unique and memorable experience he has one of the most iconic cutscenes in Souls born history and that's something I just can't take away from him and the music in the second phase is one of the best in the game and yet I just can't consider him my favorite when German Maria and the orphan are right there bloodborne's fights are at their best to me when facing down either another hunter or in the case of the orphan a creature that's at least on similar footing to you for the fight l viig meanwhile still has classic issues where the camera just doesn't want to work in the first phase of the fight and some of the attacks like him jumping on the ceiling feel very trial and error to Dodge I may also just be salty that in my first time playing the DLC I died to him like 60 plus times and it just wasn't as fun as I thought it would be he does a lot right and thematically hits as one of the best bosses in the game but German's music hits harder for me Maria's escalation of her fight just feels more fun to me and the orphan is just my favorite fight o my bias is showing I just don't know how I could justify putting ludvig above those three which is why I'm considering him overrated as said this topic is very dumb he's another case of a boss that sadly has been hit by the overhyped train and yet I can still see completely where people are coming from I just really am bad at this topic I adore all of the bosses in these games so much oh my God it's marchall already and we're getting closer to my goal of 20,000 subscribers by the summer of 2024 insert obligatory YouTuber look at how many of you aren't subscribed comment here if by the end of the video you enjoy what you watch consider parrying that subscribe button to stay up toate on all of my future videos back to our regularly scheduled programming for Dark Souls 3 I actually have a pick that I feel quite strongly is overrated and that's y the Giant as someone who generally likes cinematic fights see my love of the Storm King Reichard even the Divine dragon from SEO I can't help but feel there's this weird disconnect between Y and I for one his boss fight has no real buildup we get his opening movie cinematic and then it's radio silence until we run into him at the profaned capital with the abyss Watchers we had the battles going on outside them was aam and the NPC at Firelink who used to be one of them for Aldrich we have an entire previous Zone dedicated to him in the form of the Cathedral of the deep plus his connection to hre's quest line that builds him up as this figure you want to fight yor has the seir quest line but we don't even know that seir is related to y's history unless we complete his full Quest and have him arrive with us to face down the boss together there's just no narrative buildup outside of the bare minimum and if you're going to be a boss that focuses on cinematics over complex gameplay I need that story to bolster my enjoyment it's just charging the storm ruler and watching y's Health tick down maybe dodge a few attacks when he Embers up but when compared to Reichard who allows you to use an entire move set as opposed to a singular special move to do decent damage yor feels disappointing by comparison even the storm king from Demon Souls who has the exact same premise as yor had enemies in the boss room that made it a little more difficult to hit the main Beast Dark Souls 2 got done so dirty in the third game and the main representative of the Giants having a blink and you miss it fight just disappoints me so much which is why I find it insane that people have yor as one of their favorites I get loving cinematic battles I just really don't see how yor justifies earning that title outside of the developers doing the bare minimum to Hype him up and I am going to die on that Hill I'm sorry seidor is another game where I genuinely don't think there are any overrated fights they're all properly valued within the community and by no means am I looking to start another war with the Secor fan base following the great seidor is my fifth favorite Souls born game comment from last year but just like bloodborne as it turns out my fourth favorite boss in the game is often considered the best by everyone else and while I understand their reasoning it just doesn't click for me and that's enough justification for me to put owl father on this this list oh no to start off with I really enjoy the challenge that Al father brings to secor's endgame as said fourth favorite boss let's keep that in mind he along with Isen are the last truly hard bosses you'll face on the road to completion and the fact that you're getting to fight your father in a battle where he truly treats you like an equal is magical he doesn't use any of his tricks from his prior fight preferring to best you with pure skill and his owl in face too that allows him to teleport around the room and yet I actually find his first fight great Shinobi owl to be the more interesting of his two appearances because his original battle feels so different to everything else in the game the music is dark and for boing showcasing that this is a man of deception his move set with the poison the anti-healing bombs the shyen he's using all your tools and even attempts to trick you with a Dr Wy St style beg for forgiveness moment and I just find all of this far more interesting than a battle against super strong past Papa admittedly of all the fights on today's list ala is the one I can see having the biggest case for deserving the praise he gets because he does he fully does it's just that he's the one fight out of those constantly receiving praise to the point of potentially being overrated that I'm not quite as high on so it was as said at the start of this part a placement by default for the final entry on today's list I'm approaching from a different perspective so hear me out I know that Godfree first Elden Lord also known as horror L Warrior is a great fight he's in my top 10 for Elden ring but as I said in my boss ranking last year and I'm saying again now I feel there's something about the way I play these games that is stopping me from being able to place him on the highest pedestal like so many other other players and content creators out there I want to understand just why Godfrey is considered one of the best bosses in the game Bar None because I just don't get it from my experiences Phase 1 Godfrey is a lot of fun with large AOE well telegraphed attacks and fair combos that feel easily punishable once learned in fact had the entire fight stayed like this I might be more inclined to rank him higher but horu really makes me conflict his attacks are so delayed and hard to read once he breaks out the monk move set something both I and my partner both experienced in our respective playthroughs he's got an amazing design and a really fun visual style but in terms of his Phase 2 move set I've just never been able to get to grips with it it feels so at odds to everything else the game throws at you which can be good but the amount of delayed attacks and weird grabs that launch you at unnatural momentum just kills the excitement for me it it looks too goofy do I love it from a story perspective God yes SOS getting his jaw unhinged is horrific and horror L getting to let his hair down and bathe in his blood is a great character choice I just wish I wasn't always so on the back foot with his move set perhaps if I ever took the time to learn every intricacy it has maybe I'd be higher as a result but I'm finding myself with less and less time in my life to dedicate to learning a boss's patterns to that insane level of degree so I guess I'll stick to you guys explaining why Godfrey isn't overrated in the comments Lord knows I'd have had to leave the internet if I made the segment about Melania and that's my list which bosses are overrated in your eyes and why do you think that is let me know down below and be sure to Parry that subscribe button so you can stay up toate on all of my future videos you can also support the channel via becoming a YouTube channel member for just $49 9 a month you get your name at the end of videos in the description and early access to my Tuesday videos when applicable my socials are on screen now feel free to follow where you feel comfortable I recommend my Twitter my blue sky or my Discord whatever you are comfortable with and a massive shout out to both my YouTube channel members you guys are amazing for another month of support and my patrons thank you so much to you guys as well I will be phasing patreon out towards the summer of this year uh in favor of the YouTube Channel memberships but for whoever you are supporting me wherever you are you're all amazing so I'll see you next time adios
Channel: Billy S
Views: 13,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dark souls, demons souls, bloodborne, elden ring, video games, dark souls 1, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, soulslike, souls, soulsborne, gamer, gaming, fromsoftware, fromsoft, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, boss, ranking, billy s, lies of p, soulsborne ranking, overrated bosses, soulsborne overrated, overrated boss ranking, top 10 overrated bosses, souls boss ranking, soulsborne boss ranking, soulsborne boss tier list, souls bosses, souls boss tier list, boss tier list
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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