The Most Insane Couple Ever.. TLC #11

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Vpn:now this looks like a job for me

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pls europe upload

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Cant watch im in germany

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[Music] pewdiepie [Music] what's up guys master speaker of imaginary props here what am i doing welcome back to my favorite tlc paul and karine we i did a terrible job last time to summarize what's going on with this couple if you don't know what's going on with this couple then boy oh boy do i got a story for you take a seat take a seat sit down i need to tell you this is some of the weirdest thing i've ever seen and i've seen some weird [ __ ] [ __ ] am i is it a pipe or a cigar quick quick summary this is paul he went to meet the love of his life who lives in the amazon rainforest in brazil men packed five military grade boxes to go there and his mom i don't know where gave him her hair very normal she actually just uh snuck out and gave me a little bit of her hair from her comb to take with her why it means a lot they can't communicate properly with each other so they use this app go on my father said hotel paul was so scared of swimming up his urethra that he did not just wear two layers on his pee pee he also wear this pair of pants all right he's wearing pants that outfit what else happened oh yeah paul admitted that he was uh he had a criminal record and before uh letting her react to it he runs off in the jungle what is happening it's just very confusing and i wanted to follow up on some of these clips that's why i summarized it the first thing i want to follow up on is the before the flight the whole military bag thing so apparently he he changed his flight because uh they wouldn't let him grab his five bags brazil all right uh it's five for uh brazil two bags older huh that's two that pay for three more two bags only paul actually just need two bags the other three is his mom's hair they're packed with it brazil yeah i've always checked five that's it i always check five i always have to check two had a set list of things she wanted for the baby and that was my responsibility to bring back i need to make oh my god so this is him coming back the second time and he still brought five bags what the [ __ ] so this is not the first time he goes oh my god i got it all confused he has a baby now oh god i keep missing everything it's all airlines no airlines can cut your nails my dude carry more than two bags is that correct oh god he's married now argo doesn't allow me to go with on any flight with more than two backs for 30 days can you pick two and go mom mom please please mom how do i pick between your between your hair and my pee pee protection suit i you know i can't make that decision mom please please this is not going to end well this is very very bad what's the best i'll have to change the flight is there any way you can do anything with the change fee because i cannot afford that at all just just okay just cancel it not going ever i don't know ever this is bad you can take two mom just take two oh my god it's 30 days i take everything i'm not coming back she's going to be more heartbroken not to see you in 30 days mom and she'll understand she was probably i'm telling you all right i don't know we need stuff for the baby okay we need stuff for the baby if i get there without them you just leave the baby back if you were to do the baby other stuff leave all the baby stuff we leave all the baby stuff here then we could be a boy you can ship it you can do that is born we have nothing the baby's going to sleep on the floor yes whatever you want to do paul fine pick two i'll do everything else here i don't know okay we have to open it and look at him okay you want to do that no you want to do that i'll do it right now i'll rip everything out i don't want to see this deal yeah you want to do that i'll do it right now i'll put my own bags right in front of you mom what are you gonna do about it mom huh you trying to help me mom sure i'll open it right now what are you gonna do well i went over through my mom's hair mom huh is that what you're gonna do okay let's put everything out you wanna i have never seen this charlie i can't what's happening granny's gonna have a couch well maybe you should call her mom you and we just leave stuff here you know you know i really hate my life here at this point i have no family support i have no friends what are you talking about your mommy's helping you okay i don't have your old support on this because you're fine at all you don't usually listen to the people you should and that's why you think yeah i shouldn't get married don't get married oh my god you're having a family oh my god it's always drama oh how is that mama putting up with that damn how mama put up with that i'm ready to leave my life behind forever in the united states but the problem is nobody can fly right now with more than two bags i got a lot of things so instead of flying with two packs i decided i don't fly at all uh gifts uh baby clothes the baby bed plus 35 years of my life here in the united states into five pieces of luggage is that everything out of there looks like it ah my only option is just change the flight just wait 30 more days this way in 30 more days and come back with everything it's not a terrible option hey sweetie how are you hi you're fine no she speaks english now trouble how about that all the luggage they said i can't bring oh no they can't i can't bring the luggage i'm not lying i'm posting on a plane right now why ui because my airlines that could only take two bags i don't know which two bags i didn't know which ones i have to go through and reorganize everything everything was so cramped packed i know i want to come back too but i want to make sure i have all the stuff with us [Music] you know the baby needs stuff yes i'm pregnant i understand i'm coming back but as of right now it looks like it's gonna be about a month drama so uh some i didn't believe this first but this and a lot of people didn't believe it but i found the footage of after they ran into the woods they actually got robbed oh that's so oh god i didn't see any of this this is so great where the hell did he go don't let me go in this water don't make me go in this water don't make me go in this water don't let me go in the peepee water he was ready to go in the water what a guy yeah definitely don't go in that waterfall you're pushing me oh my god he just doesn't want to go back without he just want to mope with over there i don't care what if he keeps going by a snake if we get in a dirty water and catch god knows what but why why would you go there bad person that was so weirdly insightful i'm a bad person i'm actually she pray i never heard anyone from tlc be that honest at least he has that he gets my respect for that okay here it is like they're just robbing people left and right oh my god i can't believe that just happened paul knew paul no that's why he was always ready he's got much he's got much let's go guys nice nice nice i mean if that is not a sign i don't know what is i can't believe that happened that's amazing i mean that's horrible exciting announcement first of all i just want to say big thanks to everyone that checked out the pewdiepie figurine you should have received yours by now and i'm really sorry really i should say thanks for not canceling me i'm sorry it took so long to get them they did get delayed because of covid so it was out of our hand but i still really really appreciate you guys patience throughout all of this thank you i finally received mine what is it hey it's got the periods on the inside oh gotta keep the box clean gotta keep the box clean which number did i get nice zero they asked me if i wanted number one but i'm like no i want a fan to have number one damn so actually i never seen this version of it because uh i got an early prototype version of it so this is actually much nicer quality especially the bottom which number did you get you can submit your uh photos if you go to pewdiepie dot store people have already submitted what do we have number 27 number 30 000 number what is that sorry face don't do that face that's cool it'd be cool if everyone submit their number you can just scroll through i don't know 100 million remember guys the legs come off remember that very cool i think he will go here now these are obviously the most rare and precious figurines of all time and anyone that got him should be got them lucky because we're never doing the number thing ever again however we are now doing for those of you who didn't get a chance the beta version it's still respectable uh but it's not the 100 million club edition and uh it doesn't have any number it's just pewdiepie on it if you guys are interested and still want to figure in and maybe you missed out on the opportunity you can still get these and now there's no waiting time on these so if you order it there shouldn't be a long wait like last time there's no pre-order basically again if you're not convinced wait does the legs not come off on this version oh they do [Music] they're just a little stiffer on this version that ain't gay that's just epic there's nothing weird about that shut up so there you have it check it out see you guys next time so okay back to the future paul is in brazil again and he calls his mom for some advice um i really need to talk to her i'd feel alone overwhelmed right now i don't know what to do he looks a lot better he's got a haircut how are you i'm good i hope things are getting better there why is the mom so oh i'm good i think that why why is that funny i don't know i don't know i can't explain it's too complex i was really upset the other night when you were messaged because you were in such distress yeah it's been stressful had everything going on it was really nerve-wracking for me because i'm we're so far away there's nothing i can do and there was nothing i could do to help so i didn't call it though karine's mom's been talking a lot about how she wants uh i see divorce she said that basically she feels that everything ever said was a lie she regrets the the marriage and she just wants me in korea and get divorced she wants a divorce unbelievable when you were messaging you were upset too yeah it's upsetting you know everything's upsetting you know you you know what i think i think you and kareem need to talk yourselves and really think about what you're doing and then this is uh this is like paul's default pose look in the thumbnail just oh god you don't understand how tough it is to be me man i gotta have people protection i gotta have all kinds of she didn't want to talk she's like pulling teeth together to talk i mean you've been married since what you know you met dad when you were a teenager and you've been married since you were high school sweetheart so i mean you've been making it work for years we had a very hard first couple of years but we worked it out you need to talk to each other and if you can't work it out you need to come home because this can't happen again and again and again i don't want to tell you what to do but i think you know that's nice one thing that brings me difficult it's too many differences way too many differences so in your honest opinion do you think me and koreans should stay together or you think we should get divorced i think you should make up that decision your own girl god damn adult what the [ __ ] dude and she clearly thinks you should break up because god damn me when we talked last time i said it's too soon don't do it you need to learn about you know each other and everything i already told you that what's without everyone getting rushed to get married everyone everyone i gotta get married now why aren't you married yet you gotta figure out if you work first i swear she looks different every time i see her karine wants the divorce i'm so shocked i can't believe kareem what's the difference how do they get married to begin with uh please sit down and explain to me all the reasons why you're upset is it wearing a body is that a bulletproof bed no that can't be it i'm not even married to paul and i want to divorce from him why does he have a bulletproof vest we can't wait to see what paul has been wearing during the pandemic you're determined not to talk to my [ __ ] know you know oh oh you know that's the one you should know you should already know i'm sorry if i offended your family and your culture i would like to really work through this he's been willing to offer a bit of his mom's hair in a bag i think that's pretty generous of paul i think karine should access you saw that karine did not accept just accept paul's mom's hair and look how devastated that was for paul will they ever be able to recover from this i don't know it does not work we've talked before i do not want to talk anymore you want divorce yes 4k divorce bala oh god it gets so heavy with these couples just get divorced i don't care god oh yeah so i don't know how i don't know when but for some reason despite all they go through they have a baby can you imagine like you're so close to a divorce you're fighting constantly let's have a baby okay i still have doubts but i think it's important that the baby have you around and your love also and your attention i want to keep this together because i love you they've been get ready for this emotional roller coaster oh god what am i watching just thinking no i can't watch this i don't want to hear about what happened wrong with someone's bad bad that's too much man i can't do it this seems extremely private and sensitive i don't know how no the morals of showing this i agree i don't i i don't even feel comfortable looking at it i'm like no i don't see that all right so switch forward to today 2020 what's going on with paul and carini let's watch are they still together it looks like oh and look they had a baby that's great how you doing oh what do we have here a little boy yes oh you're so pretty thank you so are they in america or brazil i honestly can't tell essentially this is one of my redos yourself nice the uh gentleman lived here a little bit of a fixer upper as we say probably 20 years until he got really ill and his sister put him in a nursing home be careful and watch your step okay needs a lot of work holy crap whoa these are sold as is yeah i don't know anything about the plumbing or any of that wow we got a toilet in here okay got twelve but i'd want a wall when you want a wall toilet low privacy oh yeah is there there's no air conditioning here is there uh i don't think i don't think there's air conditioning in there paul oh my god no i'm doing the paul face i mean i feel for people that don't have options but oh my god she left the slums just to get to another slum there's no air conditioning there's no walsh ball she definitely should have stayed in brazil oh my god this gives you some perspective right everyone's like third world country there's third world country that you go to america this is american dream right here so it's just like comfortable for you okay what yeah yeah how can you ask that how would you be yeah mama's not happy you wanna keep walking okay come on sweetheart you'll like this thank you not bad be careful this is how they get you right they show you an absolute dump in there then they show you something like not the nicest in completely like slightly better or it looks amazing in comparison um this one's got all the whoa it's got like this place got walls oh [ __ ] yeah i mean yeah it's just like a regular bathroom what would this [ __ ] this place got a bathroom off yeah i mean smaller we had to in brazil we'd have to keep it oh this guy's got a window neat and tidy and everything organized excuse me it is i prefer my house in brazil over this oh so the lot ran is how much 500 okay we can't afford a whole lot with our savings 500 bucks to rent that where no no dude that's this is this is doable well think it over uh give me a call i'll see you all later we'll definitely be in touch okay they need to fix rent man are you serious rent does not make sense to me it's like another form of tax it's in some way or another where the rich people who sits on property just cash in money right that doesn't seem right of me this isn't ideal but it's what we can afford until i can make some money get something better so what do you think about it you know good yes you're no good husband yes you're no good husband america see everyone has this american dream it's so good here welcome to america i'm sorry americans you're great obviously but 500 for that that's an option why shut up bruh i mean i'd be disappointed too i don't know if it's paul's fault necessarily this is the last video this is the last follow-up of paul and karine while i was in brazil i boarded my dogs at a training facility it really feels great to finally have my dogs back did you have a big thing away i didn't even know you had dogs we looked a few places to live and korean hater i didn't even know you could leave dogs at a training facility that'd be great edgar uh you're going on a vacation man but someone moved out of this old house in the same trailer park so i decided to get it before somebody else got it our house that's kind of cute this is basically a studio home everything is just one big room and it's really small hmm yeah maybe if you build a loft or but i think it's definitely the best affordable option that greeny will accept okay how hard can this be my man got ac installed oh that looks beautiful well done oh god please oh god oh paul that's not exactly the same thing right you just pull the thing out and go right in the window oh god this gave me so much anxiety oh god people do this oh what if i walk underneath a building and some idiot paul guy installed his own ac oh god i to have god this should not be legal i know he's not high up but still oh there's a moldy stinky biscuit hey you can clean that out to make sure satisfy here oh that's nasty build a little loft build a little maybe outside extra thing make the bed uh go flip inside the wall yeah it could work it could work there you go paul and kareem saga a lot of twists and turns man i don't know it started so with the hair and uh and so much the process uh yeah i'm glad yeah proper habitable place considering previous options i would say happy ending question mark i hope so maybe that's it maybe that's the american way of you get married really early and then you just forced to go through the hurdle and then after that i'm sure they're gonna make it paul and karine i'm sure they will make a sign of approval that's it thank you for watching see you guys tomorrow hey though out pewdiepie figurine children of nine parts it's time to raise what was once forgotten what creatures fox spells and poop troops awaits poopty is coming to nintendo switch and remember it has a very big pp pre-order promotion i mean
Channel: undefined
Views: 6,871,618
Rating: 4.9676485 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: dn683uAGDN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 04 2020
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