the most literal adaptation

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you're facing 10 years in prison my friend that's if skers is alive enough to testify uh my client didn't mean that Comics are a great medium too bad you have to put effort in read them the Batman year One film is almost an exact adaptation word for word mostly scene by scene however the adjustments it does make ends up radically changing the themes wild claim I know the comic opens like a pyramid we're introduced to Gotham through Gordon's tight claustrophobic perspective thank God Barbara's flying in she should have gotten the test by now before expanding to bruers who in contrast isn't overwhelmed in his arrival but instead is prepared for War as a result his perspective feels like a burst of Freedom Bruce's appearance connotes Liberation and change emphasized by how his panels in contrast or larger with simple imagery a pattern that's carried out throughout the book the film presents these scenes pretty much exactly the same but it swaped around so Bruce's words are now the first words from here you can't see the enemy therefore the framing of the Story begins to be subtly shifted the priority is no longer about making home out of a bad place but it's about soldiers arriving at a battlefield Gordon himself is also kind of different instead of looking overwhelmed all the time with his wrinkly forehead his back is straight his eyes are hidden he's like a warrior something something something changing your mind something Batman year One really should be just renamed as Jim Gordon year one which I'm sure would just be as equally marketable he's the one with the journey while Batman is more like the weather there to devastate the environment Gotham is Hell on Earth but you could have a pretty good time if you're Filthy Rich great Gil or be a filthy cop cop's got it made go but where the comic paints Gordon's acclamation process with The Arc of a good but ultimately weak man developing his strength to fight back film Gordon is more like the lone Sheriff here to clean things up just look at how differently flas is presented his comic purpose is to make Gordon look weak he's often the largest in frame while Jim looks withdrawn all the time but then there's flashes of a stronger person underneath like when Jim studies Flash's moves don't do a damn thing be sure of your facts before you bring down another cop just watch him before using this knowledge for his retaliation later drawn thanks flas you've shown me what it takes to be a cop in Gotham City that line is also not in the film because film Gordon arrives already as an alpha call me Lieutenant yeah sure think Jimmy he stands nice and Tall all the time most of his overwhelmed reactions are gone with Brian cranston's voice he sounds like a really confident bearded man and during the car chase not only did they dedicate an entire closeup to Gordon's disgusted expression towards flas but they hold on to it just to emphasize how he's formed a concrete and strong opinion about every everything which recontextualizes the following scene where flash reports to lobe over how Jimbo isn't fitting in he looks at the 50 like it's diseased this Jim Gordon isn't someone accidentally being clean in a filthy place he's actively in defiance of it and now he's the new Alpha here Bruce's appearances in contrast is all about priming him with mythical and Abstract qualities before he puts on the cowl through simple and memorable imagery the comic goes as far as taking away the background at times anyways his Street reconnaissance goes terribly wrong but even scum have families and he realizes he needs to create fear in order to survive begging his father for an answer which comes in the form of a bat the film removes mentions of Alfred training in combat medicine the bat cave Zoro and how he was frightened by bats as a boy but the point is ultimately the same Batman is created the moment he asks for help the First Act of year one is about two manly men learning to survive in a city that speaks its own proprietary language of violence where the rules are created by the strongest where survival requires fear and change requires Force Jim now has enemies but is protected by the media after he saved some kids who wants gum furthermore the film puts a highlighter on his positive influence by making the cop that tells Brendan the resident psycho just a tad bit noticeable Lieutenant Gordon's on his way sir I really think the hell that's spine was F I don't know maybe I'm overthinking it but he looks like a nice impressionable guy you even see his face in the comic in contrast Batman barely survives his first nights lucky amateur but by the time Jim does his Batman presentation Batman as the news shows are calling him has committed 70 assaults in the past five weeks he's so good that even flas doesn't think he's human we're also introduced to detective Essen who in the comic lights Jimbo cigarettes literally showing off their spark in contrast the spark Batman lights up is his threat to Gotham's richest something he explains in the comic as a calculated move after he's finally confident about his costume and weapons really badass moments where he canonically peed himself in act two both characters have found their place in Gotham as influential forces whove made a hero out of him unfortunately they're on opposite sides and haven't fully realized their FA potentials lob sends Jimbo on a Manhunt or it's your job in the comic this causes an existential crisis he laments how Batman has made an enemy out of of every criminal and elected official but now he's cornered for saving an old lady he even forgets to identify the police as we in his mind which explains why he doesn't help brenen when he's getting his ass beat in the film he ignores him more as a joke due to their rivalry wish I could help but orders are orders breaks my heart Batman is more of a distraction for film Jim cuz he's more focused on fighting corruption in fact after his affair with Essen ends in the film he goes straight back to nailing flas as opposed to nailing Essen before she transfers out of Gotham as a result this has two major effects first the film ends up keeping them on mostly separate tracks like Bruce doesn't come to the conclusion that he needs Gordon as an ally secondly Jim is a much stronger person by Nature his affair isn't a montage presented through internal monologues but are actual scenes now which admittedly I'm not going to lie it makes him immediately less embarrassing cuz we're not privy to stuff like him reminding himself think of her as a cop of her as a cop in other words Jim is more in control of himself the affair was more of a lapse of judgment as opposed to an obsession This Is Anchored by this new speech he gives to eston explaining why he's here explaining why he is the way he is the bullet points are police corruption a cop who wanted to believe the system works and one incredibly bad decision there's a reason everyone hates Internal Affairs they dangle the carrot of integrity and honesty but at the end of the day when you take down and another cop they treat you like any other lowlife scumbag jumbo is disenchanted by the system which is why he's kind of flexible with the law he's more committed to his own personal moral code and this code is why the film's interpretation of the character isn't really conflicted with Batman he knows the system doesn't necessarily make good people and doing the right thing can turn you into an outsider anyways comic Jim isn't as morally strong he even inappropriately brought as in an expensive bracelet but regardless both versions look at Batman like like it's an affair and I can't stop thinking about her like I can't stop thinking about this Batman however this is also arguably evidence that there's kind of like a supernatural Force going on Staring him like Bruce speaking to his father like all these crazy coincidences like how these two good men would arrive at the wrong place at the right time at the same time there's something more here a greater plan he's a criminal I'm a cop it's as simple as that but I'm a cop in a city that uses its cops like hired Killers apart from a few discrepancies in the comic this is all basically the same except this dealer ckea gets out of the comic because of hary while Gordon is distracted cuz he's meets with Batman they're such good buddies that he even lets him sleep under his desk sometimes anyways Jimbo gets confession he needs but lobe has photos of his affair to use as blackmail which ironically then distracts Jim so much that he stops focusing on his investigation even though he's so darn close after his interv view with Bruce where there's the whole playing the whole Playboy thing it is Batman you wanted to talk about isn't it the film changes his drink from club soda to grape juice and added in this lady's funny reaction by the way you guys are weird Jim stops thinking about this lead to painfully tell Barbara everything he's been sitting there for 10 minutes then Catwoman who's inspired by Batman goes ahead and ruins his Recon now I'm his assistant but Bruce figures out what the mob is doing anyways and it's here everything fit fits into place lobe draws out Jim from his family while the mob kidnaps his wife and baby son but Bruce leads him back in leading to this incredibly badass moment where Jimbo doesn't listen and just starts shooting Bruce follows and conveniently lands on a truck going the same direction but in the kic he does the even cooler thing of using a bicycle the baby falls but Bruce catches him Gorn Ambiguously says you know I'm practically blind without my glasses thus an unbreakable trust is formed Jim cradles his baby and for the first time Smiles because he realized with this hope flas implicates lobe leading to a Federal indictment although the film will miss the detail of L's replacement being someone worse in the coming gang wars but then adds in Brendan going to prison due to lobe to give you a better sense of closure at the end of the year the promoter Jim Smiles once again waiting for Batman so they can deal with the joker though the ending are basically the same between the two I shockingly was left with two totally different feelings the satisfaction of the comic was successfully seeing two people figure out who they are the film left me satisfied with a journey of seeing two fully formed people figure out how to be who they are and thus their home becomes better for [Music] it so my first guinea pig Marlene has just passed away and I wanted to take the credits of this video to eulogize her I know it's pretty goofy and over the top but I kind of need this right now marene wasn't just a pet she was really my friend as I looked after her she looked after me from waking up early daily to get her cucumber or giving her Fresh Veggies at night she made me more responsible for myself from the good days to the bad I adopted her in 2018 from a pets at home which I'm kind of suspicious at the time was really being used as a discount section anyways according to the staff Marlene got ill at some point and was thus shunned by the rest of the herd so it felt particularly good looking after her then at some point she became an incredibly important part of my life she was there for me every day throughout all of Co and I didn't really know how much looking after her meant to me until now where I don't get to tell her good night every night or hear a squeal when I come home she Drew out a love in me that I don't think I was really in touch with before and I'll always remember her for that
Channel: Implicitly Pretentious
Views: 158,917
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: batman, batman year one, jim gordon, catwoman
Id: ozLDlh6p1GI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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