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hey everyone welcome to oddly satisfying video that will relax and calm you before you sleep so if you're watching this in bed right now firstly it's weird stop secondly this should help you sleep ah ah what is that oh oh that sent shivers down my body okay i see how this is gonna go holy crap i wanna know what that is i wanna buy that what the hell it looks like jelly but it also looks like a cucumber this isn't oh i don't like this oh i don't like this did anyone else find this really unsatisfying look he hasn't even folded it properly like if you're gonna fold something satisfying it needs to be perfectly in line like if you're folding a pokemon card you need to make sure randolph's gonna kill me for this you need to make sure that it is perfect like look at that that's satisfying look how satisfying that is it actually looks like a half thing like it looks like half a card okay randolph is actually going to kill me for this so i'm going to hide the evidence i'm coming here i get the crackling sound and that but don't come in here like oh look at your folding all right what's next oh oh my god this is what it's like when you slap jj's belly oh that's satisfying not that i do that that'd be really weird if i did oh i mean this is just people skating that's not that wasn't that satisfying that that didn't get me going oh go on how how was that how is that possible oh you if you put that on tinto that's gone viral oh wait can i do that not this i know i can't do that i can barely dunk okay so flick it okay so flick it with my right kick up and catch it on my right i can do this okay i'm doing it on carpet though that's harder oh that was almost really satisfying he's actually mad talented okay i failed stop laughing at me well look he can't balance on his head i can what see satisfying exactly that he dropped it all right what's this one oh oh i can do this you know i'm actually really sick of it mainly because i can reach halfway down the the like the alley whoa oh oh that's how ruby's cubes are made yo we can't give that credit to we can't give that credit to the person that was the machine oh what is this for i don't even care what where's my guy what's he doing wait wait wait wait why is he dancing what is he doing is he making the mattress like fit the bet what is he what's going on their hips are moving too mad i don't like it it looks like like a pimple i didn't like it damn you go girl with a fanny pack it's like a workout come on keep going okay you're not flying i like that that ain't that satisfying nine nine that ain't helping me sleep oh oh oh no no no no no no that one's off the edge of it that one's off the edge so is that one i didn't like that oh i've seen these these are so sick people that can do tricks on longboards are sick oh wait how is the pole moving i need to zoom in i just clocked i am baffled yo 10 000 likes and we'll do sidemen pole dancing we probably won't oh honestly my life is changing as you watch that's not satisfying this is unsatisfying delete delete look it doesn't all go through look look at the first one first one yeah hella sick look at this look how it's still there that ain't satisfying man this video it keeps pulling me in it shows me something that's like oh and then it leaves something like that and i'm back awake caffeinated in that oh oh if this turns on the i just i just i've just just i've just used that's that's a full-on sleep that's a that's that's a nap that's a that's a nap all right we're back what's that they're just healies get over yourself oh okay that's pretty satisfying but ultimately you just you know you're just trying to be aragorn what's that what oh oh that's magic yo what don't tell me they're going to fit in that don't tell me he's got i should walk around nah you missed the trick when you're stuck like this you should have walked around like a turtle look there you should walk around like that come on put me to sleep again and yo people that can do hacky sacks are unbelievable i don't get it what's happened it's like some andrew henderson stuff this is this is the thing of beauty okay they're getting me back on track they're making me fall asleep again making me fall asleep why does he jump that up that's just a dunk i mean that's literally there i could reach that no no no no there's no none of this is making me asleep though none of this is like next level i mean that is hella that's hella satisfying oh he's so good at his job get your nasty ass feet away put them away you ain't even wearing socks no no no no you ain't even wearing socks on a subway look how you're wearing your shoes this is not satisfying to me you got your stinky ass feet out on a train so when i go wearing a mask but you guys think he has feet out what oh that's cool that's that uh oh okay yeah that's that's fine not in a weird way as in like the pillow spin is that you're weird ah oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god this could be a sleeper oh i didn't even finish it oh that's amazing look at the what is that i can't say it's satisfying without knowing what it is that was just a golf swing and it wasn't even that good is he just trying to get up he made well done i can't do that oh oh what is this what is this hand tool oh one more i'll fit that perfect oh that was beautiful oh yo you're taking with it i'm putting my hands on that finish the finish the way it spins around his arm look you could all of this is mad but then watch watch the way it finishes watch it caress his arm ready oh oh oh no you messed up okay okay okay you salvaged it he's oh that second one was beautiful it's the door that was a door i don't get it have you not seen the tesla get out of here man oh they're out of time oh my god okay that looks really satisfying oh no that they went over heels hit the floor heels hit the water that's poor no you've ruined you've made me feel oh you made me oh you've made me ill you've made me feel ill you've made me what just happened why have you done that it was kind of satisfying and it looked kind of weird but like weirdly nice like that that annoyed me but this one look at it it's all i mean oh that was disgusting i'm fully awake i've just had a red bull that's ah you're gonna take a lot to put me back to sleep now i don't like that that's making me uneasy i don't even know what that is if i don't know what it is i can't i can't like it that much a lighter what's that i don't know what that is but that's amazing oh my god i want it i don't even want a lighter but i want that how are these donnies so good at this i'd take them at leads yo i we ain't had a striker that can hit a ball like that in years that looks like a dangerous weapon imagine going to an airport and you're like oh no i've just got this little thing it's just this that's all it is just yeah it's just it's just a button you know i'm in the airport oh yeah yeah just they're just a bunch what are you picking up when you see a girl you like oh my pillow mad how does that not topple over what is this i don't know what half of these are i like them okay i'm awake i'm awake these are these aren't making me feel these aren't making me feel sleepy like this is just making me feel bad about my body i can't do this oh oh oh oh go on forever oh i like that one why are they putting a condom on a pole who's that going inside i feel like you're losing me a little bit you're losing me a little bit what is that that looks disgusting what is that why have they solidified common put it into a thing what's this done he did i don't know what ha i was about to say he ain't done anything what how did he do this oh my god he's gonna take that off and then it's in different sections in it watch watch oh that oh i like that oh this guy this guy breaks into places this guy breaks into changing rooms and watches you change although this is taking him a while you probably have put your pants on by now yeah you probably put your pants down he ain't getting nowhere what am i oh my god oh if they put it back in the watermelon oh it's back in the watermelon what jelly watermelon jelly watermelon that's reversed that was reversed wait if this is reversed this whole video is a fraud and i want my money back that's reversed 1 million you're telling me that this isn't you're telling me that's a normal jump you must be mad you must be out of your mind you're dumb if you think this is a normal jump you're telling me that's a normal ju nah his body doesn't move at a normal speed nah reverse you reversed it fraud you're a fraud i don't care if you can beat me up i'm here to expose see this is just he's doing spins with a sharp stick i can't get on board with that i'm really jealous corn on the cob is just corn on the cob's so nice but you take a bite and anyone around you is like they're in the splash zone they gotta wear anoraks and stuff because you literally just i've heard a rumor once that there was a person in uh persia that ate one and it pinged 30 meters blinded their grandma true story you should check it out you just need to google um similar waffles they're bananas oh that oh i like that although you just hit a plan mr beast wouldn't be happy damn i wish i could do a handstand i say this but i'm not gonna put the effort in to go do it i don't care that much oh what is this method of cutting hair is that a wig don't tell me there's a person behind that board but like a lot of women wouldn't be happy with that like italian's having a haircut and some donnie pulls out a like a cleaver and starts doing that and just does it in a straight line i'm i'm just saying i don't think i don't think most people would be happy go on oh oh yo harry can do this oh you need to ask him next time he goes somewhere tell him tell him to do the thing and he'll do it i mean that's just every every place ever that's like every theme park what how are you saying this is oddly satisfying that looks like good that's how robots poo you're handling robot poo i hope this person knows if you squish this together again okay add some salt or sugar i don't know what that is play it some of these are so weird man like this ain't satisfying there's one liter oh oh oh oh oh that's it that was a horrible one to end it on that inside look you see that one just look oh wait oh he's gone come back down oh if he oh if they see if they'd left that would have been amazing that was very satisfying i will give them this i did sleep twice so it did relax and calm me but one or two made my skin boil i'll give this a 7 out of 10 in terms of satisfaction am i ready to sleep not anymore that's it today thank you guys for watching let me know what else you want me to react to i will see you tomorrow for another video
Channel: MM7Games
Views: 1,924,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miniminter, mm7games, simon, random, sidemen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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