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so good morning it is very very early it's probably the earliest I've ever been out of bed for a landscape photography shoot at the very least back here home in Denmark I was up at like 3:15 you got to love those summer mornings and the worst part is driving all the way down to here where I want to photograph oh just doesn't look that promising so I've come down to a location that I also photographed back in Autumn it's a really great place during Heather season right now we have this very cool event where these Lakes are actually appearing and the water is quite High our groundwater is quite High and that is the theory that the Lakes appear when the groundwater levels in Denmark are quite high but we've also just had a period 10 days is of 25° plus and it has just been so windy so there haven't been a whole lot of Reflections that I can benefit from driving down here it didn't look good whatsoever I really really hoped for some fog this morning we had a lot of rain yesterday and since we have had a period of 25° plus it should have manifested into some atmosphere the humidity is quite high I can feel it but there's a little bit of atmosphere in the air I'm going into an area that is quite open and it has some legs so hopefully there will be a little bit of like ground fog above those Lakes just look out there a little bit of fog on that Lake mides mides of course we're in midet season oh so annoying struggling here so I learned about this phenomenon a couple of months back on one of our main weather homepages it's always good to get inspiration from all sorts of different sources and it is quite unique I think that the water level is this high right here because there was no water when I was here back in Autumn and it obviously gave some incredible reflection opportunities right here so for this first composition put the wi angle on and I've composed it more or less like this so I have the reflection of the tree here in the water and I'm trying to find a proper balance between these clusters of Heather popping out of the water right there and then I have the tree right there in the middle we are close to Sunrise it is actually clearing a little bit so my hopes are that I may actually get something if I can survive these midges because they are everywhere right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so I am just getting eaten alive here by these bloody mitches um the sun is coming up now I've been flying around with the Drone hopefully you've seen a little bit of that because I think it looks really really nice and yeah I'm just moving mes from my hand here uh I found a composition in that direction you should probably be able to see what I'm aiming at so I have my composition right here I use the reflection and then I have of course the fog to separate the trees right there looks really really nice generally I say that having front light on your elements is not beneficial generally but this scene right here is phenomenal like I have so much separation with the fog and then I have those Pines sticking out I have the reflection in the lake completely clean reflection and then I'm also trying to incorporate this little Twix sing out right there but as you can see right here this looks gorgeous beautiful beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] so I am just moving super fast this morning flying the Drone vlogging taking photos with my main camera I'm just reacting to everything I just I love mornings like this it's so much fun we have to work fast and I'm just seeing compositions everywhere here and there and I obviously also have to sacrifice some because I can't do everything at once but if you want to learn more about composition landscape photography be sure to get my two ebooks they're super easy to read they have plenty of examples and the text is super minimal so all in you should be able to get to the point fast and learn a lot there links to both of them down in the description of the video so right now everything is just happening at once so I'm flying the Drone and just like last time I have like fog among on those spread out trees but but this time I have the most ridiculous sunbeams pushing through them it looks I did not count on this this morning I'm like a take you photos the video photos video photos video this is utterly phenomenal so pretty [Music] [Music] so sadly clouds are moving in from the West here and then moving over and going to Snuff out the sun right there I did manage to get one composition right here with these trees I also captured it back in Autumn and I actually quite like it it's uh somewhat of a chaotic scene but I do enjoy it actually so I simply just use the trail here to lead in between these two trees here then I have the reflection over here on the right from those trees and the little island and then I had the sun breaking through the clouds just before right there and the composition looks something like this right there I still do have the Drone in the air the the DJI mavic 3 Pro is just phenomenal when it comes to like flight time I'm only on my third battery and I've been flying for like I don't know more than an hour oh yeah that's uh that's fantastic here are some more photos [Music] [Music] if you want to learn how I edit my photos as you have seen in this video or in many other videos be sure to enroll in my huge postprocessing course Photoshop for landscape photographers it's not just Photoshop it's also camera raw which is like Lightroom and I do a whole lot of my editing in the raw module before moving into Photoshop and finishing up the photos everything I just added happens in the Photoshop ecosystem and as you probably know Lightroom is built on the algorithm from camera raw so everything I edit in camera raw is something you can also edit in Lightroom the course is like 19 plus hours I cover everything I know about cleaning your photos working with glow on atmosphere blending with Luminosity masks editing with Luminosity masks fixing geometric IAL issues in your photos like lining up buildings and trees vertically besides the editing tools that I use and techniques there are actually also 11 start to finish tutorials in the course so there's so much to dig into there's a coupon code down in the description of this video so you can save a little bit of money when you enroll I promise you one day I'm going to make a video where I fail big time I I really didn't think that today when I drw out was going to be anything special or anything good and I would probably just go back home disappointed but well I guess the weather guards were on my side again you got to be in it to win it you got to get out if you want to have a chance of actually succeeding and sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't and today everything came together and my prediction were right even though I didn't predict specifically what would happen I had hopes that something would happen and something did indeed happen
Channel: Mads Peter Iversen
Views: 27,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photography, landscape photography, sunrise photography, photography tutorials, landscape photography composition, travel photography, learn photography, landscape photography denmark, denmark photography, dji mavic 3 pro, drone photography, aerial photography, landscape photography settings, mads peter iversen, summer landscape photography, photography vlog, landscape photography vlog, sunrise light, photography light, sony wide angle, morning photography
Id: pIa0g5Yy-0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Wed May 29 2024
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